Human Body Voltage Dictates Health


Jun 17, 2017
i watched the video of dr tennant explain some things about how to treat macular degeneration and glaucoma. pretty interesting stuff in the fact that his treatment utilizes scalar energy. discusses the health- tooth connection and why voltage plays a role in that, and discusses scalar waves from a medical point of view. most of us naturally know to go and soak up the suns rays-- he gives scientific understanding to it with respect to cell voltage.

i went to his website. the device is in the thousands of dollars, so unless you have 4000 USD lying around, forget it. he does have some interesting products, though, that seem better than the aamora cheap EMF regulators that one has to dispose of every 2 or 3 years.

the total shield coil he sells states that it addresses HAARP frequencies. big area of coverage as well. claims are made that the shield coil device reads the incoming harmful EMF waves and geopathic stress and produces anti-waves (similar to noise blocking technology) to negate them.

there is a small one for a phone to block the EMF signals for 35 USD. everyone who has a cell phone on this site already has one of those, right?!?