Lawlessness, lack of love or care in society

Feb 22, 2020
Why dont you ever call out the demoncrat mainstream media? They are literally promoting genocide calling the world to get the poison death shot. They are mass murderers guilty of genocide. Now they are MURDERING CHILDREN! We all ought to be enraged at what they are doing, and your piping about Tucker Carlson.
I'm 100% anti vaccine for my body. I think certain people who are very old or unhealthy probably should get it, but it's their choice.

The demonization of anti-vaxxers is truly disgusting. But anti vaxxers aren't getting gunned down in the streets, like people are for being black, Hispanic, Muslim, or for being at a protest.

That kind of hate being stoked is so far reserved for people like Tucke Carlson.


May 11, 2020
I'm 100% anti vaccine for my body. I think certain people who are very old or unhealthy probably should get it, but it's their choice.

The demonization of anti-vaxxers is truly disgusting. But anti vaxxers aren't getting gunned down in the streets, like people are for being black, Hispanic, Muslim, or for being at a protest.

That kind of hate being stoked is so far reserved for people like Tucke Carlson.
The vaccine is genocide. Liberalism is demonic. You need to wake up.
Feb 22, 2020
Ill take that as a compliment. The vaxxassination agenda needs to be called out for what it is. No more time for political correctness. Biden and the
liberal media are MURDERERS(mass). They are literally responsible for a new holocaust.
I already told you I am completely against them mandating any vaccines.

They are ALL in on it though. Did you forget Trump and his "operation warpspeed" is that an inconvenient truth to your narrative ?

"Mass murderers" ?

Maybe but you can't prove that for now.

Let's deal with FACTS.

The real mass murderers, as for NOW, are those who created and released the Covid Virus. And those misleading the public about it, which includes all the idiots still trying to claim "it ain't real"
Jul 31, 2021
The guy is a deranged POS.

However you are a LIAR and clearly a propagandist with a disgusting agenda.

1. The guy has not been released on $1000 bail. His bail has been set at $5 million.

2. Why do you describe him as BLM ? He posted support for BLM, that doesn't "make him blm" more than half the country supports BLM, so you could disingenuously try and connect BLM to any crime.

Would be no different than trying to claim a criminal who is vegetarian somehow makes vegetarianism evil.
His last bail was 1000$ for hitting a woman (the mother of his kid) with his car. That is ridiculously low. The guy is a psychopath who wants to kill white people and the media kept saying "he was just fleeing a knife attack."
May 15, 2017
The Luciferian Marxist agenda requires systematic dehumanization of individuals. It requires grouping people as faceless representatives of a “race” or collective.

They can’t hold onto power without creating, nurturing and weaponizing prejudice.
This summed it up quite well.

Kyle Rittenhouse issue, without a political influence. Those rioters were clearly burning things down at points attacking businesses was the theme.

What was it Dave chapelle said...

You take a way a man's livelihood/moneymaking ability... You are killing him... People are entitled to defend things.

Wasn't what the Panthers did similar, arming themselves in a "provocative" manner, can you imagine pressing a panther with a gun? Would u be surprised if you got shot?

There's too much hypocrisy from the left.

But sure yes two wrongs don't make a right but if we are playing this worldly game of eye for an eye who's right who's wrong. I can't say Rittenhouse was really in the wrong he was defending something they were the aggressors. I don't think people have the right to burn and vandalise businesses but weve had this debate before.
May 15, 2017
Btw I'd also like to point out one of the victims was a sex offender.
I find it quite depraved people celebrate sex offenders deaths. And im willing to bet if there was no political agenda behind these killings most of the outragers would be celebrating that man's death under any other circumstance.

I don't celebrate those deaths. But he had the right to defend himself just as they had the right to protest they should have not pressed him. They were playing with fire and would have certainly beat his ass, all it takes is one punch to kill someone especially a mob.


Jun 27, 2019
We have rebelled against God and rejected him and his commandments. He is removing his hand of protection and as a result Satans kingdom is getting more control and power over society. There is a greater demonic presence so as a result there is more mental illness and wickedness.

2 Timothy 3:13
King James Version

13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
This is exactly what is happening, to the letter.


May 11, 2020
We need to be prayed up walking in the power of the holy spirit, not giving Satan a foothold in our lives so we can stand in the evil day. These people are walking according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the children of disobediance. The Bible says that the whole world is under the "power" of the evil one. If we arent in Christ we will just go along and be led by the spirit of the world right into strong delusion. These people have rejected God and have no defense or power to fight the tide of satanic oppression, because they arent under the guidance and power of thr holy spirit. They are being spiritually assimilated and drawn into giving themselves over to the beast system. Its very sad and painful to watch, because God wants nothing more than to save them and come into them. They are becoming more and more enslaved to the world system controlled by the antichrist forces.


Sep 3, 2018
We have rebelled against God and rejected him and his commandments. He is removing his hand of protection and as a result Satans kingdom is getting more control and power over society. There is a greater demonic presence so as a result there is more mental illness and wickedness.

2 Timothy 3:13
King James Version

13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
“Snore…..” I cannot believe how many people in this crazy world live their life by what a “book,” claims as fact. Question regarding “heaven” and “hell.” Has anyone out in this universe ever met a person who’s experienced either uh, “place” and gave you a quick run down of what these two intriguing realms are like? If so, I’m all ears! :)
May 15, 2017
“Snore…..” I cannot believe how many people in this crazy world live their life by what a “book,” claims as fact. Question regarding “heaven” and “hell.” Has anyone out in this universe ever met a person who’s experienced either uh, “place” and gave you a quick run down of what these two intriguing realms are like? If so, I’m all ears! :)
You can't ?
But you believe in gravity right ?


May 11, 2020
“Snore…..” I cannot believe how many people in this crazy world live their life by what a “book,” claims as fact. Question regarding “heaven” and “hell.” Has anyone out in this universe ever met a person who’s experienced either uh, “place” and gave you a quick run down of what these two intriguing realms are like? If so, I’m all ears! :)
Its called humility. You despise the notion of living according to Gods word and speak as if people have a track record of making good decisions or knowing whats best for them. They don't. If anything we as humans have only shown that we are fully incapable of governing ourselves according to ourselves and if given the freedom we will choose self destruction. You choose pride and likely take your counsel from a spirit of rebellion. You ridicule people who live by Gods word yet give heed to the spirits that you invited into your life through your Wiccan lifestyle. You need to humble yourself and call upon the lord Jesus Christ to save you. I pray the tongue of every lying and whispering spirit deceiving you would shrivel and catch fire in Jesus name, and that God by the spirit of truth would shine the light of truth into your heart and take these lies from your heart that you may understand his love and grace.


Sep 21, 2021
While this is a major factor I'm talking about the dehumanisation of society and empathy beyond the COVID stuff.

Covid plays a huge role. We as people have literally been reduced to statistics in one way or another.

But even things such as squid game are desensitizing people to violence and death. Technologies living in a virtual bubble also reduces peoples empathy and "human experience" so to speak.

It's like recounting a tale, to actually experiencing it. You are not getting the full effect. There's so much more to this.

We are also being programmed to hate traditional family units. Be more accepting of the less than ideal instead of striving for it we are glorifying fractured living like separated families and divorces.

Also whats with the adverts constantly showing interracial relationships? I myself have had one but the way it's pushed constantly I don't understand this. It's almost like everything conventional is no longer allowed.

Im seeing people acting certain ways that they have been completely programmed to act. A big one I see personally is women having utter contempt for men. I think this is where some of the incel concepts have arose from. There's much more but I'd like to explore these things here and post programming anyone sees such as this.
I believe these are all parts of the plan...of the evil globalists aka satanic minions... But the devil has been defeated and already judged... God's time to finally redeem the true believers will come when The Lord Jesus Christ comes back again...soon!


Jun 27, 2019
“Snore…..” I cannot believe how many people in this crazy world live their life by what a “book,” claims as fact. Question regarding “heaven” and “hell.” Has anyone out in this universe ever met a person who’s experienced either uh, “place” and gave you a quick run down of what these two intriguing realms are like? If so, I’m all ears! :)
You're not all ears. If you were all ears, you would have already read that "book," and have a clue of what you're talking about. Keep on snoring princess, you'll find out soon enough.
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Nov 30, 2017
I'm 100% anti vaccine for my body. I think certain people who are very old or unhealthy probably should get it, but it's their choice.

The demonization of anti-vaxxers is truly disgusting. But anti vaxxers aren't getting gunned down in the streets, like people are for being black, Hispanic, Muslim, or for being at a protest.

That kind of hate being stoked is so far reserved for people like Tucke Carlson.
It's fun to make up stories


Sep 21, 2021
Is it just me or is society cold now?

When talking about mental health etc how can we promote mental health and support lockdowns and isolation. The same healthcare system is telling you on one hand they are there for your mental health on the other hand they are encouraging masks and lockdowns.

People seem to be alot more callous and uncaring. Love seems completely conditional and people are discarded as objects.

There doesn't seem to be much forgiveness, (cancel culture). Any further insight you have into this would be interesting thanks
People have become more narcissistic...angry, and deceitful...

Worse is, many have lost their basic decency and sense of shame...