Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jun 26, 2022
Ofc. Who are they? Don't know. Every idol is instructed to look nice and next door guy/girl, and some of them maybe actually are nice, but I bet that many aren't that nice.
I think some of the Bts members could be narcisists and not just them.. JW too, he really give me narcist vibe


Mar 8, 2022
When some of you guys follow some kinda formula of what you could deem as whatever a woman is supposed to look like, you’ll create a fake image basically. I know plenty of females with large hands , large feet, wide shoulders , small hips and a somewhat deeper voice. Would that make them a male according to what you guys are saying, I don’t think so. It all comes down to genetics eventually as some females have more male dominant features vice versa for male. In my opinion there truly is no need to debunk stuff about who is trans and who isn’t in that industry.
True, but when so many of these characteristics are on one person it is fair to question.

Gender blurring is part of the satanic agenda (to be like their baph, like I mentioned before. I think it's fair to include. There is a seperate dedicated thread for this which goes in depth and paints a better picture.

Agree to disagree. This thread is supposed to be an open space to share thoughts and inkling and questions about what really goes on in this genre.


May 8, 2023
One of EXO's logo is a black cube. There is also the company CUBE.

imgs_touch (22).jpeg


Please check out the book, The Cult of the Black Cube by Arthur Moros.


Please click the word "GET" to download the book safely in pdf.

He explains the Saturn diety, aka the ancie t Roman Saturn, aka the Greek Cronos, the Gnostic Ialdabaoth/Yaldabaoth, the Indian Śani, where the origin of the Grim Reaper came from, is being worshipped today, especially by a black cube cult in India. But this deity has been worshipped in the Roman, Greek and ancient Arab pagan (pre-Islamic) and Indian cultures.

This book is also a grimoire, a magical instruction book to cautiously contact the Cronos/Saturn deity.

Warning: The Cronos/Saturn deity is a fundamentally unkind and sadistic being that will harm the magician who evokes or invokes the deity, so the magician must wear protective phylacteries, like Talismans.

However, it's explained that the black cube cult is global and Cronos/Saturn is the diety behind Judaism and the Zionist elites are part of this black cube cult.

This Saturn/Cronos/Ialdabaoth deity's worship is represented by various black cube, black stone, and black obelisk symbolism. You'll find his symbolism if you search "black cube saturn" in Yandex images.

It says on page 108 of The Cult of the Black Cube,

"One might wonder what Virgil intended when he wrote Magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo, iam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna (The new world order is born, and now justice returns, Saturn's reign restored)."
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Nov 23, 2022
There's something I've found to be quite weird when it comes to Hype based on my observations on Jimin and Jungkook's solo: they've got an immature view on growing up as individuals and doing things in a responsible and independent way, but then again, that shouldn't come as a surprise; hence, this is the same company that took seven boys away from their families and got them training like robots, so they can constantly shove cameras up their faces. Seriously, it's laughable when they lie about BTS being able to make their own decisions when that's not always true. These boys do whatever that hype tells them to do; they have no say in anything. C'mon, now who the fuck thinks, "Hey, let me post a random ass video of myself being recorded sleeping with makeup on to the world!" Like bro? Who even gives a fuck? That's not what BTS wants to do; that's hype pulling the strings. Yes, I know sometimes you need to make content for the fans, but hype literally invades the members privacy. They take it too far; I don't know if it's for humiliation ritual purposes because Hype is also a satanic music company. -.-

Jimin and Jungkook's solo:

Jimin's "Set Me Free." literally has an immature way of showcasing that he's a grown individual who'll make his own decisions, with all that usage of heavy autotunes, random AAVE or curse words they forced him to say, fake abs, fake tattoos, etc. You name it! Like hype, slow down. Jimin ain't all that; just set him free. Oh, wait, I forgot he was a slave to the repetitive music industry.

In "Like Crazy," Bro's backup dancers were out here looking like they're doing a light orgy. Don't worry, this is only a glimpse of what goes down in the industry, and if you're wondering if like crazy, also has a sexual meaning, the short answer is yes. Jimin himself also said that when you watch the choreography closely, you'll soon understand the message he's trying to put out. Oh well, whatever. Anyway, later on, Jungkook had his solo, "seven" where he followed Jimin's footsteps a bit boldly, saying some explicit shit, shocking right? No, it's the same old shit that goes down in the industry. Not to mention he's the youngest member, and I found him to have many sad songs that seem to be a letter towards the other members. I guess experiencing all those satanic rituals abuse from hype probably did scar him, but he looks very numb to it all these days. ‍


Jimin's backup dancers are REALLY Very TALENTED - YouTube

now I understand jimin performing like crazy for the first time on Fallon#jimin_face - YouTube

정국 (Jung Kook) 'Seven (feat. Latto)' Official Performance Video - YouTube

Anyway, this some shit I wanted to say.
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Mar 27, 2023
Looks/appearances/physical proportions are not reliable bases to say that a female is male or vice versa. Some females even have whiskers/facial hairs... and hairy legs...and some men have hairless legs and have very smooth, feminine skin...and without any kind of "muscle definition" commonly associated with masculinity...

We can only conclude that a person is a transgender if he or she admits to having had a gender reassignment surgery...not even cross-dressing could qualify anyone to be as such...They really need to be having gone...under the knife...

There are a few very obviously trans idols. They are still pretty rare in regular k-pop, but they have been around for a while, and some are rather obvious cases. Your rule of only labelling people that admit to having undergone surgery is beyond silly. If that's not what you meant by your statement, my apologies.

Now if we're talking about of genres in SK other than k-pop, there are literally groups that consist entirely of trans dancers/performers. Like Cait Jenner levels of obvious.
Mar 27, 2023
Do you think guys that there's idols with narcisist behaviour? I think there's many
Tons, and those are the preferred personalities for demons to influence. But feminists have raped the true meaning of 'narcissism' so, by their definition everyone is a narcissist, presumably excepting themselves, lol.

I think it's best defined as, "pride, but without virtue." So naturally, a ton of famous/rich/influential people are narcissists, and while not nearly all narcissists are bad people, very few celebs/idols are people I'd want to live with. I can't stand the way in which these k-pop idols interact with each other in their overly childish/playful videos, they act like such idiots for their age, you don't get to learn anything about who they are as a person... except for attention seeking narcissists, lol. The only thing I know for certain is that most of them came from wealthy famiies.
Mar 27, 2023
All the blasphemy. Sana dressing up as the virgin Mary. Them having lesbian moments while singing in what looks like a church. Them dancing with a giant triangle in the back. This is basically god is a woman 2.0
I'm going to make a parody song of the Ariana Grande one called ''Satan is a Woman.'' It'll get censored I'm sure, but I won't put it on youtube.
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Mar 27, 2023
View attachment 88856

This is the opening song "new world" = new world order? where they have these illuminati triangles around them and also in the beginning they walk out in hooded robes. Could there possibly be something positive about this? Like maybe something beneficial - the NWO can't all be bad, maybe there's some good?

Think, if the church or if islam had control of the world, it would be even worse. We can see that in islamic nations, people are treated horribly and these christofacists are waging full out war on women and young girls.

Also, what do you all think the agreement is for doing this? Like will they get special privileges from the NWO?
Hollywood...suddenly on a halt...with actors and "behind the scenes" workers on strike...

The "greedy" satanic elites...are eating up its own...

K'Entertainment might follow suit...

The CIA funds Hellywood, so they'll always be around, but people are definitely boycotting them. New movies will always come out, but only retards will care about it.


Jul 16, 2023
at first, when i saw a tiktok claiming that enha were devil worshippers, i didnt think much of it. but after their recent comeback and reading the lyrics of their bside that is literally called sacrifice (eat me up), im now convinced. considering how often they do those one eye poses, it makes sense 2 me now.
also, their fans seem to be hypnotized as well. how come no one has a problem with a 17 year old singing sexual music and performing sexual choreography ??
Screen Shot 2023-07-16 at 12.55.39 PM.pngScreen Shot 2023-07-16 at 12.55.53 PM.png
astaghfarillah ...


May 12, 2023
Do you think guys that there's idols with narcisist behaviour? I think there's many
To be a successful idol in such a competitive zone. You have to want to being a singing superstar more than anything. You will sacrifice anything, your dignity, your body, anything. If a girl group was told by the CEO's if they performed naked, they would have a guaranteed worldwide number one hit, and they'd handle all the blowback, do you think they'd do it?


Jun 26, 2022
To be a successful idol in such a competitive zone. You have to want to being a singing superstar more than anything. You will sacrifice anything, your dignity, your body, anything. If a girl group was told by the CEO's if they performed naked, they would have a guaranteed worldwide number one hit, and they'd handle all the blowback, do you think they'd do it?
Right, you reach the point.. I they would do, watch the GG Stellar, they have to act more sensual to sell more records