Johnny Depp's Sad Final Days


Apr 20, 2017
Although he is in the background and appears in the article, it doesn't sound to me as though Marilyn Manson is part of this "Hollywood Vampires" story: a depressing descent into: 1) the vapidity of attaining Class A celebrity status; and 2) the rapacity of lawyers and "hedge fund managers" who feed on provide services to such celebrities. When rid of its celebrity content, the article seems to devolve largely to this (the above linked article is quoted, and bold emphases are mine):
"Trailing behind is his [Depp's] lawyer Adam Waldman."

"[Depp is] suing The Management Group, run by his longtime business manager, Joel Mandel, and his brother Robert for negligence, breach of fiduciary duty and fraud ... There are additional charges of conflict of interest, saying that TMG invested Depp's money for its own purposes and returned it without profit ... "

"The Mandels categorically deny all wrongdoing and are countersuing, alleging that Depp breached his oral contract with the company ... Depp was continuing to "concoct malicious and false allegations" against the company, according to TMG's countersuit ..."

"His [Depp's] closest confidant seems to be Waldman, a lawyer he met less than two years ago."

"[Depp] spent a day interviewing financial managers. His last meeting, he says, was with Robert and Joel Mandel, brothers who ran TMG. Depp says he immediately took a shine to Joel, the youngest child of an Auschwitz survivor. Depp saw a kindred spirit. "He was a nervous wreck," says Depp. "He was pouring sweat. He was broken." (TMG disputes this portrayal)."

"Depp accused TMG of taking out $34 million in loans in his name as a result of mismanagement, with the final straw being a $12.5 million "hard money" loan engineered by his longtime attorney Jake Bloom in 2014, at 10 percent interest."

"Waldman is Depp's self-styled avenger. "No one challenges the monster of Hollywood and survives," Waldman tells me. "Everyone is too afraid. Johnny's not afraid."

"You've cost me tens of millions of dollars," said Mandel. "Now it's my turn. I'm gonna destroy Johnny. They'll know everything." (Both Mandel and his attorney, Michael Kump, adamantly dispute that Mandel ever said any of that.)

"Kump [of TMG] pressed on, arguing that "Depp has also spent millions to employ an army of attorneys" – in addition to his longtime personal attorney Bloom – "to bail him out of numerous legal crises" and pay "hush money." Some of the charges seem like cheap shots. TMG offered no specifics about the hush money and legal crises.

"Part of Depp's suit claims that the Mandels are guilty of inside dealing. According to his legal team, the Mandels wired $1.5 million of Depp's money, without telling him, into Lionheart, a hedge fund that, according to the SEC, is partially owned by the Mandels. Waldman claims TMG never disclosed that they owned Lionheart. (TMG asserts there were multiple conversations.) In 2008, the Mandels put the $1.5 million back in Depp's account with a minuscule profit of $32,000. Depp's return was a measly 0.3 percent ..."

"The attention of Depp's suit has shined an unwelcome spotlight on TMG, which has always kept a low profile. The Wall Street Journal reported in August that both the SEC and the IRS were in the preliminary stage of investigating the Mandels on alleged money laundering and fraud. (The Mandel legal team is convinced Waldman called the agencies; Waldman denies the claim.)"

"[Depp] then turns around and walks back into his gilded prison and pushes open the heavy door. After a moment, it slams shut behind him."
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Mar 22, 2017
Although he is in the background and appears in the article, it doesn't sound to me as though Marilyn Manson is part of this "Hollywood Vampires" story: a depressing descent into: 1) the vapidity of attaining Class A celebrity status; and 2) the rapacity of lawyers and "hedge fund managers" who feed on provide services to such celebrities. When rid of its celebrity content, the article seems to devolve largely to this (the above linked article is quoted, and bold emphases are mine):
"Trailing behind is his [Depp's] lawyer Adam Waldman."

"[Depp is] suing The Management Group, run by his longtime business manager, Joel Mandel, and his brother Robert for negligence, breach of fiduciary duty and fraud ... There are additional charges of conflict of interest, saying that TMG invested Depp's money for its own purposes and returned it without profit ... "

"The Mandels categorically deny all wrongdoing and are countersuing, alleging that Depp breached his oral contract with the company ... Depp was continuing to "concoct malicious and false allegations" against the company, according to TMG's countersuit ..."

"His [Depp's] closest confidant seems to be Waldman, a lawyer he met less than two years ago."

"[Depp] spent a day interviewing financial managers. His last meeting, he says, was with Robert and Joel Mandel, brothers who ran TMG. Depp says he immediately took a shine to Joel, the youngest child of an Auschwitz survivor. Depp saw a kindred spirit. "He was a nervous wreck," says Depp. "He was pouring sweat. He was broken." (TMG disputes this portrayal)."

"Depp accused TMG of taking out $34 million in loans in his name as a result of mismanagement, with the final straw being a $12.5 million "hard money" loan engineered by his longtime attorney Jake Bloom in 2014, at 10 percent interest."

"Waldman is Depp's self-styled avenger. "No one challenges the monster of Hollywood and survives," Waldman tells me. "Everyone is too afraid. Johnny's not afraid."

"You've cost me tens of millions of dollars," said Mandel. "Now it's my turn. I'm gonna destroy Johnny. They'll know everything." (Both Mandel and his attorney, Michael Kump, adamantly dispute that Mandel ever said any of that.)

"Kump [of TMG] pressed on, arguing that "Depp has also spent millions to employ an army of attorneys" – in addition to his longtime personal attorney Bloom – "to bail him out of numerous legal crises" and pay "hush money." Some of the charges seem like cheap shots. TMG offered no specifics about the hush money and legal crises.

"Part of Depp's suit claims that the Mandels are guilty of inside dealing. According to his legal team, the Mandels wired $1.5 million of Depp's money, without telling him, into Lionheart, a hedge fund that, according to the SEC, is partially owned by the Mandels. Waldman claims TMG never disclosed that they owned Lionheart. (TMG asserts there were multiple conversations.) In 2008, the Mandels put the $1.5 million back in Depp's account with a minuscule profit of $32,000. Depp's return was a measly 0.3 percent ..."

"The attention of Depp's suit has shined an unwelcome spotlight on TMG, which has always kept a low profile. The Wall Street Journal reported in August that both the SEC and the IRS were in the preliminary stage of investigating the Mandels on alleged money laundering and fraud. (The Mandel legal team is convinced Waldman called the agencies; Waldman denies the claim.)"
I read through a bit and that's the conclusion I came to as well.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Although he is in the background and appears in the article, it doesn't sound to me as though Marilyn Manson is part of this "Hollywood Vampires" story: a depressing descent into: 1) the vapidity of attaining Class A celebrity status; and 2) the rapacity of lawyers and "hedge fund managers" who feed on provide services to such celebrities. When rid of its celebrity content, the article seems to devolve largely to this (the above linked article is quoted, and bold emphases are mine):
"Trailing behind is his [Depp's] lawyer Adam Waldman."

"[Depp is] suing The Management Group, run by his longtime business manager, Joel Mandel, and his brother Robert for negligence, breach of fiduciary duty and fraud ... There are additional charges of conflict of interest, saying that TMG invested Depp's money for its own purposes and returned it without profit ... "

"The Mandels categorically deny all wrongdoing and are countersuing, alleging that Depp breached his oral contract with the company ... Depp was continuing to "concoct malicious and false allegations" against the company, according to TMG's countersuit ..."

"His [Depp's] closest confidant seems to be Waldman, a lawyer he met less than two years ago."

"[Depp] spent a day interviewing financial managers. His last meeting, he says, was with Robert and Joel Mandel, brothers who ran TMG. Depp says he immediately took a shine to Joel, the youngest child of an Auschwitz survivor. Depp saw a kindred spirit. "He was a nervous wreck," says Depp. "He was pouring sweat. He was broken." (TMG disputes this portrayal)."

"Depp accused TMG of taking out $34 million in loans in his name as a result of mismanagement, with the final straw being a $12.5 million "hard money" loan engineered by his longtime attorney Jake Bloom in 2014, at 10 percent interest."

"Waldman is Depp's self-styled avenger. "No one challenges the monster of Hollywood and survives," Waldman tells me. "Everyone is too afraid. Johnny's not afraid."

"You've cost me tens of millions of dollars," said Mandel. "Now it's my turn. I'm gonna destroy Johnny. They'll know everything." (Both Mandel and his attorney, Michael Kump, adamantly dispute that Mandel ever said any of that.)

"Kump [of TMG] pressed on, arguing that "Depp has also spent millions to employ an army of attorneys" – in addition to his longtime personal attorney Bloom – "to bail him out of numerous legal crises" and pay "hush money." Some of the charges seem like cheap shots. TMG offered no specifics about the hush money and legal crises.

"Part of Depp's suit claims that the Mandels are guilty of inside dealing. According to his legal team, the Mandels wired $1.5 million of Depp's money, without telling him, into Lionheart, a hedge fund that, according to the SEC, is partially owned by the Mandels. Waldman claims TMG never disclosed that they owned Lionheart. (TMG asserts there were multiple conversations.) In 2008, the Mandels put the $1.5 million back in Depp's account with a minuscule profit of $32,000. Depp's return was a measly 0.3 percent ..."

"The attention of Depp's suit has shined an unwelcome spotlight on TMG, which has always kept a low profile. The Wall Street Journal reported in August that both the SEC and the IRS were in the preliminary stage of investigating the Mandels on alleged money laundering and fraud. (The Mandel legal team is convinced Waldman called the agencies; Waldman denies the claim.)"
Lol - you are more analytical than me today Serv, I looked at Depp's face, and remembered that Manson was, as the Aussies say, "a wrong 'un"!

The research prize goes to the man on the roof!


Apr 20, 2017
Lol - you are more analytical than me today Serv, I looked at Depp's face, and remembered that Manson was, as the Aussies say, "a wrong 'un"!
I don't doubt that the author of the Rolling Stones article, Stephen Rodrick, who seems to have been taken into Depp's confidence and spent three (?) days doing interviews, is here probably playing to the macabre, the vampirish, but there are hints, indications, of something potentially sinister as well:

"I try to probe deeper, but Depp is restless. The mansion is spookily [ok, so it's only an adverb] quiet. It's now three or four o'clock in the morning ..."

"Outside, the London dark is giving way to a gloaming predawn. Everyone is exhausted except for Depp. He disappears for a few minutes and returns reanimated, and then proclaims that we have to watch his good friend Marilyn Manson's "KILL4ME" video, starring Depp in a series of lewd poses with barely clad women."

"Back in London, I'm sitting with Waldman, going over the jabberwocky of the case for a few hours, when Depp emerges after sunset – I never saw him in daylight – dressed in his pirate-homeless attire: tattered jeans, an oversize white shirt festooned with a series of handkerchiefs."
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Apr 4, 2017
I have heard that Marilyn Manson has been having similar substance abuse problems.


May 21, 2017
What’s his issue (or what are they telling us)? Is he dying or just generally looks like shit from hard living...?


Mar 13, 2017
When you are rich you can be as weird as you want. And you will be celebrated by the press and masses in general.

Once that money is gone, and there's nothing left to squeeze. Welcome back to the land of ridicule.


Mar 13, 2017
What’s his issue (or what are they telling us)? Is he dying or just generally looks like shit from hard living...?
He isn't known to be dying of anything, but he's a committed alcoholic. He most likely starts drinking shortly after he wakes up. He also smokes heavily.. The OP article paints a vivid picture of his life at the moment, and reading it reminds me of posthumous accounts of the last days of other famous Hollywood drunks. We could read tomorrow that he''s dead, is what I am saying.


May 21, 2017
He isn't known to be dying of anything, but he's a committed alcoholic. He most likely starts drinking shortly after he wakes up. He also smokes heavily.. The OP article paints a vivid picture of his life at the moment, and reading it reminds me of posthumous accounts of the last days of other famous Hollywood drunks. We could read tomorrow that he''s dead, is what I am saying.
Addiction is such a hard thing to overcome; Being an addict myself, I feel for anyone having problems climbing out of it. You gotta face those demons; I imagine Johnny Depp has had to face many, esp in that industry.

But it’s easy to sit behind the glass and safely make these assumptions about how bad they look and analyze the downward spirals they find themselves in to supplement their happiness; it’s so much different when you’re actually living under its control. I think sometime we forget that these are people, not case studies. It can be a hopeless nightmare.

So yeah, It’s quite possible he feels the need to have alcohol first thing in the morning. It’s real, and sometimes it’s the only thing that will get rid of the shakes. It’s a long road and I hope he finds the strength in him to turn it around. :confused: