Jesuit Logo: The secret meaning

sol invictus

Dec 28, 2020
The cross symbolizes either the terrestrial cross formed by the two equinoxes and solstices or the celestial cross formed by the constellations aquarius, leo, scorpion, and taurus. I.H.S, the jesuit Tetragrammaton within christianity is derived from the first three greek letters of the name jesus, lota (l), eta (h), sigma (s). However, within the pagan mysteries it is emblematic of the sun since I.H.S is symbolized by the greco-roman solar deity Bacchus or Dionysus. The three nails are in fact the hebrew letter vav or vau. In hebrew gematria, vav equals the number 6 and litterally means nail. There are three of them which in turn equals 666. add 6+6+6 to get the number 18. add 1+8 to get the number 9, an inverted 6. In pythagorean numerology, 9 is the number of men since 9 represents the 9 months of his embryonic life. Taken all together the jesuit seal decoded means men who worship dionysus or bacchus.
Source: Cinema Symbolism by Robert W. Sullivan

