Putin. Controlled op. Confirmed.

Oct 4, 2021
To be honest I have no idea what info is facts or our fantasy. I admit I am very naive. But receptive to all knowledge with a grain of truth in some of it.


Sep 3, 2018


edit: I urge people to mute the music because music is haraam.
Hey! Did you read the recent article on Putin’s recently exposed “torture prisons” in Russia?!? It was in the NY Post…it’s VERY disturbing!! It’s all set up: someone is hired to tie up the prisoners, r*pe the males with broomstick handles, beat them, etc…It’s insane!! Pictures and videos were released online. Sorry..you’ll have to google it if interested in learning more..I don’t want to traumatize sensitive people by posting the link to the article/photos, etc. here… my goal is just to make people aware how crooked he is!


Jul 28, 2021
It’s all set up: someone is hired to tie up the prisoners, r*pe the males with broomstick handles, beat them, etc…
It has been like that in Russia since bolshevik revolution in 1917 . And its not only in prisons and mental facilities -russian military is the same . Look up some "Dedovshchina" videos ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina ) .
Also "Gulag Archipelago" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn is a good read if u want to learn more about russia and what sort of changes it has been through.U can find audiobook on youtube.

I was born in Estonia when it was in soviet union and have kept an eye on Putin since he appeared and have done ton of research on him . Still cant tell if he is puppet or not .He does seem to play along in some things with NWO people while going against them at other things.
Putin and his KGB buddies took over Russia in the beginning of 90's to stop the wests plundering of russia. When soviet union collapsed overnight alot of "gods chosen people" became owners of whole industries and so became oligarhs.One example - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Khodorkovsky
Key moment for that was the sinking of the ferry MS/Estonia in 28 September 1994 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MS_Estonia . 852 people died and there was a massive coverup that is still going on this day.Around 14 survivors went missing shortly after they got saved-most likely they got dissapeared by western intelligence people for knowing something unpleasant.After soviet union collapsed alot of military technology and precious metals found themselves temporarily to be without owners or guardians so it was an big open market for the west.Ferry MS/Estonia was used to smuggle stolen good out from Estonia to Sweden and from there ,according to swedish port workers,to Israel.
According to "Felix report" made by ex-KGB and other security workers branch in Saint Petersburg(where Putin also was) who kept an eye on the smuggling and didnt like the fact that russia is getting plundered and wanted to put stop to it.The night MS/Estonia got sanked the ferry had contraband cargo on board, including a huge amount of heroin and forty metric tonnes (40,000 kg) of radioactive cobalt and some osmium.
If thats true then that kind of cargo dont belong next to civilians ,no ?A bomb threat was made to ship before it took off,its documented.Some stories say russians already at port tried to stop the cargo but the Estonian military convoy was protecting it (witnessed by many people at the port) .So supposedly the Putin and his pals sank the ferry .There is huge hole on the side of the ship below waterline(which officially was denied to exist until recently),some say it was made by bomb,some speculate collision with submarine.While the sinking incident took place something very strong was jamming the radio and mayday calls didnt go though.First and last mayday call ship did was when it was already listing around 45 degrees and sinking fast,u can hear water breaking in from windows and stuff ( mayday call recording,might be disturbing for some -
) - So Putin sent a message to the west that the plundering of russia stops or the truth comes out.Plundering did come to stop,oligarh-friendly Yeltsin was thrown out and Putin and his buddies took over.

Some additional reading on that topic if someones interested -
Sorry for the long post,maybe somebody finds something interesting from it .


May 24, 2017
It is funny to me because VCF is sort of a Diet version of conspiracy stuff imo. Ten years ago the VC subject matter was cutting edge stuff but I think VCF only goes so far. For example, I don't really see anyone here mentioning that these leaders are Freemasons, specifically. And I won't even mention here who controls Masonry, even though I'm well aware.

Anyways, even though this like I said imo is a sort of Diet version of what it represents... a lot of the harder conspiracy stuff, even though it goes into a lot of things we're not supposed to say.... you see again and again all this stuff promoting Russia. Outlets will cross way over lines of what we are supposed to be allowed to talk about- but then they push Putin as the savior. Trump, Putin... one thing I never understood was how exactly I was supposed to be super into them when.... neither of them really seem to say much. What exactly do they expose? Putin: "putting transgenderism to kids is bad!"... I'm supposed to be impressed by that?

It's funny to me how these alleged "enemies of America" types... why don't they expose the US? I mean Iran, China, Venezuela, etc.- why don't they ever just expose the US? All they ever expose seems to be "the US is plotting to overthrow us"... sure... but why don't they ever mention things like Pizzagate, freemasonry, US being run by satanists, etc?

Why don't RT, CGTN, TeleSur, etc.- why don't they really expose anything??

I want to add on: I am sick and tired of people trying to use Iran to insult Sunni Muslims. They use Iran as a prop to insult us and portray Sunnis as slaves of the West while it's the Shia who are heroes defying the system... not realizing that the Iran-US conflict is fake, that Iran is controlled opposition and ignoring the heroism of Sunnis in various countries where they resisted US aggression.
Wow, I really like ur post & agree w/u 100% except for the part where u talk about Venezuela, Iran & China exposing that the US is run by a huge group of satanists.... its probably not talked about here because we already know that these other countries & nations are all run by this same group of satanists. If they exposed us they in turn would expose themselves. This is just my opinion, I dont want to speak for others.


Dec 1, 2019


edit: I urge people to mute the music because music is haraam.
Take a look. Russia openly riled by NWO since 1991, people are killed at their own flats.
According to "Felix report" made by ex-KGB and other security workers branch in Saint Petersburg(where Putin also was)
His family have never lived in Peterburg -- I stayed here for some time and his family have been never seen there.