Paris Jackson Suicide Attempt

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
Paris Jackson, the much-troubled daughter of Michael Jackson, attempted suicide last night by slitting her wrists. She had an affair with Cara Delevenge and has been making the rounds in the news the last few years in varying ways. Anyhow, this is a developing story and she responded to the Michael Jackson HBO piece of late as well in media circles, etc. She is on a 5150 hold at a hospital rumored in reprogramming and this is her second attempt. Maybe VC can run with this one. Anyhow, it seems like anyone who has something to do with MJ is attacked, but from whom is up for debate as is whether his record label set him up. If he did do the perv things, then he is truly deplorable, but look into his battles past with Sony and a part of you may wonder what is and is not true. A disclaimer is that I have not seen the HBO special so many are talking about.

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