Political madness


Sep 18, 2017
And how exactly are we supposed to stop a militant group? You make no sense and this idea that we Muslims should constantly apologise and pardon these idiots is ridiculous.

How many times have various Muslim communities and leaders condemned these guys?

You need to consider why news outlets report every single thing a bad Muslim guy does but hardly reports on the good we do. It's not considered part of the media narrative to report on something which conflicts with the interests of the western world but also dilutes the ideology they're trying to propagate.

If we look at the population of Muslims, around a billion right? And compare it to the guys committing these atrocities, let's say 100, can you not see how problematic it is then for the media to pedal misinformation about a faith where a minuscule amount of people are committing atrocities yet the rest are just living peacefully across the globe.

Community leaders, imams and scholars have all condemned these extremists. They don't represent or follow islam. Many talks and events are held in the U.K. which discourage young people from being influenced by these butjobs and also educate the wider community of how political movements in the Middle East and Africa have hijacked Islam to further their agenda.

What are you talking about do you know how many people die and fight for their countries against the likes of ISIS and AlShabab? I'm sorry but your ignorance and western perception is just astounding. Muslims are the largest victims of these terrorists, but the precious west loses 5 people and they scream and shout. Sorry to sound heartless but we're all victims and this us and them narrative is exactly why groups like ISIS exist. They're created by the very people condemning them daily, only government has the power to stop them. What's little Mohammed and Fatima round the corner going to do? They're just citizens caught up in the narrative, no different to Jenny and Craig with their cat, Simon

Thank you, that is the response ive been looking for, you made your point perfectly
I understand why raising such an issue in such a way from my part might trigger negative feelings

But as I stated

I was just asking a question

and you answered it without calling me names and insulting me

Thank you


Mar 15, 2017
Surely I didn't need to write an essay for you to come to that conclusion though, I mean we're all on this site for similar reasons. We're all distrustful of the systems which govern us so why is it so hard to grasp they're creating their own enemies (Isis) in order to sway their citizens into believing there's a need for their wars and presence in other countries.

If Isis were such a threat why aren't governments doing anything about it? What have they actually done to prevent extremism? These pretentious little think tanks with the likes of Majid Nawaz have failed. The highest proportion of people fleeing to join ISIS are converts. Someone is going round and selling a dodgy ideology and it's happening on our doorsteps, yet the government are still tiptoeing around the idea and aren't taking it seriously in my opinion

What does this tell me? That Isis aren't a threat to the western world. I believe the west create these boogeymen and arm and fund them, let them destabilise and overrun their nations, plant a few of them on our streets so they can execute the same horror and fear in us, then swoop in and save the day. It's justifies their need for police states, it makes us loyal and devout little workers and all we do is accept the narrative of events they give us.

Do you not think it's odd that a place like the UK doesn't possess the might and expertise to decimate these guys? Or at least imprison the ones walking on our streets? They're being complacent for a reason and this issue of extremism is much larger than we think and much more political and orchestrated than we wish to believe


Sep 18, 2017
Surely I didn't need to write an essay for you to come to that conclusion though,
You are right, I knew the answer all along, I just wanted to check responses while asking something, I also wanted to get the best of people while being as minimally negative as possible

It's not a test, I loved your answer and learned more from it and others responses.

If you read my posts you know I think that ISIS is a Mossad operation meant to justify American and Israeli aggression in the Middle east while creating a refugee crisis they control and maneuver for their own plans.

The extremist Islaam is an also a Mosaad invention to create tension between Christians and Muslims while Israel benefits the most by getting Europe allies on their side

Offcourse regular good Muslims cannot and should not do anything to fight these guys and fuel the same strategy while endangering themselves and families.

Its all a great game with many stages and each stone they throw break 1000 windows simultaneously, it's so vast and complicated it blows the mind.

That's why nobody sees it

Thank you again


Mar 26, 2017
Surely I didn't need to write an essay for you to come to that conclusion though, I mean we're all on this site for similar reasons. We're all distrustful of the systems which govern us so why is it so hard to grasp they're creating their own enemies (Isis) in order to sway their citizens into believing there's a need for their wars and presence in other countries.

If Isis were such a threat why aren't governments doing anything about it? What have they actually done to prevent extremism? These pretentious little think tanks with the likes of Majid Nawaz have failed. The highest proportion of people fleeing to join ISIS are converts. Someone is going round and selling a dodgy ideology and it's happening on our doorsteps, yet the government are still tiptoeing around the idea and aren't taking it seriously in my opinion

What does this tell me? That Isis aren't a threat to the western world. I believe the west create these boogeymen and arm and fund them, let them destabilise and overrun their nations, plant a few of them on our streets so they can execute the same horror and fear in us, then swoop in and save the day. It's justifies their need for police states, it makes us loyal and devout little workers and all we do is accept the narrative of events they give us.

Do you not think it's odd that a place like the UK doesn't possess the might and expertise to decimate these guys? Or at least imprison the ones walking on our streets? They're being complacent for a reason and this issue of extremism is much larger than we think and much more political and orchestrated than we wish to believe