Lovy Elias - Prophet, or False Prophet?


Jul 20, 2023
Hello all,

Someone I met recently is a follower of the Revelation Church of Jesus Christ (RCJC) which is founded and run by someone called Prophet Lovy Elias. They have a YouTube channel and live stream their services. This person recommended I watch, so I did, and my spidey senses went off, so while I was listening to some of the stream I was also looking into his background. Here is a bit of what I found:

Let's begin with the most glaring - Right on his wikipedia page it states he was a former music producer and " In 2014, Elias was recognized as one of the producers and songwriters for Change Your Life (Iggy Azalea song) which was nominated for a Grammy Award."

Well that sure raised my eyebrows! Azalea has been covered numerous times on VC, and it turns out there is an article specifically on Change Your Life that talks about the video being laden with Illuminati and beta kitten programming symbolism:

Lovy Elias may not have had anything to do with the production of the music video and symbolism itself, but you know, something about 'the company you keep'. Well, it seems at the same time he was writing for (and one would assume also met, associated with, etc) Azalea, he had also already started a prayer group/bible study/fellowship that would later become his church. He is also credited as working with or producing for Iggy Azalea on other songs in subsequent years (2013, 2014, 2015) so while he was supposedly growing his church and growing in faith, he somehow did not have the spiritual discernment to recognize that who he was working with/for in the entertainment industry is in the grips of this kind of deviltry?

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She's been covered numerous times on VC including in SPOTM articles, so she's pretty much knee deep in the occult. So that's red flag #1 and a pretty big one if you ask me.

The Wikipedia entry, as well as other sources, also suggest that Elias is a life coach and mentor for celebrities and athletes, but I can find no actual confirmation of this (the two articles cited as sources on the Wiki entry are both dead links, but I checked them both on Archive.org and they don't actually mention anything about his life coaching, so they are incorrect attributions). I'd be very curious to see the list, if there is one, of celebrities he coaches, as that could be very telling. Anyone know how to find it?

The intro to the Revelation church's livestream is replete with examples of Elias performing deliverance and casting out evil spirits, so again, one wonders why if he is connected with Iggy Azalea, and is a mentor for celebrities, he has not had any spiritual impact or influence on her, as she evidently continues prostituting for her illuminate handlers.

Everyone has a past and has done things they are not proud of, so I'm not gonna be too critical here, but for the fact that it says on the church's YouTube about page that, "Elias was visited by the Lord Jesus at the age of six. In this vision, the Lord told him that he was a prophet and explained to him how He was going to use him to build people of fire (Equipping and empowering them) in the U.S.A. and the nations. Over the years, Prophet Lovy received spiritual training and divine insight into the word of God. "

To me, that he is supposedly ordained by Jesus Himself from such a young age, makes some of the other tidbits of his life seem suspect, for example:

- In Kenya where he was raised he formed a band with his brother called The Longombas that apparently were quite successful. One article I saw about his journey from secular artist to preacher noted that The Longombas produced "explicit club bangers". Well I only looked up one of these bangers since I don't have that much time, but you can see for yourself it's your basic 'booty shaking' theme that is overtly objectifying of women and glorifying sexuality:

Would one who was so called by God from so young an age as he claims to be, end up leading such a musical career? Possibly, people often stray in their youth or as some would say aren't walking with God yet, so maybe that was the case, but it does raise another flag for me.

Then he also changed his name from Lovy Longomba to Lovy Elias (was this to separate himself from his past, or because the name sounds more godly, or because he is trying to hide his past?)

Now I also came across this video:

The Rise and Fall Of Passion Java and Prophet Elias Lovy. The Price Of Sacrificing Morals.

Notice at 3:27 the eye and the pyramid symbol they are dancing in front of. The author of this video basically corroborates my suspicions.

If anyone has any other info to share feel free.