KJs What Happened


May 15, 2017
Ok this is where I will be posting all links from
now on so it's easier to find

Haven't watched it yet
so no comments from me
I hope y'all enjoy



May 15, 2017
I like KJs videos
hope y'all enjoy this one I just
started watching so comment after I watch
in a few days as it's always a long one this ones
no different lol almost 4hrs actually 2 mins shy lol

45:00 mark has graphic details and images
regarding abortion I just got to this point so did not
know I needed to add a warning
please use your own discretion if this
sorta thing is unwatchable to ya as it is very graphic
soul breaking images that are the What's Her Face video images
she didn't show in her video and now I see why
this should stop and covert all abortion supporters/advocates
if ya have any around ya show them this part as I will be doing myself
to those around me to make them aware of what it is they are actually
supporting and advocating
I have to pause here for the night so will start watching again tomorrow
and I am sure there will be more I will wanna comment and discuss

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May 15, 2017
I can't keep up atm sorry
so all I am doing is sharing hope y'all enjoy



May 15, 2017
Got a couple more
the one is a biggie just over 6hrs
I haven't watched yet as I am just looking
into/watching so much right now I'm falling behind
hope y'all enjoy em,I am sure I will

Watched the speaks on tv one
Wanted to mention that in the KP concert
she rides out on a tiger since I didn't hear KJ say it
We are now in the yr of the tiger
What is it We think tptb are trying to accomplish
with the rollup your sleeve agenda We have seen
the things showing up in it We have heard KSs muppet say
we are now hackable animals
Could it be they are trying to split the brain to make it
possible to do so ?

And we have one that is being streamed right now
will posting the new one soon as it's done and ready
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May 15, 2017
Heres the one for today
As usual it's a 3+ hrs
Hope y'all enjoy



May 15, 2017
I still have to catch up hope y'all enjoy


May 15, 2017
Omg now I am just so far behind
hope y'all can keep up and enjoy



May 15, 2017
Finally posted a few new ones
I just started the AC one
Hope Y'all enjoy

There is a few parts like the bull at cochella wearing the
red on top blue on bottom I'm still thinking there is something
to presenting those colours in that order to Us that affects Us
in ways We do not realize and the gala having a portal to hell
that had snomed in attendance
I didn't share at the time as I thought those images were made by someone
using an editor program just to show how the Peoples in attendance
are evil now I See no it was an actual theme to the gathering which
just straight out mocks Us all with tptb again showing Us what they
worship/believe and the rest of the 99% thinking it's just edgy art or fashion

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May 15, 2017
WH 5/28/22


the strength it must have took for that
young lady to get up in front of the abuser
and a room full of Peoples who admire and respect him
and just the reaction from the congregation says so much too
that this sorta behaviour is becoming more and more acceptable
in Our World is heartbreaking I don't want a World where this is the
normal everyday behaviour that People can Hear/See and not give
a second thought to

again a new video of the phyzer ceo with his
freaky bullfrog neck Ya are not gonna convince me
that We have other creatures that look like Us and
walk among Us there is more than enough who wanna
go look into it to See We are not the only species inhabiting
Our World


May 15, 2017
I just started watching
Hope Y'all enjoy



May 15, 2017
KJ 5/31/22
I wonder if BG is doing a catlyn jenner
or maybe he's just being his true self as
it always looked backwards in that relationship
like the wife was he and he was she who Knows
but that is not a older man getting some moobies
as Ya can See one the men with him those are straight out boobies lol

heck it can even be the start of him going into witness
protection everyone looking for him as he is while he has changed
into a billie


May 15, 2017
please keep KJ in Your thoughts/Heart/Prayers
he just had a recent heart attack that is why We
we're not Seeing him for awhile I really do enjoy
and appreciate all the work he does to bring Us the
information he brings Us
Hope Y'all enjoy

KJ 6/4/22

I'm only starting this one but 4:15 the m ickey mouse part
is just disgusting how do Ya explain this as anything else
but exactly what it looks like,if more Knew what wd was and
what the legacy he left behind is I don't think anyone would
support d isney anymore least I would Hope not

I'm leaving a space between letters on purpose
as it will not let me write without capitalizing and
I will not do that so this is my workaround for now

marker 16:30
when he asks the first person what a woman is the answer
"hmmmm yes good question I'm not a woman so can't answer
that question"

this is confusing to me/everyone it seems
imagine then how a Child must feel look all the adults he asks
can't answer the question,how is this ok to do to Our Children this
is what makes me so angry tptb/parents and society

encouraging Children when they themselves do not even understand
what it is they're supporting/encouraging to young Children who already
have a hard enough time figuring out the differences between the 2 normally
with all this crap thrown in I dont See Children being able to understand enough
to make these life altering choices if We're confused on the what is the definition
how do We expect Children to understand and make life long body altering decisions,We cant

the more I See this Pediatrician(forcier) the more I Believe she
shouldn't even be allowed to treat Children specially since she
herself cannot discern reality from fiction/delusional beliefs
instead she promotes delusional beliefs as good

I can't even with her "how I say it to Children what's Your story in where have ya been in
terms of your gender and gender identity where are ya right now where would ya like to be
in the future"she obviously isn't getting what it is he's asking

wonder for all those who believe their physcopathic serial killers reborn if it would
be as acceptable in Our society idk it's a possibility in the reality We're in
that it could very well be
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Aug 15, 2020
KJ is my favorite. I've been listening to hin for many years. My brother has been on his call in shows a few times. Those are the best. Thanks for sharing


May 15, 2017
no problem He's one of mine been listening for a
few yrs too Gfelt,I like sharing those I find informative
and well put together
I never called in with anyone but I would think it'd be
very nice to get to chat with him


May 15, 2017
Hope Y'all enjoy



May 15, 2017
KJ 6/11/22
marker 41:17
this guy is spot on,until all parents agree enough
and pull Our Children out of all tptbs schooling system
We won't See change,We all as one have to do it at once
to show them that We are done and there are way too many
asleep still to make that happen

Seems he awoke not too long ago,says he came to recognize the existence
of evil in Our World that says a lot eh many are waking up because of that tptbs
are trying to push some agendas too hard/much

Peoples are asking questions and starting to look for the answers and are
finding Us


May 15, 2017
KJ 6/11/22
marker 1:49:30
now what is the purpose of this why would they
even do this
all wearing are in masks and no one will tell me
those aren't masks,these ones are plain to See for
everyone their facial expressions don't change whatsoever

this isn't the first time We have Seen them in masks either

Edited to add
Hopefully this will Help other parents/Children
to get in on a law suit for themselves too

that it Help parents understand the dangers of algorithms
and how it can affect their Child/ren,so the parents
can watch and explain to their Children

what is searched will bring back certain suggestions,and
as in this give suggestions that can cause harm or even death
there was a little girl afew weeks back that played the choking game/challenge and ended up taking her life

We already Knew/Know that all msm of any kind use
Image subliminals /neurolinguistics and audio subliminals
they use think tanks to understand how to tap that dopamine
in Our brains often as possible so We stay using their apps
and We stay onlin

I Hope this will Help sleepers to wake up and pay
closer attention to what their Children even themselves
are accessing online through all media platforms
and why tptb allow Us usage of things

now with how much msm censor Us using their
algorithms why can't they effectively censor their
own crap and make sure Children are not having
these sorta things pop up in feeds no matter what
content that Child happens to look at

it's easy as having the algorithm check the age on
the account they're recommending the crap to
We Know why that will never happen as they like grooming/twisting and killing off as many of
Our Children/Us they can

generational satanist gives first hand account about

with the generational families imho I think a lot
of the Children involved do not have a choice
they get told what their families are and what
their place is that's it

if they buck then they get reminded a few times
then I believe they will become a sacrifice themselves
these evils see it as a honour/privilege and will earn
great favours from their worship/sacrifice

this hurts my Soul/Light so much

its disgusting,I Know I'm not the only one
that Sees/Hears testimony such as this and
wants to take care of the problem myself making
sure tptb type of evils cannot spread anymore or
commit anymore of their evil/sickness in Our World
there is only one cure

it does give Us more insight to what this holiday
means and how they practice their beliefs,even though
I wish I didn't Know the things I Know since waking up
the more We Know the better it will be when We finally
See the justice that deserves to be handed out to these evils
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May 15, 2017
looks like KJ got yt going again so
here's a new one Hope Y'all enjoy

marker 56:40
everyone needs to listen as she is a 100%
on how Our Food system works,We are going to
have a very dark winter,I have said and will keep saying
stock up on all canned/dry foods as much as possible now

Ya may not be Seeing this yet but I Know many places are
and We Know what tptb are doing to the processing plants
,farm animals etcetera please do not wait til it's noticeable
in Your stores

the cost of Feed Is gonna put many farmers out of business
I guess once that happens BG will be the fake saviour he is and
come in with his farmland to save Us all eh

no worries though this isn't by designyeah right
first the truckers than the processing plants,the farmers
costs of transportation and how many "natural"disasters
have We Seen already this year

can Ya See it yet
this should be shown to all the sleepers too as this is what
Our tptb/government is doing they want to kill off as many
of Us as possible
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