KFC Promotes Miscegenation and Interracial Humiliation in New TV Ad

May 14, 2017
What's wrong with wanting to preserve your culture identity through demographic consistency?
'cause "demographic" consistency is skin color and skin color doesn't really define a culture. Europe is filled with fair-skinned people that most people couldn't tell apart... But their cultures are radically different. They don't even share the common bond of a shared religion since the reformation.

Multiracialism means you are destined for multiculturalism. Do you think Iran, China, Japan, ect... would accept being replaced in their own country by different groups of people? Especially groups who wanted to hold onto their own culture instead of assimilating?
China and Iran wouldn't want their major ethnic groups to be "replaced", but that's because a homogeneous ethnic group is easier to control than a diverse one and the strength of both nations lie in their authoritarian governments. But more on that, a bit later.

As for Japan, they are going to have to become more multicultural if they want to remain a serious player in the global economy. Like all developed nations, they don't produce enough children since they average person doesn't need to have them. Eventually, that'll hurt them, and since the governments attempts to get younger people to have children doesn't seem to work all that well, they need to turn to immigration.

If I go to live in Iran can I do things the same as America? Can my girlfriend dress and act the same way? Can I reject their traditions and show blatant disrespect and contempt for them? Can I complain about the people there and call them ethnocentric for not being accepting of my culture? Funny how these demands are only pushed in white western countries. Contrary to the incoherent screeching by far left posters, white people in the west are the most accepting and tolerant people in the world. I would call it cucked and weak. It will lead to their countries' downfall.
Most "far leftists" also oppose Iran. And Israel. And are critical of Japan. Some like China, but those are usually tankies that don't realize China really isn't Marxist anymore. They almost always criticizes these non-white, non-Western states - but they usually don't talk about it. Because you know, they don't live there. I'm an American; I care America. I don't even care about Europe 'cause I'm a working class person who'll likely never be able to afford to visit, let alone move.


Aug 24, 2017
I don't like Israel (especially the way they manipulate the US) but I understand the way they handle immigration and non-Jews is the only way to preserve their identity and country.
I don't think it's the only way and you see, the problem I have with ethno-nationalism it's this idea that people deserve to be neglicted or humiliated because they're born with the wrong biology.
This supremacist attitude we had toward immigrants who lived with that during centuries is currently employed by mass medias with an anti-white narrative to create the thought that we're disrespected and we don't belong in this world so you could react the way you do.

You take a black kid from a black community and put him in my community and he's going to feel totally out of place.
Not if he lives in a place where he feels loved and adopted by the group/community. Nobody would like to be in a place where they feel unwated just because they have the 'wrong' genetic and empathy without excess isn't a weakness.

The difference is that I want an order based on morality and family, not on corporate profits
But the problem of white nationalism it's this useless need to antagonize people who suffer under the same system willfully ignoring the possibility to find immigrants who agrees with conservative values such as religion and family.

I'm a very nationalistic person, I believe you should assimilate to the country you immigrate to or you shouldn't come at

You first talked about assimilation then you contradict yourself and reveal your real motives :
For me 1950s America was the peak. I'm not some cray anarchist, I want to go back to a time like the 50s where families and morality were strong. Where the country was united.
Which is segregation like in the 1950s implying that the world would become a better place, for you, if every country can deny people's right because of racial differences.

Personally I don't believe that, I believe in sovereignty and patriotism but none of these should be the property of ethnostates who can't avoid internationalism by the simple fact that we're all using Internet and we're all consumer in a market that is global.

Honestly I don't believe in regulated capitalism either and when I look at US society, it looks like Judas who betrayed Jesus for Capitalism then traded its values in the name of economical growth.
I don't know if white nationalists believe in God but If you do, it shouldn't be a surprise for you to see us reaping what we sow during decades.
In my opinion, the smart thing to do it's to find all the allies who wants America and Europe to stay what they are which is states made to guarantee our freedom and our sovereignty as people no matter our differences.

Our elites stole us these things and in their satanic agenda, they want us to believe that we need to sacrifice a scapegoat ie non-white to regain what we have lost while they are the ones with power influencing far left representants to push an anti white narrative that creates tensions and revive tribalism.

The right thing to do would be to call out this anti-white racism and make it unlawful instead of casting the anathema on non-whites who just wished to live a life that was marketed as the American dream while it turned into a globalist nightmare and who are now manipulated to believe they can't reach this dream because of white privilege while we all suffer in that system.


Jan 29, 2018
If you look at things from the perspective of the origin of language, the "Aryans" would be those who speak "Indo-Aryan" languages, which is to say all of the Europeans except the Basque. All these languages have similarites with Sanskrit, things like the English "man" for Sanskrit "manusya", "tri" which means "three" in Sanskrit as well, others that I can't remember. So if you want to get in touch with "Aryan" culture, it's necessary to return to the roots, which is to say the Eastern Tradition.

There's actually a theory that the Europeans descended from the "Ksatriya" (warrior/kingly) class, having fled India at some time in the distant past - it is said that this caste no longer really exists in India.
I thought the Nazi expeditions and research established that the true, purest remaining "Aryans" were essentially Asian peoples. Aint the Nazi's who convinced Iran to change their name to that from Persia because, according to the National Socialists of Germany, they were of "the original Aryan" lineage?


Jan 10, 2019
So before you go around spouting terms like "White Nationalist" or "Extreme Right" understand that while there really are extremes on BOTH sides, there is a majority in the middle that want to be heard and can see through these tactics.
I would say the majority in the middle has no clue either way, and many like myself will speak out of gut reaction without truly researching both sides of a story. No matter what we should have the freedom to research a topic, no matter how controversial. I agree the ADL SPLC are enemies to free speech.

I don't know if it's crazy timing or just humorous but I happened to start the documentary "Europa" last week. Literally everything we're discussing is covered there. I have a few comments about national socialism, etc. but will comment in the Europa thread. Not to take back what I profess to support (world citizenship) but will admit I haven't studied enough.

Another video from Adam Greene, just yesterday :D:

Oct 20, 2021
I think the unvaccinated are feeling unwanted now. In Australia and Austria they are already putting people in concentration camps who refuse to be injected with poisonous experimental gene therapy disguised as a vaccine. It is inevitable they will try that here. I think it is safe to say that this compares to Nazism if not worse because Nazis did not kill their own citizens.
If it makes anyone feel better when they start putting the unvaccinated in concentration camps here they will put all of them in regardless of race, creed or color. Although just like in Nazi Germany if you have very large sums of money you might be able to buy your way out. But they will probably just confiscate all your money anyway. You might be able to bribe someone if you are extremely lucky but even then once they have your money they will kill you. And by killing you I mean with a poisonous vaccine which is a slow death. So once again the vaccine Nazis have achieved the dubious distinction of being even worse than the previous Nazis. German Nazis killed you as quick as they could.