1) With the exception of Christ,
John 3:13). Unless this is clearly understood, i.e. from a
SPIRITUAL point-of-view, it is
IMPOSSIBLE to understand the Scriptures (
John 3:3-7).
It should therefore be self-evident that any who claim to be “
SAVED” already, are
WRONG. We do
not mark our own test. Only the Lord (Christ) marks
our test (
John 5:22) and even He (Christ, The One Whom God anointed to be our King and Judge) reserves Judgment until the Last Day, to provide each and every one of us that opportunity to turn from our sinful, selfish and evil ways.
Anyone who doesn't believe they are a spiritual-Being/Soul that has been reincarnated
MANY times over the past 6000 years
NEEDS to learn some fresh and
real humility and start again, this time
DOING what the Lord says and
not what
you decide yourself. The “Self” has to be “
crucified DAILY” until it is
DEAD and you want
only to
serve your Lord and the
common good,
keeping the
Covenants; His Laws and Ways and
NOT your own.
2) Christ has been here
MANY times too over the past 6000 years.
Here are a few examples below of Christ's numerous visits and incarnations:-
Christ, in/as Melchizedek (King of Righteousness/King of Peace):
Gen. 14:18;
John 8:49 (KJV 8:58)
Christ, in/as "the burning bush":
Exod. 3:1-3
Christ, as the Angel/Messenger of God:
Exodus 18:20;
Exodus 23:20-23
Christ, in/as Elijah (
2 kings 2:11;
John 3:13)
Christ, as "The Word of God", appearing to the Prophets throughout the Old Covenant: e.g.
Isa. 38:4;
Jer. 1:2;
Dan. 9:23;
Ezek. 1:3
Christ, as Himself (Michael) appearing to Daniel:
Dan. 10:13;
Dan. 10:21;
Dan. 12:4
Christ, in/as Jesus:
Acts 1:5-9
Christ, in/as "a light from heaven", in and around Damascus (Qumran):
Acts 9:1-16
Christ, as "The Word of God"/"The Faithful and True Witness", appearing to the John:
Christ, in/as EliJAH, aka the Sun of Righteousness/Michael, the Lamb/the seventh (complete) angel:
Mal. 4;
Dan. 12:1-4;
John 16:16-28;
Rev. 5:1-9;
Rev. 10
and one remaining visit, once He sheds the body He is currently using (
Matt. 24:28;
Luke 17:37), and is seen by everyone coming in the "Clouds" as His True,
Spiritual Self (Michael) with the heavenly host (aka "the eagles"):
Matt. 24:30-31;
Rev. 1:7
SAME Christ (
Heb. 13:8) each visit, teaching the same, unchanging Gospel Message of Truth and Love through Faith and obedience to God and His Law.
3) With the exception of Enoch (
Gen. 5:23-24), who was translated (because his testimony in the human life he lived pleased God -
Heb. 11:5), we have all been here in hell, aka "Earth" for the past 6000 years, experiencing numerous human lifetimes and experiences to provide each of us with the opportunity to learn the lessons we
NEED to learn to survive The Fire that is coming for most of mankind on Judgment Day. Without understanding reincarnation, it is
IMPOSSIBLE to even make sense of what the word "translated" actually means as it is applied to Enoch, who was spared numerous reincarnations and is awaiting Judgment Day in Paradise, because the human life Enoch lived pleased God (Enoch walked
WITH God instead of against Him).
Anyone who doesn't believe we are spiritual-Beings/Souls who have been reincarnated inside of numerous human bodies, experiencing different conditions, lessons and tests over the past 6000 years is not only calling Christ a liar, but is very ignorantly choosing to believe that God is not just, fair, merciful, patient and long-suffering.