Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


May 21, 2021
You have a very nihilistic view. If your pov was true God wouldn't have used king saul. He killed thousands of Christians, had multiple wives, and did witchcraft and God STILL transformed & used him. One touch of the Holy Spirit is powerful enough to change someone. Imagine if one of these idols had the courage to come out against the industry because they know Jesus will protect them. It would breaks thousands of K-pop fans out of the spell. God is faithful to forgive and so am I. God can save anyone and contracts to the devil are a lie from hell. God owns all souls and the second you repent he breaks any contract you signed. Yes some people are evil to the core but some people in the industry are groomed and sold by their parents or care takers and don't even know the power of the one true God. You better repent because you'll have to answer to God one day on why you have no heart for these people.
I'm very far from nihilistic. Wrong use of word there.
I am personally, from what I've studied, under the impression that many things are pre-determined. As I said, anyone here who wants to pray for them then by all means, I'm just not going to. I'd rather the fans. Becoming one with vile spirits, getting possessed everyday- and even beyond that, bloodlines are one important factor. Some of them are quite literally of satan's seed. They are his children. That's why I refuse to pray for them. So we've studied different things. Pray for them if you'd like, I will not. I don't have a heart for children of the devil. I do for everyone else however.

To me, it's always been clear that high tier celebrities in particular will not be saved, they will continue in their ways until they're destroyed just as their families have done for generations; passing on their evil through the blood and being familiar with wicked spirits. The richer/famous you get, the more corrupt you become until you're just a vessel of complete evil. That is what happened to celebrities, politicians, and anyone even higher than that. I see their spirits, I've looked into their souls with the power of discernment. I glance into their eyes, and I see the horror and incomprehensible ugliness that even I can't fully understand, that dwells within them.

I remember I prayed for them once, before I had this mindset and I received an answer, that they're meant to be the way they are. Everyone has different answers. You are in your full right to have hope for them, I will not take that away from you. But for now, agree to disagree.
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Miu's Yukhoe

Apr 19, 2023
I'm very far from nihilistic. Wrong use of word there.
I am personally, from what I've studied, under the impression that many things are pre-determined. As I said, anyone here who wants to pray for them then by all means, I'm just not going to. I'd rather the fans. Becoming one with vile spirits, getting possessed everyday- and even beyond that, bloodlines are one important factor. Some of them are quite literally of satan's seed. They are his children. That's why I refuse to pray for them. So we've studied different things. Pray for them if you'd like, I will not. I don't have a heart for children of the devil. I do for everyone else however.

To me, it's always been clear that high tier celebrities in particular will not be saved, they will continue in their ways until they're destroyed just as their families have done for generations; passing on their evil through the blood and being familiar with wicked spirits. The richer/famous you get, the more corrupt you become until you're just a vessel of complete evil. That is what happened to celebrities, politicians, and anyone even higher than that. I see their spirits, I've looked into their souls with the power of discernment. I glance into their eyes, and I see the horror and incomprehensible ugliness that even I can't fully understand, that dwells within them.

I remember I prayed for them once, before I had this mindset and I received an answer, that they're meant to be the way they are. Everyone has different answers. You are in your full right to have hope for them, I will not take that away from you. But for now, agree to disagree.
By this logic, there would be no point in praying for anyone because Jesus said "whomever is not for me, is against me" thus making everyone who has not repented and accepted Jesus as Lord a child of Satan. When Jesus told the Pharisees they were of their father the devil, it was because he told them the truth, yet they refused to believe him. So, like their father, the devil, they were liars and did not abide in the truth. Some celebrities simply have not had their eyes opened to the truth yet. It hasn't even been presented to them yet. Many kpop stars are signed into the industry by their greedy parents, like Soeun of Weeekly as a recent example. Should they also be abandoned and given up on? If Jesus's followers give up on them and do not even try to present to them the gospel, or pray for the gospel to be sent to them, then we have failed to see our purpose. And yes, not thinking that God has the power to save even them is nihilistic.


May 8, 2023
I honestly don't think that any kpop stars are actually freemasons or of any satanic lineage because they're non-white, usually only white men are accepted into freemasonry.

But there have been black people and other people of colour in freemasonry. But I honestly don't think any kpop stars are masons.

However kpop stars are controlled and being used and prostituted off for deals and other things.


Sep 21, 2021
I honestly don't think that any kpop stars are actually freemasons or of any satanic lineage because they're non-white, usually only white men are accepted into freemasonry.

But there have been black people and other people of colour in freemasonry. But I honestly don't think any kpop stars are masons.

However kpop stars are controlled and being used and prostituted off for deals and other things.
There are freemasons all over the world...Sure it was founded in Bavaria, Germany by white Jesuits...but memberships have been expanded worldwide since its founding in the 17th century... The higher degree masons, though, are mostly white...In SK, many of the freemasons are business people like the owners of the big KPop agencies, politicians, and the big business owners known as "chaebols..." (practically running the SK economy). Interestingly, the Bon Voyage series of the Betees was most likely "sponsored" by the Knights of Malta...


Apr 19, 2023
aside from minh0 all sh1ne members look older for their age. for a 1993 person t@emin also looks old af, k3y is full of botox, only minh0 still youthful somehow. jink1 got skinnier too that's why he looks older than sujuh. and his yoga pictures are weird and creepy he's obsessed but what can we expect of people that were probably born in cult families? I don't believe for a minute these kp00p idols especially $m ones are regular people. all are satanists of freemasonry lineage
to me 0n3w's loss of weight makes him look younger than before, he looked pretty old prior to the military when he was chubby/slightly overweight during TSOL era like an uncle next door


Jun 26, 2022
I honestly don't think that any kpop stars are actually freemasons or of any satanic lineage because they're non-white, usually only white men are accepted into freemasonry.

But there have been black people and other people of colour in freemasonry. But I honestly don't think any kpop stars are masons.

However kpop stars are controlled and being used and prostituted off for deals and other things.
They're Just puppets infact


Aug 22, 2020
I honestly don't think that any kpop stars are actually freemasons or of any satanic lineage because they're non-white, usually only white men are accepted into freemasonry.

But there have been black people and other people of colour in freemasonry. But I honestly don't think any kpop stars are masons.

However kpop stars are controlled and being used and prostituted off for deals and other things.
Irrespective to race, freemasons r everywhere around the world. The thing is you'll never know that person unless their society wants to be explicit on showing their brothers.

Being an Indian I can confirm that there r many lodges in every districts of India. It's not surprising bcoz freemas0ns r at authority. Businessmen, politicians, judges, sportsmen, advocates, civil officials, actors r members. There r puppets too.


Apr 19, 2023
There are freemasons all over the world...Sure it was founded in Bavaria, Germany by white Jesuits...but memberships have been expanded worldwide since its founding in the 17th century... The higher degree masons, though, are mostly white...In SK, many of the freemasons are business people like the owners of the big KPop agencies, politicians, and the big business owners known as "chaebols..." (practically running the SK economy). Interestingly, the Bon Voyage series of the Betees was most likely "sponsored" by the Knights of Malta...
What you described is only the fraternity of the Illuminati which was founded in the 18th century (1776 to be exact) in Bavaria but that is just one of the hundreds and thousands of fraternal occultic organisations with different names that all fall under the umbrella of Freemasonry. Freemasonry as a whole is way older than that. There's no exact date known of when the movement started but is speculated to be somewhere between 14th to 16th centuries and that is just the data that they provide. It's no secret that they are often associated with Knights Templar as a direct linkage which would make them even older but of course they deny it. Conveniently, the oldest masonic lodge is found in Scotland exactly where the Templar survivors are thought to have moved.
Anyway, it's true that they now exist in almost every country either officially or underground. First masonic lodges in East Asia date back to mid 19th century when Japan opened up to the West, but it wasn't until after WW2 when they were established more widely both Japan and Korea so it's still a relatively recent thing there. Most of the current kp0p artists would probably only be 3rd or 4th generation if we assume they come from masonic lineage. But they really don't have to be masons to be practicioners of the occult. Various pagan, occultic religions and movements existed basically since the beginning of times everywhere. That includes weird rituals, worship of evil spirits and demonic entities which is essentially the same what the occultic fraternities such as freemasons do. Particularly in Korea, that would be shamanism which has a long history.


Apr 6, 2018
What you described is only the fraternity of the Illuminati which was founded in the 18th century (1776 to be exact) in Bavaria but that is just one of the hundreds and thousands of fraternal occultic organisations with different names that all fall under the umbrella of Freemasonry. Freemasonry as a whole is way older than that. There's no exact date known of when the movement started but is speculated to be somewhere between 14th to 16th centuries and that is just the data that they provide. It's no secret that they are often associated with Knights Templar as a direct linkage which would make them even older but of course they deny it. Conveniently, the oldest masonic lodge is found in Scotland exactly where the Templar survivors are thought to have moved.
Anyway, it's true that they now exist in almost every country either officially or underground. First masonic lodges in East Asia date back to mid 19th century when Japan opened up to the West, but it wasn't until after WW2 when they were established more widely both Japan and Korea so it's still a relatively recent thing there. Most of the current kp0p artists would probably only be 3rd or 4th generation if we assume they come from masonic lineage. But they really don't have to be masons to be practicioners of the occult. Various pagan, occultic religions and movements existed basically since the beginning of times everywhere. That includes weird rituals, worship of evil spirits and demonic entities which is essentially the same what the occultic fraternities such as freemasons do. Particularly in Korea, that would be shamanism which has a long history.
I'm still researching, but this will give you an explanation:
The Freemasonry:
The cult and the cause:
The God and the Bonds:

+ The article on the cycle, allows a distribution of egregores:

And he has other information available, on the subject.


Mar 16, 2017
Lucas is still with SM (as a soloist) but not the groups. I mean he's essentially still being used as a possible solo-experiment. He hasn't broken free..

Set Me Free from these tunes?


Jul 13, 2022
Lucas is still with SM (as a soloist) but not the groups. I mean he's essentially still being used as a possible solo-experiment. He hasn't broken free..

Set Me Free from these tunes?
Considering that he’s only famous because of his looks he will probably promote as a model or in China


May 21, 2021
By this logic, there would be no point in praying for anyone because Jesus said "whomever is not for me, is against me" thus making everyone who has not repented and accepted Jesus as Lord a child of Satan. When Jesus told the Pharisees they were of their father the devil, it was because he told them the truth, yet they refused to believe him. So, like their father, the devil, they were liars and did not abide in the truth. Some celebrities simply have not had their eyes opened to the truth yet. It hasn't even been presented to them yet. Many kpop stars are signed into the industry by their greedy parents, like Soeun of Weeekly as a recent example. Should they also be abandoned and given up on? If Jesus's followers give up on them and do not even try to present to them the gospel, or pray for the gospel to be sent to them, then we have failed to see our purpose. And yes, not thinking that God has the power to save even them is nihilistic.
I'm sorry, I'm just not going to deal with them as I said. We all have seen and learned different things. Agree to disagree.


Jun 9, 2022
This group is going crazy.they are literally everywhere. Every day they are trending.
Achievement after joining hype.
Broke record of hamento
4m pre orders
Bill board no.1 recently
They even suprassed suga d day
And now this
They are doing one eye symbol in each and every vedio.
I don't have pic but mingoo took photo with that Freemasons one hand inside coat


Aug 23, 2022
I am personally, from what I've studied, under the impression that many things are pre-determined.

I remember I prayed for them once, before I had this mindset and I received an answer, that they're meant to be the way they are. Everyone has different answers. You are in your full right to have hope for them, I will not take that away from you. But for now, agree to disagree.
Please read the word of God so you can distinguish the truth and a lie from the enemy.
God doesn't want anyone to perish. Never stop praying for those who are lost.

Matthew 5:44
"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"

1 Thessalonians 5:17
"pray with out ceasing"

2 Peter 3:9
"The Lord isn’t slow to keep his promise, as some think of slowness, but he is patient toward you, not wanting anyone to perish but all to change their hearts and lives."