LGBT+ movement starting to backfire (part 2)


Jun 28, 2020
That's messed up. I'm not gonna deny the fact that some denomimations in Christianity like Jehovah's Witness includes p***philia, human trafficking and child r*pe etc etc... in one of their rituals.
I know this is a lie as there are a few JW's in my family. But go ahead, give your sources.
Apr 20, 2021
Warning: the topic is M-MA rated so if easily offended please don't continue reading.

Super long but old thread has gone quiet

... weird since the backlash has become huge this year! YouTube and Twitter has become a massive battleground. It has shown the TERFs fighting against the Transwomen, LGB speaking out against T, parents fighting against transgender surgery for kids.

To start off:
The one that deserves to go down in history as number 1 of 2021 so far is #Superstraight guy.
Original video from Tiktok.

His followup

The #superstraight movement went crazy for weeks and so did the transactivists (a lot got banned for death/ r*pe threats and tweets to encourage self-harm.)

The trans-supporters then whined, pouted and guilt-tripped. It hasn't worked. The Superstraighters continue to put out tweets like these recent cleaner ones:

Please add all variety of Tweets and links to show that the majority of people are starting to fight against the LGBT+ extremists (demanded to be given rights at our expense, not just "live and let live" like they claimed).
Its a breath of fresh air to see that dude, all the guys I've seen so far had me questioning if there were no actual SUPER STRAIGHT guys who exist anymore
Dec 22, 2019
I know this is a lie as there are a few JW's in my family. But go ahead, give your sources.
It's not a lie though it's true. You need to wake up and face the facts/truth but it's your opinion.
Dec 22, 2019
Yes and as a matter of interest would there be any way for a man to know that he was dating a post-op trans if she never admitted it?
For example here are two post-ops, and they certainly don't look fully female to me-

And this muscular post-op in the middle enters womens bike races and beats the pants off them but surprisingly they don't seem to mind-

still look like men


Jun 28, 2020
It's not a lie though it's true. You need to wake up and face the facts/truth but it's your opinion.
The Atlantic and the Independent. Really? Rothschild inc.? Can't do better then bought and sold out mainstream media?
I'd ask if you thought co-vid was a real threat, but looking at your sources, I'm gonna pass.

None the less, i have Jehovah Witnesses in my family and what you posted before is utter lies.

Its funny. Christians are always at one another's throats. Imagine if you all stopped the divide and conquer and joined? As it is 45,000 sects are found in Christianity. Imagine if you united on what you believed in?

Sure, Islam and Christianity are largely the same, but not on this issue.


Wait a second... i take that last line back.


As you were, referring to those who call themselves Christians, pedophiles.


Mar 4, 2020
None the less, i have Jehovah Witnesses in my family...
Its funny. Christians are always at one another's throats...

What makes you think JW's are Christians?
Here are some of their wacky beliefs, they don't believe in Christmas, Easter, birthdays, churches, blood transfusions, crucifixes, and they believe Jesus was crucified on a stake-



Jun 28, 2020
What makes you think JW's are Christians?
I am not about to debate your broken religion. As I've said before. You can fill a stadium with 45,000 "Christians" and every one will have different beliefs from the others because Christianity has 45,000 sects.

The only thing i care about is they claim to be Christian and they take their religion from the Bible, exactly like you do.

As a Muslim, to me you are ALL people of the Book.

Of course unification in Christianity is a fantasy as you have just demonstrated Tidal. But imagine the good you could do in the world if you did attempt to unite? ...Yep, when your brothers in faith are "pedophiles" standing as one force is pure fantasy.
Oct 2, 2017
watch them say, "oH bUT wE dOn'T CoNdoNe p***philia iN tHiS cOmMuNiTy!!!111!"
They don't condone it but they encourage children to remove themselves from parental advice, they encourage the sexualisation of children, and try to make 'nicer' terms for pedos like minor attracted people.

I honestly thought the right were wrong saying gay leads to p***philia, I thought it was a desperate attempt but honestly I believe now it is a gateway
Oct 2, 2017
What makes you think JW's are Christians?
Here are some of their wacky beliefs, they don't believe in Christmas, Easter, birthdays, churches, blood transfusions, crucifixes, and they believe Jesus was crucified on a stake-

How is he any different from any other Christians, Catholics and protestants believe Jesus was crucified through the hands even though evidence proves this could not have happened due to the bodies weight and historical evidence. Yet we have people with Stigmata who are worshipped for having bleeding hands.
JW is just another version of Christianity or any Judeo-Christian religion. One of the many Christian sects, Jews, Muslims you all fight over the same god and the same texts. Just some believe different versions of the same story.
The issue is the Bible is so vague and it's full of contraditions, so people can come up with their own version of the same story.


Mar 4, 2020
You can fill a stadium with 45,000 "Christians" and every one will have different beliefs from the others because Christianity has 45,000 sects.

No problem, Jesus said the majority will be going up the spout because of their wacky cultish beliefs..:)
Same with muslims, some think its fine to go around flying airliners into buildings and cutting people's heads off, I'm sure they'll be joining the wacky christians, nonchristians and atheists in hell..:)

Jesus said - "Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it, but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."(Matt 7:13)



Jun 28, 2020
No problem, Jesus said the majority will be going up the spout because of their wacky cultish beliefs..:)
Same with muslims, some think its fine to go around flying airliners into buildings and cutting people's heads off, I'm sure they'll be joining the wacky christians, nonchristians and atheists in hell..:)

Jesus said - "Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it, but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."(Matt 7:13)
I wonder if you know that you only discredit yourself when you reference main stream narratives?

I got to thinking, you personally reject half of Christendom by saying Catholics aren't Christian, yes? By the same account they would say you're not a Christian, yes? So i guess you're going to hell?

Why don't you let that sink in there Tidal. How many millions of Christians say you are not a Christian?

According to you.. more then half. Yet, at least 3 in this thread claim Christianity while saying other Christians are not Christian at all.
What a diluted faith.

Oh ya, far as Easter goes...

I will address Christmas when it comes around if God wills.


Jun 28, 2020
How is he any different from any other Christians, Catholics and protestants believe Jesus was crucified through the hands even though evidence proves this could not have happened due to the bodies weight and historical evidence. Yet we have people with Stigmata who are worshipped for having bleeding hands.
JW is just another version of Christianity or any Judeo-Christian religion. One of the many Christian sects, Jews, Muslims you all fight over the same god and the same texts. Just some believe different versions of the same story.
The issue is the Bible is so vague and it's full of contraditions, so people can come up with their own version of the same story.
Well said, other then the fact Muslims don't believe Jesus died, he was raised up to heaven. Its hard for me to disagree with anything in that post.


Mar 4, 2020
..Catholics and protestants believe Jesus was crucified through the hands even though evidence proves this could not have happened due to the bodies weight and historical evidence.
This pic below is an accurate depiction of a standard crucifixion, the main thing to notice is that the knees were bent before the nails were driven through the feet.
That allowed the victim to push up with his legs to relieve the weight on his hands and allow him to breathe in order to prolong his suffering.
Later to put the victims out of their misery, the Romans would break their legs so that they couldn't push up any more, and the victim began to suffocate because he couldn't get air into his lungs as his arms were stretched wide under the weight of his torso.
PS- the "nails through hands" is the traditional view, but google around and you'll see other depictions such as nails through the wrists, and ropes supporting the arms as well as nails.



Jun 28, 2020
Like I said, I have to mask up or the grocers won't let me in to stock up on my popcorn, jelly babies, sausages and jam doughnuts etc..:)
Like @Awoken2 said, your fellow Brit. He doesn't wear a mask and he goes everywhere. You wear one Tidal because you follow the herd. Have you heard of WhatsHerFace?

Here, a 2 minute clip.

Its like looking into a mirror, isn't it?

Are we done derailing this thread yet? I don't even remember why I'm in a LGBT thread to begin with.
Dec 22, 2019
They don't condone it but they encourage children to remove themselves from parental advice, they encourage the sexualisation of children, and try to make 'nicer' terms for pedos like minor attracted people.

I honestly thought the right were wrong saying gay leads to p***philia, I thought it was a desperate attempt but honestly I believe now it is a gateway
Amen! God bless you
Dec 22, 2019
The Atlantic and the Independent. Really? Rothschild inc.? Can't do better then bought and sold out mainstream media?
I'd ask if you thought co-vid was a real threat, but looking at your sources, I'm gonna pass.

None the less, i have Jehovah Witnesses in my family and what you posted before is utter lies.

Its funny. Christians are always at one another's throats. Imagine if you all stopped the divide and conquer and joined? As it is 45,000 sects are found in Christianity. Imagine if you united on what you believed in?

Sure, Islam and Christianity are largely the same, but not on this issue.

View attachment 54989

Wait a second... i take that last line back.

View attachment 54990

As you were, referring to those who call themselves Christians, pedophiles.
Even most catholics priests are full of pedophiles. Heck, bet you'll say, "I know people who are Catholics and aren't pedophiles." Try reading sources where they were ex-catholics and/or jehovah witnesses.

God bless you :) and amen to the bible verses.