Nazi Occultism


Aug 11, 2021
Nazi Himmler's Wewelsburg Castle - Occult training center, now a cafe!

Fratze / Grimace with the year 1934 on it. Pyramid in the grass is their "memorial" for the murdered.

Himmler's triangular Wewelsburg castle was his occult center. It was also training school for SS officers.

“Future initiation ceremonies for the Gruppenfuhrer including those who have not as yet been sworn in were conducted at Wewelsburg. It was to become the ideological school where SS officers were ideologically and spiritually trained. It was envisaged by Himmler as the “Mittelpunkt der Welt”, the Centre of the World, and indeed this centre-point was the centre of the “Black Sun” design on the marbled floor of the “Gruppenfuhrersaal”. There were 12 pillars in this room as well as 12 radiators and 12 niches. The black design on the marble floor had 12 rays coming forth in the form of reversed Sig runes. This area also used the number 12, as there were 12 stone pedestals around the walls of the circular dome-shaped room. Construction work ceased in 1944, having been only temporarily stopped by the outbreak of the War."​



Aug 11, 2021
Wewelsburg Castle
Then and now

Crypt of the Knights
He themed a room for the Knights of the Roundtable.

Then and now.

Ceiling design

Originally a gold disk was set in the middle of the design but was looted at the end of the war. Looking closely at the design one can see a slight depression in this “Black Sun” where the gold disk once rested! Directly underneath this design is the swastika in the roof of the “Walhalla”.

US Soldiers found 200 SS rings

An April 1945 photo shows the pillars in the hall having been whitewashed under which were paintings of humanoid figures. It was possible that these paintings were of German heroes of times past The old cellars of the north tower became the “Gruft” Crypt or “Walhalla”, Hall of Dead Heroes.

Sit in a bean bag chair where black magic sacrifices were held over a black sun / eye

Some guy

Wolfenstein Game
The Black Sun (Schwarze Sonne) otherwise known as the Sunwheel (Sonnenrad) is a concept in real-life Neo-Nazi occultism and the symbol of the Black Sun, a many-armed Sunwheel, was present on the floor of a room in the inspiration for Castle Wolfenstein, Castle Wewelsburg. While there are several sets of beliefs incorporating the Black Sun, the game uses one which claimed it to be an ancient power source which had once given strength to a pre-human race of giants living in the far north, called the Thule or Hyperboreans. This dead star was believed to have the power to regenerate the Aryan race, supposedly descended from the Thule, to their former state.


Aug 11, 2021
A Golden Celtic Cauldron (Goldkessel, keltisch) was recovered. It was most likely modeled after the Gundestrop Cauldron and made by Otto Gahr who made skull rings.


The symbol above is an Irminsul /pillar, a german pagan symbol.

The artwork for the Crypt of Knights on display

Wine Cellar and torture dungeon

The museum has a mascot, Falko


Aug 11, 2021

Odal Rune - Erbhof - Hereditary Farm - Blood and Soil

Blood and Soil

The Ahnenerbe was a scientific institute in the Third Reich dedicated to research the archaeological and cultural history of the Aryan Race.
This is their logo.

Other images

The One Eyed god - Odin
Odin hung himself from a branch of Yggdrasil (tree of life), pierced himself with his spear, and then was able to understand runes. Odin said - “given to Odin, myself to myself.”


Jan 29, 2018
Nazis were also obsessed with Egypt/Asia and Hitler had an admiration/obsession with Native Americans. To be honest, outside of Jewish/Roma/Gypsy peoples I cant think of many people of color the Nazis actually killed. They sure were hell on other white folks though. There is a vril/thule thread which this could be merged with to get thangs poppin on the subject.


Aug 11, 2021
Pagan Holiday Julfest (Christmas)
In a 1936 memorandum, Heinrich Himmler set forth a list of approved holidays, in part supposedly based on "pagan" traditions, including a "Julfest" intended to replace Christian rites. The Julleuchter and other symbols were also meant to serve as a consolation to women who, by having married into the SS, had to renounce the spiritual shelter and service of their church. The cut out heart represented home. The SS soldier was instructed to set up a shrine that included a Julleuchter in the corner of one room of his household. This "millennia old" lantern was to be used as "a memento of the "Year of the Great Migrations of the people of the north"​
Hagal rune & Jullecht​

One of those shrines. Can you see the skulls?


Aug 11, 2021
Peryt Shou - occultist who used dowsing to locate British forces and other things
Some of his books.

This website has a lot on Runes

Peryt Shou and Modern Germanic Runology
From his book The ‘Edda’ as Key to the Coming Age! [1920]
Quoting from the section ‘The new God-Experience [Das neue Gotterleben] ’:

“Christ, and Christianity, have led the World to Destruction, to Death. Wuotan, the Awakening-One, on the Cross (of the World-Tree) will lead it back to Resurrection. Certainly the World had to die, like him, but it also has to reawaken — as he did, in a higher Transformation [Verwandlung].
The germanic Spirit (Edda “Hávamál”) predicted this long before there was a historical Christianity. Christianity led humanity to death. This is what has happened. And with him, Christianity killed itself too, succumbing to “the Lord of this World”! The christian Nations had to experience what is happening to them today, Death and Decay on the Cross. But in their second Mission, the Edda sees the Nations descend from the World-Tree (Cross), called to new Life, rejuvenated!
Here the Blood, the vibrating Crystal Within, takes on a certain Role! But it should be mentioned that what is “Germanic” in the rebirth is different from what is Germanic in decay and defeat —a drunken self-aggrandizement to some kind of blood-related privileged “caste” among humanity. Even the Botocuds [an indigenous South American tribe] think of themselves as Racially superior to all others. Through the divine drop of Blood in our veins we are a Flock of God. But woe unto those who would make this divine drop of blood bestial, who would blind the visionary Crystal, the eye of God, in our veins!
The new World will only shine for the “Visionaries”, not for the “Blind”, even if they will rule equally for a while! They will die and disappear. The Visionaries, however, will remain, for they shall return. The Runic-Magic of Wuotan, which allows for his Resurrection, is a Blood-Mystery…
Every great Cultural-Nation has its Vocation/Calling in Blood and Spirit, which in all cases Exemplifies the Modification of the single great World-Secret, and through this modification it establishes its most holy Traditions. But we do not know how far each of them has fallen away from, and has ruined, the divine Crystal of the Blood to the point where it is impossible to recognize"

Guido von List & Armanenschaft
Guido was an Austrian occultist, journalist, playwright, and novelist. He expounded a modern Pagan new religious movement known as Wotanism, which he claimed was the revival of the religion of the ancient German race, and which included an inner set of Ariosophical teachings that he termed Armanism. The basic teachings of Wotanism were found in the runic alphabet, believing that they could be deciphered by linking these letters with particular runic spells which appear in the Old Norse Havamal. He claimed to have deciphered these secret meanings himself, translating them as statements such as "Know yourself, then you know everything", "Do not fear death, he cannot kill you", "Marriage is the root of the Aryan race!", and "Man is one with God!" List's image of the Armanenschaft's structure was based largely on his knowledge of Freemasonry. He claimed that the ancient brotherhood had consisted of three degrees, each with their own secret signs, grips, and passwords. He believed that the Armanenschaft had societal control over the ancient German people, acting as teachers, priests, and judges. In List's interpretation of history, the Christian missionaries persecuted the Armanenschaft, resulting in many fleeing northward into Scandinavia and Iceland. He believed that they developed a secretive language for transmitting their teachings, known as kala.