Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

Mar 24, 2018
The truth is difficult to swallow. Research it more and you'll see what the Bible actually says about it. The whole earth is under deception and the lie about the form of the Earth connects with the future act of aliens(aka the fallen ones) attacking us. It takes time to go through what you've been thought but God wants you separated from the lies.

With saying that I'm bidding my goodbye from here. I've already did so by messaging @unbelievabletruth. I'll just copy and paste the message here:
"I'd recommend you to stop spending so much time on it. I may sound rude but I've been here since day 1 of the existence of those threads and it has become quite toxic. There were users who actually advised others to not spend all this time on those groups but they were kicked out and labelled as haters. Tbh, they were right - most of the users are still attached to them and just seek another way of sacrificing their time on them. I realised that a month ago and they really don't want to let go of that attachment.
Trust me, there's no point in wasting all that time on the same thing over on over again. Also, this is another trick of Satan of wasting your time and getting in the occult. I want to warn you to avoid all those astrological/moonchildren/mk ultra posts. Those are all used to make you think that there's no free will! Those posts only please the flesh and are going against God. This is really dangerous! Don't fall for it! This is one of the perfect weapon especially used through the female audience because they are the one who wants to "protect" and victimise everything. And all of those "theories" just bring in fear which is not of God!

I let God work on me and I'm free from this addiction called kpop. Those threads can help but at this point they've become the opposite. It has become a place for once again spending their time on those groups instead on God! They just do through the "woke" facade. Once God deliver you from an addiction you don't go back to it. Unfortunately, mot still haven't let God do that for them.

God has been urging me to share that with you(probably will share it with the others as well soon) because it has become ridiculous! Please, don't take that as hate but rather as an advice for you to not fall deeper into that. Instead stick to your Bible and be a watcher of what's to come world wide. Study your Bible and let the Holy Spirit guides you!"
God bless you!
I agree with you
I realised that the thread itself was still me holding on to BTS in some way
Focusing on my own life and prioritising my studies instead of constantly posting theories has not only made me closer to my family But also God as I’m using my time productively for the things that matter
Addiction can come in many forms for

Aulia naf

Apr 26, 2018
Hallo. Adakah orang indonesia di siniii? Ada yang mau bantuin jelasin ke aku? ingin tau lebih dalam lagi mengenai iluminati di industri kpop, tapi bingung harus mulai dari mana biar bisa hijrah dari kpop :"(
Aku :)


Jun 11, 2018
Hey guys
A question : Do you think the group 2pm are masters (high ranking like Bt$ and Ex0) or just low ranks ?

Apart from different hair colors (not a lot they mostly had brown hair except p0or Junh0 ),a representation of Saturn and the checkboard in the ground
One Alice theme and an apple in one clip
(And repetitive music )
It doesn't seem to me they are that deep deep in it
(I know their concept was beasts but i've only seen it twice )
Idk for real if they are high or low

Can anyone give help,advices,opinions,analyze ?

(Lol i do like that : avoid every high ranking ones except when i watched Scarlet Heart with BaekhyUn and IU,Rich M@n Poor W0man with Suho and 100 d@ys my pr"ncE with D.O
But otherwise i avoid them and if i watch celebs i go to the low ranking ones and give up when they show signs )
(Ik it's bad sorry for the rambling lmao)

Feel free to comment ~


Jan 30, 2019
hey guys most likely 2 years of secretly reading all this comment I want to say
Did you guys see the T@emin new teaser photos? I got so scared. I got noticed that all of his teaser photos shows the right eye.
Also noticed most of his cheorography and the MV he shows the signs like hiding the eyes also triangles and more. Is that mind control? that I watch the one video back in stage he was so cute and adorable when he started to show his performance it was completely different person like is that really he???
in the instagram that you know they crop the pictures piece to piece and post and randomly the main area (face) showed me and I am just creeped out



Apr 6, 2018
hey guys most likely 2 years of secretly reading all this comment I want to say
Did you guys see the T@emin new teaser photos? I got so scared. I got noticed that all of his teaser photos shows the right eye.
Also noticed most of his cheorography and the MV he shows the signs like hiding the eyes also triangles and more. Is that mind control? that I watch the one video back in stage he was so cute and adorable when he started to show his performance it was completely different person like is that really he???
in the instagram that you know they crop the pictures piece to piece and post and randomly the main area (face) showed me and I am just creeped out
The photo of Taemin makes me think of Johan of the manga Monster.


Mar 28, 2018
Guys i dont even know if i want to be here anymore.Started listening to kpop cause im depressed since childhood and made me feel better but nowadays even if i like a kpop song i feel like even if its a happy song it takes my remaining energy.Also they make it way too obvious and as an 2nd generation fan im dissapointed.I like 2ice but stopped listening to their newer songs cause its way too obvious.Also you should know that when singers go to Japan or Dubai it isnt just for for way more sinister reasons


Mar 29, 2018
Guys i dont even know if i want to be here anymore.Started listening to kpop cause im depressed since childhood and made me feel better but nowadays even if i like a kpop song i feel like even if its a happy song it takes my remaining energy.Also they make it way too obvious and as an 2nd generation fan im dissapointed.I like 2ice but stopped listening to their newer songs cause its way too obvious.Also you should know that when singers go to Japan or Dubai it isnt just for for way more sinister reasons
Did anyone ever explain why for some people this happens I mean your energy being taken away just from listening to the music? Is it just that some people are more vulnerable or sensitive to it then others because I honestly haven’t ever had this problem before so I’m just curious.


Jul 2, 2018
Guys i dont even know if i want to be here anymore.Started listening to kpop cause im depressed since childhood and made me feel better but nowadays even if i like a kpop song i feel like even if its a happy song it takes my remaining energy.Also they make it way too obvious and as an 2nd generation fan im dissapointed.I like 2ice but stopped listening to their newer songs cause its way too obvious.Also you should know that when singers go to Japan or Dubai it isnt just for for way more sinister reasons
Hello may I ask what kind of sinister reasons?


Mar 28, 2018
Did anyone ever explain why for some people this happens I mean your energy being taken away just from listening to the music? Is it just that some people are more vulnerable or sensitive to it then others because I honestly haven’t ever had this problem before so I’m just curious.
Since the songs are really energetic but also i kinda get lost while listening to songs to a better place.Society is cruel to say the least.Also being a kpop fan is draining.You start from watching a video to being recomended watching even more and more and becona attached to these people that you dont know and they dont know you either.Its like kpop companies take advantage of peoples depression and vulnerability


Mar 28, 2018
Hello may I ask what kind of sinister reasons?
Heres the link and you will understand.Its usually sponsorships sugar daddy situations sadly :/.Im talking from experience(not mine but my cousins friend who is known on instagram does questionable trips there.)Also ive read about singers being abused by multiple executives in japan in order to succed and get cfs there.There is a blind item about a popular kpop group being abused in japan and someone blackmailing him that he will release the tape,so he went and killed himself :(


Jul 2, 2018
Heres the link and you will understand.Its usually sponsorships sugar daddy situations sadly :/.Im talking from experience(not mine but my cousins friend who is known on instagram does questionable trips there.)Also ive read about singers being abused by multiple executives in japan in order to succed and get cfs there.There is a blind item about a popular kpop group being abused in japan and someone blackmailing him that he will release the tape,so he went and killed himself :(
Oh I see, thank you c: