People Without Color

Oct 20, 2021
I have found myself designated as a person without color and feel I am being marginalized and cheated by design. I make up approximately 8 percent of the world's population and that means about 92 percent of the rest of the world's population is blaming me for their problems and doing everything possible to cheat and kill me because I have no color. Is it possible that I can be called beige or flesh colored so that I too can become a person of color. Theoretically this might make my life a little easier because being called White is not exactly helping me lead a peaceful life. Also there is a contingent of people in the middle east and they wear tiny hats and are masquerading as White people which is causing me a lot of problems. Please do not confuse me with those fake White people.
Jul 12, 2022
Daze sure doesn't act like he's white :p
But yeah, I understand how anyone who is "white" gets labelled as racist and bigoted. And I didn't even know we were just 8 percent! That's lower than I even thought. Yet we are always the monsters somehow.
I do see how much population is in the middle east and Asia compared to the European and north American countries. Doesn't China have like one billion people alone? That's an eighth of the world's population!
Yet caucasians are the problem!
Last edited:
Oct 20, 2021
We need to show compassion for dazed and confused because he is a victim of brainwashing whether he brainwashed himself or by external forces the results are the same. I will give him credit for being against the poisonous vaccines but don't know if he is a pureblood or learned the hard way. Like all members of cults he is to be pitied and perhaps someday,we can only hope, he will come to his senses but I wouldn't bet on it LOL.


Mar 23, 2021
We need to show compassion for dazed and confused because he is a victim of brainwashing whether he brainwashed himself or by external forces the results are the same. I will give him credit for being against the poisonous vaccines but don't know if he is a pureblood or learned the hard way. Like all members of cults he is to be pitied and perhaps someday,we can only hope, he will come to his senses but I wouldn't bet on it LOL.
And a broken clock can get it right twice in a day doesn't mean its right all the time LOL


Mar 15, 2017
Will you guys ever have your fill of talking about a guy who consistently ignores your existence?

Trigger words + signs for:
The Mentally Disturbed & Cognitively Challenged:
- Muslim
- Daze
-Desert Rose


Jun 28, 2020
Will you guys ever have your fill of talking about a guy who consistently ignores your existence?

Trigger words + signs for:
The Mentally Disturbed & Cognitively Challenged:
- Muslim
- Daze
-Desert Rose
Lizard is harmless. I'm not worried about him.

Maldimmer is not even on my radar. I guess I am the reason for his existence. If only it was profitable.

I think it's more the "last word thing" with Maldimmer. I took it over a year ago, and he's probably made 50 replies to me since.

He knows I ignored him, but I guess he figures if he keeps talking, I might actually read one. But there is no desire. The guy stuck a knife in my back and he knows it. Let him take a long walk off of a short pier.


Mar 23, 2021
Will you guys ever have your fill of talking about a guy who consistently ignores your existence?

Trigger words + signs for:
The Mentally Disturbed & Cognitively Challenged:
- Muslim
- Daze
-Desert Rose
He ignores until its convenient for him to not so...get off his jock & quite defending the dumbass.
Lizard is harmless. I'm not worried about him.

Maldimmer is not even on my radar. I guess I am the reason for his existence. If only it was profitable.

I think it's more the "last word thing" with Maldimmer. I took it over a year ago, and he's probably made 50 replies to me since.

He knows I ignored him, but I guess he figures if he keeps talking, I might actually read one. But there is no desire. The guy stuck a knife in my back and he knows it. Let him take a long walk off of a short pier.
So says the apostate... (BTW i can swim really well so no problem with the pier)
Bullying is all he knows can't have a convo with numb nuts like that he wants to go private then cries foul when what he posts is shown for the BS that he spews so come on wake up...

BTW here it is again nothing to hide on my side & never said it should be private see he likes to hid behind skirts and then play victim are you all like this? If so then islam can kick sand...what a bunch of garbage...was really hoping you others had different opinions view points but nope all the same it would seem... can't have any convos on here with out the big pussy ass victim crying like a karen. BTW notice he doesn't like to be called out. SO HERE IT IS: AGAIN ENJOY!!!

glad i made you laugh. laughter is in short supply now days.

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[IMG alt="Daze"][/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages6,408
Apr 20, 2022
I agree.

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[IMG alt="Daze"][/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages6,408
Jun 10, 2022
Laughing at my post in the Islamic video thread is petty, even for you. Isn't it?

All the same thanks. Nice to know you read the Islamic content on here. Personally i never read the Bible thread, but its interesting to see who reads threads that are strictly Islamic content. Like the soul is looking for truth. Isn't it?

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JoinedMar 23, 2021Messages2,191
Jun 13, 2022
I read all content. So you don't read the bible threads would explain why when you comment on them you don't have a clue. Really does explain alot. Thanks now i know where your BS comes from and how accurate it is being zero. My soul tells me to call out BS when i see it. Your as fake as your "religion" is.I laughed even though i don't owe you an explaination is because you i find you funny what you posted was funny obviously it bothered you even though you don't know if i found it funny good or funny bad. I am in your head renting a big space. LOL


[IMG alt="Daze"][/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages6,408
Jun 13, 2022
So friendly!

Guess you forgot i didn't convert to Islam till around Dec. 2010. Yet i was born in 79 to two Christain parents in a small town that was 100% Christian. But it doesn't matter if you believe me or not. I mean what would it change?

Maybe one day God will show you the truth as he did for me .

Like I've said before, come judgment day you'll see i always spoke the truth.


Btw. If you were in my head I'd simply ignore you. :). So easy to remove trolls here, but i don't think you are one.

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JoinedMar 23, 2021Messages2,191
Jun 13, 2022
Why be friendly? You attack all time when commenting just not going to let you get away with being a bully anymore plan and simple don't like oh well. I don't care if you where a christian supposedly for 50 years. you rejected CHRIST & the way GOD wanted things to be done... So not going to matter what i say to you either. Since i was 4 yrs old i knew the truth. Just was to stubborn to want to submit to the way GOD wants it done. BTW your you will see i spoke the truth at judgement well you won't get to speak your the one referenced in the LORD LORD did i not that you like to throw at believers.

You will see at judgement that I speak the truth of the Gospel of CHRIST no more no less.

God bless


[IMG alt="Daze"][/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages6,408
Jun 13, 2022
A bully? You seen i was arguing with Tempo for several days. Then you come in and laugh at my post when I'm already aggravated? Seriously, what do you expect?

I pointed out my Christian history because you mentioned the Bible thread. I had 30 years with the Bible. Why do i need to read it now to understand it? I am no longer Christian. Sides, you know me, if i did post there I'd quote verses most here don't like. Such as pork being forbidden in 32 separate verses no less, any of the 90 that deny Jesus's divinity. Ect, ect.

While they maybe hateful to many here it is the Bible. Also some people here would actually agree with some of it. Such at Phips and pork or David and any Unitarian verse.

I didn't reject Christ, i actually have him. As a Muslim i await his return just like you. The difference is i know the PROPHET Jesus is not God. But when a man shows up, (ie the anti-christ) and does claim to be a prophet, and then god... well good luck to you. Because you already believe this is possible.

Things are lost in text because I've never tried to "bully" you. I've tried to call you to the truth by pointing out the obvious. But some people won't find it until judgement day so what can i do? Indeed it is God who guides. Had he willed we'd all be upon the religion of Adam.

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JoinedMar 23, 2021Messages2,191
Jun 13, 2022
Daze said:
A bully? You seen i was arguing with Tempo for several days. Then you come in and laugh at my post when I'm already aggravated? Seriously, what do you expect?

I pointed out my Christian history because you mentioned the Bible thread. I had 30 years with the Bible. Why do i need to read it now to understand it? I am no longer Christian. Sides, you know me, if i did post there I'd quote verses most here don't like. Such as pork being forbidden in 32 separate verses no less, any of the 90 that deny Jesus's divinity. Ect, ect.

While they maybe hateful to many here it is the Bible. Also some people here would actually agree with some of it. Such at Phips and pork or David and any Unitarian verse.

I didn't reject Christ, i actually have him. As a Muslim i await his return just like you. The difference is i know the PROPHET Jesus is not God. But when a man shows up, (ie the anti-christ) and does claim to be a prophet, and then god... well good luck to you. Because you already believe this is possible.

Things are lost in text because I've never tried to "bully" you. I've tried to call you to the truth by pointing out the obvious. But some people won't find it until judgement day so what can i do? Indeed it is God who guides. Had he willed we'd all be upon the religion of Adam.
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Unfortunately you don't know CHRIST you are decieved. You don't understand reason for CHRIST on the cross reason for death resurrection its all in genesis btw. Also you do understand legal case law etc right? Thats what its all about.


[IMG alt="Daze"][/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages6,408
Jun 13, 2022
No, what this is about is an eternal hereafter. One where we will find eternal bliss or eternal torment. While you worship one who literally says he is a man, the father is greater then him, who says by himself he can do nothing, who is literally depicted worshiping another. The one who everyone around him calls Prophet. The one who literally Cried TO God to save him.

I can go on but with all the beatings there is nothing left of this proverbial horse. As i said, God guides whom he wills.

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JoinedMar 23, 2021Messages2,191
Jun 14, 2022
Daze said:
No, what this is about is an eternal hereafter. One where we will find eternal bliss or eternal torment. While you worship one who literally says he is a man, the father is greater then him, who says by himself he can do nothing, who is literally depicted worshiping another. The one who everyone around him calls Prophet. The one who literally Cried TO God to save him.

I can go on but with all the beatings there is nothing left of this proverbial horse. As i said, God guides whom he wills.
Like i said you don't understand why GOD did it the way HE did its about dominion & legal precedent the eternal comes now that that was resolved through CHRIST. Don't worry you think your decision is the right one then go with it. Freewill and all. See i have no doubt doesn't really matter what you say to me & CHRIST warned about the likes of you.


[IMG alt="Daze"][/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages6,408
Jun 14, 2022
This back and forth is pointless.

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JoinedMar 23, 2021Messages2,191
Jun 14, 2022
Daze said:
This back and forth is pointless.
No really! Took you awhile to figure that out. Read the posts again i even say such. Your under a delusion you renounced GOD & HIS plan thats on you i'm not here to appease your conscious. The scripture that you throw at all the christians actually applies to you. Read the whole chapter see the context just like i laid out before. The thing you throw at others is what is actually coming back on you.


[IMG alt="Daze"][/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages6,408
Jun 14, 2022
Maldarker said:
No really! Took you awhile to figure that out. Read the posts again i even say such. Your under a delusion you renounced GOD & HIS plan thats on you i'm not here to appease your conscious. The scripture that you throw at all the christians actually applies to you. Read the whole chapter see the context just like i laid out before. The thing you throw at others is what is actually coming back on you.
Mal,truth is i don't even bother to read what you say in public. Your last 2 posts where we had our back and forth. I didn't bother to read the last ones because i know this is never ending. You're not reading what i am saying, your not contemplating at all, you're questioning absolutely nothing. The truth is your beliefs contradict your book. Read that again!


Yet you reflect on absolutely nothing. I might as well be talking to a wall. Yes, its absolute indoctrination with you, fingers into the ears and I'm talking to a rock.

I left your version of Jesus because there is not a prophet in the creation that is worthy of my worship.

Total waste of time, back and forth and we'd both benefit more if we just watched the grass grow, so what is the point?

The Truth awaits us both, of this there is no doubt.

"Warn those who say God has a son, they have no knowledge of this, all they do is lie" (18 : 4-5 Quran)

What you have is an altered Book Mal, one that also calls David and Solomon the son of God, as well as Israel. Interesting how its only literal for Jesus.

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JoinedMar 23, 2021Messages2,191
Jun 14, 2022
Daze said:
Mal,truth is i don't even bother to read what you say in public. Your last 2 posts where we had our back and forth. I didn't bother to read the last ones because i know this is never ending. You're not reading what i am saying, your not contemplating at all, you're questioning absolutely nothing. The truth is your beliefs contradict your book. Read that again!


Yet you reflect on absolutely nothing. I might as well be talking to a wall. Yes, its absolute indoctrination with you, fingers into the ears and I'm talking to a rock.

I left your version of Jesus because there is not a prophet in the creation that is worthy of my worship.

Total waste of time, back and forth and we'd both benefit more if we just watched the grass grow, so what is the point?

The Truth awaits us both, of this there is no doubt.

"Warn those who say God has a son, they have no knowledge of this, all they do is lie" (18 : 4-5 Quran)

What you have is an altered Book Mal, one that also calls David and Solomon the son of God, as well as Israel. Interesting how its only literal for Jesus.
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Boy for some who keeps saying they are done you got to keep going at it. I read the scriptures you post most if not all are out of context. You think you understand the bible then you should see GODs plan for redemeption. The problem is that don't fit your view of how it is suppose to go. You call me a trinny which i am not THere is only one GOD. Sorry but you rejected CHRIST not me its you who this verse fits. Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. You have denoucnced CHRIST its ok that free will and all i won't guess i would be one of the early martyrs.

Like i said i had an encounter with GOD as a child & HE kept his promise to me. Later in life i gave my life over to him when i came to the last of my rope that was hanging me. No one else was there to give me a hand but GOD did where where you? Where was your allah sure wasn't him it was CHRIST you came in my time sorrow & despair just like he came to david. If you had that & explained that you have worth you where worth the cost to save you then maybe you would understand. But i guess you don't need saving.


[IMG alt="Daze"][/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages6,408
Jun 14, 2022
Didn't say i was done. Said this is pointless, but we all hear what we want to. Don't we?

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JoinedMar 23, 2021Messages2,191
Jun 14, 2022
Daze said:
Didn't say i was done. Said this is pointless, but we all hear what we want to. Don't we?
Actually ok not exact word of DONE but beating a dead horse or other analogies statements implied it.



JoinedMar 23, 2021Messages2,191
Jun 14, 2022
Daze said:
Didn't say i was done. Said this is pointless, but we all hear what we want to. Don't we?
Besides don't think you read what i had just posted explaining my position & why i believe what i do but ok bro.


[IMG alt="Daze"][/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages6,408
Jun 20, 2022
Is it common amongst Christians to put knives into the backs of others?

Make sure you make this public as well. It really highlights what man worship leads to, complete negation of character and morals.

Judas is very fitting for you.
Oct 20, 2021
Will you guys ever have your fill of talking about a guy who consistently ignores your existence?

Trigger words + signs for:
The Mentally Disturbed & Cognitively Challenged:
- Muslim
- Daze
-Desert Rose
I admit I'm not African American but is it alright if I like watermelon?


Jun 28, 2020
I admit I'm not African American but is it alright if I like watermelon?
Why do you have this compulsion to gravitate to the lowest common denominator? Why are you seeking praise from random online id's so badly?

Don't you know everything, and I mean everything, is being recorded, and you will be held to account? There's an angel sitting on your shoulder, writing down every single word you say. All of it will be shown to you on the day of regret.

Why do you drive yourself to hell?


Jun 17, 2017
Don't you know everything, and I mean everything, is being recorded, and you will be held to account? There's an angel sitting on your shoulder, writing down every single word you say. All of it will be shown to you on the day of regret.
lizard, its all being written down by an islamic angel. good news is that its in arabic and you cant read squiggly-ese.


Jun 28, 2020
If you want to let these people pull you into the fire Lizard, then it's your choice. I'm simply telling you're better than them.

I say this because you're the only one out of the lot who expressed anger for dead babies, while our most racist resident above this post cheers the slaughter of innocents on.

Be careful who your friends are. Make proper choices now, or regret later.

God guides whom he wills.


Jun 17, 2017
its bad enough that you cant offend the LGBTQ people... now you cant offend invisible islamic angels with no sense of humor on your shoulder.
lizard, try self-flagellation before its too late.
hup!! its too late! youre going to hell for being offensive. may i suggest a different religion that offers total absolution?

George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
Love the implosion boys, love to see you loons self destructing and at each others throats

this is of course what always happens with a bunch of paranoid authoritarian monsters inclined towards magical thinking



Jun 28, 2020
Love the implosion boys, love to see you loons self destructing and at each others throats

this is of course what always happens with a bunch of paranoid authoritarian monsters inclined towards magical thinking

Whatever you say brand-new account. Nothing suspicious about you at all.

George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
Whatever you say brand-new account. Nothing suspicious about you at all.
hey daze old boy how ya doing?

at least you see moog and others for the racist sacks of shit I always said they were but I don’t feel sorry for you, you made your bed with these people now you have to lay in it