I am being harassed by user Stucky 7162 and FilthPig12772 and Orwell's mentor


Aug 11, 2021
I ignored him but he threatened to have "other people" get me banned if I don't remove my posts from his thread. "FilthPig" has now posted his anti-Semitism on the thread.

Are you threatening me?
Why have you reposted your responses on the other thread?
If you don't remove them (from the other thread) people might realise what an odious creature you are and press for you to be banned.
Stucky said:
If you don't remove them (from the other thread) people might realise what an odious creature you are and press for you to be banned.
Are you threatening me?

He did not like me posting on *HIS* thread so started to harrass me on mine.

Stucky said:
No you wont. I stated clearly, clearly, "In the other thread, which i don't want you to derail "

This is your thread....stay here! Don't go derailing anyone else's thread.
But now here is another anti-semite.

Reminder that the Rat-childs were behind the creation of Israel - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration
Rat-child corporation owns and rules the city of Caesarea https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesarea

" Show me from one of the links where Jews show any murderous hatred towards non Jews " - soviet union is a good example . How many millions died a violent death because of jews like Naftali Frenkel,Lazar Kogan,Lazar Kaganovich,Genrikh Yagoda,Matvei Berman,Bela Kun and so on ?
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Aug 11, 2021
Orwell's mentor, 274 is spamming me.

Sibi said:
If only Jew haters are welcome in this thread, you should have said so. I am happy to leave.
Sibi said:
I was re-invited to this thread by Stuckey.
Sibi said:
According to Israel’s Supreme Court, the land in question was purchased by the local Ashkenazi and Sephardi communities from its Arab owners in 1875, primarily because of the area’s religious significance in housing the tomb of “Simeon the Just.” The property was registered in the Ottoman land registry as a trust under the name of rabbis Avraham Ashkenazi and Meir Auerbach
Sibi said:
The first petition is defunct
Sibi said:
The word Palestine is a perversion of Philistine the name of an ancient people that lived in the Gaza area. The Philistines were an Aegean (Cypriot) people that became extinct nearly 3,000 years ago. They didn’t refer to themselves as Philistines as this was the Jewish term for them. The Hebrew bible refers to them as “Palishtim” which means “invaders” (this was later translated into Latin as Philistinus), ironically, in an attempt to claim they’re indigenous the Palestinians named their national movement after a people that were not indigenous.
(clipped for space)
Sibi said:

I’ve heard a lot of foofaraw and folderol about Palestinians and how they’ve always been Palestinians and stop calling us Arabs we’re Palestinians, but back before the founding of Israel, when you said “Palestinian” you meant “Jew.” Don’t believe me?

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Sibi said:

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Sibi said:
Palestine Soccer Team. Sending Out A Few Terrorists to Play Against You in Australia.
Daphne Anson 19/01/2014 9 Comments 6,964 Views
Sibi said:
I already answered this above

The word Palestine is a perversion of Philistine the name of an ancient people that lived in the Gaza area. The Philistines were an Aegean (Cypriot) people that became extinct nearly 3,000 years ago. They didn’t refer to themselves as Philistines as this was the Jewish term for them. The Hebrew bible refers to them as “Palishtim” which means “invaders” (this was later translated into Latin as Philistinus), ironically, in an attempt to claim they’re indigenous the Palestinians named their national movement after a people that were not indigenous.
Sibi said:
You showed me the Palestine maritime ensign. I showed you the flag of Palestine.

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Sibi said:

Israel to donate 1 million COVID vaccines to African nations | AP News
JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli government on Wednesday said it was donating 1 million coronavirus vaccines to the U.N.-backed COVAX program. The Foreign Ministry said the AstraZeneca vaccines would be transferred in the coming weeks, a decision that was part of Israel's strengthening ties with the...

The two I posted above are on the same wikipedia page you pulled your flag from. And that is not even the official flag its the "maritime ensign."
Is the Union Jack a Palestinian flag?

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Sibi said:
Palestinian Woman Accused of Stabbing Settler
RAMALLAH, West Bank — A Palestinian woman was detained after she stabbed and lightly wounded a Jewish settler in the occupied West Bank on Saturday, police said, following two days of violence across the territory.

In a statement, the Israeli border police said officers arrested a 65-year-old Palestinian woman after she stabbed and wrestled with the 38-year-old settler in the center of the highly contested city of Hebron. Officers managed to detain the woman without firing rounds and took her away for questioning, police said.

There has been no immediate Palestinian comment on the incident.
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You're clearly on here with an agenda. That's obvious to any critical thinker. Anyone falling for your other arbitrary threads are reasons why the covid psy-op has gone on as long as it has. As an FYI, I have no idea where you get your doctored information re: the Palestinian flag, lol. You think people are going to believe any of that? Even Wikipedia disagrees with you and that's saying something.

There's evidently better references than anything you're posting. This one for starters:

The history of our flags - Palestine

The history of our flags - Palestine
Palestine The first use of an early Palestinian flag was by the Arab Higher Committee during the Great Palestinian Revolt from 1936-1939. This committee was made up of multiple local Arab Palestinian leaders with the goal of ending British control over Palestine who were enabling the creation of...

"Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet" - Aristotle
Mar 30, 2017
Orwell's mentor, 274 is spamming me.

You're clearly on here with an agenda. That's obvious to any critical thinker. Anyone falling for your other arbitrary threads are reasons why the covid psy-op has gone on as long as it has. As an FYI, I have no idea where you get your doctored information re: the Palestinian flag, lol. You think people are going to believe any of that? Even Wikipedia disagrees with you and that's saying something.

There's evidently better references than anything you're posting. This one for starters:

The history of our flags - Palestine

The history of our flags - Palestine
Palestine The first use of an early Palestinian flag was by the Arab Higher Committee during the Great Palestinian Revolt from 1936-1939. This committee was made up of multiple local Arab Palestinian leaders with the goal of ending British control over Palestine who were enabling the creation of...

"Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet" - Aristotle
What sort of nonsense is this? It's YOU who said you were going to leave the thread and then post a plethora of things after stating you'd be happy to leave. I'm merely highlighting your hypocrisy and your agenda on these forums. You're not even really conversing with anyone, all you're doing is posting things which you deem post-worthy.

Feel free to continue to victimize yourself but I, for one, am not falling for it.

Carry on...
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Aug 11, 2021
What sort of nonsense is this? It's YOU who said you were going to leave the thread and then post a plethora of things after stating you'd be happy to leave. I'm merely highlighting your hypocrisy and your agenda on these forums. You're not even really conversing with anyone, all you're doing is posting things which you deem post-worthy.

Feel free to continue to victimize yourself but I, for one, am not falling for it.

Carry on...
I am happy to leave. Stuckey came to my thread and harassed me with posts that belonged to the Palestine thread.

Have a good life Orwell and do not harass me anymore.
Mar 30, 2017
I am happy to leave. Stuckey came to my thread and harassed me with posts that belonged to the Palestine thread.

Have a good life Orwell and do not harass me anymore.
You're claiming you accidently posted 10 posts in the "What is happening in Palestine" thread after you said you'd leave it, and I'm harassing you??? That's rich! As I've stated, I know what you're doing and have no desire to converse with you.

As well, don't be surprised if VC deletes this thread, or locks it with your unfounded and arbitrary claims of "harassment".



Aug 11, 2021
You're claiming you accidently posted 10 posts in the "What is happening in Palestine" thread after you said you'd leave it, and I'm harassing you??? That's rich! As I've stated, I know what you're doing and have no desire to converse with you.

As well, don't be surprised if VC deletes this thread, or locks it with your unfounded and arbitrary claims of "harassment".

Stop talking to me.


Mar 16, 2017
1. No point in complaining on this forum bc no actions will be taken. (Which is why I left)
2. Dont feed the troll. Narcissistic personality disorder means they harrass and are as evil as possible to get a reaction. Youre reacting. That feeds their egos. Lay down, play dead, it will take time but they will eventually dissapear since the cant "feed" off you.
3. Look into narcissism, it will give you answers you've never had before, I promise. <3
4. Its a big misconception that the cabal are jewish, they CLAIM to be jewish but are actually pharaos stemming from egypt. Inform about that and send them to Sean Hross on youtube,


May 17, 2020
1. No point in complaining on this forum bc no actions will be taken. (Which is why I left)
2. Dont feed the troll. Narcissistic personality disorder means they harrass and are as evil as possible to get a reaction. Youre reacting. That feeds their egos. Lay down, play dead, it will take time but they will eventually dissapear since the cant "feed" off you.
3. Look into narcissism, it will give you answers you've never had before, I promise. <3
4. Its a big misconception that the cabal are jewish, they CLAIM to be jewish but are actually pharaos stemming from egypt. Inform about that and send them to Sean Hross on youtube,

Umm its the fella you're responding to who is the troll. He basically made this thread in an attempt to hide his own trolling. Bizarrely he hangs himself with his own rope when he claims that Orwell's Mentor is 'spamming him'. OM is posting up Sibi's own comments from a thread he tried to hijack...a thread btw in which he posted multiple links (well over 100) to the same PDF document Here

His cry of 'anti semitism' is another attempted smoke screen as i had previously accused him (perhaps wrongly) of posting a comment which was racist...and if you check Here you will notice at the bottom of that post linked he has 'removed' the offending words (which he didn't use quotations for) and you will also notice that the edit took place just after he went on his rant here.

I'm afraid he has taken you for a fool...although tbf you could have checked his claims before you posted in his defence.
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Jul 12, 2022
Interesting to see this here! We can agree Sibi seems to have an issue here, and is dealing with it in not the best manner, but we can't sit here and think that this person wasn't telling some sort of truth, here. Especially about OM. Something strikes me as very wrong with this individual. They are up to something, and it actually scares me. Actually, this person has been up to something for a while, now. Almost seems like trying to make sure the people in this forum are kept in line and oh, we can't say anything about a certain religious group because if we do, that's when this person gets aggressive!


Jun 28, 2020
Interesting to see this here! We can agree Sibi seems to have an issue here, and is dealing with it in not the best manner, but we can't sit here and think that this person wasn't telling some sort of truth, here. Especially about OM. Something strikes me as very wrong with this individual. They are up to something, and it actually scares me. Actually, this person has been up to something for a while, now. Almost seems like trying to make sure the people in this forum are kept in line and oh, we can't say anything about a certain religious group because if we do, that's when this person gets aggressive!
Sibi was an Israeli, she tried putting out Zionist propaganda and multiple people called her out on it. That's what this 2-year-old thread is about.

OM is a good person. A Christian like you. She's been here for 10 years, if not longer. You should try to show her some respect.
Honestly, it does not make you look good when you try to attack people as old as VC itself.

If you need a target to justify your victimhood, lobe bombs at me. I don't mind.

May God grant you peace and security in mind, if nowhere else.
Mar 30, 2017
Interesting to see this here! We can agree Sibi seems to have an issue here, and is dealing with it in not the best manner, but we can't sit here and think that this person wasn't telling some sort of truth, here. Especially about OM. Something strikes me as very wrong with this individual. They are up to something, and it actually scares me. Actually, this person has been up to something for a while, now. Almost seems like trying to make sure the people in this forum are kept in line and oh, we can't say anything about a certain religious group because if we do, that's when this person gets aggressive!
Knock it off and get a grip, Seek. As Daze said Sibi was a zionist/Hasbara. If you were intelligent enough and a balanced individual, you would've read the posts that she posted in this thread to realize she was posting her own propaganda in a thread that @shoshomadi785 made a few years ago about Palestine. To clarify, I've been on these boards for almost 8 years.

You're certainly spewing a lot of crap on here and seem to becoming emotionally unglued. Start being accountable for what you post on here. Y'know... behave like a mature adult. If you continue to slander me, I'm going to report you.
Jul 12, 2022
Knock it off and get a grip, Seek. As Daze said Sibi was a zionist/Hasbara. If you were intelligent enough and a balanced individual, you would've read the posts that she posted in this thread to realize she was posting her own propaganda in a thread that @shoshomadi785 made a few years ago about Palestine. To clarify, I've been on these boards for almost 8 years.

You're certainly spewing a lot of crap on here and seem to becoming emotionally unglued. Start being accountable for what you post on here. Y'know... behave like a mature adult. If you continue to slander me, I'm going to report you.
Just to note, I still don't like you. I am entitled to that opinion, right?
And I barely slander, because remember the very first time you said I had a misconception of Shariah Law, instead of just being civil and saying you just don't agree with me but it's my opinion?
Maybe if you would of stuck to a kinder, and less dictating way of expressing yourself, I wouldn't have an issue with you.
Why report me for having free speech? I'm also not even swearing in any of my mentions.
The reason alone for you taking away my free speech on the shariah law subject is why i tend to apparently "slander" you.
If respect was given by day one, I wouldn't have to say anything.
If you want things to be good, then please understand my stance on this religion and let it be.
Plus, Daze is bullying people on here. He gets mad at others for no reason if they don't believe what he does, again free speech doesn't exist on this platform.
Hope you understand this, and you actually try to report Daze too for his actions, but you protect him, please tell me why?
Him and so many other shariah law folk on here have bashed Christians multiple times, but nothing gets said, you don't censor them, so why censor me for saying I don't like shariah law? Why the double standard? No, I'm just curious here, I actually don't understand why you think I'm enemy number one, but these people get away with everything!
Be fair, Mentor!
Mar 30, 2017
Just to note, I still don't like you. I am entitled to that opinion, right?
And I barely slander, because remember the very first time you said I had a misconception of Shariah Law, instead of just being civil and saying you just don't agree with me but it's my opinion?
Maybe if you would of stuck to a kinder, and less dictating way of expressing yourself, I wouldn't have an issue with you.
Why report me for having free speech? I'm also not even swearing in any of my mentions.
The reason alone for you taking away my free speech on the shariah law subject is why i tend to apparently "slander" you.
If respect was given by day one, I wouldn't have to say anything.
If you want things to be good, then please understand my stance on this religion and let it be.
Plus, Daze is bullying people on here. He gets mad at others for no reason if they don't believe what he does, again free speech doesn't exist on this platform.
Hope you understand this, and you actually try to report Daze too for his actions, but you protect him, please tell me why?
Him and so many other shariah law folk on here have bashed Christians multiple times, but nothing gets said, you don't censor them, so why censor me for saying I don't like shariah law? Why the double standard? No, I'm just curious here, I actually don't understand why you think I'm enemy number one, but these people get away with everything!
Be fair, Mentor!
I don't care what you think about me, or if you like me. I have enough clients with emotional and psychological problems IRL. Everything else you typed is what you've dreamed up in your head, as you constantly write a lot of fodder which seems to focus on you positioning yourself as a constant victim. I DID give you respect day one right here:

Evidently, you create enemies with people who don't agree with your uneducated and ill-informed opinions. You're merely letting people know you live in constant fear, how small your world is and the lack of exposure you have to people who are different than you and well-resourced information.

If you don't know how to have an intelligent online discussion with different viewpoints and faiths without getting personal, that lies with you and ONLY you.

FTR, Daze has been on these boards longer than I have, and I know he's a good person and is FOR the Creator, not against Him. His faith may be different than mine, but he's for the betterment of others and society. Can you say the same?