Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Dec 22, 2017
I think both of them got the same mv producer, or the same elite master. I can't read it properly because i don't understand hangul.
From what i found the MV director isn't the same. It's Digipedi for LC and Beomjim for RV.
in Dumb Dumb there are scenes that looks like the LC' car accident. You have the girls in the car, the doll that falls and breaks(probably meaning death). the with parts of barbie dolls is similar to the sticking legs out of the box in RV music video.



Dec 27, 2017
Philippians 4:8
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
I think that this is how K-Pop influences young people. Before I was into K-Pop I would never support homosexuality (I would never discriminate against someone - we have to differentiate between the sinner and the sin), but after getting sucked into it more and more it influenced my way of thinking. I started to ship certain idols, first in a way I would just consider them as very close friends being more touchy due to the korean society. Later, when these touches became heavier I would just call it "fanservice". Step by step I got used to the heavy makeup worn by the guys, by the often effeminate behavior, the crossdressing and so on. What appeared odd to me at the beginning and what I made fun of as I was firstly introduced to K-Pop by my sister, was later what changed my personal behavior. I started to read fanfictions about homosexuals and interpreting things into everything two certain members did with each other. The fanfictions became more and more explicit. I thank God that he has made me free of that sin. But it was not easy. I was struggeling with this for a very long time. I was praying but fell into the sin again and again. It often started only with listening one song and there I was again - reading something shouldn't. Last year then I started to like Jonghyun from SHINee and I somehow had the desire to pray for him to be saved and become God's child when I was also praying for myself to get free from my K-Pop addiction (it was not only SHINee, but also EXO, BTS and some more). It took Jonghyun to die for me to finally be able to overcome this sin.
The devil is very smart when it comes to manipulate people. Only give him a finger and he will take the whole hand.
People are blinded not to see what is really going on behind the curtains.
If it's us who are so easily manipulated into committing a sin how much easier is it to pressure a young and naive rookie into letting anything be done with himself (even sexual abuse) when all his fame and future is depending on it.
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Dec 22, 2017
I think that this is how K-Pop influences young people. Before I was into K-Pop I would never support homosexuality (I would never discriminate against someone - we have to differentiate between the sinner and the sin), but after getting sucked into it more and more it influenced my way of thinking. I started to ship certain idols, first in a way I would just consider them as very close friends being more touchy due to the korean society. Later, when these touches became heavier I would just call it "fanservice". Step by step I got used to the heavy makeup worn by the guys, by the offten effeminate behavior, the crossdressing and so on. What appeared odd to me at the beginning and what I made fun of as I was firstly introduced to K-Pop by my sister, was later what changed my personal behavior. I started to read fanfictions about homosexuals and interpreting things into everything two certain members did with each other. The fanfictions became more and more explicit. I thank God that he has made me free of that sin. But it was not easy. I was struggeling with this for a very long time. I was praying but fell into the sin again and again. It often started only with listening one song and there I was again - reading something shouldn't. Last year then I started to like Jonghyun from SHINee and I somehow had the desire to pray for him to be saved and become God's child when I was also praying for myself to get free from my K-Pop addiction (it was not only SHINee, but also EXO, BTS and some more). It took Jonghyun to die for me to finally be able to overcome this sin.
The devil is very smart when it comes to manipulate people. Only give him a finger and he will take the whole hand.
People are blinded not to see what is really going on behind the curtains.
If it's us who are so easily manipulated into committing a sin how much easier is it to pressure a young and naive rookie into letting anything be done with himself (even sexual abuse) when all his fame and future is depending on it.
i have similar experience. Porn and sexual content is everywhere these days. No wonder my problem with masturbation started from a really young age (I was just 4 years old when media started infiltrated my mind on this). The thing is you feel good for some time but before and after doing it you know you're doing sth wrong. Even when I didn't know God back then I knew it's bad even if it felt good. Only God can set us free from those demons.
We're certainly in the last days. All the signs are here. We're at a point when there's no place where we can hide from media influence even if we want to.

Kandy Amemori

Dec 26, 2017
I think that this is how K-Pop influences young people. Before I was into K-Pop I would never support homosexuality (I would never discriminate against someone - we have to differentiate between the sinner and the sin), but after getting sucked into it more and more it influenced my way of thinking. I started to ship certain idols, first in a way I would just consider them as very close friends being more touchy due to the korean society. Later, when these touches became heavier I would just call it "fanservice". Step by step I got used to the heavy makeup worn by the guys, by the often effeminate behavior, the crossdressing and so on. What appeared odd to me at the beginning and what I made fun of as I was firstly introduced to K-Pop by my sister, was later what changed my personal behavior. I started to read fanfictions about homosexuals and interpreting things into everything two certain members did with each other. The fanfictions became more and more explicit. I thank God that he has made me free of that sin. But it was not easy. I was struggeling with this for a very long time. I was praying but fell into the sin again and again. It often started only with listening one song and there I was again - reading something shouldn't. Last year then I started to like Jonghyun from SHINee and I somehow had the desire to pray for him to be saved and become God's child when I was also praying for myself to get free from my K-Pop addiction (it was not only SHINee, but also EXO, BTS and some more). It took Jonghyun to die for me to finally be able to overcome this sin.
The devil is very smart when it comes to manipulate people. Only give him a finger and he will take the whole hand.
People are blinded not to see what is really going on behind the curtains.
If it's us who are so easily manipulated into committing a sin how much easier is it to pressure a young and naive rookie into letting anything be done with himself (even sexual abuse) when all his fame and future is depending on it.
I was extremely addicted to k-pop at one point in my life, too. How I become introduced to it was through Japanese animation. I remember coming home from school and finding what was left of my moms comic book/anime stash and I found one particular DVD that looked interesting to me and the title of it was "Inu Yasha - Swords of the Honorable Ruler." So, I watched the movie (it was great I loved, loved, loved it) and at the ending of the movie a song by Namie Amuro played called "Four Seasons" and I was instantly hooked. I searched her music up on YouTube and from recommendations I was Introduced to BoA and from BoA I was introduced to many more k-pop artists. Ok, at this point of my life I was really depressed and this music made me feel so much better so I became extremely addicted and at times I would catch myself taking up for them and defending them when someone would say something that I felt was offensive. I was so obsessive with the musical artist to the point where I would keep up with the latest news, comebacks, I would want to copy their style, I even imagined myself being with my bias. (LOL) I honestly didn't think I was obsessive like that and I would constantly deny I was when my family members would say what I was doing wasn't healthy. Long story short, my auntie ( who is strong in the word of God.) helped me see and guided my through along with my mom the things I was struggling and dealing with in life. So, now I'm nowhere near as bad as I was with k-pop. I still listen to k-pop from time to time but I no longer have the desire to obsess over them.
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Dec 22, 2017
I have to admit that i have the same story in my life, since my aunty always watch MTV so i watch those garbages since i was kid.

"Honesty is the beginning of the healing itself."

This bible verse for other people who experience the same thing.

Romans 12:2
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Amen! It's crazy how addicting sin can be but it never actually makes you happy in long term. Actually, it wears us out.

Here's some information on television and satanism:
Anton LaVey was the founder of the Church of Satan. He died on October 30th, 1997, and unfortunately, because God's church is the sleeping giant, LaVey's followers and his agenda to desensitize Christians through the media, lives on
Here are some astonishing quotes of his;
"The Tv set (is the) Satanic family altar."

"Television is the major mainstream infiltration for the new satanic religion."
"It should be brought out that we not only condone, but encourage all types of what would be called sexual perversity and deviations because we feel that in a few short years it will be established that everyone is a sexual deviant and pervert.
In the Satanic Bible, "LaVey explained that he was moved to establish the Church of Satan when he saw the need for a church that would "recapture man's body and carnal desires as objects of celebration."

"When the researchers looked at kids who said their parents strongly disapproved of them having sex, those who watched more than two hours of television a day were 70 percent more likely to have sex. And if sex-disapproving parents didn't monitor their teens' TV viewing, more than two hours a day of TV upped a teen's odds of sexual initiation by 250 percent."
The study by The Parents Television Council, titled "Happily Never After" finds that television broadcast networks depict sex within marriage as "either non-existent or burdensome while showing positive depictions of extra-marital or adulterous sexual relationships with alarming frequency."
These study results suggest that many in Hollywood are actively seeking to undermine marriage by consistently showing it in a negative manner," said Tim Winter, president of the PTC, in a release.
He goes on to say that in addition to its mostly negative portrayal of marriage, television has also become a stage for sexual expression that would have been unacceptable less than a generation ago.
Those include, according to the survey, threesomes, partner swapping, p***philia, necrophilia, bestiality and sex with prostitutes.
Add to that depictions of strippers, references to masturbation and sex toys, and television has created the perfect storm to blast away the last remnants of family values in Hollywood, the report suggests.
Winter said the phenomenon will undoubtedly influence the values of future generations."
Dec 26, 2017
I wish we could find (or make) our own forum, that focuses also on conspiracies, but would have more sections (like kpop, jpop, cpop, vpop...) so we could post more information and it would be more arranged and clear.

I still wonder about the whole Obama thing... also RedVelvet's Peekaboo. first I thought it was about pizzagate or something like that.

I think XX is also Saturn symbolism.
I agree, making our own forum is nice idea, to be completely have freedom to share opinions


Dec 27, 2017
I have to admit that i have the same story in my life, since my aunty always watch MTV so i watch those garbages since i was kid.

"Honesty is the beginning of the healing itself."

This bible verse for other people who experience the same thing.

Romans 12:2
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Im a Muslim, even in Islam we have a similar saying:
"Do not do Haram(wrong deeds) even if all are doing it, continue doing Halal(good deeds) even if you are the only one doing it."
This gave me hope the whole time when my friends kept making fun of me because i believed in god. Everyone of my age says that god does not exist. I feel dismayed every time. God does exist. If He didnt then there would be no life on earth in the first place. Carbon and hydrogen cant make life. They are a part. The living force can only be instilled by god alone.
Dec 26, 2017
Seungri made a good job.. but coal briquette again...

On December 29, Seungri donated and volunteered to hand out 130,000 coal briquettes to keep people warm this winter. Though he originally promised his fans that he'd be handing out 30,000, the Big Bang member brought out his holiday spirit and added 100,000 more.

As usual, Sean headed the briquette donation charity in Seoul, and Seungri joined, holding a sign that said, "Making a warm South Korea. Sean and Seungri. Seoul Briquette Bank."

I think seungri doesn't care about Jonghyun at all, he looks selfish to me, and after I see this, I am actually suspecting him, he just has launched his restaurant! even korean netizens has criticized him for launching it at this time

Kandy Amemori

Dec 26, 2017
I've been wondering if k-pop idols get sexually abused or have to sleep with people in higher status to get to more fame? I know people molests/r*pe artist or they basically prostitute themselves for more fame in western media. I know the if you sign the devil's contract for fame they make you do sick and perverted things. The thing is I never hear about in Korean media only Western/American media.



Dec 27, 2017
I've been wondering if k-pop idols get sexually abused or have to sleep with people in higher status to get to more fame? I know people molests/r*pe artist or they basically prostitute themselves for more fame in western media. I know the if you sign the devil's contract for fame they make you do sick and perverted things. The thing is I never hear about in Korean media only Western/American media.

It happens in Korean media too. It basically happens everywhere. Idols are exploited as trainees by higher ups for debut. Actresses sleep with producers for a role in a drama etc.
Dec 26, 2017
All Big Bang members are insensitive I think? The news about Taeyang's upcoming marriage on the exact same day of Jonghyun's suicide and now this.
do you guys think that Jonghyun could also be sacrificed for Big Bang business success? they are suspicious
Dec 26, 2017
Another update of the connection of Ladies code with bighit. RiSe, one of the members who died, appeared on the korean reality show "We got married" with David Oh, an artist from bighit.
if its true, its looks terrible that all of these sacrifices has been made just for one group success...I wonder how BTS members are feelings about this


Dec 22, 2017
if its true, its looks terrible that all of these sacrifices has been made just for one group success...I wonder how BTS members are feelings about this
Even if it's just a coincidence I think the blood of sacrifice is seen as good for the whole industry. Sacrifices for power and success here is always welcomed on behalf of the elite.


Dec 24, 2017
I read an interesting theory on Daum that links Jonghyun's death with Red Velvet's Peek-a-boo. Apparently, the writer reads VC too. VC didn't mention this particular detail on his article though:

종현의 죽음이 있기 한 달 전인 지난 11월 17일엔 SM의 대표적인 여자 아이돌 그룹 레드벨벳이 ‘피카부’라는 노래와 뮤비를 발표하였다.
A month before Jonghyun's death (Nov 17th), SM Entertainment's girl group Red Velvet released their song and music video "Peek-a-boo".

발표 전부터 노골적으로 666과 전시안을 보여주는 일루미나티 상징을 전면에 내세워 이목을 끌었는데, 이후로 발표된 뮤비에는 순진한 피자집 청년이 (일루미나티가 벌인) 인신제사에 희생된다는 내용을 담고 있어 일루미나티의 오컬트 문화를 폭로하는 미국의 유명 사이트 VigilantCitizen.com에까지 이 뮤비가 소개 된 바 있다.
Since the release, I noticed that they have been showing the Illuminati sign "666". The music video is about an innocent pizza boy who's being treated as a human sacrifice for the Illuminati. This music video was featured on a famous American website, which reveals the occult culture of the Illuminati.

종현의 지인인 나인과 이 소속사의 대표 그리고 종현의 가족들까지 그의 자살 가능성을 알고 있었다면 이미 샤이니 종현의 소속사인 SM도 종현의 심각한 상황에 대해서 잘 알고 있었을 것이다. 그런데, 지금까지는 이해 당사자인 SM에서 이를 예방하기 위한 사전 조치를 취한 흔적을 찾아볼 수 없다. SM이 종현의 죽음을 일부러 모른척했다는 의심이 드는 상황이다.
If Nine9, Jonghyun's acquintance, the representative of his agency, and Jonghyun's family knew the possibility of suicide then SM should have been well aware of Jonghyun's serious situation. Until now, however, there's no sign that the stakeholder, SM, has taken any precautions to prevent this. There is a suspicion that SM pretended not to know Jonghyun's death intentionally.


I'm not surprised if the sacrifice was indeed for SM. They probably just saw him as a pizza boy!
Now that we have Red Velvet's Peek-a-boo as a clue given by SM themselves we can say that Jonghyun was trying to reach out for help but the line was cut by SM as depicted here (plus another interesting point on the Werther effect!) :

뮤비 피카부의 마지막 장면에서도 위험을 직감한 피자집 청년이 도움을 요청하며 다급하게 전화를 거는 공중전화 부스 한쪽에 또 다른 많은 실종자들(희생자들)의 사진이 담겨진 전단이 붙어 있는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 이 장면이 대스타 한 사람의 죽음이 가져올 베르테르 효과를 예측한 것인가?
In the last scene of "Peek-a-boo", the pizza boy who is now aware of the danger tries to call for help. On the side of the public telephone booth we can see a flyer with pictures of other missing persons/victims. Is this scene predicting the Werther effect (A spike of emulation suicides after a widely publicized suicide) that this star will bring?​
Someone asked me to translate the numerology part of the article. Too bad I couldn't find any thorough explanation on this but this might help to shed some light:

First of all, Peek-a-boo was released on November 17th, a month before Jonghyun's death.

피자집 청년과 레드벨벳 멤버 5 명이 정각 12시가 되자 의식(인신제사)을 시작한다. 피자집 청년 1 레드벨벳 멤버 5 그리고 12시 숫자를 합치면 1+5+12=18=6+6+6=666 이 의식이 666 짐승을 위해 바치는 제사임을 보여주고 있다. 흥미로운 것은 뮤비에서는 12시가 지나서 의식이 시작된 것으로 묘사하고 있는데, 이것이 12월에 어떤 사건이 사건이 있을 것을 암시한 것인가?
At the appointed time which is 12 'o clock, Red Velvet begins their sacrifice on the pizza boy.
The numerology:
Pizza boy = 1
Red velvet = 5 members
1 + 5 + 12 = 18
18 = 6 + 6 + 6 = 666
This depicts that the sacrifice is done for the beast/the Devil. The interesting part of this is that the clock stops at 12 'o clock, did they want to tell us that something big was gonna happen in December?

레드벨벳이 뮤비를 발표한 11월 17일에서 달과 일에 각기 1을 더하면 정확히 종현의 자살 소식이 알려진 12월 18(6+6+6=666)일이 된다. 뮤비 피카부의 완성은 피자집 청년이 희생된(1이 더해진) 12월 18일에 예정된 것인가?
On November 17, when Red Velvet launched their song "Peek-a-boo", if you add 1 to the date or if you extract the 6 from 18 you can get 6 + 6 + 6, which is known as the day that Jonghyun committed suicide. Does it mean that the "Peek-a-boo" sacrifice can only be completed on December 18th, when you add "the pizza boy"/1 factor (add the human for sacrifice)?
Here's to the interesting part (a question I got):
Q: I just don't understand how SM could predict the time and cause of Jonghyun's death. Even if they prevented his family from reaching out to Jonghyun and further pushed him by blaming his personality through his possible handler - how could they know that he would commit suicide from inhaling fumes and die at the age of 27 around 6:40 pm?

A : I tried to do some research on this but unfortunately I couldn't find any that explains HOW they do it exactly, but then it struck me hard that these people, whoever they might be, are great planners. They don't predict, they plan. It was a plan all along. How he died, where he should die, when exactly he should die, even that weird VCR they showed in Germany at the exact time he committed suicide. If you believe that he was "suicided" by the elites, then it's most likely that he was murdered. When it's a murder, you don't need to predict anything, you just execute.

This reminds me of a game I used to play with my friends when we were kids, where we pretended to be magicians that can guess any number right. We wrote down some numbers (ex 1-20) and then we also wrote a "prediction number", that number is going to resemble the number that will come out in the end of the guessing game. For example, if it was 1-20, we would ask our partner to streak 5 numbers that don't match the prediction number, then it went on until the only number left was the prediction number. It was like we were real magicians who could read our partners' mind, but in fact, we guided them into choosing the number that we already wrote as the prediction.

This makes me think,what if the predictions weren't predictions at all but those were plans all along?
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Dec 30, 2017
Hi, I'm glad you joined us as ell! Nice to meet you!
Also in the light of this topic:

And I also recently heard that once they go blond that means they are completely programmed. And Jonghyun was blond when he supposedly killed himself.
OmG im so gald that i found kpop fans who are thinking deeply about this because didn’t you notice that Suga was pink at a certain point and then blond jimin too was pink for spring day now he is blond i think jin too was blond on fire and then pink for blood sweat and tears namjoon too was pink at a certain point V too (who i think is the main piece of their transformation he has changed so much I’m choked) jhope was pink and blond too the only one who was not blond and pink is jungkook i think this innocent boy omg he is so innocent I’m disappointed i swear Taehyung was so sweet at the beginning jimin was so bright now he kinda change its sad


Dec 27, 2017
OmG im so gald that i found kpop fans who are thinking deeply about this because didn’t you notice that Suga was pink at a certain point and then blond jimin too was pink for spring day now he is blond i think jin too was blond on fire and then pink for blood sweat and tears namjoon too was pink at a certain point V too (who i think is the main piece of their transformation he has changed so much I’m choked) jhope was pink and blond too the only one who was not blond and pink is jungkook i think this innocent boy omg he is so innocent I’m disappointed i swear Taehyung was so sweet at the beginning jimin was so bright now he kinda change its sad
Hey hijabie! Even i thought bout their hair colours too. Jungkook had blond highlights at one point but maybe it was having no meaning but its a possibility that jungkook is just partially a victim. Maybe mk ultra is tried on the others and jungkook only gets hit or forced to train and diet instead of mk ultra?