Random Thoughts


Jun 28, 2020
Just thought this was interesting. I mentioned this before but Jews will not pray in churches. Mosques are fine for them but not churches. Yet how many Christians here bow before Jews, place them on some kind of pedestal? I can probably count 5 easily without even thinking about it.


Jews know that Allah is the God of Abraham because Hebrew is a semetic langauge just like Arabic. The word literally means "the god" as in thee God.

Its a "short" youtube video showing several Jews commenting. Which these forums treats as a link and not an embed.
Mar 30, 2017
Just thought this was interesting. I mentioned this before but Jews will not pray in churches. Mosques are fine for them but not churches. Yet how many Christians here bow before Jews, place them on some kind of pedestal? I can probably count 5 easily without even thinking about it.

View attachment 87237

Jews know that Allah is the God of Abraham because Hebrew is a semetic langauge just like Arabic. The word literally means "the god" as in thee God.

Its a "short" youtube video showing several Jews commenting. Which these forums treats as a link and not an embed.
This is interesting. Watching the "Extra features" in Lee Strobel's DVD "Case for Christ", Craig Evans makes the statement that the West's Christianity is very weak and "cheesecake-like". He said Christianity in 3rd world countries has a more staunch approach and perspective, and I tend to agree. The video you posted would further his rationale. Ever since my siblings and I were kids, we never attended a church on a regular basis. I remember asking my mum why we didn't, and she didn't really elaborate. All she said is she didn't liked the message. I looked into attending a Unitarian church here in Ontario today at cuc.ca, and they all seemed to be a hot mess! They're just as messed up as all the rest of the churches.

Trust me, the irony of the acronym is not lost on me.


Mar 26, 2021
64,000,000 abortions in the last 50 years. That is insane!

Yet people say this is a Christian nation. Right @ARose ?
Are you seriously tagging me randomly into another conversation, based on how angry you got in another?

The US is a huge nation full of Christians who have been fighting the demonic abortion industry, for years.

Also, data is impacted by new arrival migrants every day, so something you call US culture, can sometimes be data reflecting the state of someone who was born, raised and influenced by another culture their entire lives, only to arrive to The US at 35 with whatever mental and physical health problems or educational and intellectual development issues they’d already had. They show-up at a hospital for emergency care, where their health stats are then added to the regional data pool.

This data isn’t exclusively from American communities of only third+ generation American citizens, with little community shift in 30 years.

For example, the data may say “uptick in The US of 12 year-old girls taking ‘Plan B’” , when the real data story is about a flash, mass illegal migration flow, where the trend is for foreign parents to give their menstruating 12 year-olds ‘Plan B’ and that has impacted US hospital and social services data.

Many across the World will look at the ambiguous data and stats and say this is “American Culture”, when we had nothing to do with it, our laws were even being broken by the entrants and if we’d been asked our opinion about it, most would say it was morally wrong.

I presume you certainly are not among the mass migration activists cheering the replacement of heritage American populations that have been reduced by anti-birth culture, right, Daze?

I’ve seen two different Muslim religious leaders celebrating this development and allowing themselves to be recorded doing it. They also confirmed later that yes, it was them and they stand by their expression of glee.
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Jun 28, 2020
Are you seriously tagging me randomly into another conversation, based on how angry you got in another?

The US is a huge nation full of Christians who have been fighting the demonic abortion industry, for years.

Also, data is impacted by new arrival migrants every day, so something you call US culture, can sometimes be data reflecting the state of someone who was born, raised and influenced by another culture their entire lives, only to arrive to The US at 35 with whatever mental and physical health problems or educational and intellectual development issues they’d already had. They show-up at a hospital for emergency care, where their health stats are then added to the regional data pool.

This data isn’t exclusively from American communities of only third+ generation American citizens, with little community shift in 30 years.

For example, the data may say “uptick in The US of 12 year-old girls taking ‘Plan B’” , when the real data story is about a flash, mass illegal migration flow, where the trend is for foreign parents to give their menstruating 12 year-olds ‘Plan B’ and that has impacted US hospital and social services data.

Many across the World will look at the ambiguous data and stats and say this is “American Culture”, when we had nothing to do with it, our laws were even being broken by the entrants and if we’d been asked our opinion about it, most would say it was morally wrong.

I presume you certainly are not among the mass migration activists cheering the replacement of heritage American populations that have been reduced by anti-birth culture, right, Daze?

I’ve seen two different Muslim religious leaders celebrating this development and allowing themselves to be recorded doing it. They also confirmed later that yes, it was them and they stand by their expression of glee.
Really has nothing to do with anger. You think this is a Christian nation and i intend to open your eyes.

Least to the best of my ability. As they say, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

I presume you certainly are not among the mass migration activists cheering the replacement of heritage American populations that have been reduced by anti-birth culture, right, Daze?
I'm white Rose. I was born in Indiana, my mother is from Illinois and my father from Kentucky.

But i have no problems with immigrants and I'll tell you why. For one, God has absolute control over every atom. People are afraid immigrants will steal there jobs as if God wasn't the provider. If God has written hardship for you know that it doesn't matter if you live in a house with 100 people and 1 loaf of bread or there is not another soul for 100 miles and you got access to a freshly stocked Walt-mart all to yourself, you're gonna suffer because its what was written.

Some people are tested with poverty, others with wealth. Some are tested with losing a loved one, a very young child and so on. Life is literally nothing but a test from the time you reach puberty till the time you see the angel of death.

Second thing about immigrants, its kinda racist. Colonialism and nationalism is a disease of the heart. My dad passed away in 95' but he refused to let any of my sisters marry a non-white guy. I took his beliefs until God made me a Muslim around 2011. Now i know were are made from sand. A black man was made with darker soil, a white man was made with lighter soil and so on. That's all it is. Racists literally judge a book by its cover and it only draws one into hell. There is no difference between us other then piety.

After all, Jesus said love they neighbor, but you don't want people voting because they are the wrong color. Am i right or am i right?

Indeed this world and everything it contains belongs to God and we are just visitors. After all, every single one of us are sons of Adam. Color means nothing.



Btw, we got "Muslims" in DC calling for abortions and famous "Muslims" spread across the country calling for normalization of LGBT. Don't confuse American Islam with eastern Islam. Muslims are very liberal here and other then name, there's nothing "Muslim" about them.

Of course I'm no talking about all, Houston has about 200k Muslims and most here are pious, but alot of the famous ones have been bought and sold, pushing Zionist agenda.

Guess what I'm saying is don't assume someone in a hijab fears God. For some people its just a culture thing.


Jun 28, 2020
This is interesting. Watching the "Extra features" in Lee Strobel's DVD "Case for Christ", Craig Evans makes the statement that the West's Christianity is very weak and "cheesecake-like". He said Christianity in 3rd world countries has a more staunch approach and perspective, and I tend to agree. The video you posted would further his rationale. Ever since my siblings and I were kids, we never attended a church on a regular basis. I remember asking my mum why we didn't, and she didn't really elaborate. All she said is she didn't liked the message. I looked into attending a Unitarian church here in Ontario today at cuc.ca, and they all seemed to be a hot mess! They're just as messed up as all the rest of the churches.

Trust me, the irony of the acronym is not lost on me.
Christians are weak. I know alot here are not gonna like that but really its the truth. Andrew Tate who gets alot of bad press because its a liberal world once said..

I can wear a shirt in the west that says "Jesus is transgender" (or something to this affect) and no one will bat an eye. But if i wear a shirt cursing the prophet Muhammad (saw) in Muslim lands they will take my head off.

He's absolutely right.

Its not an exact quote but I'm sure i can find it later if needed, atm I'm pressed for time.

Anyway, he's right. I can easily show 100's of churches and priests celebrating LGBT, even though the Bible calls it an abomination.
Christianity in the west at least has absolutely buckled. how many months ago did the pope say God was gender fluid?

People here may not like it, but its the truth. Christinaity has grabbed ankles for the NWO which comes dressed in a rainbow flag.


Jun 28, 2020
Why sing along with an overplayed satanic song, once you know it…
Thats what i was thinking, I could hear the verse playing in my head.. "what has the devil set aside for me'.


Well, thats crazy, i just went to check the lyrics incase i was thinking of a different song. But it does say..

"Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me for me for me"

So i didn't remember it perfectly.

Whats crazy though is it actually says "bismilah", which is Arabic for "in the name of God". 2 billion Muslims say it everyday.


That's just wild to me. An English speaking band playing for an English listening audience has Arabic in the actual lyrics. No doubt mocking Muslims and the Almighty himself.
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Jun 17, 2017
But i have no problems with immigrants and I'll tell you why.
i have a problem with non-vetted immigrants and ill tell you why.
1. i shouldnt have to pay for their burden on our systems (health, school, etc.).
2. most do not want to become americanized, rather they want to stay loyal to their country (then stay there).
3. they have no concept and understanding of what american freedoms are. almost NONE are truthers or aware. how many aliens have you seen standing up to the covid hoax? 0.0. they all masked up like the good sheep they are-- which is exactly one of the main reasons the NWO wants them here.
4. the US has our own homeless, aged, handicapped, and helpless to care for.
5. their entrance into the US is an insult to those who entered the US the legal way.
6. only the liberal western governments, run by the NWO, are letting them come in. try being an immigrant in thailand or india.

I can wear a shirt in the west that says "Jesus is transgender" (or something to this affect) and no one will bat an eye. But if i wear a shirt cursing the prophet Muhammad (saw) in Muslim lands they will take my head off.
He's absolutely right.
he is right, but this is a prime example of how islam has absolutely NO idea of freedom of speech which is a truly western concept which we hold so dear. muslims in other countries have little rights under strict islam. this is why the US is (was?) the freest nation in the world and why people want to move the US and not to, say, iran or saudi arabia.

Christians are weak.
orthodox christians understand freedom of speech and everyones right to their beliefs-- 'turning the other cheek'. orthodox muslims cannot take any criticism about their religion without feeling the need to hack ones head off for blasophemy. religious people that have to resort to violence instead of debate are the weak ones.

Second thing about immigrants, its kinda racist. Colonialism and nationalism is a disease of the heart. My dad passed away in 95' but he refused to let any of my sisters marry a non-white guy. I took his beliefs until God made me a Muslim around 2011. Now i know were are made from sand. A black man was made with darker soil, a white man was made with lighter soil and so on. That's all it is. Racists literally judge a book by its cover and it only draws one into hell.
as ive said before, marrying within your culture/race/ethic group is best if you wish you continue the culture, language, and traditions that have been passed down from ones ancestors. the NWO wants the mixing so that eventually everyone is coffee colored and has lost all of their ties to their religion and ancestry so that the State itself is their new family.

if you think skin color is the only difference between, say, blacks and whites, you couldnt be any more blue pilled.
the genetics are different. the skeleton is different. the skull is different. the average IQ is different. the musculature is different. the hormones are different. the fecundity rates are different. black women have narrower pelvises than whites (or asians) because the skulls of the infants are smaller. they have different rates of disease, average lifespan, twinning rates, child development, and gestation rates. and im scratching the surface.
facts are not racist. it is what it is, and thats that.


Jun 28, 2020
i have a problem with non-vetted immigrants and ill tell you why.
1. i shouldnt have to pay for their burden on our systems (health, school, etc.).
As i said, everything comes from God, even that which you "earn". You should be more charitable, he'd give you more.
2. most do not want to become americanized, rather they want to stay loyal to their country (then stay there).
Then maybe we should stop bombing the hell out of them? Why don't we ever have wars on home soil Poly? I mean EVER? Because we steal from others and that's a fact.
3. they have no concept and understanding of what american freedoms are. almost NONE are truthers or aware. how many aliens have you seen standing up to the covid hoax? 0.0. they all masked up like the good sheep they are-- which is exactly one of the main reasons the NWO wants them here.
Have you hear of Edward Snowden or Juilan Assange? When are you gonna realize we only have "freedom" when its convenient? The second its not its gone.
4. the US has our own homeless, aged, handicapped, and helpless to care for.
I agree, so why can't we take care of them but can give Billions to Ukraine? Do you think this country gives a lick about you or me?
5. their entrance into the US is an insult to those who entered the US the legal way.
Lets be honest, if you're not an American Indian then you're an invader. You may be with the avatar, I'm not nor is any "American" i know.
6. only the liberal western governments, run by the NWO, are letting them come in. try being an immigrant in thailand or india.
We have been inviting people across the world for centuries, why don't you open your eyes? We literally have 50 million Legal Hispanic Americans. How about Japanese Americans? We got enough of them to build camps. Like i said, the nation is built on immigrants, unless you're American Indian.

he is right, but this is a prime example of how islam has absolutely NO idea of freedom of speech which is a truly western concept which we hold so dear. muslims in other countries have little rights under strict islam. this is why the US is (was?) the freest nation in the world and why people want to move the US and not to, say, iran or saudi arabia.
You do know we've put people in jail for facebook posts, right? Where is their "freedom of speech"? Once again, Snowden and Assange, what laws have they violated other then "freedom of speech"?

orthodox christians understand freedom of speech and everyones right to their beliefs-- 'turning the other cheek'. orthodox muslims cannot take any criticism about their religion without feeling the need to hack ones head off for blasophemy. religious people that have to resort to violence instead of debate are the weak ones.
I am 100% for blasphemy laws. We do not mock the men sent by God. This includes Jesus, Noah, Moses, ect.

Why don't you open a book and read about all the people Orthodox Christianity slaughtered? Literally spread by the sword, Especially in America with the American Indians.

Would you like sources? Here's your "turning the cheek". #1.
Smile 2 Jannah - FAZE APEX GETS HATE AFTER POSTING THIS [dcfugcciQjo - 880x495 - 0m24s].png

as ive said before, marrying within your culture/race/ethic group is best if you wish you continue the culture, language, and traditions that have been passed down from ones ancestors. the NWO wants the mixing so that eventually everyone is coffee colored and has lost all of their ties to their religion and ancestry so that the State itself is their new family.
As I've said, we are all children of Adam. Hate your brother if you wish, i won't.
if you think skin color is the only difference between, say, blacks and whites, you couldnt be any more blue pilled.
the genetics are different. the skeleton is different. the skull is different. the average IQ is different. the musculature is different. the hormones are different. the fecundity rates are different. black women have narrower pelvises than whites (or asians) because the skulls of the infants are smaller. they have different rates of disease, average lifespan, twinning rates, child development, and gestation rates. and im scratching the surface.
facts are not racist. it is what it is, and thats that.
There is no doubt whatever the prophets brought is 100% truth Poly, because they brought revelation from the One who knows what you reveal and what you conceal. Like it or not God has absolute knowledge. While every prophet was sent by him. This is really not debatable. But you do you and I'll do me.


Mar 27, 2017
Thats what i was thinking, I could hear the verse playing in my head.. "what has the devil set aside for me'.


Well, thats crazy, i just went to check the lyrics incase i was thinking of a different song. But it does say..

"Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me for me for me"

So i didn't remember it perfectly.

Whats crazy though is it actually says "bismilah", which is Arabic for "in the name of God". 2 billion Muslims say it everyday.

View attachment 87273

That's just wild to me. An English speaking band playing for an English listening audience has Arabic in the actual lyrics. No doubt mocking Muslims and the Almighty himself.
Freddie Mercury born Farrokh Bulsara-parents were from Western India originally. The song is about committing a murder, and the consequences, hence having "a devil put aside for me." A Faustian rock opera.
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Jan 29, 2018
Are you seriously tagging me randomly into another conversation, based on how angry you got in another?

The US is a huge nation full of Christians who have been fighting the demonic abortion industry, for years.

Also, data is impacted by new arrival migrants every day, so something you call US culture, can sometimes be data reflecting the state of someone who was born, raised and influenced by another culture their entire lives, only to arrive to The US at 35 with whatever mental and physical health problems or educational and intellectual development issues they’d already had. They show-up at a hospital for emergency care, where their health stats are then added to the regional data pool.

This data isn’t exclusively from American communities of only third+ generation American citizens, with little community shift in 30 years.

For example, the data may say “uptick in The US of 12 year-old girls taking ‘Plan B’” , when the real data story is about a flash, mass illegal migration flow, where the trend is for foreign parents to give their menstruating 12 year-olds ‘Plan B’ and that has impacted US hospital and social services data.

Many across the World will look at the ambiguous data and stats and say this is “American Culture”, when we had nothing to do with it, our laws were even being broken by the entrants and if we’d been asked our opinion about it, most would say it was morally wrong.

I presume you certainly are not among the mass migration activists cheering the replacement of heritage American populations that have been reduced by anti-birth culture, right, Daze?

I’ve seen two different Muslim religious leaders celebrating this development and allowing themselves to be recorded doing it. They also confirmed later that yes, it was them and they stand by their expression of glee.
That video with the moron standing on the floor of the Mosque screaming into the mic about how this is Jihad and Hijra and that the Muslims will go forth and fornicate with European women and take over their countries with the illegitimate children they produce. Its the worst kind of delusion and sexual degeneracy brought out into the open...
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