James Gunn Tweets


Feb 5, 2018
The articles are so skewed to make it seem like people are overreacting. They only mentioned two tweets, mild ones at that, in comparison to the others. Wow. One of the celebrities said we have to do away with the "nonsense zero tolerance" culture we have. Here lies the issue, the agenda. They want us to "tolerate" everything. Nothing is good nor evil, do what thou wilt, we must have "tolerance" for others. What a wicked world we live in.


Feb 5, 2018
Doubtful, but why isnt Weird Mike held to the same standards for his r*pe jokes?
I don't know anything about Mike, I don't follow celebrities... But if he has said some things, there should be a light on him too.

I'm well aware that in the industry, pedos are used to expose pedos, Satanists expose Satanists, etc. all for the purpose of putting everything out for the world to see, create an outrage and either divide/conquer or normalize it. I'm not the type to rally for the government to provide a solution. But when these things come out, if credible, we should try to spread the word to expose a world behind the scenes that most people don't know exist.
Apr 12, 2017
Why is Weird Mike not held to the same standard for his r*pe jokes (he is a rapist btw)?

Why do you care more about imaginary children than actual women?
Everything happening feels like a chaotic mess of truth and falsehood which is typical.
Cernovich is suspicious af to me. Probably meant to be a useful troll who helps drum up the "witch hunt" that will help them sweep their sickening crimes under the rug again.
Apr 12, 2017
Accuse your Enemies of that which you are guilty.

We are being set up for the day when Trump and allies accuse all their enemies of pedophillia, likely with CIA or Russian planted CP and or alterted and doctored videos.

Mark my words this is going to happen.
I would tread carefully there. This is not anything new whatsoever. Child rapists with the money and the means to stay protected have been a huge problem for a long time. The only difference now is that more people are becoming aware of how pervasive it is and of the sheer amount of money involved. If it does blow wide open it would be downright unbelievable for many people, making it easier to dismiss as a hoax or a frame-up, so intentionally false allegations being made and then retracted or proven false would make sense as well.


Mar 14, 2017
Curious, Hollywood is pro-p***phile, yet exposing & promoting recent pedo-peddlers & exploiters.... I'm not sure if there are any good guys....here's a trump associate:

Mueller Witness Is Convicted p***phile With Shadowy Past
March 15, 2018, 1:32 AM EDTUpdated on March 15, 2018, 1:36 PM EDT

George Nader in 1999.

Washington (AP) -- How did George Nader — Lebanese-American businessman, globe-trotting "fixer," convicted child molester — get caught up in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation?
The answer, it seems, can be found in the shadows, where Nader has long operated.
His long history included intrepid back-channel mediation between Israel and Arab countries — and a 15-year-old p***philia conviction in Europe that has not been previously reported. But Mueller, in his investigation of President Donald Trump, his campaign and possible wrongdoing connected to Russia, is focused on Nader's role in two high-level get-togethers after the presidential election, according to three people familiar with the case.
Nader was caught in Mueller's web a few days before the anniversary of Trump's inauguration. He was transiting through Dulles International Airport outside Washington, on his way to Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort, when his plans changed — abruptly and involuntarily.
Mueller's investigators stopped him, people familiar with the case said. His electronics were seized and he was then allowed to go see his lawyer. Nader later agreed to cooperate with Mueller's investigation, said the people with knowledge of the case as it pertains to Nader. They weren't authorized to speak publicly on the case and demanded anonymity.
Nader is little known to the public, a man who has led a shadowy existence as a go-between across numerous Middle East capitals and who gave testimony to Mueller's Washington grand jury earlier this month.
Nader joined a meeting at New York's Trump Tower in December 2016 that brought together presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner, chief strategist Steve Bannon — fired by Trump last August — and Mohammed bin Zayed, crown prince of Abu Dhabi and de facto leader of the United Arab Emirates.
A second meeting occurred a month later in the Indian Ocean archipelago of Seychelles and involved Nader, bin Zayed, former Blackwater boss Erik Prince and Kirill Dmitriev, a Russian banker close to President Vladimir Putin.
Nader's record of sexual abuse in Prague appears unrelated to his role in Mueller's probe in the United States; it is unclear whether Mueller's investigators knew about it. One of Nader's lawyers, Sandeep Savla, suggested that information about his record was being leaked to stop him from cooperating.
"This is nothing more than an orchestrated, disgusting scheme by those who are trying to intimidate Mr. Nader into silence. It won't work," he said. "Mr. Nader will continue to answer truthfully questions put to him by the special counsel."
Kathy Ruemmler, who previously served as White House counsel to President Barack Obama, is among the lawyers representing Nader. She declined to answer questions about her client.
A George Nader was convicted by Prague's Municipal Court of 10 cases of sexually abusing minors and sentenced to a one-year prison term in May 2003, court spokeswoman Marketa Puci told The Associated Press on Wednesday. She said the crimes occurred between 1999 and 2002. She said Nader served time in a Prague prison, though it isn't clear how much. He was then ordered expelled.
Puci said Nader was convicted of "moral corruption of minors, sexual abuse and impairing morals," after abusing underage boys.
In one case, Nader requested oral sex from a 14-year-old boy in a room at the Hilton Hotel in Prague, Puci said. After the boy refused, Nader masturbated in front of him and paid him 2,000 koruna — worth about $100 today, she said.
The verdict cites other examples of Nader providing money, jewelry, cellphones, clothes and accommodation for sexual services. The AP was able to see a copy of the verdict, which gives Nader's birthdate as May 15, 1959. Nader was separately accused in Washington, D.C., of child pornography infractions in 1985, but those charges were later dropped. A criminal docket sheet obtained by the AP shows the same birthdate for Nader.
Two people with knowledge of the case confirmed it involved the same Nader now cooperating with Mueller.
Many of Nader's former contacts and onetime friends have noted in recent weeks how they lost touch with him in the early 2000s.
Nader had worked in recent times as an adviser to bin Zayed, one of the most powerful men in the Middle East, according to people who know Nader. The questioning of Nader in the Mueller probe suggests possible interest in UAE relations with Trump's transition team or his administration.
Nader's connections with Trump confidants include Elliott Broidy, a top Republican fundraiser who co-hosted a Tuesday night event attended by the president in Beverly Hills, California.
Earlier this month, several media organizations, including the AP, obtained emails belonging to Broidy, a California-based venture capitalist and the Republican National Committee's deputy finance chairman. They show Broidy emailing Nader with a summary of Broidy's talks with Kushner and Trump in the White House in October 2017, touching on matters including the UAE's bitter dispute with fellow Persian Gulf country Qatar.
Broidy accused Qatar of hacking his emails. The Qataris denied the charge.
"Your government's actions against U.S. citizens will jeopardize your nation's relationship with the United States," Broidy wrote in a public letter to Qatar's U.S. ambassador.
In response, the Qatari government called Broidy's "baseless accusations" a "diversionary tactic."
Related: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-25/mueller-snags-blackwater-founder-erik-princes-phones-computer

The intercept: https://theintercept.com/2018/03/08/robert-mueller-george-nader-child-pornography/
"You mean the same George Nader who was recently seen partying it up in the Dominican Republican with Bill and Hillary Clinton?http://www.elportal.com.do/en/bill-clinton-piscina-resort-punta-cana-acompanado-george-nader/Same George Nader who actually worked for the Clinton administration?"According to the Times, Nader worked with the Bill Clinton administration in its attempt to broker a peace deal between Syria and Israel, convincing the White House that he could leverage his influential contacts with the Syrian government."https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/03/robert-mueller-george-nader-russia-investigationFunny so little media interest in this association."

Nader a spy? https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8q8yw4
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Apr 25, 2018
I mean, this guy is a disgusting character.. But this :


For real ? So-called celebrities and fans urged to take his defense ? This is terrible, like are people are blind stupid or heartless ? People be like "oh yeah he did that but the way he directs movies is soooo good..." arrff this remind me of Polanski and all the support he got in France.. Very sad world we live in...
I cannot believe their conscience is eaten up by this guy. What kind of an excuse - just because he's a good director ? (Which I don't think so. I do think Polanski is a great director but once I found out that he's just a sex maniac and a pedo to boot, I don't watch his films anymore - even tho' Rosemary's Baby is a masterpiece. Movies aren't a priority, don't they understand that. Real life is.
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Jun 28, 2017
It's very likely he tweeted those things because he did nasty things to real children. He was referencing things that he participates in, in real life.
Do you have any evidence for this assertion? A lot of people make sick jokes without actually doing the things that they are joking about. And given the fact that he was never charged with a crime, and no victims have come forward, This seems like the most likely scenario for Mr. Gunn. In the absence of any evidence of inappropriate behavior I see no reason to assume that he was actually molesting children.


Mar 14, 2017
Gunn is a punk.... I hope all you leftists who happily watched Rosanne go down love your new America.... Regardless, Gunn is one sick pup... He's so lighthearted about it that it's obvious he rolls with the Man-Boy crowd, read the VC article....
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Apr 12, 2017
Absolutely Do NOT "trust the plan!" That it straight-up cultist brainwashing nonsense targeting the MAGA robots. There is way too much obvious psy-op social engineering activity surrounding all of this.

To me it's obvious that the elite cultists are partially revealing themselves on purpose so they can claim a false awakening that really is the opposite. They are counting on people not questioning in other words "trusting" this plan.

A lot of the claims are true, and it's as if they are in a panic and are trying to ramp up the chaos in order to try to gain control one last time. It's a last-ditch effort that will likely and hopefully fail in my opinion. It's all going to backfire. It will take some time for all of it to unfold, but I think the majority will eventually become able to see right through these kinds of obvious mind games as we get tired of letting ourselves be fooled over and over.

Qanon, the great awakening, trust the plan.. When you see or hear these new programming words, don't just stop thinking and follow along like a robot. QUESTION the plan. Everything happening now is a very old tactic, it's nothing new and really should be obvious by now.


Mar 14, 2017
Absolutely Do NOT "trust the plan!" That it straight-up cultist brainwashing nonsense targeting the MAGA robots. There is way too much obvious psy-op social engineering activity surrounding all of this.

To me it's obvious that the elite cultists are partially revealing themselves on purpose so they can claim a false awakening that really is the opposite. They are counting on people not questioning in other words "trusting" this plan.

A lot of the claims are true, and it's as if they are in a panic and are trying to ramp up the chaos in order to try to gain control one last time. It's a last-ditch effort that will likely and hopefully fail in my opinion. It's all going to backfire. It will take some time for all of it to unfold, but I think the majority will eventually become able to see right through these kinds of obvious mind games as we get tired of letting ourselves be fooled over and over.

Qanon, the great awakening, trust the plan.. When you see or hear these new programming words, don't just stop thinking and follow along like a robot. QUESTION the plan. Everything happening now is a very old tactic, it's nothing new and really should be obvious by now.
I don't trust crap..... I trust wikileaks, how's that.... Why else is an innocent whistleblower in captivity...and another one in Russian exile.... Q can jump in a lake for all I care... I read as many sources as I can and see who is leaving out what and why....
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Mar 14, 2017
Absolutely Do NOT "trust the plan!" That it straight-up cultist brainwashing nonsense targeting the MAGA robots. There is way too much obvious psy-op social engineering activity surrounding all of this.

To me it's obvious that the elite cultists are partially revealing themselves on purpose so they can claim a false awakening that really is the opposite. They are counting on people not questioning in other words "trusting" this plan.

A lot of the claims are true, and it's as if they are in a panic and are trying to ramp up the chaos in order to try to gain control one last time. It's a last-ditch effort that will likely and hopefully fail in my opinion. It's all going to backfire. It will take some time for all of it to unfold, but I think the majority will eventually become able to see right through these kinds of obvious mind games as we get tired of letting ourselves be fooled over and over.

Qanon, the great awakening, trust the plan.. When you see or hear these new programming words, don't just stop thinking and follow along like a robot. QUESTION the plan. Everything happening now is a very old tactic, it's nothing new and really should be obvious by now.
So do you think AJ is Bill Hicks?

It is obvious he is a sanctioned source regardless


Mar 14, 2017
Absolutely Do NOT "trust the plan!" That it straight-up cultist brainwashing nonsense targeting the MAGA robots. There is way too much obvious psy-op social engineering activity surrounding all of this.

To me it's obvious that the elite cultists are partially revealing themselves on purpose so they can claim a false awakening that really is the opposite. They are counting on people not questioning in other words "trusting" this plan.

A lot of the claims are true, and it's as if they are in a panic and are trying to ramp up the chaos in order to try to gain control one last time. It's a last-ditch effort that will likely and hopefully fail in my opinion. It's all going to backfire. It will take some time for all of it to unfold, but I think the majority will eventually become able to see right through these kinds of obvious mind games as we get tired of letting ourselves be fooled over and over.

Qanon, the great awakening, trust the plan.. When you see or hear these new programming words, don't just stop thinking and follow along like a robot. QUESTION the plan. Everything happening now is a very old tactic, it's nothing new and really should be obvious by now.
How are they ramping up chaos by revealing crap....? Its obvious there are forces greater than the prez since way before JFK.... America Inc. has been owned since Washington practically ....I'm a Christian, we believe the worst of all men, I'm no longer suprised....they can reveal whatever they like, I'm not phased....

If Trump is not owned he can declassify everything.... Even then you can see that as an act of a controlled man... Just make sure you have popcorn and pray the innocent don't get hurt
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Apr 12, 2017
So do you think AJ is Bill Hicks?

It is obvious he is a sanctioned source regardless
Haha no. Hicks was assassinated (injected with cancer-causing viruses) for trying to wake people up. Jones is make-believe. He is an actor playing a character.. seems like maybe even a victim of mind control. He's always portrayed an intense character, but in more recent years he is way more unhinged and not really the same vibe as before.
Apr 12, 2017
they can reveal whatever they like, I'm not phased....
That's the plan. ;) Don't ever question anything that's "revealed", not even the obvious lies that always are slathered on so that the bits of truth get all caught up in their false reality.


Mar 14, 2017
Haha no. Hicks was assassinated (injected with cancer-causing viruses) for trying to wake people up. Jones is make-believe. He is an actor playing a character.. seems like maybe even a victim of mind control. He's always portrayed an intense character, but in more recent years he is way more unhinged and not really the same vibe as before.
Seriously? About Hicks? Same with Carlin? Or was he just getting out the info? Does it even matter? You can't be nervous and purposely revealing yourself? Well I guess there is always a plan A & plan B...but you are saying they are running both plans simultaneously? Well order out of chaos for sure....

So you think the whole Roseanne thing was staged from the beginning?


Mar 14, 2017
I don't think Assange is part of their plan A....maybe incorporated into their plan B, lol... Where is the A team when we need em, lol