LGBT+ movement starting to backfire (part 2)

Mar 15, 2019

In the first news, there are teen girls whose breasts removed. In the second, there's a breastfeeding mother and she's a "climate killer". There is a monster here who wants to destroy everything natural and constructive.
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Jan 29, 2018
Little girl dresses? In his dementia, Biden probably couldnt tell the difference...
"Ghhyayaeauuhh... uhh, hurrr... uuh... ummm (slobber) Hey! Whos th' cute girl ovurrr theresshh?"
"Mr. President I dont think you want to enga-"
"Quiet! I didnt schit thru Schlick Wully getting to ride all over the world on the Lo-liter Express and keep my Delaware yap shut fer nuthin! Its Bidens time! Now... (drool) get that cutie over here... my golden curly leg hurrs need attention..."
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Mar 15, 2019
I admit I dont understand what that tweet was about or who the person is. Whats the backstory?
Libs of TikTok is an account that shares woke videos and news without comment. They can't find an excuse to blame or ban the account because no comments are added to the posts. Taylor Lorenz revealed the personal information of the account admin, and went as far as the door of the house of the admin's relatives. It's clearly "we're after you and your family".

In the video she accuses someone of harassing her online. But she is a real life stalker.
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Jan 29, 2018
Libs of TikTok is an account that shares woke videos and news without comment. They can't find an excuse to blame or ban the account because no comments are added to the posts. Taylor Lorenz revealed the personal information of the account admin, and went as far as the door of the house of the admin's relatives. It's clearly "we're after you and your family".

In the video she accuses someone of harassing her online. But she is a real life stalker.
Got it, thanks for filling things in. Have her own people turned on her or are they like "no, its ok because of (insert special circumstance excuse)."


Jan 29, 2018

She didn't even try to look like a man. Just a psychopath female who sacrificed her breasts.

Never moving facial expressions, never blinking eyes. Psychopath vibes. The only reason she's not a serial killer is because she's satisfying her demons by self-harming. And this female will raise a child.
What used to be classified as "shameless provocation and unfounded hysteria" is now simply known as "clout chasing" eh? No ryhme or reason needed, just sling the mud and see what sticks...


Aug 11, 2021
Mar 15, 2019
What she did, didn't gain her anything. She will torture her soul until her death.

Our societies have denied God. We worshiped the false gods. Lust, money, idols, leaders, caduceus, psychology, solipsism, self-improvement. And God punishes us by torturing ourselves and each other.
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Oct 20, 2021
Let's hope people wake up to lying dog faced pony soldier Amber Heard. She is knee deep in the lgqbs. People don't realize she was arrested for beating up her own lesbian wife and should be arrested for beating up Depp. She accuses other people of things she has done herself. She has to be stopped before she becomes another Hillary Clinton. I can already see her running for something on the ME TOO party ticket. She better looking than Clinton but just as crazy.


Aug 11, 2021
Johnny Depp is pretty evil himself.

On May 5, 1993, three 8-year-old boys (Steve Branch, Michael Moore & Christopher Byers) who had last been seen riding their bikes together were reported missing in West Memphis, Arkansas. A search eventually discovered the bodies of three boys in a ditch near a creek. They had been stripped naked and hog-tied with their own shoelaces. The boys had been severely beaten and trace amounts of sperm DNA was found on one of the boy's pants. Byers' scrotum and penis were mutilated with a knife.

Three trouble-making teenagers -- already known to police -- who also dabbled in Satanism were eventually arrested and later convicted of the monstrous deeds. Damien Echols -- the leader -- was sentenced to death, Jessie Misskelley Jr. to life imprisonment, and Jason Baldwin also to life. During the trial, the prosecution asserted that the three (one of whom, Baldwin, actually confessed) had tortured and murdered the little boys as part of a Satanic ritual. Echols, the ringleader, did the sodomizing and gential cutting.

Johnny Depp


johnny Depp

A decade or so later, HBO took up the cause of the "falsely accused" by airing "Paradise Lost" -- a propaganda crockumentary suggesting that the confession was coerced and that forensic evidence was suspect. A "cause celebre" to free "The West Memphis Three" grew out of the invented "controversy." The interlopers held fundraisers to support efforts to free the twice-convicted Satanists -- the most well known "do-gooder" being Johnny Depp.

In a 2010 interview, Depp proclaimed the innocence of the three with absolute certainty: “There's nothing from the crime scene that links Damien or Jason or Jessie to these crimes.”

That same year, Depp was a leading figure behind the "Voices for Justice" rally for the West Memphis Three. The celebrity pressure combined with a higher hidden hand (elite Satanists, perhaps?) enabled the three to be set free in 2011 after taking an Alford Plea --- which is a weird gimmick guilty plea whereby the defendant asserts innocence, while acknowledging that there was enough evidence to convict. The locals were shocked.

Echols considers Depp to be "a brother." Said the liberated monster of Demon Depp: "He's been with us every single step of the way. Since we've gotten out, he's become like a brother to me."

Another article - warning graphic photos of the dead boys
Oct 20, 2021
Johnny Depp is pretty evil himself.

On May 5, 1993, three 8-year-old boys (Steve Branch, Michael Moore & Christopher Byers) who had last been seen riding their bikes together were reported missing in West Memphis, Arkansas. A search eventually discovered the bodies of three boys in a ditch near a creek. They had been stripped naked and hog-tied with their own shoelaces. The boys had been severely beaten and trace amounts of sperm DNA was found on one of the boy's pants. Byers' scrotum and penis were mutilated with a knife.

Three trouble-making teenagers -- already known to police -- who also dabbled in Satanism were eventually arrested and later convicted of the monstrous deeds. Damien Echols -- the leader -- was sentenced to death, Jessie Misskelley Jr. to life imprisonment, and Jason Baldwin also to life. During the trial, the prosecution asserted that the three (one of whom, Baldwin, actually confessed) had tortured and murdered the little boys as part of a Satanic ritual. Echols, the ringleader, did the sodomizing and gential cutting.

Johnny Depp


johnny Depp

A decade or so later, HBO took up the cause of the "falsely accused" by airing "Paradise Lost" -- a propaganda crockumentary suggesting that the confession was coerced and that forensic evidence was suspect. A "cause celebre" to free "The West Memphis Three" grew out of the invented "controversy." The interlopers held fundraisers to support efforts to free the twice-convicted Satanists -- the most well known "do-gooder" being Johnny Depp.

In a 2010 interview, Depp proclaimed the innocence of the three with absolute certainty: “There's nothing from the crime scene that links Damien or Jason or Jessie to these crimes.”

That same year, Depp was a leading figure behind the "Voices for Justice" rally for the West Memphis Three. The celebrity pressure combined with a higher hidden hand (elite Satanists, perhaps?) enabled the three to be set free in 2011 after taking an Alford Plea --- which is a weird gimmick guilty plea whereby the defendant asserts innocence, while acknowledging that there was enough evidence to convict. The locals were shocked.

Echols considers Depp to be "a brother." Said the liberated monster of Demon Depp: "He's been with us every single step of the way. Since we've gotten out, he's become like a brother to me."

Another article - warning graphic photos of the dead boys
I will concede that Depp is misguided perhaps but not evil.
Mar 15, 2019

Have you ever wondered why they are mostly ugly, fat, majorly hysterical/mental case? You don't look like you want. Like the "perfect" men and women you see on Instagram. And society doesn't allow you to stand out with your values. There are no values, only images. You need to get the attention you want and feel extraordinary. And there must be a reason why they still don't like you. And then self-fulfilling prophecy. Destroy yourself, turn it into an id and you're a freak and you got the attention.
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