Preparing the world for the “Great Reset”


Jul 27, 2017
I think the environmental message can teach people to be sorry for existing at all!

An alternative thought - what time of year is there most wheat in a field?

Ya know what’s spooky about your post? My friend feels guilty for his way of living while others are suffering. Mind you this is a guy who worked hard for what he has. Has a happy family but feels guilty all the time

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

Ya know what’s spooky about your post? My friend feels guilty for his way of living while others are suffering. Mind you this is a guy who worked hard for what he has. Has a happy family but feels guilty all the time
I have met a lot of people like that, and tbh there was a time when I felt the same way.


Apr 13, 2019
Well, as an atheistic satanist I've never felt much for NWO theories, but the great reset takes the cake. I believe that is what is going on, considering my own tech background I've seen it happening for years but didn't connect the dots.
We're in for one hell of a ride .


Mar 18, 2017
Well, as an atheistic satanist I've never felt much for NWO theories, but the great reset takes the cake. I believe that is what is going on, considering my own tech background I've seen it happening for years but didn't connect the dots.
We're in for one hell of a ride .
You may have forgotten your posts but i do remember them....before the great reset was even announced, they were spot on.
I believe the virus is real, but I also believe it's being used as a ploy to bring draconian economic measures to the forefront without protest in my country.

The virus may or may not have come from a laboratory, I am not sure. I am however sure it's being used to promote an agenda that is not good for us citizens. Our government just presented the possible measures they will take to balance our national account after the Corona crisis, and they are dystopian. I am quite worried.

They want to basically remove free acces to healthcare, our social security and put some very dictatorial measures in place like telling us what to eat and pricing food accordingly, making unsubstainable (their words) choices extremely expensive and thus out of reach for the majority; such as air travel.

I hope all this will lead to a major revolt, but I am afraid my country is full of sheep who will accept all of this willingly.
The mask is actually against our governments policy, we have a law against face coverings so this is quite ironic.

But otherwise they are currently going full nazi, they are trying to create a law that makes parliament obsolete and almost nobody seems to care. It's scary.


Apr 13, 2019
You may have forgotten your posts but i do remember them....before the great reset was even announced, they were spot on.
Well I am guessing I've been aware of it before I realised it myself. I'm curious where this will take me, I'm willing to renounce my Satanic views IF I get enough evidence the elite are truly satanists. For now I have enough evidence to say they are evil, but not otherwise. We'll see, I've read all the Holy books and if I find evidence that they may have been right all along I'll be willing to change. But I need more evidence. If things keep going the way they are now, I might have to draw the conclusion that the world may be different natured than I thought.


Mar 18, 2017
Well I am guessing I've been aware of it before I realised it myself. I'm curious where this will take me, I'm willing to renounce my Satanic views IF I get enough evidence the elite are truly satanists. For now I have enough evidence to say they are evil, but not otherwise. We'll see, I've read all the Holy books and if I find evidence that they may have been right all along I'll be willing to change. But I need more evidence. If things keep going the way they are now, I might have to draw the conclusion that the world may be different natured than I thought.
Haha…that’s a big IF! Iam curious though. What evidence are we talking here? Is it Herr Schwab & Co. coming out and saying that they are going to initiate a mass genocide as a sacrifice to Molech or Cronos or whoever? What kind of convincing evidence are you looking for? Obviously there is a philosophy behind or which is driving their (evil) actions. But Iam interested and I hope you’ll update me when that evidence reaches you and since you are Dutch, in the meantime I will regale you with this Dutch banker’s tale.

On another note, I think WEF/Davos crowd has taken quite a hit to their reputation during the last year but seeing all these world leaders at their virtual conference, I think, is a way to salvage it and ‘’get back” at the ordinary person. Xi pledged to stay in line with the 2030 agenda. Putin and a bunch of others also spoke. I think it is demoralizing to the average person who went and voted for a president and then that president gets “on stage” to support this crap.


Apr 13, 2019
Haha…that’s a big IF! Iam curious though. What evidence are we talking here? Is it Herr Schwab & Co. coming out and saying that they are going to initiate a mass genocide as a sacrifice to Molech or Cronos or whoever? What kind of convincing evidence are you looking for? Obviously there is a philosophy behind or which is driving their (evil) actions. But Iam interested and I hope you’ll update me when that evidence reaches you and since you are Dutch, in the meantime I will regale you with this Dutch banker’s tale.

On another note, I think WEF/Davos crowd has taken quite a hit to their reputation during the last year but seeing all these world leaders at their virtual conference, I think, is a way to salvage it and ‘’get back” at the ordinary person. Xi pledged to stay in line with the 2030 agenda. Putin and a bunch of others also spoke. I think it is demoralizing to the average person who went and voted for a president and then that president gets “on stage” to support this crap.
The video has been removed, who are you referring to?

And yes, if they start requiring an initiation to Molech or any other dubious God or religion or if they startdoing obviously idiotic things like making the Pope the leader of the WEC or something. Or if they prohibit religion in general BUT start suddenly putting satanic temples everywhere. Yes, that would make me doubt as a Satanist because that would make no sense with our current doctrine unless some hidden agenda has been going on.

I will also not take any genetic modification therapy (the vaccines) because I don't believe the science behind them is quite ready yet and science has been wrong before so I am not going to trust something pushed this fast without proper testing. So if they require vaccines for me to participate, I am out and probably am going to be a VERY black sheep among those who stand up against the regime :D


Mar 16, 2017
I feel like there's a lot of talk about it but as usual we'll just sleepwalk into it as usual.

Like bam the reset occurs, it becomes as they say, "the new normal" and society will just accept it without any real uproar. I hope i'm wrong.


Mar 18, 2017
The video has been removed, who are you referring to?
Is Irma Schiffer a credible and well-known journalist over there? Apparently the interview comes in parts.
And yes, if they start requiring an initiation to Molech or any other dubious God or religion or if they startdoing obviously idiotic things like making the Pope the leader of the WEC or something. Or if they prohibit religion in general BUT start suddenly putting satanic temples everywhere. Yes, that would make me doubt as a Satanist because that would make no sense with our current doctrine unless some hidden agenda has been going on.
For the longest time, I’ve been meaning to start a thread on the Great Reset & religion and/or spirituality but either just got lazy or haven’t gathered up enough material to post. As such, I believe there is a religious aspect to the Great Reset but it just isn’t being talked about(yet) or pushed as hard as the economic/financial and political aspects.

But we should expect it and its coming. Think about it for a second: these guys plan to or want to restructure our entire way of life (and our physical bodies or the biosphere isn’t off limits for that matter). They want to restrict movement of people, our diet, etc. Are we really to assume that our religious life is off limits? What if the UBI cards won’t permit paying tithe to the local church or booking a flight to attend the Hajj pilgrimage? If they are going to dispense with our freedoms in the economic, political, recreational sphere then its logical to conclude we are also going to lose our religious freedoms.

I suspect that one aspect of it might take a mandatory weekly day of rest…a Sabbath of sorts….to save the planet from the scourge of commercialization (see Pat Robertson quote below), aswell as a Jubilee year or a Sabbath year (In ancient Israel, every 7th year was a sabbath year and the land was to stay unmolested from agricultural practices. See Leviticus 25). All this may sound crazy now but the Pope’s encyclical on climate change in 2015 is something to go by...all in the name of saving the planet.
Televangelist Pat Robertson, in his 1991 book The New World Order, wrote as follows regarding Sunday laws:

Laws in America that mandated a day of rest from incessant commerce have been nullified as a violation of the separation of church and state. In modern America, shopping centers, malls, and stores of every description carry on their frantic pace seven days a week. Before our eyes we watch the increase of chronic burnout, stress breakdown, nervous disorders, and mental and spiritual exhaustion cauterizing the souls of our people.
Furthermore, participation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution requires, actually demands, transhumanism. Apparently, in his book Shaping the 4IR, Schwab said that the governing philosophy of it all will be the UN philosophy (that’s for you to find out). Apparently, part of the religious aspect will involve “Archaic/Native revivalism”, something that creeped into modern life through the 60s Counter culture.
[Marshal McLuhan to Timothy Leary]“The problem is tricky,” I said.
“The opposition beat us to the punch. The psychiatrists and police propagandists have already stressed the negative, which can be dangerous when the mind is re-imprinting under....“Exactly,” agreed McLuhan. “That’s why your advertising must stress the religious. Find the god within. This is all frightfully interesting. Your competitors are
naturally denouncing the brain as an instrument of the devil. Priceless!"

Native revivalism remarketed to the public...

In Darkness and Secrecy: The Anthropology of Assault Sorcery and Witchcraft in Amazonia, Prof. Neil Whitehead and Dr. Robin Wright provide this warning:

"Shamanism is a burgeoning obsession for the middle classes around the globe. It's presentation in popular books, TV
specials and on the internet is dominated by the presumed psychic and physical benefits that "shamanic techniques" can bring. This heightened interest has required a persistent purification of the ritual practices of those who inspire
the feverish quest for personal meaning and fulfillment. Ironically,[…] given the self-improvement motivations that have brought so many into popular understanding of shamanism, two defining aspects of shamanism in Amazonia: blood, ie violence, and tobacco, have simply been erased from such representations. Such erasure is not only a vein self-deception, but more important it is a re capitulation of colonial ways of knowing through both the denial of radical cultural difference and refusal to think through its consequences.”

I will also not take any genetic modification therapy (the vaccines) because I don't believe the science behind them is quite ready yet and science has been wrong before so I am not going to trust something pushed this fast without proper testing. So if they require vaccines for me to participate, I am out and probably am going to be a VERY black sheep among those who stand up against the regime :D
For this, I don’t need to concern myself with so much. I don’t do vaccines because there’s free medicine in the natural world.


Mar 18, 2017
I wondered if the phrase "Great Reset" had ever been mentioned in publications in years before the 2020 announcement and lo & actually has.

We are coming to a period I call “the Great Reset.”

As it hits, we will have to deal with the largest twin bubbles in the history of the world. One of those bubbles is global debt, especially government debt. The other is the even larger bubble of government promises.

These promises add up to hundreds of trillions of dollars. That’s vastly larger than global GDP.

These are real problems we must face. It will mean forging a new social contract. It will also require changes to taxes and the economy. I believe that within the next 5–10 years, we have to end the debt and government promises.

What I mean by government promises are pensions and healthcare benefits.
Governments assumed that taxes would cover their immediate costs. They thought future politicians would figure out the rest. Now the time is nearing when those “future politicians” are elected."

^(mentioned at the very end of the article)

And this interesting article that lays out the timeline


Mar 27, 2017


Mar 18, 2017
The New World Order......umm sorry....the Great Reset
Apart from dispossessing everyone by 2030, they also seem so sure that 1BILLION people will be displaced by climate change despite forcing countries to cut carbon emissions by 50% within this decade. So what gives?

I thought i'd repost this Whitney Webb article from last early on the plan to get rid of "legacy systems" in America

"Chief among the troublesome “structural factors” highlighted in this presentation are so-called “legacy systems” that are common in the U.S. but much less so in China. The NSCAI document states that examples of “legacy systems” include a financial system that still utilizes cash and card payments, individual car ownership and even receiving medical attention from a human doctor. It states that, while these “legacy systems” in the US are “good enough,” too many “good enough” systems “hinder the adoption of new things,” specifically AI-driven systems.

In addition to the alleged shortcomings of the U.S.’ “legacy systems” and lack of “extreme urban density,” the NSCAI also calls for more “explicit government support and involvement” as a means to speed up the adoption of these systems in the U.S. This includes the government lending its stores of data on civilians to train AI, specifically citing facial recognition databases, and mandating that cities be “re-architected around AVs [autonomous vehicles],” among others. Other examples given include the government investing large amounts of money in AI start-ups and adding tech behemoths to a national, public-private AI taskforce focused on smart city-implementation (among other things)
. "