Runaways series


Mar 14, 2017
Did anyone watch the first season of this series ?

After discovering their parents are super-villains in disguise, a group of teenagers band together to run away from their homes in order to atone for their parents' actions and to discover the secrets of their origins

From the first until the last episode, symbols are everywhere.
I'll try not to spoil, so here's some of them :
- The main plot of the story is about human sacrifices. A group of people, dressed with red hoods, sacrifice young children
- Later we learn that those sacrifices are made in ordre to revive someone
- The someone has mysterious powers... the group of people refer to him as if they made a pact with the devil
- Satanic symbols are everywhere : there's this asian girl wearing pentacles, and doing a satanic ritual in the beach (in the first episode) invoking some sort of demon (we'll never know)
- We see a main character taking drugs (fortunately, he realizes how bad it is and never starts again)
- Not that bad (but still), underage people drining alcohol

There's also a scepte giving his possessor super-powers.
It takes your blood (sic) to check you DNA in order to get activated.
But as they say, it's "simply" a high tech object

It kind of reminds me ancien egypt sceptres, linke Ankh or Anubis sceptre

There's probably a lot other symbols I couldn't see.
I won't even talk about the cult of the main story, which is referred as the church.

Considering this show is targeting young people, it astounds me how those things are presented as "normal" and "cool"


Jan 29, 2018
Marvel seems to be vacillating between producing content (movies, tv & comics) that appears to promote a decent message, albeit through compromised imagery, and straight up agenda pushing projects.

I assume that regarding a corporation of its size and the artistic, free-spirited nature of their medium, Marvel would experience difficulties controlling all the the personalities involved in creating their content. Some will be all in for the advancement of certain agendas while others likely just want to work in the field they enjoy and feel they are sharing something decent with the world.