Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Nov 8, 2022
Just to remind something and consolidate my prediction by leaving this here, and I get out of the thread (for now).

World’s Largest Jewish Center Opens in Dnepropetrovsk (October 17, 2012)

Welcome to the website of the Jewish community of the Dnieper
Chesed Menachem expresses solidarity with the people of Israel

Our website has received the text of an official statement from the Hesed Menachem Charitable Foundation, in which solidarity with the people of Israel is expressed on behalf of the Foundation's members, its supervisory board, administration and employees.

The statement reads:
"Hesed of Dnipro expresses its support and solidarity to the people of Israel!

The Hesed Menachem Charitable Foundation, its Supervisory Board and employees express their solidarity and full support for the people of Israel, who have suffered an unprecedented barbaric attack by terrorist gangs that have committed carnage on their land.

We, the citizens of Ukraine, who have been under continuous attacks by missiles and drones for a year and a half, fully understand and share the pain and anxiety of Israelis. We, who have experienced the horror of the tragedy of Bucha, Mariupol, Izyum, and Bakhmut, are deeply wounded by the footage of the same atrocities committed by the same inhumans in the south of Israel.

We mourn and weep with you, just as you mourn and weep for the innocent victims in Ukraine!

And just as we pray for our defenders and the Defense Forces of Ukraine, we also pray for the soldiers of the IDF, who, although far from each other, are united by a single goal - to protect peace and good from the forces of evil and darkness.

May God avenge the blood of the innocent victims of Ukraine and Israel!"
How incredibly strange it is, especially in view of the events of recent years, including those that are the subject of this thread, that the largest Jewish center in the world is located right in the Dnieper, Ukraine. What is the chance of coincidence?
(But Putin denazifying. :cool: )
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Jun 28, 2020
So much for uniting the colonizers. 80% is pretty major.

80 percent.jpg

As was speculated before. Israel is the worlds leader in surveillance tech and allegedly received warnings from Egypt prior to Hamas's invasion.
I heard 10 days prior, BBC is saying 3 days so.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But at this point, safe to say they knew, and allowed it.


More then a few people are saying Israel let Hamas kill for 7 hours before they done anything.

Imagine having a leader like that.


Aug 21, 2023
I'm glad I found the same American journalist because twitter is a mess.
What we gather is that Israel is delaying the invasion of Gaza because its army is unprepared and unwilling. Rumor has it that the U.S. and Germany are telling Israel to postpone the invasion. In the meantime Israel is provoking Iran, Iran did its homework and released a threatening statement, but doesn't sound too eager to intervene. The U.S. might not be willing to intervene as well because Americans would not be happy to see money squandered for yet an other war. Last month their federal debt has surpassed 33 trillion. Who knows if the U.S. government wants an escalation and a war with Iran like many believe. What is certain is that Biden has began to release conflicting statements.
Israeli soldiers don't seem like a bunch of heroes and martyrs. They can hide inside their tanks but tanks can easily be blown up. And to be ordered to set foot on that soil must not be too inviting either. The level of hatred against them is surely inimaginable.
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Aug 21, 2023
Yes last year I came across an article about a long-term project described on Russian Wiki and called "Heavenly Jerusalem", a sort of new Israel that will apparently be established in south Ukraine. 300px-Небесный_Иерусалим_Карта-5490076.jpg
The executive director of the project is a Igor Vitalievich Berkut. "By the end of 2029, 5 million of Jews are expected to arrive in the New Homeland for the construction of the New Jerusalem."
Link to the page in Russian language.


Jun 28, 2020

I'll drag you over here because its easier to post an image.


Here is CNN admitting the 40 beheaded babies was a complete lie. Why? Because everyone else already exposed it. CNN had no choice if they wanted to maintain a fraction of credibility.

40 lie.jpg

There are definitely false flag elements involved. But the suffering is real. Some 25 complete families in Gaza have been erased this week.

Far as the Death to America goes.. ever ask yourself why its in English in a country that speaks Persian/Kurdish?
These people don't speak English, so why are their signs in English?
Because its for the people that speak and read English. Like you and me. Its called propaganda.


Jun 28, 2020
I'm glad I found the same American journalist because twitter is a mess.
What we gather is that Israel is delaying the invasion of Gaza because its army is unprepared and unwilling. Rumor has it that the U.S. and Germany are telling Israel to postpone the invasion. In the meantime Israel is provoking Iran, Iran did its homework and released a threatening statement, but doesn't sound too eager to intervene. The U.S. might not be willing to intervene as well because Americans would not be happy to see money squandered for yet an other war. Last month their federal debt has surpassed 33 trillion. Who knows if the U.S. wants an escalation and a war with Iran like many believe. What is certain is that Biden has began to release conflicting statements.
Israeli soldiers don't seem like a bunch of heroes and martyrs. They can hide inside their tanks but tanks can easily be blown up. And to be ordered to set foot on that soil must not be too inviting either.
The US government doesn't care what its citizens think. The vast majority doesn't want a dime to go to Ukraine, but the government sends it anyway.

Washington DC will send the shirt off its own back if asked because its completely owned by Israel. Whether the politician be bought or blackmailed by say mossad asset Jeffery Epstein.

Israelis want the IOF to go into Gaza on foot because they know overhead bombing will not wipe out Hamas, they just hide in the tunnels under the city. The bombing is killing 99.9% civilians. Not Hamas.

The IOF are largely cowards. I'm not trying to be insulting, they literally are a soft army. Mostly women and homosexual boys.

iof diaper.jpg coward.jpg

The last time they done a ground invasion in Gaza back in 2014, alot were quickly wiped out. Simply because its home turf for Hamas, they know the lay of the land / tunnel system while IOF are essentially sitting ducks.


Aug 21, 2023
The US government doesn't care what its citizens think. The vast majority doesn't want a dime to go to Ukraine, but the government sends it anyway.

Washington DC will send the shirt off its own back if asked because its completely owned by Israel. Whether the politician be bought or blackmailed by say mossad asset Jeffery Epstein.

Israelis want the IOF to go into Gaza on foot because they know overhead bombing will not wipe out Hamas, they just hide in the tunnels under the city. The bombing is killing 99.9% civilians. Not Hamas.

The IOF are largely cowards. I'm not trying to be insulting, they literally are a soft army. Mostly women and homosexual boys.

View attachment 93305 View attachment 93306

The last time they done a ground invasion in Gaza back in 2014, alot were quickly wiped out. Simply because its home turf for Hamas, they know the lay of the land / tunnel system while IOF are essentially sitting ducks.
ok, so I guess this is the reason why Iran said "If you invade Gaza we will kill you", because an invasion is not happening? They didn't say "if you don't stop throwing bombs around"


I'll drag you over here because its easier to post an image.

View attachment 93302
it's easy to bully a population by typing on a phone inside their comfortable homes. if all the pathetic individuals who are still inciting to violence against the Palestinians were sent there, I doubt that they would repeat their moronic messages. At the very least they would try to befriend the people there in order to be spared. These losers are sadistic sociopaths who barely know who the Palestinians are, they just get excited at the thought of hundreds of harmless innocent people being slaughtered with no one going to defend them. I'm not surprised for I know what abusers are like and how many of them live in this world.
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Jun 28, 2020
ok, so I guess this is the reason why Iran said "If you invade Gaza we will kill you", because an invasion is not happening? They didn't say "if you don't stop throwing bombs around"
It is politics. While Israel constantly cries about Iran (literally constantly) I think they have a closer relationship then what they portray to the world.

Iran is mostly Shia, it is not a Sunni nation. When the end time prophecy speaks of Muslims vs Jews it's not speaking of the Shia. In fact hadith speaks of Jews coming out of Iran.

The dajjal is the anti-christ. Isfahan is modern day Iran.

Like i just told EatTheBugs above. There is a reason all of their rhetoric for the world stage is in English.


Nov 8, 2022
Yes last year I came across an article about a long-term project described on Russian Wiki and called "Heavenly Jerusalem", a sort of new Israel that will apparently be established in south Ukraine. View attachment 93301
The executive director of the project is a Igor Vitalievich Berkut. "By the end of 2029, 5 million of Jews are expected to arrive in the New Homeland for the construction of the New Jerusalem."
Link to the page in Russian language.
I know the case well. Much can be said about it. And it is said, mostly either dismissed as an attempt to divert from the "Jewish question" or emphasis is placed on the funny picture of the Khazarian mafia against Russia (top disinfo trader of cheap hopium Ben Fulford, for example).

If you've seen any of Berkut's videos, you may have noticed that they're like some third-rate low-budget cheap Hollywood parody. They're ridiculous (including with the music background and silicone blonde assistants). I recently read comments from Ukrainians (ok - Ukrainian citizens, well, I don't know if there are Ukrainian nation, doubtful) under Berkut's videos filmed 5 years or more before 2022. There were old comments (2017-18, etc.) that were mostly mocking or doubtful, but after March 2022 they changed a lot and many said "that's exactly what happens".

By the way (I have to find it) in an article or video about this so-called New Jerusalem, Berkut said that the migration would begin in 2022. It did not start, but whether began the clean-up of the locals and the demolition so necessary for the notorious "reconstruction of Ukraine" (the "Western" billion-dollar plans for which began at the very beginning of the "special operation") for the subsequent resettlement?

Hoddos, said the things much more fully and seriously than Berkut long before him. And he directly told himself that there would be, on the part of Chabad, the cleansing of the locals and then the construction of the Third Khazaria. And ultimately, the fact is that events so far have ideally contributed to this happening. (Including recent events in the Middle East, which, under certain "circumstances", may serve for reason for migration from desertifying Israel to the old Khazarian lands of fertile Ukraine.)

And Khodos called and showed who elevated Putin to power and whose man he was (Chabad, according to Hodos). Also, as early as the 1990s, he pointed to Putin as the main man behind the rise of the third Khazaria*. Interesting.
(*Along with the "Ukrainian" Khabadins, of course, not just Putin.)
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Mar 15, 2017
A warning to those who support this, don’t mistake Israel’s ability to decimate as The Creator allowing this because it’s ‘prophecy’.
He tells us as The Supreme Creator of all of existence that he allows the oppressor, the transgressor, the evil doer, to rack up more sins so on the day of account, they are punished more severely.
You can never break the spirit of the believer. These people have lost everything but they know there will be a day in the future where no one can run from Their Maker and justice will be served inshaAllah.


Dec 14, 2018
It is politics. While Israel constantly cries about Iran (literally constantly) I think they have a closer relationship then what they portray to the world.

Iran is mostly Shia, it is not a Sunni nation. When the end time prophecy speaks of Muslims vs Jews it's not speaking of the Shia. In fact hadith speaks of Jews coming out of Iran.

View attachment 93307
The dajjal is the anti-christ. Isfahan is modern day Iran.

Like i just told EatTheBugs above. There is a reason all of their rhetoric for the world stage is in English.
What about Saudi and the rest of the rich @rab countries? They are barely condemning the attacks and have pretty open relationships with Isr ael. The whole world knows that that they are allies at this point. Seems to me that there is a tendency in @rab world to always deflect the blame from themselves to others.


Jun 28, 2020
What about Saudi and the rest of the rich @rab countries? They are barely condemning the attacks and have pretty open relationships with Isr ael. The whole world knows that that they are allies at this point. Seems to me that there is a tendency in @rab world to always deflect the blame from themselves to others.
I wouldn't say they are allies. Saudi Arabia cancelled the normalization attacks due to Israel killing so many Palestinian civilians.

That aside, you literally answered your own question.

Do your leaders represent you? Being an American i know the US gooberment doesn't speak for me.

When i see Saudi Arabia allow halloween parties and concerts that feature half naked female musicians openly calling for idol worship.. Really safe to say they don't represent Arabs either.


Najd is Saudi Arabia.


Mar 15, 2017
I don’t know why we assume leaders in Muslim countries represent their people or Islam. The same standards don’t apply in the West. Leaders are going to do what is in their best interests regardless of what their people think.


Dec 14, 2018
I wouldn't say they are allies. Saudi Arabia cancelled the normalization attacks due to Israel killing so many Palestinian civilians.

That aside, you literally answered your own question.

Do your leaders represent you? Being an American i know the US gooberment doesn't speak for me.

When i see Saudi Arabia allow halloween parties and concerts that feature half naked female musicians openly calling for idol worship.. Really safe to say they don't represent Arabs either.

View attachment 93316

Najd is Saudi Arabia.
Saudi, UAE and the the rest of the gulf countries have close ties with Is rael, the “normalisation” is just to make things official. This is all over mainstream news, not exactly a hidden fact. However it is hypocritical to hate on everyone else the west, the Jews, the Persians (assuming you are talking about their governments) and point zero fingers at the so called @arab leaders.
Feb 12, 2022
Saudi, UAE and the the rest of the gulf countries have close ties with Is rael, the “normalisation” is just to make things official. This is all over mainstream news, not exactly a hidden fact. However it is hypocritical to hate on everyone else the west, the Jews, the Persians (assuming you are talking about their governments) and point zero fingers at the so called @arab leaders.
I 100% agree to this sentiment. Common people here share same sentiment about Arab leaders specially the rich Arab countries, they have alot of say but they do not care. At least people in West openly critcize their leaders.
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Dec 14, 2018
The reason that those countries are rich is because they have opened the oil taps and are 100% compliant with the current/ new world order. Look at the state of other middle eastern countries or even Venezuela. That is the price you pay when you are not fully compliant. And people have the guts to say Saudi and Isr ael are not allies. Come on!
Feb 12, 2022

Witnessing the deaths of young innocent babies and people is heavy on the soul but this clip right here represents another type of emotion which I can't put into words. Forcefully expelled from your home where you were the natives and though they were not free as the enemy was already controlling the basic amenities like water but still it was supposed to be your home. May Al-Muntaqim intensifies His penalty against the oppressors. Ameen
“Do not think Allah (to be One) failing in His promise to His prophets; surely Allah is Mighty, Lord of retribution” (Qur’an, 14:47).