Like Solomon said 3000 years ago life is vanity.


Jul 16, 2021
My entire existence is pointless. There is no hope or value in me. I’m not profitable to the Kingdom Of God and all my earthly desires are either sinful or vain. Therefore since I’m am already worthy of hell since the wages of sin is death. Also my worldly lust are vain and will wither like the grass. Since I’m am of no profit to God have no desire to spread the word or care to live for Christ or at all.The Lord of Israel should just strike me down for my transgressions. There is no light in me and the dimness I seek has only led to darkness. Vanity of vanities all is vanity and striving after wind. So either Christ or Lucifer come slay thee now.


May 11, 2020
Im going to reveal something to you that the lord has really been speaking to me lately. You need to pray for God to surround you with praying Christians. You need that covering of prayer. There is an incredible darkness sweeping this land. You wont be able to fight it without the covering of prayer from others. If you are in Christ and earnestly pray the father will answer you. If you have facebook there are numerous prayer groups you can join. Its for the purpose of prayer and they really pray for you.


Jul 16, 2021
Im going to reveal something to you that the lord has really been speaking to me lately. You need to pray for God to surround you with praying Christians. You need that covering of prayer. There is an incredible darkness sweeping this land. You wont be able to fight it without the covering of prayer from others. If you are in Christ and earnestly pray the father will answer you. If you have facebook there are numerous prayer groups you can join. Its for the purpose of prayer and they really pray for you.
I don’t have a Facebook and not really an amiable person. I don’t care for human companionship nor do I care to pray for others. Nor do I desire humans to pray for me. For there are only two sources of true power. Either Christ or the Devil.


May 11, 2020
I don’t have a Facebook and not really an amiable person. I don’t care for human companionship nor do I care to pray for others. Nor do I desire humans to pray for me. For there are only two sources of true power. Either Christ or the Devil.
You are only going to come to ruin with that mindset. Gods ways are not yours. Take it from someone who has learned the hard way.
Oct 31, 2021
My entire existence is pointless. There is no hope or value in me. I’m not profitable to the Kingdom Of God and all my earthly desires are either sinful or vain. Therefore since I’m am already worthy of hell since the wages of sin is death. Also my worldly lust are vain and will wither like the grass. Since I’m am of no profit to God have no desire to spread the word or care to live for Christ or at all.The Lord of Israel should just strike me down for my transgressions. There is no light in me and the dimness I seek has only led to darkness. Vanity of vanities all is vanity and striving after wind. So either Christ or Lucifer come slay thee now.
Regardless of all the lust/desire of Earthly physical possessions. Regardless of all the wishes and prayers to have a beautiful loving family. The main human goal/target is to attain Infinity, via the spirit that dwells within, whilst being alive, and before attaining death, individually.

Nevertheless, the human mind's desire can still be to end everything, because everything is merely transient and not permanent. Still this automatically does not mean that everything is without a point, a meaning or a purpose. Albeit that is exactly what the human mind wants to and literary does tell human beings. But the limited human mind has never and never will understand Infinity or the Infinite anyway (because of its obvious limitations, exempli gratia - the human mind can may be able to contemplate everything after and from the Big Bang of the Universe, but the human mind can not even think of contemplating or knowing of what was before the Big Bang of the Universe and about the Source of this Big Bang) hence it can only put forth contentions upon what it understands.

TL;DR - Calm the blabber and noise of the human mind and Look within your/our Heart. You might end up colliding with a totally different perspective altogether. Take care of yourself.
May 15, 2017
My entire existence is pointless. There is no hope or value in me. I’m not profitable to the Kingdom Of God and all my earthly desires are either sinful or vain. Therefore since I’m am already worthy of hell since the wages of sin is death. Also my worldly lust are vain and will wither like the grass. Since I’m am of no profit to God have no desire to spread the word or care to live for Christ or at all.The Lord of Israel should just strike me down for my transgressions. There is no light in me and the dimness I seek has only led to darkness. Vanity of vanities all is vanity and striving after wind. So either Christ or Lucifer come slay thee now.

I feel exactly like u do at times..but the truth is u matter to God no matter what


Jul 16, 2021
I feel exactly like u do at times..but the truth is u matter to God no matter what
Lol I can’t fathom that at all. Because God is all knowing so he of all people knows how worthless I am. Lol why would I matter to the one created the heavens and the Earth.
Oct 31, 2021
I concur to you OP.
I too know as a fact that I don't matter to The Creator. But I try to do my effort, daily, as a wee child and request The Creator that He please continue to provide me with His company at all times. But I know that I can only request albeit there's no obligation on Him. And that He can do anything He wishes with His simulation. He gave me this Life, I am thankful, grateful. But He gave me same like absolutely free and hence can take back as well, and technically I shouldn't complaint. But who am I kidding? I am merely a human afterall. It will definitely be very too difficult for me, not to complain, eventually, when my lights will go out to oblivion :)


Jul 16, 2021
I concur to you OP.
I too know as a fact that I don't matter to The Creator. But I try to do my effort, daily, as a wee child and request The Creator that He please continue to provide me with His company at all times. But I know that I can only request albeit there's no obligation on Him. And that He can do anything He wishes with His simulation. He gave me this Life, I am thankful, grateful. But He gave me same like absolutely free and hence can take back as well, and technically I shouldn't complaint. But who am I kidding? I am merely a human afterall. It will definitely be very too difficult for me, not to complain, eventually, when my lights will go out to oblivion :)
So then suicide shouldn’t matter either and if hell be my fate. So be it then


Dec 27, 2017
When Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes he was an old man. His life had so much potential and promise as a young man but he had rejected and abandoned God for many years. His life had proved that all the pleasures of the earth pass very quickly and are meaningless and unsatisfying. He shows how impossible it is for the vanities of the world to meet the longings of the soul. His conclusion is that it is wisdom to enjoy with gratitude the good gifts of God, and to do right; for all our works will be brought into judgment.

There are verses that express the same point as Solomon.

Matthew 6:19-20, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal."

Mark 8:36, "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?"

James 4:14, "whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away."

So no one's existence is pointless nor did God intend them to be but our lives are meaningless without God in them. Many of us (me included) have had periods in our lives where we are down or have full blown depression. We had/have feelings of hopelessness, everything seemed/seems burdensome. It was/is hard to get out of bed, to smile, to meet people and to meet the requirements of life.

God invites us to come to Him with all our problems, our doubts, our despair etc. If we search Him earnestly (its a choice), He will draw us, step by step, into His perfect will, into actions that will prosper us.

If you feel like you’re at the end, hold on. God isn’t done with you yet.


Jul 16, 2021
I’m just a lowly sinner for all my life and my presence in this world is of no importance. So I should just kill myself and face hell already. It won’t make a difference. For God has all the power and my death is meaningless.
Oct 31, 2021
So then suicide shouldn’t matter either and if hell be my fate. So be it then

No. I didn't mean that. It's again our mind's blabber chugging along :D

I have contemplated suicide myself, once, and since experiencing that I have come to the conclusion that even if suicide is the last resort it will be done by me at the lotus feet of my Creator that is dwelling inside my Heart. Hence, suicide not by any of the outwardly means, not via blabber of my mind, not via continuous random images pushed by my mind (God darn, the blabber even whilst sleeping, can you imagine?) but suicide by focussing inwardly in my breath, in my Heart. I find pin drop silence anywhere I can find, and I close my eyes and I go inside me, inside my Heart. I try to assume that nothing is outside of me. Hence, for hours, I end up requesting again my Creator that either give me Peace or take my life as is, right now!

The blabber gradually calms. The Peace knocks. Feels better everytime.


Jul 16, 2021
No. I didn't mean that. It's again our mind's blabber chugging along :D

I have contemplated suicide myself, once, and since experiencing that I have come to the conclusion that even if suicide is the last resort it will be done by me at the lotus feet of my Creator that is dwelling inside my Heart. Hence, suicide not by any of the outwardly means, not via blabber of my mind, not via continuous random images pushed by my mind (God darn, the blabber even whilst sleeping, can you imagine?) but suicide by focussing inwardly in my breath, in my Heart. I find pin drop silence anywhere I can find, and I close my eyes and I go inside me, inside my Heart. I try to assume that nothing is outside of me. Hence, for hours, I end up requesting again my Creator that either give me Peace or take my life as is, right now!

The blabber gradually calms. The Peace knocks. Feels better everytime.
To each thier own. But for me I see the way is suicide
May 15, 2017
There are two kinds of sorrow one is Godly sorrow that brings repentance the other is destructive. This world will make you feel like the right way is the destructive way but that's not how God thinks he wants you here. He wants you to have life more abundantly. Solomon found his meaning in God and you can too.

The other day I was walking on the beach I was overwhelmed at the distater that my life had become I felt that deep despair. Thinking about when life had so much potential and I realised I never had that real freedom in my life and lust for life because I was always hounded by mental illness. But you know, if I did have that I may never have known God. This life is a whisper in eternity, and you could experience it all and have all the riches all the value but without God it's meaningless.

I am like you I have gone my whole life wishing I was loved and respected. But you know the last will be first and the first last.

Jesus loves you and what a friend we have in him. He will never leave u nor forsake u. He's amazing. Some days I resent him and he never holds it against me. You have to conceive that there is someone there that wants better for you than anyone ever could. When you know that exists you can keep going.
Oct 31, 2021
To each thier own. But for me I see the way is suicide
My understanding is, Suicide is not recommended.

If I commit suicide, I would be hacking His simulation to my pleasure. Greedy and Pointless.

He gaveth this Life, let Him taketh too. Don't give, let Him take when He decides the time is right. Let the simulation run its due course.

Just the blabber of the mind needs to be calmed a little. I know the continuous blabber is excruciating and full of agony.

Should you are acknowledging openly and so wholeheartedly how you're life has been (because of whatever reasons) is a sign in itself that is positive.

Think of those human beings (for example mostly all world elites, bloodlines, paedophiles, et. al.) who have done all the crimes and ill-deeds one can imagine but they still do not acknowledge to nothing, nor think to confess let alone changing themselves to be a better human.