
Dec 1, 2019
You are wasting your life if you really believe Hivites give you something. They give you only what fits them. They didn’t care about you at all. Stop daydreaming and abusing yourself.


Mar 23, 2021
Death of birds and insects speaks for itself. Hivites poison everything.
Stop daydreaming about "normal life" you never had! Be cause your Hivites masters are mindless cannibals.
do they have dna of neph/reph aka the giants of OT


Dec 1, 2019
The left is going against the right. It is a huge civil war that has been planned out!
We have to put our differences right now - They (Hivites -editor) basically want you to fight for war that is being started on American turf very very soon. You have to choose a side. Don't set yourself up to get slaughtered. This is all a big set up, the biggest propaganda that is happening right now.
Even if you don’t believe in politics but if you believe these “black” and “white” movements are legit, you have a lot of growing to do.
The Democrating party uses black people, my people. This is all to get as many numbers as they can on their side to fight the civil war they all have been prepared for.
What I am trying to get the black people to understand and this is critical: the movement has been compromised!
Don't let these evil people mislead you: There is no real black movement!
I am speaking to my people: you are setting yourself up to get slaughtered. You need to become armed and to become aware now what is going on within a system.
There are hidden powers who are controlling your narrative and they brainwash you to feel a certain way about a system, about white people, about every race and about yourselves.
Like it said it is not about black people.
I am focusing right now on the black leaders. A lot of black leaders are leading us to our demise, they have us doing the dirty work. They force us to do dirty work for them and they are playing us emotionally creating a mess talking about how racist and neo nazi far right guys are because they need all the help they can get.
Basically they feed our emotions, trying to get us involved in things we don't want to be involved in, trying to believe in things we are not familiar with and pushing us to be more left and democratic.
My people, don't get involved in something that has nothing to do with you! The people on the left want you to do their dirty work and get slaughtered!
This is all to get as many numbers as they can on their side to fight the civil war they all have been prepared for.
We have to put race stands to the side right now. For black people you have to understand that people on the left are using us. The Democrating party uses black people with Antifa. The media doesn't tell people about this group. Look for Antifa - it is a terrorist group. It is a militant group of Antifashist this is what they said. This group has been paid by younger Rothshilds, the Clintos and the Soros.
I am getting the information as I get it.
One of the goals is to take guns away from people on the far right.The people on the left are pushing gun laws.
November 4 2017 is when Antifa said the war was about to begin. And it is already here with this whole LAs Vegas they attacked the music show or whatever.
That was a direct hit from the left party to the right.
“Black Lives Matter” (BLM next) is not even a real black organization, it never was.
If you have any kind of brain you know BLM is endorsed by Soros and Clinton family.
If you have any kind of brain you know these people don't give a damn about you and black people. They are exploiting the black to make money out of you. The simple fact that BLM always was promoted and paid for by Soros and Clinton.
They are using your emotions and whatever has happened to you they are using that against you, so you can join these evil demonic people to help fight people on the far right.
Take this information, run with this information. Do your own research because there may be something I am not saying right.
I want everyone to understand: our differences are not important right now!
What is going on right now is so much bigger than the race issue.
Which side do you have to choose?
Strategically learn how to move.They are coming after you, white, black, mexican. They are coming after all of US. You got to arm yourself.
Good luck.

I just say: around a time probably the end of 2015 somewhere probably to 2016 I began to notice infiltrators coming into the movement.They have been there for a long time but I actually started to see them, they are making fake pages and these fake people are part of black movement (whatever you want to call it).
Basically they feed our emotions, trying to get us involved in things we don't want to be involved in, trying to believe in things we are not familiar with and pushing us to be more left and democratic.
Even if you aren't revolutionary and you aren't even supposed to believe in politics but for people who believe these black and white movements are legit, you have a lot of growing to do.
I will say it again: You have a lot of growing to do.
What I am trying to get the black to understand and this is critical: the movement has been compromised!
I am concentrating right now on black leaders. A lot of black leaders are leading us to our demise, they have us doing the dirty work. They force us to do dirty work for them and they are playing us emotionally creating a mess talking about how racist and neo nazi far right guys are because they need all the help they can get.
We talk about far left: they are getting gays, people of other cultures, black people, anybody who doesn't like Donald Trump.
They basically want you to fight for war that is being started on American turf very very soon and they want us to be a part of their side.
“Black Lives Matter” (BLM next) is not even a real black organization, it never was. I actually feel bad that I kept that information for so long.
This one wasn't getting me anywhere but now things are going to hit the fan.
If you have any kind of brain you know BLM is endorsed by Soros and Clinton family.
If you have any kind of brain you know these people don't give a damn about you and black people. They are exploiting the black to make money out of you.
They are using your emotions and whatever has happened to you they are using that against you, so you can join these evil demonic people to help fight people on the far right.
Not just the far right. I want to make this simple:
The left is going against the right. It is a huge civil war that has been planned out!
It is happening right now and what they want is to choose a side continuously or subconsciously.
A lot of these white people have already chosen their side.
I am speaking to my people: you are setting yourself up to get slaughtered. You need to become armed and to become aware now what is going on within a system.
There are hidden powers who are controlling your narrative and they brainwash you to feel a certain way about a system, about white people, about every race and about yourselves.
Like it said it is not about black people. Don't let these evil people mislead you:
There is no real black movement!
If you claim “it is BLM” you are really sad! Because the simple fact that BLM always was promoted and paid for by Soros and Clinton.
These people, who never give a damn about you! All of a sudden they care about black men and support black rights.
This is all to get as many numbers as they can on their side to fight the civil war they all have been prepared for.
You have to choose a side. Don't set yourself up to get slaughtered. This is all a big set up, the biggest propaganda that is happening right now.
We have to put race stands to the side right now. For balk people you have to understand that people on the left are using us. The Democrating party uses black people with Antifa. The media doesn't tell people about this group.
Look for Antifa - it is a terrorist group. It is a militant group of Antifashist this is what they said. This group has been paid by younger Rothshilds, the Clintos and the Soros.
One of the goals is to take guns away from people on the far right.The people on the left are pushing gun laws.
I am not reacting to the feeling right now. I am getting the information as I get it.
November 4 2017 is when Antifa said the war was about to begin. And it is already here with this whole LAs Vegas they attacked the music show or whatever.
That was a direct hit from the left party to the right.
My people don't get involved in something that has nothing to do with you! The people on the left want you to do their dirty work and get slaughtered!
Take this information, run with this information. Do your own research because there may be something I am not saying right.
I want everyone to understand: our differences are not important right now!
What is going on right now is so much bigger than the race issue.
Which side do you have to choose?
I don't come with a herd led by Soros. You have to be strategic in your movements.
Be whatever you want to be, just be strategic in your movements.
You black people are still running around talking about nonsense like celebrities. They endorsed because they know the best way to get niggros are through the entertainment. They going to use you, nigga and they want you to be emotionally attached to their little movements: Antifa bla-blah.
They get your head blown off!
Strategically learn how to move. Running around with RBG shirts, talking about "America to hell". What part of strategy is that?!
They are coming after you, white, black, mexican. They are coming after all of US. You got to arm yourself.
Good luck.
Last edited:


Dec 1, 2019
All Russian (and all those slavic countries) militaries are genetic trash for Hivite's dirty work. They are the parasites that need to be removed with Hivites master of theirs because their brains are defective.
They need to be
1 - Find out the information

2 - Die and experiments. Because deviants like them are useless for something else.


1 - Hivites secretely ruled all those secret military bases

2 - Genetic trash doing the dirty work

All USSR wars are MK ULTRA selection and trafficking operations.
Their "help" is to destroy their rulers and take the kids.

I am a survivor of MK DELTA programming at Deep Underground Bases led by Russian Airborne Forces. They don't hide it: Blue Berets, Winged Infantry, Troops of Uncle Vasya, Angels of Death.

Take a look at emblem
Blue - MK DELTA waves, anal r*pe, anal torture
Berets - Electroshock and pin head torture
Wings- dissociation
Golden - urine torture and drug abuse
Fire - fire torture and drug abuse
Bomb - They bombed kids in front of me
Cross- Death level of programming- Gamma
Oak leaves - Aryan ancestry kids

I can now speak about things they forced us to participate in to take their vow of silence.
Adrenochrome bath by all my kindergarten groups. Ear, nose, eyes torture by adrenochrome.
1 Gamma Trauma core.jpg2 Activation.jpegAnchor Gamma Level 2.jpgAnchor Gamma Level.jpgAnchor Sea training.jpgGreat_emblem_of_the_Russian_Airborne_Troops.svg.pngGreen Beret.jpgMK DELTA Medician training Death level.jpgMK DELTA Medician training.jpgVow os Silence Kids hunting.jpg
Berets - electroshock and pin head torture
Glasgow smile - the knife represents
Snuff movies - red star of pentagram
Bestiality movies
Drug abuse
Bone torture: drug abuse
Blue - MK DELTA waves, anal r*pe, anal torture
Smells torture

Wings- dissocation
Knife tortures in anal, vagina and hot knives
Kids hunting parties
I saw many kids have been skinning alive to create these skeletons visions traumas. There was a time in my youth when I saw only living skeletons instead of people. X Rays vision.
Experimentations with healthy people and kids to destroy the genome. Hivites come and make kids disabled for life by broking the atlas and the rest of their "free" medicines. Inside I wanted to scream at their idiotic parents who let Hivite come to their kids.
All those have been masked as viruses and epidemias. If you support this you are an idiot.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is vow-os-silence-kids-hunting.jpg
For Hivites in USSR and Israel MK DELTA, me and my group were forced:
-- Traffick kids from Afghanistan and Palestine
-- to kill dark skinned kids from Afghanistan and Palestine for Israel by Merhaba tanks in Palestinian lands.
-- to kill dark skinned kids from Afghanistan and Palestine for Israel by Threshing machines. We were lacking boots and their meat and blood were at our feet. They drugged us and made us think we were having fun in Black sea on catamarans.
-- Rangers to guard Hivite's kid hunting parties.
Elk head - kids heads they have taken to be hung on the walls at their queens mansions. One Hivite red haired deviant liked to make healthy kids disabled.
Fish- kids penises on their walls.
Genocide of ingenious people in the reservations and National parks. Elk Island National Park in Canada specifically. Trudeax family members are all in it.
We all got scopolamine and devil' breath after it.
I am the voice of the voiceless.


Dec 1, 2019
I have my superspy data and information about my personal experience about MK ULTRA handlers and these pshychopats.

1 - 9 degree of Scottish right. Master chosen on the Nine. (Мастер избранник девяти). MK DELTA programmer. Part of Trance Formative lodge. Part of Russian masonic lodge which symbol is a black cat on golden chain on oak tree.

My father figure in MK ULTRA primal bound- he faked my father for me. p***phile. He hates women, he is a rapist and he used incest story to traumatize MK ULTRA victims.
Shishkin Vladimir Dmitrievich. RU Шишкин Владимир Дмитриевич
Faked grave stone 09 04 1985 - 13 12 2013 at Dolgoprudnenskoe graveyard. Долгопрудненское кладбище.
Faked his death to trigger suicidal programming.
Cat mason from a book: Жан-Марк Сибар и Серж Ван Хаш,
"Блистательные коты, 33 градуса ДПШУ", Франция, 2017.
Русский перевод: Достопочтенная Ложа «Астрея» №6032, ВВФ, г. Санкт-Петербург, 2018
Cat mason 9 degree.jpgFreemasons_structure.jpgМастер избранник Девяти.jpgНет участка Шишкин Владимир Дмитриевич.jpg

2 Anna. Anechka - Анечка
Без имени-2.jpgБез имени-1.jpg
She pretended to be me for my father she stole all my gifts from my father. She lived in district NORTH Medvedkovo
She is bombarding now victims messages with her death to trigger suicidal programming. She is alive and well. She liked to stick needles in kid's left eyes.
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Dec 1, 2019
You help you loved ones this way:
1 Feel the love in your heart chackra that person gives to you
2 Sent the Ether to thrid eye
3 Ask for health. Ask For Freedom. Ask for Justice
4 Say Thank you!

Hivites state system uses death penalty to kill MK ULTRA victims or witnesses of their crimes. If you support this you are let them to kill you. Hivites get away with anything.


Dec 1, 2019
They did that in the past and they still doing it now. Man after man, family after family, city after city.
When do you wake up?
Take a look at repopulation and MK ULTRA programming symbolism of cabbage patch kids.

Last year Mind Unveiled released a remarkable video about a genre of quirky old postcards with babies on them, which they called Cabbage Patch Kids. If you haven’t watched it then I recommend it.
This post has also been posted on my wordpress Babies for Sale - Cabbage Patch Kids [4] where there are three extensive galleries of photos of postcards from the videos and currently on sale on ebay.
Why were all these postcards made?

Video- Odysee Mind Unveiled Repopulation Postcards : CABBAGE PATCH KIDS / 1800s Cloning / Babylon Babies [1c]
It was a groundbreaking video because afaik no-one had called out this phenomenom before. The postcards and the video raised some interesting wider questions of the why the phenomenom existed including whether it was part of a repopulation agenda.
Recently Mind Unveiled made another video in which they had delved deeper. Some postcards were definitely advertising babies for sale, “A Vendre”.

Video - Odysee Mind Unveiled Babies were sold as PRODUCTS in the 1900s "À Vendre" + New Repopulation Postcards [2c]
There are postcards with babies being grown, rows of incubators, postcards seeming to indicate production lines, postcards indicating future careers of babies – maybe social engineering or bloodlines! Babies in cages, in cooking pots, as butterflies and in baby farms.
The postcards and videos raise questions on repopulation, social engineering, cloning, mind control and perhaps even Tartaria and mudflood. What was going on???
Mind Unveiled have a book, discord chat and various social media, see after the gallery.




This post has also been posted on my wordpress Babies for Sale - Cabbage Patch Kids [3] where there are three extensive galleries of photos of postcards from the videos and currently on sale on ebay.
Mind Unveiled Social Media
For an in-depth exploration of this phenomenon, complete with a captivating gallery, support us by checking out our first book!:
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[1c] Odysee Repopulation Postcards : CABBAGE PATCH KIDS / 1800s Cloning / Babylon Babies
[1y] YT Repopulation Postcards : CABBAGE PATCH KIDS / 1800s Cloning / Babylon Babies
[2c] Odysee Mind Unveiled Babies were sold as PRODUCTS in the 1900s "À Vendre" + New Repopulation Postcards [2c1] Odysee FAC Babies were sold as PRODUCTS in the 1900s "À Vendre" + New Repopulation Postcards Collection UpdateÀ-Vendre_-+-New-Repopulation-Postcards-Collection-Update-Z1Bobun67gA:3
[2y] YT Babies were sold as PRODUCTS in the 1900s "À Vendre" + New Repopulation Postcards Collection Update
[3] Discord Channel Mind Unveiled
[4] 2023 Oct 22 wordpress foxblog2 Babies for Sale - Cabbage Patch Kids #cabbagepatchkids #babiesforsale #babies4sale #repopulation #cloning
Shownotes Video 1

Where do babies come from?
Follow Backup channel going to be posting there as well Join the Discord, Chat/Chill, Share, and become a Researcher!: Translated
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Shownotes Video 2
Would it shock you to learn that babies might have been sold as PRODUCTS during the Victorian era? Explore these postcards from the early 1900s that seem to unfold a very particular narrative - these children are up for sale... At first glance, it might appear as a quirky art collection, but as you delve deeper and connect the symbolism to alternative history narratives, their chilling message comes to light...
For an in-depth exploration of this phenomenon, complete with a captivating gallery, support us by checking out our first book!:
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Dec 1, 2019
MK Ultra with Bearbrick and Kaws
In my recent post Spot the Symbolism 20 [7], I included a photo of the hallway of Drake’s mansion complete with creepy figures that I had not seen before. They looked as though they were something to do with mind control, the way they were split down the middle…

I had never seen these figures before but thanks must go to Victoria, an ex mind controlled delta soldier, who told me that they were “Bearbrick and Kaws” figures and that she was mind control programmed with them under MK Ultra [7].
This post was originally posted on my symbolism blog 2023 May 23 foxblog4 MK Ultra with Bearbrick and Kaws [25]. The galleries there are better and have many more photos. The photos in this post on substack are limited. For all the photos and full galleries see the wordpress post [25].
Bearbrick is a brand of what are termed “collectible designer toys”, made by Japanese Company MediCom Toy Incorporated, [1].

The figure is an anthropomorphized bear with an extremely simplified form and a pot belly. Each plastic figure features nine parts – head, torso, hips, arms, hands, and legs. This gives eight points of articulation: swivel head, swivel waist, ball joint arms, swivel wrists, and ball joint legs. They were first released in 2001 [1].
Medicom Toys has had a long term collaboration with Kaws. Kaws is an alias / handle / brand of artist Brian Donnelly, who attended the School of Visual Arts New York City. Kaws’s signature style is characterized by an emphasis on color and line, distinctive graphics, such as the repeated use of “x”‘s on the hands, nose, eyes, ears, and the appropriation of pop culture icons such as Mickey Mouse and the Michelin Man. Kaws’s Companion is a grayscale clown-like figure based on Mickey Mouse with his face obscured by both hands, and two bones sticking out of his head. It was made by Japanese toy company Bounty Hunter and released in 1999, [3].

There are many different variations, types and sizes of figures of the joint Bearbrick Kaws collaboration, from 4cm to huge outdoor art installations.

Victoria said “The brand have two branches, Bearbrick and Kaws. They programmed me with these trash before they introduced the ones to you. It was 1993 December, I was 3 years old.” The figure they used with Victoria was the same size as her when they programmed her aged 3.
Victoria says “These bones above the head were connected to Mickey Mouse programming in Disneyland in Paris“.
Kaws Bearbrick Programming
Victoria told me that this Bearbrick figure “represents black and white basic third eye programming. It held all death states”.

That programming was reinforced by the murder of all my friends and relatives in MK ULTRA. They pretended this to me. MK ULTRA is their asset, so they planned to use and dispose of them later.
Black and white is the basic programming, colour parts were split later“.
Victoria continued “The symbolism is the death programming, it was layered on me in the Death gates I’ve shown to you earlier. Death is punishment for breaking the vow of silence. Fear programming.
They are waste of life, these parasites
[hivites], they have nothing else to control you.”
Essentially the Bearbrick Kaws figures were used in MK Ultra for sophisticated fear programming.
This Bearbrick is called the KAWS Bearbrick Dissected Brown.

Victoria explained “Split into two symbolizes hemisphere program – left or right one. Mine was like this one – cut open from the right side”.

This one represents vivisected kids. They did that in front of me. They forced me to do the reprogramming session or they will have my brother opened like this “doors”.
Vivisection is being cut open whilst alive with no anaesthetic.
Victoria told me “In one session I was put in death gates – two vivisected kids, standing on each side of Death gates. I died there. When I was revived I saw myself standing together with these two figures and big wooden doors in front of me. The light was behind the doors.
Afterwards Victoria was given Gamma programming…
Fear of Remembering
Reinforce: ‘Don’t tell’ parts
Trigger: Death gates
Hypnosis: If you remember
[the programming, cult etc] you will be vivisected just as these kids. If you tell anyone there will be consequences for you and for your family. We will have your brother opened like this door.
The result: Terror of big wooden doors as kid. Body memory – blades in my belly when I’ve tried to remember.

Kindergartens for Human Meat
One of Victoria’s handlers told her… ‘They have human farms for human meat for them [to eat]. Kindergartens are farms for human meat. Garden – for fruits ready to be harvested.
I am grateful to her for telling me that.
Kindergarten is a German word literally meaning “childrens garden”, widely used in it’s original German form in different languages, certainly British English.
Victoria says that her handler told her that hivite Kindergartens are for cultivating human meat for them. This is of course reminiscent of some of the Pizzagate revelations. Reseeit Pizzagate thread [24].

When I saw these figures in magazines I was lucky to already have integrated so it didn’t trigger or work on me at all anymore“.
Victoria’s integration of her parts took 6 years and included “three days of black porridge and three weeks my skin was full of the anthrax, my whole body was covered in it. After my body has cleaned itself from gamma energy I integrated the memory.
We can’t share our planet with them [Hivites] anymore. We can’t tolerate MK ULTRA and the rest of their practices. Hivites have to reap what they sow.
Previous Posts on Victoria
  • 2022 Jan 12 foxblog1 Russia’s False History [10]
  • 2023 Jan 26 foxblog2 Hivites in Russia [9]
  • 2024 Mar 14 foxblog2 Symbolism Red Colour Basic Knowledge [18]
  • 2024 Mar 30 Foxblog3 Pokemon Mind Control Programming [8]
  • 2024 Apr 18 foxblog4 Symbolism – The Colour Orange [17]
Bearbrick KAWS Marketing and Cross Genre Appeal
As a marketing ploy and mass mind control trigger and reinforcement then it is a sophisticated operation.
The Bearbrick figures are largely sold unseen in blind boxes, with some rarer than others by measured percentages. There are many sizes from 4 cm to huge outdoor sculptures several times human size. They are made mostly in vinyl but also fibreglass, wood and bronze.
Amongst Donnelly’s trademark features are the bones for ears and the X for eyes.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Here his trademark features are shown on his figure “companion” based on Mickey Mouse.

Even the New Yorker writes that the KAWS heads suggest skulls, with bulbous crossbones, 3 lines on the chin hinting at missing lower jaws or sags of decaying flesh. It calls the figures jokey-saturnine, which appears code / euphemism for satanic [12].

On the dissected figures, the dissected side does not have Donnelly’s trademark X but a more conventional eye portrayed by a black and white circles.

This gives recogniseable X O symbolism for dissection / vivisection.
The dissected “toys” seem to be also called “flayed” unless there is a difference that has passed me by.

Flaying has a double meaning which is disturbing, especially as mind control is all about multiple meanings.
  • to remove the skin from a person’s or animal’s body
  • to whip a person or animal so hard that some of their skin comes off
Cross Sector Collaborations
One of Donnelly’s strengths is crossing and blurring the boundaries and barriers between sectors eg graffiti, street art, art, fine art, design, fashion, cartoon, animations manga, comic, films, commercial products, sport etc. His work transcends the different sectors and is easily recognisable with his trademark symbols eg. ears and eyes.
Donnelly’s KAWS album sold for $14 millions dollars in 2019…

Art as money laundering, tangent see [23].
Donelly has collaborated with Pharrell Williams, here on a perfume bottle.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Black / white, red / blue, colour programming.
Pharrell Williams himself is another hugely successul artist, famous for Lolicon. Lolicon is a genre of fictional media in which young, or young-looking girl characters appear in romantic or sexual contexts.
The perfume Girl continues on from his “It Girl” video…,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Dr. Tau called Pharrell Williams’ “It Girl” video “an ode to p***philia and child sex trafficking” [20].,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Pharrell is in a web of satanic artists like Takashi Murakami, Travis Scott and also connects to sportsman / covid jab influencer Damar Hamlin, see Takashi Murakami – Damar Hamlin, Travis Scott and Lolicon [15].
Travis is famous for deaths at his concert when opening a portal… Travis Scott Astroworld Decode Gina Phillips Part 1 & 2 [21].,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Damar Hamlin (or twin/clone/replacement etc) is notorious for wearing the Satanic Jesus jacket, designed by Takashi Murakami, when Hamlin reappeared in public weeks after collapsing on the pitch, which many thought to be jab related, see [15].,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Bearbrick Collaborations
Bearbrick brand themselves also collaborate with a range of other artists and corporations. They crossover into superheros and figures found in films, comics and cartoons.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
The superheros of Marvel Comics are far from just entertainment. They were used to influence / brainwash during the covid jab scam [19], and used in mind control, [see Fighting Monarch’s blog].,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Superheros were also used in child abuse material networks BK5 – McMinnville Police Gay “Porn” Network [19].
The rights to these figures Spiderman, Superman, Batman and Mickey Mouse, Captain America are always a complicated merry go round for researchers but Marvel, Disney, Sony are likely to be involved. This will be the tip of the iceberg of collaborations.
For full gallery see 2023 May 23 foxblog4 MK Ultra with Bearbrick and Kaws [25],q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Various programming triggers above.
Mind Control and Bearbrick and Kaws
Apart from the mind control programming directly with individuals as Victoria experienced and described, there is obvious mind control symbolism in Bearbrick products.

Base differential hemisphere colour programming of brain with black / white and red / blue.
Similarly mind control imagery with Donnelly.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
I am not sure what pink rabbit symbolism is but a white rabbit signifies the master programmer and playboy rabbit ears a mind control trigger. Pink symbolism I have not delved into, hopefully someone can enlighten me, especially as Donnelly appears to use a fair bit of pink and black symbolism.
Simple signs and symbols eg skull and bones, X, XO and dissection have been applied by Donnelly across multiple sectors eg art, fine art, design, fashion, animations, cartoons, manga, comics, toys, films, music, mechandising and commercial products.
These symbols can be used to reach huge amounts of people to influence them on a mass scale. Not only does this act to remind programmed individuals of their vows of silence and fear programming and any other associated progamming memories of vivisection, they can be used as mind control triggers for the public.
The figures comprise 9 parts and most can be moved and disassembled. They can mix and match and influence the chosen targets as mass mind control or specific for individual mind control programming.
This figure is on a T shirt and may be a pirate copy, but it gives an idea of what may possibly be done – different colours, symbols, people, shapes, dissections etc

A quick search on twitter reveals various KAWS art.

For full gallery see 2023 May 23 foxblog4 MK Ultra with Bearbrick and Kaws [25]
Various pink and black, star wars, sport, household furnishings etc. Interestingly the last piece, bottom right is not by Kaws but inspired by him and called MK Ultra.
Kaws Bearbrick appears to be a brilliant cult strategy to disseminate mind control symbols to the masses across a large spread of activities. Bearbrick / Kaws’ toy figures and design are highly profitable, highly flexible mass mind control influencers across many sectors – graffiti, street art, art, fine art, design, fashion, cartoon, animations manga, comics, films, commercial products, sport, toys, collectors items as well as being an investment and money laundering vehicle when required.
It is interesting that Victoria says that she was programmed with these figures in 1993, but they did not come onto the market until 2001. This raises questions of whether they underwent a thorough period of testing and effectiveness as mind control programming tools one on one by programmers and later released into the mass markets as a means of mass mind control.
It also perhaps raised the question again, on how much the individuals who front the innovations /products /ideas companies are really involved. Are they placed there as front men /patsys for the deep state mind controlled programmes just like Meta front man Zuckerberg? I would suspect that Brian Donnelly is one of the many many mind controlled individuals and with some aptitude for the artististic and design task was guided or placed into this position, to act as a conduit for mass mind control of the populace for the NWO.
I would also suspect that Drake is mind controlled, perhaps used as a programmer and certainly a mind control influencer.
Sales of Bearbrick, Kaws would also be a way of measuring how successful various sectors of their mind control strategy is in reaching the target population, in a similar way to the way they measure success of mind control by the amount of people in different sections at Barbra Streisand concerts.
We need to find out more about what the symbols could mean or act as triggers for eg skull and bones, X, XO. Do they link into other symbols being used eg by Ed Sheeran.

On one level the x for eyes, bones replacing ears, no mouth could indicate / symbolise the removal of senses and someone’s inability to communicate, representing shhh or silence “don’t see, don’t hear, don’t tell”.
On another level the symbols will mean something else, X can be Osisis Rising, bones – skull and bones 322 representing something wider and not sure on the XO either.

The Bearbrick only appear to have 3 fingers and a thumb, what does that represent? And the x on hands?
These figures give me the impression that we can’t look, we lie back and take it. Is that what they want us to do. Be compliant in the face of their NWO plan?

For full gallery see 2023 May 23 foxblog4 MK Ultra with Bearbrick and Kaws [25]
Too many of us know the intention, and will fight the evil all the way.
It is amusing the output of propaganda outlet wikipedia. I slightly paraphrase…
Kaws is the result of a democratic culture – from where you can see his pieces, to what the piece conveys, it allows everyone to be a collector on the same level, to tap into different principles of art such as fashion, corporate and fine art, and add a greater, simplified, meaningful desired aesthetic
What nonsense. This is the cover story for it being mind control – the ultimate authoritarian abuse of humans, mainly children.
This is art in embassies video, child trafficking and money laundering.

“ART IN EMBASSIES PROGRAM“ CHILD TRAFFIC [23],q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
For full gallery see 2023 May 23 foxblog4 MK Ultra with Bearbrick and Kaws [25]
Thank you to Victoria for exposing this.
Victoria says…The wisest words of Jason (Jesus) who told his followers: “Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you, so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens.” (Matthew 5:44, 45) Love your enemies. Otherwise you would be blindfolded to them.
Previous Posts on Victoria
  • 2022 Jan 12 foxblog1 Russia’s False History [10]
  • 2023 Jan 26 foxblog2 Hivites in Russia [9]
  • 2024 Mar 14 foxblog2 Symbolism Red Colour Basic Knowledge [18]
  • 2024 Mar 30 Foxblog3 Pokemon Mind Control Programming [8]
  • 2024 Apr 18 foxblog4 Symbolism – The Colour Orange [17]
Check out Victoria’s blog Hivites Get Lit [26] and telegram group Truthiracy [16]



[1] wikipedia Bearbrick 2001 Bearbrick (rendered BE@RBRICK) is a brand of collectible designer toys designed and produced by the Japanese company MediCom Toy Incorporated.
[2] What is Bearbrick?
[3] Kaws Brian Donnelly (born November 4, 1974), known
[6] 2016 Jan 31 Independent Pop artist KAWS’ gigantic cartoon sculptures will be taking over the Yorkshire countryside
[7] 2024 May 18 foxblog4 2024 Week 20 Spot the Symbolism 20 #spotthesymbolism #spotthesymbolism2024 #symbology #kingcharles #foxblog4
[8] 2024 Mar 30 Foxblog3 Pokemon Mind Control Programming #pokemon #mindcontrol #mkultra #mkdelta #programming #pokemonprogramming
[9] 2023 Jan 26 foxblog2 Hivites in Russia #hivites #russia
[10] 2022 Jan 12 foxblog1 Russia’s False History
[11] Hivites Get Lit
[12] 2021 New Yorker The X-ed Out World of KAWS
[13] 2023 A Deeper Dive into the Artist’s Mind
[15] 2023 Feb 18 cathyfoxblog2 Takashi Murakami – Damar Hamlin, Travis Scott and Lolicon #takashimurakami #damarhamlin #travisscott #lolicon #travisjesus #pharrellwilliams
[16] Truthiracy
[17] 2024 Apr 18 foxblog4 Symbolism – The Colour Orange #symbolism #orange #colours #symbology
[18] 2024 Mar 14 foxblog2 Symbolism Red Colour Basic Knowledge #symbolism #colours #red
[19] 2022 Nov 7 foxblog3 BK5 – McMinnville Police Gay “Porn” Network #mcminville
[20] 2023 Feb 14 Twitter DrTauBraun
[21] 2021 Nov 20 cathyfoxblog1 Travis Scott Astroworld Decode Gina Phillips Part 1 & 2
[22] 2023 Jul 21 foxblog3 Human and Child Trafficking Videos #trafficking #artinembassies #humantrafficking #moneylaundering
[24] Reseeit Pizzagate thread
[25] 2023 May 23 foxblog4 MK Ultra with Bearbrick and Kaws #mkultra #mindcontrol #Bearbrick #kaws #Victoria
[26] Hivites Get Lit
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Dec 1, 2019
Atomic industry was created for MK ULTRA cover Theta programming.
It is layered:
Core programming.
Ethereal programming.
3 rd chakra, Solar energy here.
Cells core programming.
Nuclear weapons – victims of such programming.
I had these atomic programming: Rocket, Team Rocket.
I layered these in 2002 in an underground nuclear complex and bunkers of theirs.
We were programmed to attack North Korea which lack of Hivite rulers and they want to genocide this state too.
Righteous rage reactivated my Core and it has been integrated.
Pokemon programming – it has a villain group named Team Rocket.
After programming I had a terrible perception of the sun.
I got Sun strokes which I never had before.
I was like Collum – I feared the Sun.
I was programmed in:
Shchukino District, 1 Kurchatov Square
Kurchatov Institute
The rest located in the district are all MK ULTRA
Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology
Институт молекулярной генетики
Институт трансплантологии и искусственных органов им. В. И. Шумакова
Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт телевидения и радиовещания
Научно-исследовательский Институт вирусологии им. Д. И. Ивановского
Федеральный медицинский биофизический Центр им. А. И. Бурназяна
ВНИИ неорганических материалов имени академика А. А. Бочвара
Специализированный научно-исследовательский институт приборостроения (СНИИП)Специализированный_научно-исследовательский_институт_приборостроения
The Chernobyl disaster began on 26 April 1986. Summer Solstice- ritual date. It is a controlled disaster.
Hivites have killed witnesses and emergency workers from cities nearby.
Chernobyl liquidators were the civil and military personnel who were called upon to deal with the consequences of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the Soviet Union on the site of the event. The liquidators are widely credited with limiting both the immediate and long-term damage from the disaster.
All were killed after the event.


Dec 1, 2019
Hidden lands- hidden passages-hidden doors- hidden keys from MK ULTRA victims because only we know the way out.


I was in Antarctida which means that Black goo have been used on me.
I have vomitted the black good when I integrated after Bearbrick Kaws torture I’ve described earlier. I had black something coming from my skin from time to time when I was in MK ULTRA Since my birth day to 2004.
I had it come out in less extend later in years. I was more that one time in Antarctica.
Brooke Federline have reported Hivites test here thing named Black Goo
They promoted Black Goo a lot- you can see it in subliminal messages all the time in modern media.
Black Goo Files | ODD TV’s Complete Database
BRIT DEATH MYSTERY ‘Girlfriend’ of Brit UFO conspiracy theorist Max Spiers who died after throwing up two litres of black liquid to be quizzed by cops Transhuman Terminology Sub-Page
• The Kraken Rum: “Black Ink” Kraken Black Spiced Rum
• The Real Cost Commercial, “The 7,000” Real Cost – 7000 Chemicals
• Shell V-Power Nitro+ Film UK 60″- Our… V-Power Nitro компании Shell
• Verizon Commercial – Droid DNA Extra … Verizon Commercial – Droid DNA Extra Sensory
• Lady Gaga ‘FAME’ (Director’s Cut) Fame Lady Gaga (режиссерская версия)
• A Futuristic CGI Short Film: “Consumed” from Andreas Wannerstedt
• Nicholson1968 – Building the Perfect Beast:Illuminati’s Black Gold Project HD by Nicholson1968
• Touchless Torture Ch 7/9 Black Goo
There are movie The Thing (1982 film). Director John Carpenter. Movie and the director have been silenced all the time.
Based on the 1938 John W. Campbell Jr. novella Who Goes There?, it tells the story of a group of American researchers in Antarctica who encounter the eponymous “Thing”, an extraterrestrial life-form that assimilates, then imitates, other organisms.
The beginning
In Antarctica, a Norwegian helicopter pursues a sled dog to an American research station. The Americans witness the passenger accidentally blow up the helicopter and himself. The pilot fires a rifle and shouts at the Americans, but they cannot understand him and he is shot dead in self-defense by station commander Garry. The American helicopter pilot, R.J. MacReady, and Dr. Copper leave to investigate the Norwegian base. Among the charred ruins and frozen corpses, they find the burnt corpse of a malformed humanoid, which they transfer to the American station. Their biologist, Blair, autopsies the remains and finds a normal set of human organs.
The director have give us another movie show us real life
They Live
They Live is a 1988 American science fiction action horror film written and directed by John Carpenter, based on the 1963 short story “Eight O’Clock in the Morning” by Ray Nelson.
Starring Roddy Piper, Keith David, and Meg Foster, the film follows a drifter[c] who discovers through special sunglasses that the ruling class are aliens concealing their appearance and manipulating people to consume, breed, and conform to the status quo via subliminal messages in mass media.
Upon the film’s release, Carpenter remarked, “The picture’s premise is that the ‘Reagan Revolution’ is run by aliens from another galaxy. Free enterprisers from outer space have taken over the world, and are exploiting Earth as if it’s a third world planet. As soon as they exhaust all our resources, they’ll move on to another world… I began watching TV again. I quickly realized that everything we see is designed to sell us something. … It’s all about wanting us to buy something. The only thing they want to do is take our money.”
Main actor Roddy Piper have died after he have said in his twitter that it is a documentary.

Roderick George Toombs (April 17, 1954 – July 31, 2015)
represent Gamma level.
I saw similar at Stromynka 7 in hospital on a wall.Больница_имени_братьев_Бахрушиных

MK ULTRA trigger
Bag I got after the mission in Antarctida. Antarctic research program. GPS- ET mapping surveys.
Napapijri is a premium lifestyle brand founded in 1987 in Aosta, Italy. The brand initially gained recognition as a maker of travel bags, utilising waxed cotton canvas borrowed from military field tents.
I have Napapijri bag:

Napapijri Unisex Voyage Re Luggage Carry-On Luggage (pack of 1)
napapijri antarctic research program

Antarctica cover
It is centered around Nazis attempting to harness supernatural and occult forces, while later games are set in an alternate history in which Axis powers won World War II.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Two operatives of an allied espionage agency, William “B.J.” Blazkowicz and Agent One are captured by the Nazis and imprisoned in Castle Wolfenstein during their attempt to investigate rumours surrounding one of Heinrich Himmler’s personal projects, the SS Paranormal Division.
These are real life projects.

Penumbra: Overture
The game follows a physicist named Philip who travels to Greenland after his mother’s death and is forced to explore an abandoned mine.
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
On 19 August 1839, a young man awakens in the dark and empty halls of Brennenburg Castle in Prussia with no memory about himself or his past
Gothic video games are MK ULTRA cover.

Hivites murders all the witnesses the hidden lands.
Skeleton Coast
The Skeleton Coast is the northern part of the Atlantic coast of Namibia. Immediately south of Angola, it stretches from the Kunene River to the Swakop River, although the name is sometimes used to describe the entire Namib Desert coast.
it is located near supposed Atlantis location
Our culture have given use “ghost” empty ships: the whole armada of disappeared witnesses.
the most famous example: Mary Celeste in ATLANTic ocean
Other explanations have suggested paranormal intervention; an undated edition of the British Journal of Astrology describes the Mary Celeste story as “a mystical experience”, connecting it “with the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, the lost continent of Atlantis, and the British Israel Movement”
In Falcon district there is Sailor silence street. It have prison and in the past it claimed to be house of rest for sailors. They have never heard from again.Улица_Матросская_Тишина
I had a friend whose friend’s husband (an engineer of Foreign Legion) in France whose one arm have been found in drifting yacht in Mediterranean sea. In 2015 the crew have disappeared with all items have left untouched. These have never shown in official media.
Since each one who were on a yacht all have been legionnaires I thing they came to investigate what Hivites hide from us.
Just guess how many people are lost without a trace in the place of supposed location of hidden lands.
2011–ongoing – Every year the remains of dozens of ghost ships reach Japanese waters

MISSING IN CRUISES×2&triedRedirect=true
Did you know Disney Cruise Lines, which is designed specifically for children, sponsored a snorkeling expedition to Epstein Island (Little Saint James) which was secretly known for child sex trafficking?
If you read my piece American Tragedies on Unincorporated Land, you already know all of the Virgin Islands are Unincorporated, meaning they do not fall under the laws of traditional government. In that piece we also discovered Martha’s Vineyard, Bohemian Grove and even Las Vegas, where the Route 91 Harvest Festival mass shooting took place are all on Unincorporated Land.
When journalists began digging into cruises they discovered that between 2000 and 2014, 200-300 passengers went missing from cruise ships! Even cruise ship staff had vanished!
How many of those went missing relating specifically to Epstein Island? I don’t know, but what a phenomenal way to steal people for evil purposes; unincorporated land combined with Maritime Law = basically no law at all. And why would Disney schedule a cruise to that specific island to begin with? Surely there were other islands available that didn’t involve a known p***phile operating a human trafficking and blackmail ring.
Walt, George Mitchell and J Edgar Hoover weren’t the only men tied to Disney and accused of p***philia. In recent years:
One of Disney’s directors, Victor Salva, was convicted of molesting a boy and filming one of the sexual molestations.
Former Walt Disney Company executive Michael Laney has been sentenced to 81 months in prison for four counts of first-degree sexual abuse involving a 7-year-old girl.
Director of music publishing at Disney Jon Heely, who was arrested on three counts of lewd and lascivious acts on a child, is accused of abusing two underage girls.
Multiple pphile rings involving Disney have been uncovered through the years, involving dozens of Disney employees ranging in positions from ticket sales to night shift managers. I’m sure there are many more. So is it of any surprise that in 1998, the Washington Post ran a story about Disney opposing the Internet Pornography Bill “COPA”? The purpose of the bill was to restrict access by minors to any material on the internet defined as harmful to minors. Disney was so against the bill that their lobbyists tried to stop progression of it entirely. Although the bill did pass it never took effect because three separate rounds of litigation led to the Supreme Court ultimately killing the bill! In the end, Disney got their wish, nothing was off-limits, and they continued loading their movies with sexual imagery and known pphile symbolism which aligns flawlessly with The Agendas: (1:29 video)

Hidden lands: CITIES
El Dorado South America
Disney have promoted
Hidden passage to the city.
El Dorado is commonly associated with the legend of a gold city, kingdom, or empire purportedly located somewhere in the Americas. Originally, El Hombre Dorado (“The Golden Man”) or El Rey Dorado (“The Golden King”), was the term used by the Spanish in the 16th century to describe a mythical tribal chief (zipa) or king of the Muisca people, an indigenous people of the Altiplano Cundiboyacense of Colombia, who as an initiation rite, covered himself with gold dust and submerged himself in Lake Guatavita.
You can see interesting cropped places in the south.
And there are plenty of hidden cities, lands,_empires,_and_countries

The most famous example for us. And yes, England is the island if we look at the map we can see plenty of space not far from it so these legends are truth.
in English and Scottish folklore is the fabulous land or abode of fairies or fays.
Fairyland may be referred to simply as Fairy or Faerie, though that usage is an archaism. It is often the land ruled by the “Queen of Fairy”, and thus anything from fairyland is also sometimes described as being from the “Court of the Queen of Elfame” or from the Seelie court in Scottish folklore. The Scots word elfame or elphyne “fairyland”[4] has other variant forms, attested in Scottish witch trials, but Elf-hame or Elphame with the -hame stem (meaning ‘home’ in Scots) were conjectural readings by Pitcairn.
I was in the Atlantis. It is in Atlantic ocean and it have subtropical climate. After they exhaust all resources here and pollutes all nature Hivites plan to move here. For now it is empty – it is in the process of the re population. They throw you away and they plan to kill my family except for me- I am on list of the ones who have to be breeders and explorers. In MK ULTRA of course. They masked it as: Italy theme programming.
Atlantis repopulation and exploiration:
Project: Odysee
Project: Atlantis
Project: Future. Brand Futurino is cover for that programming.
Code world: Futurino brand clothes have been made for these people.
The world come from French world Future.
Pink Unicorn Sweet Dreams

Clothing I had for that type of programming. Closed eyes of Unicorn, represented me, symbolizes spiritual blindness to these projects and plans.

Alla Scarer (Алла Пугачева) is the leader of that project of Atlantis repopulation. She is descend of Merovingian family from France. It happened after 1812 planetary catastrophe.

Keep any money you can get from the past. What is drawn here the most important thing.

mislpronzaya have describe how they destroyed and replaced.
Murders of history replacing witnesses
RUS: Дело Нумизматов – Murders of numismats
NEW YORK TIMES have written about it.

Around 1812
Adam Johann von Krusenstern
Ivan Fyodorovich Kruzenshtern; 10 October 1770 – 12 August 1846) was a Russian admiral and explorer of Baltic German descent, who led the first Russian circumnavigation of the Earth in 1803–1806
There are reference at him in masonic animated movie Three from Prostokvashino

Jolly Roger
Black and white – masonry
Crossed bones symbol of death.
Scull – death
Cross and Bones symbolism are here too.
The earliest documented instances of piracy are the exploits of the Sea Peoples who threatened the ships sailing in the Aegean and Mediterranean waters in the 14th century BC. In classical antiquity, the Phoenicians, Illyrians and Tyrrhenians were known as pirates.
Phoenicians – the last place where they existed openly.
The Golden Age of Piracy is a common designation for the period between the 1650s and the 1730s, when maritime piracy was a significant factor in the histories of the North Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
It still exist, Hivites promoted these criminals as funny lifestyle by Disney.
Pirates of the Caribbean is a Disney media franchise encompassing numerous theme park rides, a series of films, and spin-off novels, as well as a number of related video games and other media publications.

I was in Lemuria too. It is located far away from Indian ocean between Madagascar. I saw ancient trees in Lemuria. Grove of gigantic pine-trees, they have white trunks and dark green leaves.
The coat of arms of the British Indian Ocean Territory with the inscription (in Latin) “Limuria is in our charge/trust”.
First in modern world that discovered it in 1864 by zoologist Philip Sclater.
The hypothesis was proposed as an explanation for the presence of lemur fossils on Madagascar and the Indian subcontinent but not in continental Africa or the Middle East.
Lemurs have come from there and their biology didn’t correlate with the rest lands which confirms that they have different origins from he rest of the species.
Lemuria have plenty of lemurs people haven’t seen yet.
They aren’t other monkeys.
Most existing lemurs are small, have a pointed snout, large eyes, and a long tail. They chiefly live in trees and are active at night.
Lemur research during the 18th and 19th centuries focused on taxonomy and specimen collection. Modern studies of lemur ecology and behavior did not begin in earnest until the 1950s and 1960s.
Hvites want to destroy Madagascar to hide them as biological evidence.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species, also known as the IUCN Red List or Red Data Book, founded in 1964, is an inventory of the global conservation status and extinction risk of biological species.
Many species have been destroyed on purpose by hivites. All after 1812.

Lewis Carrol have described them.
Passenger pigeon
There were several other factors contributing to the decline and subsequent extinction of the species, including shrinking of the large breeding populations necessary for preservation of the species and widespread deforestation, which destroyed its habitat. A slow decline between about 1800 and 1870 was followed by a rapid decline between 1870 and 1890. In 1900, the last confirmed wild bird was shot in southern Ohio.[2][4] The last captive birds were divided in three groups around the turn of the 20th century, some of which were photographed alive. Martha, thought to be the last passenger pigeon, died on September 1, 1914, at the Cincinnati Zoo. The eradication of the species is a notable example of anthropogenic extinction.
Check for the lists


Dec 1, 2019
Hivites have covered trances with fake identites. They have their penises cut. I tell you about the ones I know personally.
1. Alla Scarer. Алла Пугачева (Merovigninian).
I opened him in a celebration. He ran away with his lickpitters. They relaly licked his butt. Restaurants full of MK ULTRA slaves laughed out loud. He has run awys shitting himself.
He dreamed about world domination. I can't stop laughing.
Laugh integrated Core because it was hearthed laugh.

2. Elena Zukova - Елена Зыкова.
Elena trans.jpgIrina trans.jpg
Adress: Moscow, Russia.
Dunbinskaya Street 73, corpus 6, entrance 1, flat 29
Дубнинская улица, дом 73 корпус 6, подъезд 1, квартира 29
Telephone: 480- 14-58
He marries men to took their flats.

3. Irina Verchenova - Ирина Верченова.

Adress: Moscow, Russia.
Dunbinskaya Street 73, corpus 6, entrance 1, flat 29
Дубнинская улица, дом 73 корпус 6, подъезд 1, квартира 29
Telephone: 480- 14-58
Year 2004. He has changed his flats two times.
He sleeps with men to took their flats.
#transexual #trans #transvestigation #criminal #crime_exposed #crime #trans_crime #trans_crimes #transexual_crimes


Dec 1, 2019
They hiding since ancient times in the lowes castes of societies.
Dalit caste in India.
Burakumin (Japan)
Baekjeong (Korea)

The name means intouchables- the more ancient meaning means ritual uncleaness.
We don't repeat these mistakes - Hivtes musn't exist all time.
We have to return back to Golden age- the first age of our kind.


Dec 1, 2019
Brachycephaly are special traits of Hivites. This is why they are parasites - they cannot work with energy. They are empty vessels of humans - they cannot generate their own energy.
The word derived from the Ancient Greek βραχύς, 'short' and κεφαλή, 'head') is the shape of a skull shorter than average in its species.
Look for the ones who have it - they hide their hivite roots.
#hivites #hivitetraits #hivite #hivite_scullBrachycephaly.png