Left Behind?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Thanks Scott - this has given me better understanding for the emotional reasons why you take the position you do (and dome of them are very well founded btw).

So much of what we embrace is couched in the power of narrative and those who understand that can use it to sway a debate...

I could write a counter-narrative (but I won't) where the post-trib guys, fearful of their loss of salvation at each moment spent their time before the rapture when the fields were white for harvest, arguing instrad with Christians and trying to make them abandon their 'Blessed Hope', only to find themselves side by side in an instant with a young Chuck Missler, and after a moment of annoyance, smiling with a last tinge of sorrow about all the time spent replying on threads!!!!

Anyway, best wishes and no doubt we will get the chance to chat again some time ;-)