I think you misunderstand me
A lot of people think about the present Middle East conflict in two dimensions - one set of people with their political arguments and beliefs against another. In reality, it is three dimensional.
The sins of the whole world were put on Jesus but only some people acknowledge Him and seek to accept the way to restored relationship with God He offers.
There is nothing “special” about the Jews other than the fact that God promised Abraham that He would preserve them and that certain future prophecies apply to them as a nation.
The issue and point of divergence it this - there are a range of interpretations of Bible prophecy. Some people are selective in their view, others seek to make them historically fulfilled only, others would seem to make use of them insofar as it supports their agenda.
Political Zionism and Rabbinic Judaism might take hold of views presented by famous rabbis and make grave errors. They may take land promises of areas that they will expand to during the Millennial reign of Christ and try to get them by natural human means. They may in the near future seek to establish a third temple, yet if the Lord doesn’t build the house, they will labour in vain. They may embrace a charismatic figure who gives them everything they want as far as regional peace is concerned, yet fall for a covenant with death as offered by the Antichrist.
I am certainly not in favour of them doing any of the above dumb things! In the video below, someone I often find myself in agreement with (who is both supportive and utterly scathing toward Israel) sets out a view of where we might be in terms of world history, regional politics and Bible prophecy.
Give it a watch if you like…
We are living in the end times! Israel is getting ready for the covenant with many and the time of the tribulation is nigh at hand. Events prophesied in the ...