Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Apr 17, 2023
Does that mean that affirmations are spells? Are affirmations from a satanic origin?
I stopped affirmations and now I just pray daily (or more) direct to God. Just my experience but I found some of the affirmations were feeding my ego (self) and desire for material worldly things. In pray, it's just different - less about self and more a desire to know and be close to God. With affirmations, I also slipped a bit into the cult of 'new age' and lost the closeness and relationship I now have with God. I also found affirmations led to some form of mediation, which led to chakras and even yoga and breath work.

All these things distracted /distanced me from God and on a personal level left me feeling unfulfilled...yet also seeking more.

Now I'm happy. Just with prayer. God is enough.

ps: just my own experience / personal view x


Jun 2, 2021
To me it looks similar because one of the Gfriend logos also looks like a crescent moon and star, but I see what you mean.
The crescent moon and star isn't an Islamic symbol. You can call it a symbol of Muslims but not Islam because it was created by people. The crescent and moon has no special significance in Islam. However, being a Muslim I do think they intended to mock my religion with these symbols. Same way they they are mocking Judaism and Christianity by distorting the symbols associated with them. Satan does not discriminate. He just loves to mock religions.


May 8, 2023
it doesn't look like the islamic symbol to me. but even if it did, i dont understand what that has to do with illuminati or anything like that
it doesn't look like the islamic symbol to me. but even if it did, i dont understand what that has to do with illuminati or anything like that
It has to do with the illuminati because the illuminati hide important symbolism everywhere in "hidden" places where they don't think we will be able to see, recognize or figure it out.

The Illuminati also likes to mock religions.


May 8, 2023
One of the Gfriend logos looks like the Islamic symbol and the Astro logo looks like the Star of David

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The Astro logo also looks like the star of the Crowleyite left hand path religion called Thelema.

Thelema was started as a left hand path religion to make "makind realize their dharma, or true will", after Aleister Crowley made contact with a spirit/deity named Aiwass, on his 1904 Cairo honeymoon with his wife, while staying in a hotel.




Jun 26, 2022
The Astro logo also looks like the star of the Crowleyite left hand path religion called Thelema.

Thelema was started as a left hand path religion to make "makind realize their dharma, or true will", after Aleister Crowley made contact with a spirit/deity named Aiwass, on his 1904 Cairo honeymoon with his wife, while staying in a hotel.

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Yes it looks a satanic symbol to me


Jun 2, 2021
The Astro logo also looks like the star of the Crowleyite left hand path religion called Thelema.

Thelema was started as a left hand path religion to make "makind realize their dharma, or true will", after Aleister Crowley made contact with a spirit/deity named Aiwass, on his 1904 Cairo honeymoon with his wife, while staying in a hotel.

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One more thing I would like to add is that one of the tenets of the Crowleyite religion is "All men and women are stars" and the star symbol used for astro could be a reference to that.


May 8, 2023
One of EXO's logo is a black cube. There is also the company CUBE.

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Please check out the book, The Cult of the Black Cube by Arthur Moros.

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Please click the word "GET" to download the book safely in pdf.

He explains the Saturn diety, aka the ancie t Roman Saturn, aka the Greek Cronos, the Gnostic Ialdabaoth/Yaldabaoth, the Indian Śani, where the origin of the Grim Reaper came from, is being worshipped today, especially by a black cube cult in India. But this deity has been worshipped in the Roman, Greek and ancient Arab pagan (pre-Islamic) and Indian cultures.

This book is also a grimoire, a magical instruction book to cautiously contact the Cronos/Saturn deity.

Warning: The Cronos/Saturn deity is a fundamentally unkind and sadistic being that will harm the magician who evokes or invokes the deity, so the magician must wear protective phylacteries, like Talismans.

However, it's explained that the black cube cult is global and Cronos/Saturn is the diety behind Judaism and the Zionist elites are part of this black cube cult.

This Saturn/Cronos/Ialdabaoth deity's worship is represented by various black cube, black stone, and black obelisk symbolism. You'll find his symbolism if you search "black cube saturn" in Yandex images.

It says on page 108 of The Cult of the Black Cube,

"One might wonder what Virgil intended when he wrote Magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo, iam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna (The new world order is born, and now justice returns, Saturn's reign restored)."
WJSN's logo is literally Saturn, and is indicative of the Saturn deity worship.



Mar 8, 2022
I still can't believe more people aren't bringing up Sulli's death. She died on a Full Moon. Loona performed Full Moon that month on Halloween, with Yves as the center. Widely considered to be Sulli's twin.

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Thank you. I've been thinking about her lately but I haven't put anything to paper. It saddens me how she came into the industry as a beautiful child with a biblical name and they broke her down.

She used to shine so bright and shortly before her death she looked like she was falling apart. Her parents were greedy, the people around her used and abused her to no end.

Her name given at birth was Jinri, a name in the Korean Bible. Lee Søøman changed her name and named her after himself (sülli = Soo Lee).

So much symbolism sourrounds her and her death. The energy is so heavy when I think about her.

I hope her soul is at rest.


Jul 18, 2022
Thank you Dear and I will remember you and your loved one in my prayers as well. God bless you!
Thank you so much Dear for praying for my loved one, especially Thank you so much for remembering me and my loved one in your prayers. GOD Bless You Dear.

How are you Dear and your loved ones? I hope that by the Grace of ALMIGHTY GOD you, your loved ones and your country are completely safe and sound from the hurricane.


Sep 21, 2021
"Bodies pulled from vehicles trapped in a tunnel in South Korea after heavy rains..."

(After seeing "plenty of water" i.e., rain & floodwaters... in Jk's MV for "seven," can't help but have an eerie feeling about these current devastating floods in SK...around 40+people have died...Could these be "sacrificial deaths?")
