INCREDIBLE Proofs of Islam


Jan 7, 2021
In this thread I will be posting some proofs of Islam. Credit goes to my husband for the writing and research as I will just be reposting articles from his website (
I will start off with the first article he wrote.


The Fire of Hejaz
Fulfilled Prophecies

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said:
“The Last Hour would not come until fire emits from the earth of Hejaz, [a fire] which would illuminate the necks of the camels of Busra.” [1]

A great flame prophesized and fulfilled in a way that nobody expected. The fire of Hejaz explained.
Before we get into the meat of this prophecy and its fulfilment, we need to understand what Hejaz and Busra are.
In the first image, the area of Hejaz is highlighted in dark green. In the next image, the city of Busra has a red pin on it.


Here is the important part.
Notice how Medina, and the area around Medina, are in Hejaz; then notice how Medina is hundreds of kilometers away from Busra. Keep this in mind.
So let’s do a quick review of the details of what was prophesized ~1400 years ago:
  1. A fire would emit from the Hejaz region, which is where Medina is,
  2. That fire would come from the earth.
  3. That fire would be so great, that it would illuminate a city hundreds of kilometers away, Busra.
Quite a bold claim to make, isn’t it?
Well, even with this boldness, this prophecy was fulfilled with all of its details in the year 1256 AD, about 600 years after it was made.

One day, in the city of Medina, tremors kept coming one after the other for nearly three entire days, shaking the cities buildings and terrifying the population. Then, the next day of Friday brought a massive earthquake which shook even the ceiling and minaret of The Prophet’s Mosque, but it eventually settled down that morning. Suddenly, a fire exploded from the direction of the city of Qurayza, and the people of Medina watched as this explosive fire rose up into the sky, emitting a large amount of smoke which eventually turned the sky red.

The fire itself was intense and large, seeming as if it was a large mountain of fire which came out of nowhere. The flame did not stop just there though, it started to flow like a flood, a sea of fire. Whenever this sea of flames moved over a hill, it seemed to flatten and melt it, which is quite a terrifying sight, especially considering that the fire rose to be nearly three meters high (!). Moving fast and with violence, it destroyed everything around it, throwing stones of flame at anybody who dared come near it, all while roaring with the roars of thunder. While the flame did come somewhat close to Medina, it thankfully stopped its movement before it destroyed what was in the city.

Those who lived in the city reported that night time was unlike any other night they had before, that there was so much light coming from the fire it seemed like they always had their lamps on. The flame lasted for over a month. [2]

So this is what happened to those living in Medina, what about those in Busra? Adh-Dhahabi (A Historian) writes that those living in Busra could see this fire as well, and it was even illuminating their area to the point that they could see the necks of their camels lit up at night. [3]

These accounts were mass-transmitted from the people of Busra, but there is still more. Those living in Damascus, which is even further from the fire, also mass-reported the fact that they could see the fire. [4] Keep in mind this is hundreds of kilometers away from the fire.


So what happened?
There is something interesting to note here, it seems like those who saw the fire themselves could not tell what they were seeing. In reality, what caused all of this was a massive volcanic eruption. The sharp readers may have already caught onto this from what the people of Medina saw.
This volcanic eruption, dubbed the 1256 AD Eruption, has been taken note of by modern volcanologists, and we can actually still see the remains of this great eruption. Published by the International Journal of Earth Sciences, a research paper on this eruption states:
“The 1256 AD eruption site is located near to the culturally significant Al Madinah city… The historically documented eruption lasted for 52 days and formed a 2.25 km long chain of NW–SE-aligned scoria and lava spatter cones... This spectacular landscape is not only attractive for visitors but also provides one of the best exposed and accessible sites on Earth to show the diversity of volcanic features a fissure eruption can produce.” [5]
They also show a picture of the site.
1256 eruption.png

Once again, let us review the details of the prophecy, and review what happened next.
1. A fire would emit from the Hejaz region.
The volcano was in the Hejaz region.
2. That fire would come from the earth.
Lava comes from the earth.
3. That fire would be so great, that it would illuminate a city hundreds of kilometers away, Busra.
The fire did end up illuminating a city hundreds of kilometers away, and even the necks of the camels of this city, Busra.
As we can see, the prophecy came true exactly as it was stated ~1400 years ago, to every specific detail, 600 years after it was made.
How could an illiterate man, whose people apparently did not even know what a volcano is, know that 600 years after his death, such a major event would happen? How could he make such a specific and unintuitive prediction which comes true in every aspect, if he were a normal man? This is the question to ponder on.

  1. Sahih Muslim 2902
  2. El-Masry, Nabil & Moufti, Mohammed Rashad & Nemeth, Karoly & Murcia, Hugo & Qaddah, Atef & Abdelwahed, Mohamed. (2013). Historical Accounts of the AD 1256 Eruption near Al-Madinah. International Journal of Earth Sciences. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4493.9602
  3. Tarikh Al-Islam, 49/22, by Adh-Dhahabi
  4. Fath Al-Bari, 13/79, by Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani
  5. Moufti, M. R., Németh, K., Murcia, H., & Lindsay, J. M. (2013). The 1256 AD Al Madinah historic eruption geosite as the youngest volcanic chain in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Earth Sciences. doi:10.1007/s00531-013-0878-4
Article source:

Watch this thread or keep regularly visiting the website for more articles. There are already 5 articles published and we plan on writing more and posting more to this thread.


Jan 7, 2021
The Moon's Dark Spots
Historical Accuracies

Allah The Almighty says in the Qur’an (English interpretation of the meaning):
And We have made the night and day two signs, and We erased the sign of the night and made the sign of the day visible so that you may seek bounty from your Lord…
Surah Al-Isra’, verse 12
moons dark spots.png

Formed 3 billion years ago, the dark spots on the moon have been a mystery for thousands of years. However, the Qur’an pinpoints its billion year origins before anybody else could.

For nearly all of human history, people have looked up at the celestial bodies in awe. These pearls swimming in the sky drew peoples attention like no other, for they were both constants in our lives, but also one of the most mysterious things we knew of. Some took to explaining them as (false) deities looking down on us, others said that they were a creation from The One God as a sign, and lastly, some studied these bodies.

Despite all the attention given to these bodies, many of the people of the past described them in aspects which were completely incorrect. This brings us to the dark spots of the moon, or maria, which means “seas” in Latin. They were named seas at the time because early astronomers actually believed that these dark spots were seas on the Moon, which ended up being a false idea. People had believed this theory for quite a while though.

Now we know for sure that there are no seas on the Moon, and that these dark spots have quite a different origin.
surah al isra.jpg

Before we get into that though, lets see what the Qur’an has to say about the topic.
Referenced above, and explained further below, Surah Al-Isra’ states that the sun and moon were two signs, and the sign of the Moon was erased, while the sign of the Sun stayed visible. The companions of the prophet, peace be upon him, who lived around the year 630 AD, give us more insight as to what this verse means.
“Ibn ‘Abbas says: The Moon used to be alight like the Sun, and the Moon is the sign of the night, while the Sun is the sign of the day. “And We erased the sign of the night”, that is the blackness on the Moon.” [1]
“A man asked Ali ibn Abi Talib: “What is that blackness on the moon?“ Ali replied with: "Do you not read the Qur’an? “And We erased the sign of the night”, It is the erasure.[2]
More companions living at this time period also repeated the same thing.

Let’s put the three claims of the Qur’an in a list to keep things simple.
  1. The Moon used to be alight.
  2. This light eventually faded away.
  3. The black spots on the moon are where that light used to be.

Finally, let’s take a look at what modern astronomers say. I highly recommend you watch the NASA video at this moment. Anyways, Bonnie J. Buratti, in the Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology states:
Soon after the Moon accreted, it heated up due to the reasons outlined in Section II.B. The result was the melting and eruption of basaltic lava onto the lunar surface between 3.8 to about 2.8 billion years ago to form the lunar maria. This lava was highly fluid under the weaker gravitational field of the Moon and spread over vast distances…The lunar maria are found primarily on the earth side of the moon. [3]
In more simple terms, after many asteroids made massive impacts on the Moon, the Moon's surface was covered in lava, this made the Moon give off light (Claim #1). This is shown in the video as well. Eventually, over more than a billion years, that lava cooled down (Claim #2) and is now the black spots on the Moon. (Claim #3) [4] Exactly as the Qur’an and the Muslims stated 1400 years ago, before anybody else knew.

  1. Tafsir At-Tabari, Surah Al-Isra’, Verse 12
  2. Ibid.
  3. Buratti, Bonnie J. “Moon.” Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 2003, pp. 161–172., doi:10.1016/b0-12-227410-5/00460-9.
  4. Ibid.
Source of article:


Jan 7, 2021
The Destruction of the Sassanids
Fulfilled Prophecies

The Sassanids, a powerful behemoth at its peak, reduced to ashes.

The Muslims had gone through a great deal of suffering to reach the point when they could think about the surrounding empires.
For nearly an entire decade, the pagans of Mecca had tortured and killed Muslims because of their faith. Cutting the believers up with spears and forcing them to wear metal chainmail under the burning sun are a couple examples of such abuse. Eventually, an opportunity came for the Muslims to escape to a nearby city now known as Medina. After they had migrated, the Muslims worked on inviting other tribes and people to Islam. The Prophet, peace be upon him, reached out to rulers of contemporary empires with letters; one of them being Khosrow II, the king of the Persian Sassanids. The first and only thing that Khosrow II saw was that the Prophet's name was written before his. [1]

Clearly, Khosrow II didn’t like that very much.

For something so insignificant, the letter was torn up. When news of this came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, he said that the same way Khosrow tore up the letter, his kingdom will be torn apart. [2]

Keep in mind the context of the situation here: the Sassanids were an enormous world superpower at the time, surviving for centuries and annexing many territories of the Byzantines, another large empire at the time. The Persian Sassanids “in blazing speeds” had taken Byzantine Armenia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Anatolia, and even taking the Byzantines “True Cross” artifact. [3] They were humiliating the Byzantines and striking fear in anybody who dared stand in their way. The Sassanid's morale and strength was at an all-time high.
The Sassanids’ massive land mass at the time, stretching from modern-day Egypt to modern-day Pakistan.

The Sassanid's massive land mass at the time, stretching from modern-day Egypt to modern-day Pakistan.
Does it sound plausible to say that such a superpower will be soon ripped apart? To say that it will happen while they are the strongest empire in the world?
Well, that’s what ended up happening.

Very soon after the prophecy, the Byzantines forced the Sassanids back to where they started before their major wars, which also happened to fulfill a different Islamic prophecy about the Byzantine's comeback. The prophecy stated that within 3 to 9 years of the Byzantines major defeat, they would become victorious again.
Here is what Edward Gibbon had to say in “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire about the Islamic prophecy concerning the Byzantine comeback mentioned above.
“… In the midst of the Persian triumphs, [The Prophet] ventured to foretell that, before many years should elapse, victory would again return to the banners of the Romans.
At the time when this prediction is said to have been delivered, no prophecy could be more distant from its accomplishment, since the first twelve years of Heraclius, [the Byzantine king], announced the approaching dissolution of the [Byzantine] empire.” [4]
Click for more detail on this prophecy.

After the Persians humiliating defeat, Khosrow’s own son, Kavad II, decided to take matters into his own hands. Kavad II imprisoned his father, declared himself king, then slaughtered all of his brothers. Khosrow II saw the destruction of everything he held dear. His empire had lost all hope of a future competent ruler, his family had been slaughtered, and his own flesh and blood turned against him.
Humiliation upon humiliation.
Daryaee Touraj states in “SASANIAN PERSIA: the Rise and Fall of an Empire”:
“In a matter of years, Khusro II went from a world conqueror, emulating the Achaemenid territorial integrity, to a humiliated king…” [3]
Things did not end there though, because Khosrow’s kingdom had still not been completely torn to shreds.

After some chaotic years of civil war and many rulers trying to take the throne, the entire empire had been reduced to a shell of its former self, headed for destruction. Additionally, the Muslims had become much stronger at this point, going from being tortured in the streets of Mecca to becoming the leaders of Arabia. Thus came the final blow to the Sassanids. By the Muslim Rashidun Caliphates hand, the once great Sassanid empire had been reduced to nothing, and was taken over by the Muslims. [5]

Khosrow II’s empire was taken from its peak, then immediately reduced to ashes after the prophecy of the empires destruction.
Now under a just rule by the Muslims, the prophecy had fully come true.
The massive empire of Khosrow II was torn apart right after he tore apart the letter, going from the strongest empire on Earth to a humiliated and chaotic mess which eventually dissolved into nothing, just as the Prophet ﷺ said it would.

  1. When the Moon Split: (a Biography of Prophet Muhammad), by Mubārakfūrī Ṣafī al-Raḥmān. et al., Darussalam, 2002.
  2. Ibid, pp. 220–221.
  3. Daryaee, Touraj. SASANIAN PERSIA: the Rise and Fall of an Empire. BLOOMSBURY, 2021, pp. 33.
  4. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, by Edward Gibbon, vol. 8, DeFau, 1907, p. 48.
  5. Daryaee, Touraj. SASANIAN PERSIA: the Rise and Fall of an Empire. BLOOMSBURY, 2021.
Article source:


Jan 7, 2021
The Byzantine Comeback
Fulfilled Prophecies
This article is a branch from another article. Please read the other one for more context, if you’d like.

The Byzantines have been defeated in the nearest land. But they, after their defeat, will triumph within three to nine years. The whole matter rests with Allah before and after victory.
And on that day the believers will rejoice in the victory of Allah. He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.
Surah Ar-Rum, verses 2-5 (English interpretation of the meaning)

The humiliated Byzantines are cornered and are about to be destroyed, and what happens next shocks the world. The comeback of the Byzantines.

The Persian Sassanids were at their peak in strength and morale.

There were two world superpowers at the time, the “Roman” Byzantines, and the Persian Sassanids. The two had begun a massive war with one another, with the Sassanids clearly coming out on top. After the Sassanids had taken Byzantine Armenia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Anatolia, and even the Byzantine True Cross artifact at "blazing speeds", the Byzantine empire was headed for ruin. At this point in time, they had lost nearly everything in a major war with the Sassanids and it seemed like the entire empire was soon going to be dissolved into nothing. [1]

During this time of absolute loss for the Byzantines, the Qur’an made the bold claim that the Byzantines would make a huge comeback against the Sassanids within 3 to 9 years.

Imagine the consequences of this.

The risk is very high with this claim. If 9 years pass and this prophecy doesn't come true, the Prophet, peace be upon him, will be proven to be a false prophet.

Here is what Edward Gibbon had to say in “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire about this prophecy:
“At the time when this prediction is said to have been delivered, no prophecy could be more distant from its accomplishment, since the first twelve years of [the Byzantine King] Heraclius announced the approaching dissolution of the [Byzantine] empire.” [2]
So not only is the prophecy an incredibly risky one, but it also makes no sense to say such a thing if you did not know the future. The only thing that you can see is the Sassanids demolishing the Byzantines and the incoming dissolution of the Byzantine empire.
Of course though, the prophecy did come true. After about 7 years from the Byzantines defeat, they made a huge comeback and started to take back all of the land they lost.

This is how much land the Sassanids lost in the Byzantine comeback:


About a third of their land mass was gone.
That’s the first part of the prophecy, now lets go back to the second part of it.
And on that day the believers will rejoice in the victory of Allah.
The Muslims rejoiced because the Christians had defeated the Pagan Persians, but they also rejoiced because of the timing. The news of this victory came right as the Muslims had their victory in the Battle of Badr. After they were tortured by pagans for many years, the Muslims finally started their comeback. This is what some have said is meant by “the victory of Allah”.

Once again, a specific and unintuitive prophecy which comes true in every way.

  1. Daryaee, Touraj. SASANIAN PERSIA: the Rise and Fall of an Empire. BLOOMSBURY, 2021, pp. 33.
  2. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, by Edward Gibbon, vol. 8, DeFau, 1907, p. 48.
Article source:


Jan 7, 2021
Green Arabia
Historical Accuracies

Today, Arabia is known as a dry, hot, and lifeless desert.

It’s hard to imagine it could have ever been anything else, really. This is the image that we all are familiar with.

However, completely going against this notion, the Prophet (ﷺ) stated that the Final Hour would not come until the land of Arabia reverts to meadows and rivers.”. [1]

This is quite an interesting prophecy for multiple reasons.

First of all, it says that Arabia will revert to this green and wet state with meadows and rivers, meaning that it used to be like that in the past. Secondly, it is also telling us that this lifeless, hot desert land will completely change, that it will become the complete opposite of what it is now, a place of meadows and rivers.

Let’s look at the idea of a Green Arabia first. For many years, those who study the history of human migration were confused, it seemed that Arabia was too hot and dry for ancient Humans to migrate through. They thought that since humans originated from Africa, they must have passed through the deserts of Arabia to spread throughout the Earth, and it would be impossible for them to do that with the current state of the area.

However, in recent years we have actually found out that Arabia used to be a lush, green forest full of life and rain. In fact, it was so wet and full of life that even hippos used to live there!
“Hippos cannot survive in very arid and dry situations…”

“Hippos cannot survive in very arid and dry situations…”

Michael Petraglia, one of the people involved in the archeological Green Arabia project, states in an interview:
“We looked at satellite images for example, and found that there are literally thousands of ancient rivers that crisscrossed Saudi Arabia. We also now count 10,000 ancient lakes.
We have fossils of elephants; these were gigantic creatures, much larger than the African elephant.
Amazingly, we also have hippos. These finds tell you something of how wet it really was. Because hippos cannot survive in very arid and dry situations, so the environment had to be green for them to survive. So, there were surely lots of lakes and rivers all across Arabia, and there was plenty of grass with vegetation for these animals to consume.” [2]
Quite interesting, isn’t it? Well, let’s not forget about the main part, the prophecy itself. So, do we currently have any sign of Arabia going back to this state any time soon?

By taking a look at what caused Arabia to become green to begin with, we can answer that question. What caused all of this to happen is theorized to be periodical bouts of monsoon rain. An article published in the journal Geology explains this further.

Starting from around 150,000 years ago, about every 23,000 years the Indian Ocean Monsoon went further into Arabia, giving it heavy rain and life. This is what the sediment deposits and fossil dating tells us. After it would come into Arabia, it would then leave the area again. All in all, we have five recorded “wet phases”, times when the monsoon came into Arabia and turned it green. [3]

Now here is the kicker; notice how the monsoon came about every 23,000 years. The question then becomes, how long ago was the most recent wet phase?

55,000 years ago.

That means that we are overdue for one of these wet phases by about 32,000 years.

From what is apparent to us now, another wet phase is scientifically inevitable; a wet phase which will bring heavy rain to Arabia and give it rivers and meadows once again.

Just as a clarification though, this is only a possible way that the prophecy will be fulfilled. Allah knows best if it will be fulfilled via a monsoon like this or any other way.

One of the Arabian countries, Oman, is actually still affected by this same monsoon, and this is what it looks like.
From this image, we can see what Arabia might look like once this prophecy is inevitably fully fulfilled, God willing.
So not only did the Prophet (ﷺ) somehow know a history which was hidden to us for thousands of years, but he also accurately predicted what we now scientifically know will come in the future.
One of the monsoon-affected areas of Oman.

One of the monsoon-affected areas of Oman.
How did such knowledge of the unseen come to him? Reflect and perhaps you will see.

  1. Sahih Muslim 157c
  2. Brand, Meredith. “Interview: Unraveling Arabia’s Green Past.” Nature Asia, 9 Apr. 2018,
  3. Parton, Ash, et al. “Alluvial Fan Records from Southeast Arabia Reveal Multiple Windows for Human Dispersal.” Geology, vol. 43, no. 4, 2015, pp. 295–298., doi:10.1130/g36401.1.

Article source:


Jun 28, 2020
Preservation of the Pharaoh.

The Quran depicts a scene when Moses and his people were crossing the Red sea being chased by the Pharaoh.
After the Israelite's crossed, the sea closed in on pharaoh and his army drowning them.

"We brought the tribe of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and his troops pursued them out of tyranny and enmity. Then, when he was on the point of drowning, he [Pharaoh] said: "I believe that there is no god but Him in Whom the tribe of Israel believes. I am one of the Muslims."
(Qur'an, 10:90)

"What, now! When previously you rebelled and were one of the corrupter's?
Today we will
preserve your body so you can be a Sign for people who come after you. Surely many people are heedless of Our Signs."
(Qur'an, 10:91-92)




Jan 7, 2021
Preservation of the Pharaoh.

The Quran depicts a scene when Moses and his people were crossing the Red sea being chased by the Pharaoh.
After the Israelite's crossed, the sea closed in on pharaoh and his army drowning them.

"We brought the tribe of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and his troops pursued them out of tyranny and enmity. Then, when he was on the point of drowning, he [Pharaoh] said: "I believe that there is no god but Him in Whom the tribe of Israel believes. I am one of the Muslims."
(Qur'an, 10:90)

"What, now! When previously you rebelled and were one of the corrupter's?
Today we will
preserve your body so you can be a Sign for people who come after you. Surely many people are heedless of Our Signs."
(Qur'an, 10:91-92)

View attachment 51673

Conclusion: The body of Pharaoh was delivered from the sea that day and protected from decomposition, but that does not necessarily mean that it will be preserved until the Day of Resurrection. If it is proven by the archaeologists and historians that the body of Pharaoh is still preserved today, and it is what is displayed in some museums, it is not permissible to claim that this preservation is a miracle from Allaah for all people, rather it is just historical confirmation that is in accordance with what is in the Qur’aan, and that is the miracle.
And Allaah knows best.


Jun 28, 2020
Something told me you'd debate anything i added to this thread. Np, I'll leave it alone.

As-salaam alaykum.


Jan 7, 2021
Something told me you'd debate anything i added to this thread. Np, I'll leave it alone.

As-salaam alaykum.
Wa alaykym salam,

I wasn't debating just posting a clarification. I'm not sure about the trustworthiness of those sites, as is the case with lots of so called "scientific miracles" they stretch the interpretation of verses and/or misunderstand the scientific facts they are presenting. This does more harm than good as people who may be more knowledgeable on these subjects may see such "scientific miracles" as weak evidence and assume that's all Islam has to offer. As the source I posted said it very well could be the case that the Pharoah was preserved in the way you posted which would be miraculous, however that is not how the sahabah interpreted the verse so it's important to make a note of it.