little rascals and the illuminati:


Sep 9, 2020
Many of the child actors on 'The Little Rascals' of the 1930's ended up with drug problems, many died young.

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On the filming set as a young boy, the show's star "Alfalfa" had serious behavioural issues which may point to trauma in his life? Later in life he was killed in self defense due to his violent temper. It is most curious that his grave stone has a Masonic symbol both left and right. I can't find any reference as to why this is so? But note it's appearance again in 1994 in the AMBLIN movie 'The Little Rascals'.
View attachment 46673
i notice that too, maybe he was a freemason , i don't know


Nov 24, 2020
Alfalfa is an odd name for a character.

Another name for Alfalfa is 'Lucerne'. I wonder if this is an oblique Lucifer reference?

It also means 'Trefoil' there's a lot of symbols that are associated with this:

Paul Romano made some interesting points in this video:

Amblin was the title of his first movie and now his production company. it's a close, but not quite, anagram of Nambla.
The last scene of Amblin features the reveal of the contents of the guitar case, which are suggestive of pedophilic themes. No smoking gun, but smoke.

Another thought, which is more of a guess or intuition having looked at his bio... I think Spielberg was an outsider who made an application to join the elite. I think Amblin was that application, it was accepted and he's gone on to do great things for them and be rewarded handsomely for them. I think the entrance fee however was paid some years later during his divorce from Amy Irving.
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Sep 9, 2020
Speilberg is the BIG STORY that nobody is willing to talk about. Talk about crushing childhoods memories. Once this gets out it will be game over for Hollywood.

View attachment 48714

Amblin was the title of his first movie and now his production company. it's a close, but not quite, anagram of Nambla.

I have seen it suggested on several places on the internet that A-M-B-L-I-N is an acronym for:


I have no direct evidence to support this hypothesis so make what you want of it.

I think Spielberg was an outsider who made an application to join the elite. I think Amblin was that application, it was accepted

When he presented 'AMBLIN' to Hollywood Power Heads he clearly demonstrated that he understood the codes, how to embed them, how to programme people, etc. He then secures a 7-film deal thereafter. And he certainly delivered for the agenda.

Note Sun Symbolism: [Yellow]

We breakdown (in detail) the Octo-Ring codes in this movie.

Steven Speilberg - AMBLIN - The Movie - 1968

Have you ever visited AMBLIN's social media FACEBOOK page? They post some creepy stuff there: Here's a couple:

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very creepy


Jan 7, 2021
Ok some of this stuff is suspicous like the freemason symbols on that actors' grave, but SO much of this stuff is just stupid and honestly seems schizophrenic. Like looking for the letter 8 everywhere honestly man do something more productive with your time. So much of this stuff is confirmation bias, like you leave out any words that wouldn't result in the letter 8 and only focus on the ones that do. You even separate the word Dobermann into "dober" and "man" to get the result you want. This type of stuff DESTROYS credibility.


Jun 28, 2020
This demonstrates very well the ongoing issue that Octozone experiences in the course of our research. That is, soon after when we have published research on our website, Forum, social media et al - often within days the YouTube reference videos are removed (sometimes with the entire account). I always note the post date of such videos and they can often be published for several years on YouTube with no issues and then 'bang' all of a sudden it's gone (as soon as Octozone touches it!).
Just means someone is watching you is all. For what its worth Youtube has 1000's of flaggers that police content. Anyone of them can remove videos.

While I"m not a fan of gematria because its a form of sehr, some of the other things you mentioned here were interesting. I never noticed a mason link with the Little Rascals, but i haven't watched them for years either. Not that i would have noticed them then. Pre 9/11 days i was highly ignorant in multiple facets.


May 23, 2017
octozone is only here to drive views to their site. their posts show signs of schizophrenia and paranoia.