Random Thoughts

Oct 20, 2021
if god made mud, are we not allowed to bake it into brick and build a house out of it because god didnt create a brick? or are you arguing that we shouldnt make bricks because god doesnt want us to?

why should i let incorrect information pass? its not GMO. period. im not letting it go because what you said was not true.

that phrase always sounded like moral apathy to me, and i dont subscribe to it.
As the Rolling Bones said Let it Bleed but Brian Jones was no longer around to ponder what that means.


Jun 28, 2020
I probably won't reply because you seem to debate for the sake of satisfying your ego.
Really what it comes down to, isn't it? The majority here don't care about the truth, only that they are right in all that matters.

All the proof in the world will not change some minds here. End of the day they are best ignored. After all the last word is all they wanted to begin with. Let them have it.

Truth is coming for us all in the end.

I thought this was supposed to be a light-hearted thread everyone - to share light-hearted comments, links and jokes *unrelated* to anything else on the forum. :rolleyes:
We should try to keep it that way. Art might not remember me, or at least he won't admit to it but I've known him for like 7 years. No one knows better then me how useless "debate" is with him.
Oct 20, 2021
Thats what i was thinking, I could hear the verse playing in my head.. "what has the devil set aside for me'.


Well, thats crazy, i just went to check the lyrics incase i was thinking of a different song. But it does say..

"Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me for me for me"

So i didn't remember it perfectly.

Whats crazy though is it actually says "bismilah", which is Arabic for "in the name of God". 2 billion Muslims say it everyday.

View attachment 87273

That's just wild to me. An English speaking band playing for an English listening audience has Arabic in the actual lyrics. No doubt mocking Muslims and the Almighty himself.
Freddie Mercury the lead singer in Queen was born in Iran and was Persian. Wrote the lyrics.


Jun 28, 2020
Just thought this was interesting. I didn't know Christian suicides were so high. Like they don't know its a 1 way trip to hell?

Their rate is even higher then Hindu's who literally worship djinn. It seems people with a connection to the Creator are more depressed then those who have zero connection. I guess you could say Atheists have zero connection but Hindu's literally worship cow dung.

I know these are dark times for alot of people, just thought the chart was interesting.

suicide rates.jpg


Jun 28, 2020
good thing he was brought up in the west. daze's people in iran wouldve thrown him off a rooftop.
Iran is Shia and i am Sunni. Sunni's make up about 80% of Muslims. So 1.6B roughly.

Interesting though how you think i represent 2 billion people by calling them "daze's people".


Jun 17, 2017
Iran is Shia and i am Sunni. Sunni's make up about 80% of Muslims. So 1.6B roughly.
Interesting though how you think i represent 2 billion people by calling them "daze's people".
saudi arabia is about 90% sunni: your people. they throw them off rooftops there too.

im not fond of lgbtqia people and i think they have a mental sickness and i dont want them contaminating our childrens minds, but they have a right to their own life and beliefs without being physically harmed by others. taking their life because you disagree with their lifestyle is against natural law. natural law IS gods law, so maybe you ought to rethink how perfect islam is.


Jun 28, 2020
saudi arabia is about 90% sunni: your people. they throw them off rooftops there too.

im not fond of lgbtqia people and i think they have a mental sickness and i dont want them contaminating our childrens minds, but they have a right to their own life and beliefs without being physically harmed by others. taking their life because you disagree with their lifestyle is against natural law. natural law IS gods law, so maybe you ought to rethink how perfect islam is.
I agree, you go back to the 80's and homosexuality was a mental disease, literally described as such in medical books.

We all have desires for what God has forbidden. As I've said multiple times this life is a test. For instance what is the point in forbidding pork if no one ever desired it?

It is not a crime to be gay. Only when one acts on it does it become punishable.

Anyone capable of using logic can see the LBGT community seeks to corrupt all. What is the point of gay parades? Have you heard of Drag queen story hour? Why does a full grown man in a dress and make up need to read to kids? Why do our school systems feel the need to teach this kind of content to kindergartners? Why are drag shows with actual children dancing a thing?

Have you seen this one? Where they literally state they are gonna corrupt YOUR children?

Honestly, living in the west, knowing how they are constantly pushing there values on normal heterosexual families and children should give you pause for thought. Our number 1 export is homosexuality and gender fluidity, this is a fact.. and you try to say Islam is wrong for nipping it at the bud?

Also, its common knowledge recently Saudi Arabia is inviting gays into the holy land as they strive to become more western. They hold concerts there, even had a Halloween party last year. Obviously all of these things are anti-Islam. So if you think SA is representing me...

Truth is there is not a Muslim government on the planet today. Maybe the Taliban but surely not Turkey, UAE, Pakistan and so on.
Taliban / Afghanistan seems to be the only nation trying to enforce shariah (Gods law). Maybe this will give you an idea why we've been bombing the hell out of them for 20+ years.

My people poly are the children of Adam and Eve, feel free to denounce everyone who doesn't share your skin color, but I'm not like that.

Edit : Seems i can't embed that video so here is another with the same content. Song starts at 1:10.


Jun 17, 2017
It is not a crime to be gay. Only when one acts on it does it become punishable.
punishable? wow. the audacity.

Honestly, living in the west, knowing how they are constantly pushing there values on normal heterosexual families and children should give you pause for thought. Our number 1 export is homosexuality and gender fluidity, this is a fact.. and you try to say Islam is wrong for nipping it at the bud?
denouncing it and keeping it away from impressionable children is one thing. killing them is on a different level. you have no right to take their life, and if you think god commands it, then youre not following any benevolent god.

My people poly are the children of Adam and Eve, feel free to denounce everyone who doesn't share your skin color, but I'm not like that.
i have denounced no one; i have simply stated facts that seem uncomfortable to some (not sure why). i am a race realist, but i have black and latino friends. i accept their race differences as they accept mine. we joke and laugh and think nothing about it. ive stated on this board that i have a farm in the tropics, and there are plenty of black people there. the average IQ there is 67, but i dont care. i value his kindness, loyalty and generosity more than his intellect. i dont think i am any better than him simply because i have an higher IQ. lastly, if i was an ''evil racist'', wouldnt i have moved to a whiter country?

Edit : Seems i can't embed that video so here is another with the same content. Song starts at 1:10.
ive seen (and posted) that video in the past. if it is serious, its very disturbing. however, unless they physically threaten me or my family, i have absolutely no right to do them harm. they have every right to express themselves-- repugnant, hateful speech is still free speech, and i support their right 100%.


Jun 28, 2020
punishable? wow. the audacity.

denouncing it and keeping it away from impressionable children is one thing. killing them is on a different level. you have no right to take their life, and if you think god commands it, then youre not following any benevolent god.

i have denounced no one; i have simply stated facts that seem uncomfortable to some (not sure why). i am a race realist, but i have black and latino friends. i accept their race differences as they accept mine. we joke and laugh and think nothing about it. ive stated on this board that i have a farm in the tropics, and there are plenty of black people there. the average IQ there is 67, but i dont care. i value his kindness, loyalty and generosity more than his intellect. i dont think i am any better than him simply because i have an higher IQ. lastly, if i was an ''evil racist'', wouldnt i have moved to a whiter country?

ive seen (and posted) that video in the past. if it is serious, its very disturbing. however, unless they physically threaten me or my family, i have absolutely no right to do them harm. they have every right to express themselves-- repugnant, hateful speech is still free speech, and i support their right 100%.
Why do you think Muslims kill homosexuals? The Taliban puts them into military camps. Would you like proof?

Hasn't the west taught you the Taliban is the most severe? After all, Taliban women are forbidden an education that teaches them the reality of 140 different genders.

Facts? You mean those given to you by Fox news? NBC? CNN? Come on poly, people are supposed to be awake here. You're starting to sound like Lisa.

That's good you have friends of different colors. When you mentioned "white Christians" i assumed you were a racist. Its good to be corrected because racism is a 1 way ticket to hell.

Far as that video, you only need to step back and look at reality. How many school boards recently had parents complaining about books in elementary schools showing boys how to give blow jobs? How about the word "groomer" being banned in many places. Why? Does groomer have a negative effect on the LGBT community?

They are obviously after the kids and i can easily make a thread with all of the different sources / content out there on this subject.
You can look at this from 2 angles. One, its satanic and the devil wants his corruption to spread to all of mankind.
The other angle is its the only way these people can "reproduce", by passing their lifestyles onto others.
Do you want homosexual grand children? Because its literally the death of your bloodline.

You're Christian yes? Why do you think the people of Prophet Lot, Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by God himself?
Theres a good chance Pompeii is Sodom and Gomorrah so we have the evidence.
pompei.jpg Why did God decide to completely eradicate the people of Lot (as)?

I'm happy to take this into private messages as we are kinda derailing this thread.


Jun 28, 2020
What about Obummer and Big Mike? Aren't they Muslims?
Really? I seen that retarded claim all over youtube when O-bomb-ah was in DC droning/bombing the hell out of Muslims.

Watch it, they actually lay out the facts.
Oct 20, 2021
Really? I seen that retarded claim all over youtube when O-bomb-ah was in DC droning/bombing the hell out of Muslims.

Watch it, they actually lay out the facts.
I am not going to watch a video that has a picture of 2 homosexuals in the screenshot. Perhaps you can explain it? And aren't you hurting the feelings of crazy people by your casual use of the word " retarded"?