Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jun 2, 2021
ew omg keys album teaser/cover? thing imma be sick why does it look like that IDNDAINSAK
seems like he is doing an alien concept which is sus.....Kibum said his Title track got high praise from lee soo man so I am expecting that he will use some big symbolism also is it just me or sh1nee seem like they are trying really hard to please lee s00 man these days Dcm too was one of Lsm's most treasured songs and they kept hyping it up like it was the best song ever despite that not even being the members' favourite song I just hope his TT isn't anything like Dcm lee s00 man has trash taste.


Jun 2, 2021
yeah i rmbr that fans were split and jonghyun winning on shows more than taemin kinda ripped the fandom for a while lol, but its not any of their faults that that happened. eventually taemin was the more successful one, and fans turned it around. saying they hate each other doesnt make sense to me when jonghyun wrote him a song called "pretty boy" lol
yes it's wierd and It's also wierd how everyone thinks 5m hated jonghyun he was also one of their favs in sh1nee just look at the way 5m treated jonghyun vs onew onew isn't even listed or mentioned as one of 5m's best vocalists despite being very close to jonghyun in vocal skills he had no promo at all for his debut no features with 5m artists, wasn't a part of 5m the ballad got little screentime in Mvs jjong was the first 5m artist to have a completely self produced album and that too for his debut album while they rejected all of Taemin's ideas for Ace, he was the first artist to be allowed to have collaborations with artists outside of 5m, he even got to hold solo tours and concerts before taemin despite debuting later and even his death and memorial were handled so much better than sulli's 5m loved jonghyun and gave him a lot of freedom and creative control over his work he even helped in producing sh1nee songs which was very rare at that time I have no idea what happened in 2017 that made jonghyun lose their favor maybe he realized that the industry is corrupt and wanted to leave but 5m didn't like that so they forced him to stay or tried to eliminate him in fear he would expose them after leaving.


Aug 26, 2021
yes it's wierd and It's also wierd how everyone thinks 5m hated jonghyun he was also one of their favs in sh1nee just look at the way 5m treated jonghyun vs onew onew isn't even listed or mentioned as one of 5m's best vocalists despite being very close to jonghyun in vocal skills he had no promo at all for his debut no features with 5m artists, wasn't a part of 5m the ballad got little screentime in Mvs jjong was the first 5m artist to have a completely self produced album and that too for his debut album while they rejected all of Taemin's ideas for Ace, he was the first artist to be allowed to have collaborations with artists outside of 5m, he even got to hold solo tours and concerts before taemin despite debuting later and even his death and memorial were handled so much better than sulli's 5m loved jonghyun and gave him a lot of freedom and creative control over his work he even helped in producing sh1nee songs which was very rare at that time I have no idea what happened in 2017 that made jonghyun lose their favor maybe he realized that the industry is corrupt and wanted to leave but 5m didn't like that so they forced him to stay or tried to eliminate him in fear he would expose them after leaving.
i think they def used jjong as a money making machine bc he was so popular in korea amongst not just fans but idols too and blablabla its all abt the money, and its true that they seemed to give him a lot more freedom than other artists. i personally think he was sacrificed and thats why they often isolated him in 2017, he was close w shinee that year but very often we saw him alone and away from people


Aug 26, 2021
seems like he is doing an alien concept which is sus.....Kibum said his Title track got high praise from lee soo man so I am expecting that he will use some big symbolism also is it just me or sh1nee seem like they are trying really hard to please lee s00 man these days Dcm too was one of Lsm's most treasured songs and they kept hyping it up like it was the best song ever despite that not even being the members' favourite song I just hope his TT isn't anything like Dcm lee s00 man has trash taste.
dcm was also minhos fave so they went w it cuz he pushed it lol. i think its cuz soo mans probably treated them differently since jjongs passing, be it negative or positive so for whatever reason, they need/want to please him. ur right tho his taste is garbage HA im a shawol and dcm is an okay song but their bside CØDE wouldve been much better as a tt


Jun 2, 2021
i think they def used jjong as a money making machine bc he was so popular in korea amongst not just fans but idols too and blablabla its all abt the money, and its true that they seemed to give him a lot more freedom than other artists. i personally think he was sacrificed and thats why they often isolated him in 2017, he was close w shinee that year but very often we saw him alone and away from people
I think he definitely was one of their favs I don't think its necessary for them to always eliminate the most mistreated member michael jackson was one of the elites favs too but he was killed too they can turn on anyone once they rebel.


Jun 2, 2021
dcm was also minhos fave so they went w it cuz he pushed it lol. i think its cuz soo mans probably treated them differently since jjongs passing, be it negative or positive so for whatever reason, they need/want to please him. ur right tho his taste is garbage HA im a shawol and dcm is an okay song but their bside CØDE wouldve been much better as a tt
yeah I have a feeling the change is/was negative and that's why they are trying to please the higher ups so they are allowed to continue as a group that would explain why taem was so depressed before enlistment and the whole fued they were having with universal music japan in june this year.


Apr 6, 2018
Enfin, j'ai finit la première partie:
Finally, I finished the first part:

Dans la second partie, je vais mettre la référence des dieux par rapport au cycle. Où de le symbole, qu'ils utilisent pour la pédophilie, est une représentation de la montée de l'âme, la forme (interne), ce ce que les Egyptiens utilisait pour monter les pyramides.
In the second part, I will put the reference of the gods in relation to the cycle. Where of the symbol, which they use for p***philia, is a representation of the rise of the soul, the (internal) shape, what the Egyptians used to climb the pyramids.

Pour ceux qui peuvent pas accéder à mon blog:

L'Homme va utilisé ce qui l'entoure pour illustrer ce qu'il observe. Voyant que, l'horizon sépare le ciel de la terre. Et que le soleil sortant de terre à l'aurore, domine au zénith, puis s'évanouie au coucher.. Représentes les trois des quatre parties importantes, présentent dans cette devinette: "Qu'est-ce qui marche à quatre pattes le matin, à deux pattes à midi et à trois pattes le soir?" Réponse: "L'Homme" A minuit, l'âme est au paradis pendant que le corps est resté sur terre.
Dans sa forme la plus complexe, le cycle est double, et prend la forme d'un huit: les parents conçoivent leur fils au dernier quart de leur premier cercle. La mère passe ensuite sa période de grossesse sur le premier quart du premier cercle du fils. Allant de sa naissance jusqu'à l'adolescence, le fils passera le second quart sous la protection et l'éducation de sa mère. Au troisième quart: devenue adolescent, il prendra petit à petit son indépendance, tout en restant sous la tutelle de sa mère. Au quatrième quart: il rencontra sa petite amie. Ils finiront par couchés ensembles, comme leurs parents. Jusqu'à qu'à son tour elle tombe enceinte, commence alors le premier cycle de l'enfant et le dernier cycle des parents. Au troisième quart: le temps pèse sur le corps. Au second et troisième: les parents peuvent prendre le rôle de grand-parents, arrière grand-parents, arrière arrière grand-parents... Atteignant à la fin du troisième et début du quatrième quart: l'Homme meurt et l'âme part au paradis. Pendant que le corps se dégrade, l'âme prend tout de suite où plus tard un nouveau corps, et ainsi recommencer le cycle.
La forme du Yin comme du Yang est c'elle du nombre d'or: L'un démarre au début de l'équinoxe du printemps, et finit à la fin du solstice d'été. L'autre démarre au début de l'équinoxe d'automne et finit à la fin du solstice d'hiver. Le cycle la position des étoiles est divisible en deux par le Yin et Yang voir en quatre par les quatre saisons. Alors que le Yin est lié à la féminité, à la matière. Le Yang est lié à la masculinité, et donc à l'énergie. Même si en décrivant le corps physique, le Yin remplacerait le Yang: La femme a un physique léger. Mais porte l'ovule, et a le mental le plus solide. Inversement l'homme est physiquement fort, il porte les spermatozoïdes (la vie, la lumière, qui agis sur la matière, l'ovule), mais est mentalement faible.
La division en quatre accompagne les quatre éléments du corps: La graine (le spermatozoïde) est enterrée dans le premier élément: la terre (sable ou poussière). Arroser d'eau au précédent quart, elle est humidifiée lui permet de s'enfoncer, en créant au passage une réserve d'eau sous terre. L'arbre va nourrir de la terre comme la germe de l'oeuf se nourrit du jaune puis du blanc. Le feu est l'élément du second quart. Pour représenter le soleil, celui-ci sort de terre, comme le bébé sort de sa mère, comme l'oiseau sort de sa coquille. Il va ensuite s'élevé en réchauffant de plus en plus l'atmosphère. Le troisième quart est celui du vent. Le soleil perd de son intensité, jusqu'à complètement disparaitre sous l'horizon. Le quatrième quart est pour le quart de la mère est représenté par l'eau. La second partie du quart est celui de la mort. La pomme est tombée se dégrade. Laissant seul les graines qui vont avec l'aide de l'eau dans la terre. Elle recommence ainsi le cycle.
La main gauche du corps absorbe alors que la main droite rejette l'énergie en passant ou pas par la glande pinéale (la maison de l'esprit). Sous la forme d'une arche voir la pointe du triangle passe par les trois positions du soleil qui accompagnent les trois périodes de l'évolution de l'Homme. Ainsi que la position des; deux yeux physiques. En plus de la glande pinéale nommée le troisième oeil. est positionné à la pointe. Le nez est lié au quart du soleil à l'élément du vent, à celui du souffle qui donne vie. A l'inverse, il éteint le feu. Et la bouche est liée à la mort en accélérant la dégradation.
Les quatre quarts sont globalement représenter par une ou plusieurs couleurs: La couleur jaune qui représente le soleil. est englobée par la terre, de couleur marron. La couleur rouge fait référence au soleil brulant, qui associer avec le second quarts donnent la couleur orange, la couleur de l'Homme. Le troisième quart porte la couleur blanche celle du soleil au zénith, ou la couleur. verte, celle de l'ouroboros. Le cycle finit par le quart de la mère, avec l'eau qui suivit par la seconde partie qui se trouve soit en. dessous, soit entre dernier et premier quart, il porte la couleur noir, la couleur de la mort, qui est la première couleur.

For those who cannot access my blog:

Man has a life cycle in the form of a riddle: "What walks on all fours in the morning on two legs at noon and on three legs in the evening?" Answer: "The Man". At midnight the soul being in paradise while the body remained on earth.
In the double cycle (eight cycle): parents conceive their son in the last quarter of their first circle. The mother then spends her pregnancy period on the first quarter of the son's first circle. From birth to adolescence, the son will spend the second quarter under the protection and education of his mother .; In the third quarter, having become a teenager, he will gradually gain his independence while remaining under the tutelage of his mother. In the fourth quarter he met his girlfriend. They will end up lying together like their parents. Until she in turn becomes pregnant, the first cycle of the child and the last cycle of the parents begin. In the third quarter time weighs on the body. In the second and third, parents can take on the role of grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents ... Reaching at the end of the third and beginning of the fourth quarter, the Man dies and the soul goes to the paradise. As the body degrades, the soul immediately or later takes on a new body and thus begins the cycle again.
The form of Yin as of Yang is that of the golden ratio: One starts at the beginning of the spring equinox, and ends at the end of the summer solstice. The other starts at the start of the fall equinox and ends at the end of the winter solstice. The cycle the position of the stars is divisible in two by the Yin and Yang, see in four by the four seasons. The Yin is linked to femininity, to matter. And the Yang which is linked to masculinity, and therefore to energy. Even if by describing the physical body, the Yin would replace the Yang: The woman has a light physique But carries the ovum, and has the most solid mind. Conversely, the man is physically strong, he carries the sperm, but is mentally weak.
The division into four accompanies the four elements of the body: The seed (the sperm) is buried in the first element: the earth (sand or dust). Sprinkle with water in the previous quarter, it is humidified allowing it to sink, creating in the process a reserve of water underground. The tree will nourish the earth as the germ of the egg feeds on the yolk and then on the white. Fire is the element of the second quarter. To represent the sun, it comes out of the earth, like the baby comes out of its mother, like the bird comes out of its shell. It will then rise, warming the atmosphere more and more. The third quarter is that of the wind. The sun loses its intensity, until it completely disappears below the horizon. The fourth quarter is for the mother's quarter is represented by water. The second part of the quarter is that of death. The fallen apple is deteriorating. Leaving alone the seeds that go with the help of water in the earth. She thus begins the cycle again.
The left hand of the body absorbs while the right hand rejects the energy either passing through the pineal gland (the house of the spirit). In the form of an arch, see the point of the triangle passes through the three positions of the sun which accompany the three periods of the evolution of Man. As well as the position of; two physical eyes. In addition to the pineal gland named the third eye. is positioned at the tip. The nose is linked to a quarter of the sun to the element of wind, to that of the breath that gives life. Conversely, he extinguishes the fire. And the mouth is linked to death by accelerating degradation.
The four quarters are globally represented by one or more colors: The yellow color which represents the sun. is encompassed by the earth, brown in color. The color red refers to the scorching sun, which associated with the second quarter gives the color orange, the color of Man. The third quarter bears the color white that of the sun at the zenith, or the color. green, that of ouroboros. The cycle ends with the quarter of the mother, with the water which follows by the second part which is either in. below, that is to say between the last and the first quarter, it wears the color black, the color of death, which is the first color.
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Jul 23, 2020
Why??? Taemin and Jonghyun always supported each other. They went to each other’s concerts. Jonghyun wrote songs for Taemin. I think Taemin is spoiled more than jealous. He was allowed to do too much without consequences.
They had "soft competiton"

In fact Jonghyun had to explain to Taemin that he had no problem with his success during his Japanese show, but those videos were removed by SM. I see clips here and there, but their body language spoke everything.

They are really good people who are all leaders. People like that can't survive long.

Watch Key's interview with Jenny especially towards the end. Key sounded done. His only reason is SHAWOLS.
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Jun 2, 2021
I listened to jonghyun's crazy today and after reading the lyrics of crazy I am convinced jonghyun was a sacrifice to please the devil I also have a feeling he may have commit suicide under possession of a demon hence why everything happened at "THE PERFECT TIME" I also think he too was involved in freemasonry/occult because that's what I understood from Crazy's lyrics I believe in crazy he is talking about the devil I believe it was a ritualistic song because the Mv contains heavy symbolism and in one of jonghyun's live performance of crazy he looked like he was possessed by the devil I also find it disturbing how both vocalists Iron and jonghyun died mysterious deaths now coming to the lyrics of crazy while the whole song is filled with lyrics hinting at his programming and the devil trying to possess him but this part sung by Iron in particular is very disturbing for me

I felt it from the beginning when I saw you
I’d get hurt if I touched you
I knew but I decided to grab onto you tighter
You’re double-bladed knife piercing into me
I can take this much
my weakened mind, sanitize it with alcohol already ( I think here he is talking about being drugged he had depression so maybe they drugged him to make him perform rituals)
guilt is way sweeter than the consequences I will face later (disturbing)
I can’t stop now
I fall in deeper
into the crazy love swamp you dug
I think I reached the end of my life already

even if the next sun arises
and my eyes won’t open, as long as I’m happy that you are beside me ( I don't want to believe this is true but what I am understanding from these lyrics is that he is talking about giving up his soul for the devil possibly hinting at his upcoming sacrifice)
for me X became O (don't know meaning behind X and O but jonghyun used a lot of X symbolism in his work Its also a symbolism of the elites)
I crave you every second
any heaven without you will be a hell for me, SORRY GOD
don’t forgive my guilty pleasure ( These are very distrutbing lyrics I don't want to believe this but I think jonghyun was involved in some occult stuff and here he is making confession that it is his guilty pleasure and he has fallen deeply into the traps of the devil)

So after analyzing the lyrics I think Crazy was a ritualistic song I am not saying jonghyun was a bad person and he took part in these rituals voluntarily he was probably programmed or forced to do this stuff but I believe 5m made plans to sacrifice him long before his actual death and jonghyun was only subconsciously aware of his programming there is more than just this I believe his last tour "Inspired" was planned by 5m and it was a ritual to invoke the devil I said before there were rumors jonghyun didn't want to do that tour but 5m forced him to perform there was some very disturbing symbolism used in that tour that I want to talk about I will also talk about symbolism in "inspiration" and "lonely" in the future and how they relate to jonghyun's death.


Jun 2, 2021
Ok so I think jonghyun's depression began in 2013 after the famous car accident that car accident was "staged" in my opinion and it was used as an excuse to program him let's take a look at lyrics of symptoms which I think its talking about his depression I don't think it was a normal depression it was very likely depression created because of programming or demon possession he hints at this in the lyrics of symptoms
It’s a mysterious, no, it’s a strange thing, it might be a sickness
I have no strength in my body, I can’t control it
These bad symptoms appeared after I met you (it means his depression was something that started after his encounter with the devil and it wasn't present since childhood like they say)

I’m left alone on this black night (in my room that’s filled with thoughts of you)
I can’t do anything and I draw you out as I am in pain all day
Your indifferent face that I can’t figure out makes my breath stop

Your cold eyes digs into my heart, cutting deeply through the center
If I don’t cure this wound, I might die, I might go crazy, I don’t know what will happen
The sickness that is you, the worse it gets, the more exhausted I get but the only medicine is you
If I can’t have you, I might die, I might go crazy, I don’t know what will happen
The only medicine is you
I can’t live if I lose you ( I think here he maybe referring to his state of helplessness that he can't stop doing the bad stuff because if he does he might face repercussions from the elites i.e he can't live if he rebels it could also mean they only allow him to take medicine for depression if he does bad stuff for them)

I can’t figure out this fever, I can’t cool it down
Can you hear my heart that’s about to burst toward you?
I’ve dried up like the desert, I’m hoping for a sweet rain that is you, to fall ( don't understand this part very much but seems like he is crying out for help but he is in a state of confusion because of the sickness so he sees the devil as his salvation?)

Now moving on to Inspiration I don't think jonghyun made that song he was either forced to make it or he wrote under possession of the devil
Just listen to the song this doesn't even sound like jonghyun his voice has no emotion in this one it's wierd jonghyun doesn't sing like this I am convinced he performed this under posession the repetition of verses like the verse 1 and the "Inspiration is needed" seems disturbing to me I think that 5m forced him to make this song and this inspiration he is talking about where is it coming from? who is he being inspired by? I believe it's the devil the reason for that is he named his concerts "X-Inspiration" the X is a symbol of illuminati he mentioned it in crazy too more proof comes from this VCR from his last solo concert

at 0:39 they are naked and they start performing a ritual then jonghyun stands up and he looks possessed than we see the people behind him who were performing the ritual on him they are wearing black masks there is in the beginning "Be Quiet" appears on the screen hinting that jonghyun was being silenced these concerts happened around the same time jonghyun gave his suicide note to 9 I think he realized that something bad was going to happen to him and that's why he tried to warn his family he also told 9 to release the note "if he dies" which means his suicide wasn't entirely planned like some shawols say. I will post about Lonely Mv and it's meaning in the next post.
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Jun 2, 2021
This is my final post on jonghyun's sacrifice/murder I believe sh1nee were given signals as early as 2016 that one of them will be sacrificed but they weren't aware who was going to be sacrificed all members except key have moments alluding to their possible deaths/sacrifice. In 1of1 Onew is isolated he isn't shown in the group dance sequences in 2017 he also had the sexual harrassment scandal which makes me think he was a strong contender for the sacrifice. In Tell me what to do we see Minho dying in a car accident. Then in sayonara hitori we have several scenes in which Taemin is laying in a coffin as if he was dead and two women put blue flowers on his grave? I think also the lyrics of sayohito seem sus as well since they are also pointing towards someones death the blue flowers seem important because they also appear at the end of Shinee's countless Mv where we see Taemin holding them his pose at the end of the mv is very similiar to how people hold flowers to pay homage at funerals so this could be sh1nee's way of paying homage to jonghyun?
Now moving on to lonely in lonely there is a scene where jonghyun is sitting in a bathtub and at the end of the Mv he drowns himself similiar to how britney dies in a bathtub at the end of "everytime" I think this is the confirmation that jonghyun will be the eventual sacrifice ritual baths are kind of the opposite of baptism it means "selling your soul or being a sacrifice for the devil" I think the marks on his arms represent the countdown to his death there are "28" marks on his arms if we count them in tally representing his korean age at the time of his death his outfit reminds me of the black and white outfit prisoners wear in jail revealing that he is like a prisoner in jail waiting for his execution he was a prisoner of the elites he looks so empty and lifeless it breaks my heart to think how much abuse and programming he might have had to go through for this and he was crying out for help here he tried to give us hints in his behind the scenes of lonely but fans ignored it. I believe sh1nee were not involved in his murder/sacrifice and his sacrifice did happen in the form of him taking his life most likely under control of a demon remember the guard outside of his apartment mentioned jonghyun was moving back and forth in his car and their were wierd noises coming out of his car I think at that time he was trying to resist the demon who was trying to possess him the demon was called upon in the final concerts he did before his death 5m forced him to perform those concerts jonghyun didn't want to but they forced him to do it because they were preparing for a mass ritual this mass ritual was not only for kpop's worldwde success I think it was used as a way to glorify Suicide I remember someone posted in the first few hundred pages that after jonghyun's death many of his fans also attempted suicide which I think was an after effect of the demonic energy they channeled because of this ritual the devil loves when people commit suicide when someone takes their own life they are denying the greatest gift of "God" that is life and that's why I believe suicide is considered a major sin in many religion but the elites want to glorify and normalize suicide and self harming behaviors I don't know about christianity but In islam it is mentioned that one of the signs of end times is that people will begin to pray for their deaths which is becoming true now that suicide rates are rising in many countries I also think that it isn't just a coincidence that bt5 and other groups started to release songs about loving yourself and mental health shortly after his death and it can't be a coincidence that Billie Eillish too started to become mainstream shortly after jonghyun's death since she too seems to be a part of agenda to normalize self harm and suicide.



Dec 1, 2019
Meaning of Red Shoes
More about symbolism

RED SHOES by Christopher Lord - Truthiracy House of Widsom
Saturn (EL) rules time and Zodiac. CROWN of EL = Cronus, Crone, Old (time). Phoenician = "Cronus" (EL), Latin "Corona", German = krone (scull cap), Greek = Cronus or Kronos = Saturn, Father of time.
In Pizzagate scandal many people are wondering what the Red Shoes stand for in the group picture with Tony Podesta. I have to first to teach you about the esoteric meaning of color Red and meaning of shoes.
1. LIFE. Red is the color of natural sexual arousal. So red represents Fertility of Nature (LIFE) or LOVE and Passion. Red is the color of Love and romance. Red District of Amsterdam -- SEX (XXX). This is why strippers and prostitutes wear RED to signal their nasty sexuality.
Red is the color of Blood. Red represents female menstrual cycle that startes at teen (of Age). Red means you are of age to have sexual intercourse. This is the age of a teen begins to wear RED lipstick.
Our Red Bloody Heart is what we are LOVE and HATE with. The symbol of our SOUL, our LIFE. The Heart of LOVE, DEATH and Sarcrifice.
The SUN is the center of our Solar (SUN) System. SOL = SOUL = SUN. This is why the center of our human body is called the SOLAR Plexus.
The Sun God is the OFFspring of Mother nature. Isis (ICE, Winter, Death) -- Cow Godess. Apis - Egyptian BULL God, green one. ORphan -- OFFspring, Son. Traveling Fool (Sun, SON) left all alone to pass from one status to another. Jester, Jack sharacter.
ORE (Hebrew Light) -- ORB -- RA/RE/ORE/Ro, OWR/AURum (gold). Sunrise -- SUN RA EYES.
The Travelling Fool! The Character of Nature! The FOOL KING of the SUN! First BORN of the DEAD!
RA (RE) was the Sun God the Travelling Fool on his annual journey. The ancient belived the Sun God walked across the sky! REd ROse.
The Sun is: RA (RE), Apollo (Apple EL) the Bull (Ball, Bol), Apollyon Devil of the Bible! Diablo is the Devil! DIA - Bull one of two BI - BULLS, TWO seasons Summer and Winter, Blue and Red. Apple (EL) -- Knowledge (to KNOW) -- SEX, LIFE!
OBELisk of the Egyptian RE. BEL = BAAL= BULL. SUNDIAL = SUN -- Die- EL. Obelisk symbolized Sun god RE|RA. The Word "Obelisk" is Greek rather than Egyptian.
These massive stone shaft were built from red granite and polished with sand and often their tops were capped with gold.
The Wachington Monument is the OBELisck (penis) of the God of nature, the Agricultural God of Death and REsurrection!
Feet are symbol of ones LIFE. Shoes reflect who you are, your personality. By their shoes you will know them. Our feet are what we use to walk through life, they symbolize our heart and our SOUL. This is why our shoes have SOLES. Sole = Soul, bottom of a shoe (Hell).
Feet (shoes)Walk -- life. Soul (Sole). Life& Death. RED SHOES -- SUN Walker. Red Shoes of Jesus -- Passover, End.
Agape (love) -- A GAPING hole, vagina. Passover -- Door, Portal, Tunnel of EL-- Red door -- Blood Way -- Vagina or anus. Pizza Gate. P izza Gate. [P] is a Gate. Open says me. (Sarah Ashcraft). Sex Magic.
Now you will understand why SOLE is our SOUL from your HEART (life) and why our SOUL is the SOL of the SUN.

2. DEATH. Red is the color of Blood sacrifice. SacRED -- Sacrifice RED. The color Red can also represent death.
SOL DIER (SUN DIE) "One who Dies for the Sun". Soldier dies in WAR. WAR -- RAW, RA is the SUN God. Soldier -- SOL (SOUL) DIER One who dies as a Sacrifice to the SUN (SOL) God!
War is RA(W) backwards. WAR = RAW = RA = SUN= RED. W = V = 6 6 - W = 2\3 = 666
RA - 66 = 6X6 666 SUN square
Scull and Bones -- DEcapitation. Scull eating the CROSS of TIME . Red (Bloody) shoes of EXECUTIONER.

Re/ Ra -- Egyptian Solar Deity (God)
Light RAY. Red light ray = right eye sun. War is RA(W) backwards. WAR = RAW = RA = SUN= RED. W = V = 6 6 - W = 2\3 = 666.
RA - 66 = 6X6 666 SUN square. 12 (6), 12x12 = 144, 18, 216, 6x6, Magic Sun, 36, 111, 666.
ORE (Hebrew Light 216) -- ORB -- RA/RE/ORE/Ro, OWR/AURum (gold).

Green one: Fertility, Nature. Apis (Bull God), Osiris, Baal, Tammuz, Dionysus, Saturn, Jesus.
REsurrection Gods: DEath & REbirth
DEscend to the underWORLD (Winter)
REborn again OFFspring (Summer)

Duality: Life & Death of the Nature, Fertility Game. Hearts (cards) -- Life, Spades -- Death.
Summer Winter, December -- DEath of the YEAR
White, Day, SUN (RA - RED)= LIGHT, LIFE Night -- MOON, EVEning, BLUE
EL- light. Light No EL -- No Light
Sunrise -- Life Underworld = Sun down = Darkness, Death
Spring -- Green nature, Rise. Flame Autumm -- Fall. EMBER, ORANGE.
Good (God) -- RA/ RE, Summer Winter (Evil) Bad: Satan, DEVIL, Saturn, Set En
FIRE (HOT SUN) Summer EMBER (Cold, BRRR) Winter, BLUE = Ice
LIFE (Start) DEATH (Finish)

Autumm-- Death of the YEAR, Cyce. EMBER, ORANGE month.
SeptEMBER (7 & 9) September is the beginning of fall.
OctoBER (8 & 9) The colors ORAnge and black represent Haloween.
NovEMBER (9 & 11) Eleven = EL even. EVE of November (9, 11), NOV = 9 (11th month)
DecEMBER (10 & 12) DEath.

Haloween (Samhain) OctoBER 31st. Druidic celtic festival New year.
Whole = Hallow, Holy. Sam = SUN = Summer. Fiun = End. End of the Chain (Hain).
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