Propaganda and social engineering

Lil axe

May 11, 2020


Jan 10, 2019
Its funny people who themselves are being socially engineered yet cannot see it, but only see it in others.

Pot calling the kettle black.

Yall are victims of Cambridge ANalytica and similar operations

"Conspiracy theorists" Those who just blindly follow any counter narrative without using critical thinking are literally the easiest to program and manipulate.

"Q is propaganda for critical thinkers" LOL

Yall have a very bloated opinion of yourselves.

Q is the end result of psychological manipulation when you add "conspiracy thinking" and LOW IQ and lack of critical thinking, pure emotion.

A terrible mix.

It is the epitome of cognitive dissonance when you make a figure who is the most corrupt the champion of anti-corruption, when you make a literal child rapist the warrior against underage sex trafficking.

Amazing what these technocrats are able to accomplish.
Van you've shown yourself to have bought into a few of the liberal social engineering traps. You're still stuck on Trump and Russiagate man. :D I mean tweeting CNN, Hilary Clinton... grabbing at anything to support your storyline.

As you know a total of 1 person here believed in Q. On the socialist side If you listened to real anti-war activists like the Grayzone over your neoliberal handler Cenk Uygur you'd realize the Cambridge Analytical "scandal" has already been exposed as it's own propaganda operation:

Self-styled whistleblower Christopher Wylie and The Guardian reporter Carole Cadwalladr earned film deals and flashy awards by blaming Brexit and Trump on a sweeping conspiracy between data firm Cambridge Analytica and Russia. A British government investigation shatters their claims to fame.

Realistically there were a handful of people (here) that liked Trump over Biden, and several of them are gone. Most of us have moved on but it seems like you're still stuck in the past, a world almost a year old.

You should put your ego aside and watch the videos. You speak truth and have the best intentions but IMO you've also fallen for some of the devices aimed at progressives.


Mar 4, 2020
but the elites have been socially and psychologically manipulating white people for hundreds of years with a superiority complex and fear based nonsense. Its literally their #1 go to that never fails.

On the other hand, blacks themselves seem to have an inferiority complex, always going on about slavery and BLM and that 'taking a knee' stuff.
If I was black I'd simply FORGET I was black and just get on with life and show I was just as good as whites at everything I do..:)
I'd be PROUD to be black, knowing that my black ancestors survived against all the odds in the dangerous jungles, they're more born survivors than Bear Grylls or Ed Stafford will ever be.
So my message to all blacks is- get off that knee and stand tall and proud..:)

Feb 22, 2020
Van you've shown yourself to have bought into a few of the liberal social engineering traps. You're still stuck on Trump and Russiagate man. :D I mean tweeting CNN, Hilary Clinton... grabbing at anything to support your storyline.
You're still stuck on the fantasy and utter illusion that Russia and Israel are not one and the same. No wonder you love Grayzone so much, because they push this illusion, "exposing Israel" yet pretending that Putin and Chabad Lubavitch controlled Russia is not the other side of the coin.

Once you get past this deception, you will easily see how RussiaGate was just one piece of the overall conspiracy. But your hatred of "liberals" and worship of utter shills like Jimmy Dore and Max Blumenthal will not allow you to go in that direction.

As you know a total of 1 person here believed in Q.
You know this is a total LIE. There were plenty of Qtards on here and frankly you dont need to be an outright Qtard so long as you believe even some of the fake narratives that the Q conspiracy was pushing you might as well be a part of the cult. There were and still ARE many people on here pushing the Q narratives concocted by General Flynn and the Joint Special Operations Command branch of the military.
On the socialist side If you listened to real anti-war activists like the Grayzone over your neoliberal handler Cenk Uygur you'd realize the Cambridge Analytical "scandal" has already been exposed as it's own propaganda operation:
LOL @DavidSon is that really the best you can come up with ?

Why am I surprised that Russian shill and asset Max Blumenthal would try and downplay the links between Cambridge Analytica, The Council for National Policy, and Russia.

"exposed" ? LMFAO

I was all over Cambridge Analytica before Christopher Wylie was even known.

heres more on Russia and Cambridge Analytica.

but I'm sure you'll just deny it like you've been schooled to do by Russian asset Blumenthal. You do know that Blumenthal was anti-Assad before he was invited to the RT dinner to meet Vladimir Putin ? You do know that right ?

Look at this documented evidence of your hero Blumenthal being pro Intervention in Syria

Do you not question the motives and the integrity of a guy who is pro war then goes to meet Putin and does a 180 degrees ?

Was he paid off ? What is not disputable is that the guy is a RUSSIAN AGENT, pushing the Russian line on every single world event.

Here he is at the RT dinner, LOL, not a Russian agent you say ?

I find it hilarious that to dispute Russiagate you literally go to a Russian shill for your evidence. At least be objective. Would you go to Netanyahu sources to dispute Israeli war crimes ? But some how you think its OK to go to the mouth of Russia to deny Russiagate. Fucking Hilarious !

You should put your ego aside and watch the videos. You speak truth and have the best intentions but IMO you've also fallen for some of the devices aimed at progressives.
Dude any basic search and you will find so many connections between Trump, his associates and Russia. You'd have to not be looking to not find them. You literally have to live in a fantasy world where you are asking the accused if he is guilty, and taking his word for it.

And if you think I'm getting info from Cenk Uguyr or MSM, think again, some of the best conspiracy researchers have noted the Trump Russia links. You're basically an amateur or deluded if you are not aware of them.


Jun 28, 2020
I will never understand nationalism. Unique races extinct? What is that? I thought Christians believed we all come from one man?

This is a main reason Muslims suffer across the world, even though we are nearly 2 billion. Its because we are not united. We are not united because of ideologies like these have been fed to the masses. Had the Muslims been united the world would be a better place. There would be no interest and rich constantly hoarding more for themselves for starters.

What race was Adam, the first man?

Knowing every single one of us will die when Armageddon comes, every white man, every black man, every single race will taste death.. What is the point? What kind of legacy do you expect to have? What are you fighting for knowing all of this will come to an end, perhaps within our own lifetimes.

I don't know why people chose this kind of division when end of the day, we are all human and want essentially the same things. Food, shelter and safety.

Nationalism in all of its forms is satanic and until people realize it, we will forever be divided. Other then acts of piety, you are not better then your neighbor. Regardless of what color of skin he has.


Jan 10, 2019
but I'm sure you'll just deny it like you've been schooled to do by Russian asset Blumenthal. You do know that Blumenthal was anti-Assad before he was invited to the RT dinner to meet Vladimir Putin ? You do know that right ?
Everyone knows he was anti-Assad as he admits, just like your boy Uygur STILL is. You deny you've linked the YT's several times? LOL. Many leftists were wrong about Syria at first- but regular people can admit they were misinformed and change course. I learn new things every year and advance in understanding. What about you my dude? You're more of a shill, or rather useful idiot than Blumenthal by far, evidence is you're STILL peddling the Zionist red-brown theories of Reid-Ross, an Israeli operative and partner of the DHS.

You already know I'm informed about Israeli/Russian influence in the West but it's only one of many topics. Like we don't know about Chabad Lubavitch or that Biden is just as much a puppet? You're just sittin' around waiting for news on Trump to talk about lol. I mean you got anything else? Billionaires quadrupled their $ last year in a global fake pandemic and not a peep from you? You're infatuation with Russigate and blind hatred from the whack Blueanon "red-brown" conspiracy theory proves what I was saying: you're biased and unable to digest material objectively which is a shame.


Jan 10, 2019
more fascist indoctrination.

Do you mean fascistic like the intolerance shown by Antifa? Not really. Not that I'm well studied on Kalergi but It's a fact of history what these futurists, eugenicists, and social engineers wished to see happen. It's called population control. And these psychopaths were funded by the worlds richest men and never really went away... just a small piece of information.

I guess you're not allowed to look into these subjects because the fascists at Global Research brought them up before, right?

Man it must be tough to have to wait for approval from your party officials to know what to be allowed to read about. :D
May 18, 2018
I will never understand nationalism. Unique races extinct? What is that? I thought Christians believed we all come from one man?

This is a main reason Muslims suffer across the world, even though we are nearly 2 billion. Its because we are not united. We are not united because of ideologies like these have been fed to the masses. Had the Muslims been united the world would be a better place. There would be no interest and rich constantly hoarding more for themselves for starters.

What race was Adam, the first man?

Knowing every single one of us will die when Armageddon comes, every white man, every black man, every single race will taste death.. What is the point? What kind of legacy do you expect to have? What are you fighting for knowing all of this will come to an end, perhaps within our own lifetimes.

I don't know why people chose this kind of division when end of the day, we are all human and want essentially the same things. Food, shelter and safety.

Nationalism in all of its forms is satanic and until people realize it, we will forever be divided. Other then acts of piety, you are not better then your neighbor. Regardless of what color of skin he has.
It’s just a simple fact that elite families work in this way. It would be impossible for a new world order to foment with different, distinct peoples on earth. A group of people that share a folk soul, a history, an imagination, a sense of justice and balance within their community, right and wrong, stories, memories, expressions, religions, traditions, it is how people naturally live on earth. It’s not about better or worse, or skin color, it’s about natural life. Like it or not, that’s what the elite believe and I think they’re right, if they can kill off that sense of belonging to a community and make countries simply economic zones in the world order and people simple economic units that can work anywhere from their smartphone, they have effectively done away with what has made a worldwide feudal system impossible for known world history
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Jun 28, 2020
It’s just a simple fact that elite families work in this way. It would be impossible for a new world order to foment with different, distinct peoples on earth. A group of people that share a folk soul, a history, an imagination, a sense of justice and balance within their community, right and wrong, stories, memories, expressions, religions, traditions, it is how people naturally live on earth. It’s not about better or worse, it’s about natural life. Like it or not, that’s what the elite believe and I think they’re right, if they can kill off that sense of belonging to a community and make countries simply economic zones in the world order and people simple economic units that can work anywhere from their smartphone, they have effectively done away with what has made a worldwide feudal system impossible for known world history
Yes, they do work "this" way. Division 1 o 1.

The problem with the "Jews" today is they think they're genetically superior. Why do you want to emulate them?
Remember your beginning and your end. The One who sent you you'll eventually return to.
As a Christian you need to remember Jesus's message of love they neighbor.

While you have no knowledge of Islam the reason we are here is because the devil thought he was better then mankind. When humans think they are superior to humans they follow in his footsteps.

My stance is simple.

“All humans are descended from Adam and Eve, There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, or of a non-Arab over an Arab, and no superiority of a white person over a black person or of a black person over a white person, except on the basis of personal piety and righteousness.” ~Prophet Muhammad
May 18, 2018
Yes, they do work "this" way. Division 1 o 1.

The problem with the "Jews" today is they think they're genetically superior. Why do you want to emulate them?
Remember your beginning and your end. The One who sent you you'll eventually return to.
As a Christian you need to remember Jesus's message of love they neighbor.
You are adding onto what I’m saying. I’m not talking about superiority of any peoples. Your stance is a reasonable one but it does not contrast what I just said
Feb 22, 2020
Everyone knows he was anti-Assad as he admits, just like your boy Uygur STILL is. You deny you've linked the YT's several times? LOL.
When did I deny linking to YT's ? I dont agree with them on Syria, they've said some cringy things about Venezuela as well, but they are right on a lot of things, and even though Cenk is anti-Assad he was NEVER pro-intervention like your boy Blumenthal.

So you just believe that Blumenthal had a magical 180 degree turn one day. Just so happened to be after he met Putin and then started pushing the russian propaganda line on EVERYTHING. I'd love to see you defend Cenk if he ever did something like that. We both know you wouldn't, and you'd make a big deal about it WHICH YOU SHOULD. But because you dont want to admit you are wrong you just turn a blind eye to your Russian propagandist, who also happens to be the son of a major Clinton operative. Yeah lets not judge a son by his dad I guess, but again we both know you would never let that slide if it was Cenk Uguyr or somebody else you disagree with.

so just conveniently ignore all of Blumenthal's pro war propaganda and just believe he magically became anti-establishment.

Ooh sounds like another fraud Tucker Carlson, who also magically became anti-war after being a major pro-war mouthpiece.

Oh and the fraud Blumenthal just so happens to go on the fraud Carlson's show all the time. Just like other frauds Jimmy Dore and Glen Greenwald.

Why is it that all the supposed "anti war" fake "leftists" who are Russian shills ALL GO ON TUCKER CARLSON'S SHOW TO CONSTANTLY SUCK HIM OFF ?

You know you actually connect the dots and stop being a sheeple maybe you would be on to something.

Many leftists were wrong about Syria at first- but regular people can admit they were misinformed and change course. I learn new things every year and advance in understanding. What about you my dude? You're more of a shill, or rather useful idiot than Blumenthal by far, evidence is you're STILL peddling the Zionist red-brown theories of Reid-Ross, an Israeli operative and partner of the DHS.
LOL I've been against EVERY war since the WW2 intervention, something you definately cannot say about Blumenthal or Cuckold Carlson. I was exposing the lies on Syria when Blumenthal was pushing pro-intervention propaganda, that again not even the YOung Turks were doing.

Reid Ross ? I didn't even know who that guy was, I literally came up with the red/brown theory myself after seeing all these fake leftists tell us how we should work with right wing populists, and how great they were. This IS all based on Alexander Dugins National Bolshevism. But yet another thing you will ignore. Colonel Valerio also brought me up to speed on some of the Larouche movement and I also noted how these so called "leftists" were also working with Fascists and white supremacists back in the 1970's. Again if you dont see the attempt to merge to so called "populist" left and right, you are just another sheeple easily programmed by the elites and their counter narratives.
You already know I'm informed about Israeli/Russian influence in the West but it's only one of many topics. Like we don't know about Chabad Lubavitch or that Biden is just as much a puppet?
But you are here always dismissing Russian influence by pushing the work of Russian propagandists like Blumenthal, LOL, clearly you aren't informed.

You're just sittin' around waiting for news on Trump to talk about lol. I mean you got anything else? Billionaires quadrupled their $ last year in a global fake pandemic and not a peep from you? You're infatuation with Russigate and blind hatred from the whack Blueanon "red-brown" conspiracy theory proves what I was saying: you're biased and unable to digest material objectively which is a shame.
its beyond Trump, it always was.

I was on this line of research before Trump was even a thing. In fact I predicted a Trump character to take the whitehouse back in 2013 on the David Icke forum. The Qtards are still a thing. They are still being manipulated to divide the country and completely destabalize it.

The Billionaires made more $. Is that really supposed to be groundbreaking news LOL.

I'm not the one defending the elites and their "free markets" and trickle down bullshit, with their corporate funded anti-socialist propaganda on this forum. Like plenty of the clowns who you continuously side with.
Feb 22, 2020
Do you mean fascistic like the intolerance shown by Antifa? Not really. Not that I'm well studied on Kalergi but It's a fact of history what these futurists, eugenicists, and social engineers wished to see happen. It's called population control. And these psychopaths were funded by the worlds richest men and never really went away... just a small piece of information.

I guess you're not allowed to look into these subjects because the fascists at Global Research brought them up before, right?

Man it must be tough to have to wait for approval from your party officials to know what to be allowed to read about. :D
You do know that "Kalergi plan" is just a white supremacist dog whistle right ? It's another name for their "great replacement" conspiracy theory. You know the kind of garbage that Zionist/White supremacist Lauren Southern made famous.

speaking of Lauren Southern, there's another connection to Russia. How on earth did this youtube star get an interview with Alexander Dugin ? You know the guy who wrote a manual on how to push the Red/Brown agenda which you claim is all just made up.

so a white supremacist who most famously promoted the "great replacement" theory on social media and youtube, who used to work for the Zionist Rebel News is now suddenly interviewing Alexander Dugin a major figure in the Kremlin, who pushes red/brown alliance.

You know that all of a sudden Southern made videos criticizing Capitalism, of course she still hates socialism though, gotta stay within the fascist framework.

Wow white supremacy, Israel, Russia, anti-establishment, anti-capitalism, red/brown ?

Nothing to see here of course, go back to Jimmy Dore and Max Blumenthal. "REAL LEFTISTS" LOL
Feb 22, 2020
It would be impossible for a new world order to foment with different, distinct peoples on earth.

You get them united behind an idea, not race.

the USA is a prime example.

you can manipulate people behind anything, it doesn't matter what race they are, or whether or not they live in homogenous societies.
May 18, 2018

You get them united behind an idea, not race.

the USA is a prime example.

you can manipulate people behind anything, it doesn't matter what race they are, or whether or not they live in homogenous societies.
I never used the word race retard. You should really go to a white supremacist forum. You come here where there is none and scream at everyone and act like you’re dunking on white supremacists when you’re really hiding from them. Go to a white supremacy forum and leave this one retard, don’t be a wuss.
Feb 22, 2020
I never used the word race retard. You should really go to a white supremacist forum. You come here where there is none and scream at everyone and act like you’re dunking on white supremacists when you’re really hiding from them. Go to a white supremacy forum and leave this one retard, don’t be a wuss.
dont hide behind "culture" we know what you mean.

Anyways the elites can unite people under any banner

race, religion, ideology, culture,

it really doesn't matter what it is. So no your fake "populism" is not in opposition to them.
May 18, 2018
dont hide behind "culture" we know what you mean.

Anyways the elites can unite people under any banner

race, religion, ideology, culture,

it really doesn't matter what it is. So no your fake "populism" is not in opposition to them.
Look i give your words about as much time as if a homeless person screamed them at me on the subway. We all know you are incapable of thought, just want to hide here and pretend your battling white supremacists without actually talking to any. it just gets sad at some point