Houses, furnitures and objects Illuminati

Oct 20, 2021
Youtube just recommended this testimonial to me:
That guy has hair like a girl has a refrigerator full of GFuel and a cat tree. Looks kinda shady LOL. Also a beard too. I don't think I need to click on that to tell me what I already know. Too many people on you tube trying to make a buck on people's desperation. Remember when people had jobs?
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Apr 6, 2018

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Apr 6, 2018
Note, about a new creature linked to egregores, although I have to check the info, but for now it's just a draft). I hadn't planned to publish it now, but since I watched yesterday, the "Paranormal State" investigations, whether it was a real investigation or not, they showed a drawing of who are called, now in America "Demon", since Christianity arrived (or before). These demons, (in which bear another name, among the Ameridians = to the egregores. Another version is in "The Lord of the Rings", the goblins (are the dark elves), in both cases, they represent the spirits, the elves, light. Interestingly enough, in the image they are shown (if I saw correctly), the goblin has ram-shaped horns. The depiction is almost totally similar, to that in Shingeki no Kyojin:
The differences, they have pasta like the felines, and three or four fingers, they represented them like that because of the three fingers that he marks, but maybe they have just four, five in all and which does not not scratch with the little finger. They also have no tails. On the other hand, interestingly, they have a mask, similar to the one used for the plague, in Europe. Otherwise, the pointed ears, the hooked nose and the big smile (the smile is very interesting, I first thought when I saw, the drawings resemble a big smile, a skeleton, which is not Probably not wrong, I also thought, at the end of the happy death, or in France, for example, they use the symbol of a skeleton with cross bones underneath Knowing that the God who creates life ( plants its seed, in the earth). Which ironically refers to the meteorite arriving on earth, which would have brought life to earth. The earth = the goddess, the first Goddess, who melts the first diagonal and the other diagonal, who unites light and matter (which can also be represented by trees). The tree is the alliance between man and woman, in sexual action. But I don't know if the Native American representation is true, but interesting, knowing, that many peoples use, invoking them.
Otherwise, the lyre built with horns, horns, which forms the golden ratio. A symbol, widely used, in structures, etc.
Note that fairies, for example, are also represented, in addition to black eyes, they also have pointed ears, the ears would be inspired by leaves. In the manga "Naruto", the main city has the leaf as its symbol, and Naruto trains in the use of chakra with a leaf. The leaf (like the feather), flies thanks to the wind, the wind is linked to the second God, the God of energy which acts on matter.


Apr 6, 2018
Le texte possède une partie, qui faut que je vérifie, étant compliquer à trouver, je l'ai comme même marquer. Sinon, l'article parle en exemple, sur la prière vers un égrégore et les conséquences, avec les Francs-Maçons (le groupe que je connais le mieux, ils l'ouvrent tous le temps). Sinon, il a un autre exemple possible, c'est le manga Full Metal Alchimist:
Où le manga, montre un égrégore comme le méchant, créer par des alchimistes.
Certaines de ces personnes sont aux courants, qu'ils communiquent avec un égrégore. Il a par exemple: une partie des Francs-Maçons,, qui communiquent pour la première fois avec un l'égrégore. Lorsqu'ils passent, lors d'un rite, d'apprentis à compagnons. Ils doivent participés à la "chaine d'union", qui rallie le premier au dernier placard, tout en encadrant le troisième Voici comment cette "ligne de rangement" constitue le corps de l'égrégore. Dont l'énergie, passe par, cette case pour ensuite passer par le premier membre. Qui touche de sa main gauche (main prenante), la première porte, depuis le meuble à droite. Le maître, car seul les membres aux rangs de maîtres, peuvent touchés l'autel. Va, de sa main droite, la donnée au prochain membre, qui la donnera à son tour, jusqu'à ce que la ligne atteigne, le dernier membre, un maître. Qui apposera sa main droite sur la porte depuis le meuble à gauche. Et l'égrégore absorbera enfin l'énergie, qui lui sera donné, dans cette réserve d'énergie. L'égrégore qui a le don de bi quitter, va ensuite redonner son énergie. L'énergie intégrera, alors chacune de ses personnes ou objets, en le transformant en lui même, (l'énergie remplacera l'âme ou intégrera le corps), par le biais du compartiment à droite. Ce qui suit à besoin d'être vérifier: Comme l'intégration, agis sur le cerveau, ce qui remonte les yeux comme de la drogue. Les personnes possèdes ont aussi des cernes noirs à ne pas confondre avec l'ombre ou les cernes causer par la fatigue. Et les côtés de la lèvre, sont beaucoup plus lever qu'un sourire normal. Il faut prendre en compte, que les signe peuvent ne pas apparaitre, ni en même temps êtres visibles. La personne le verra de différentes manières à travers le centre de l'autel qui comporte un miroir. L'égrégore est alors prit par certains comme le vrai Dieu ou simple effet de contrôle. Il serait Odin le Dieu (si on suppose que les différents. Dieux sont des égrégores ou il n'est simple que l'égrégore des prières vers ce Dieu). D'autres perçoivent seulement la lumière l'énergie blanche qui est tellement légère qu'elle donne une illusion d'être léger, ce qui est souvent interpréter comme bon. Et comme Odin a créé les runes certains perçoivent des symboles (des runes ou des symboles d'études de l'univers ou de la terre). Car l'égrégore est alors pour, certains vu, comme et tous utilisant comme coffre, pour leurs recherches. Il n'est alors vu comme un outil sans conscience. Ce qui n'empêche pas qu'il se lie à lui. Au point que si vous avez une personne proche de vous qui a participé le jour même. Vous remarquerez qu'il a un comportement plus agressif, un comportement qu'on retrouve, justement chez Odin. Venant de là au fond et la case se rétrécie vers le miroir Devant se trouve un damier, qui rétrécie jusqu'aux abord du miroir. Le miroir reflétant le damier forme avec l'autre soit un sablier. Le damier du meuble dont les bords sont allongés forment un triangle une pyramide, depuis le sol. Inversement la pyramide qui a une forme inversée est le triangle du ciel. Inversement, les deux triangles forment le logo de la Franc-Maçonnerie.

The text has a part, which I have to check, being difficult to find, I even mark it. Otherwise, the article speaks in example, on the prayer towards an égrégore and the consequences, with the Freemasons (the group which I know best, they open it all the time). If not, he has another possible example, it's Full Metal Alchimist manga:
Where the manga, shows an egregore as the villain, created by alchemists.
Some of these people are in the currents, which they communicate with an egregore. For example, he has: part of the Freemasons, which communicate for the first time with an egregore. When they pass, during a rite, from apprentices to companions. They must participate in the "chain of union", which rallies the first in the last closet, while framing the third here is how this "storage line" constitutes the body of the Egregore. Whose energy goes through, this box and then go through the first member. Who touches with his left hand (engaging hand), the first door, from the furniture to the right. The master, because only members with the ranks of masters, can affect the altar. Go, with his right hand, the data to the next member, who will in turn give it, until the line reaches, the last member, a master. Which will affix his right hand on the door from the furniture to the left. And the egregore will finally absorb energy, which will be given to it, in this energy reserve. The egregore which has the gift of bi leaving, will then restore its energy. The energy will integrate, then each of its people or objects, by transforming it into itself, (energy will replace the soul or will integrate the body), through the compartment on the right. The following needs to be checked: like integration, acting on the brain, which rises like drugs. People have black dark circles not to be confused with the shadow or the dark circles caused by fatigue. And the sides of the lip, are much more lifting than a normal smile. It must be taken into account, that sign may not appear, or at the same time visible beings. The person will see it in different ways through the center of the altar which has a mirror. The egregore is then taken by some as the true God or a simple control effect. He would be Odin the God (if we suppose that the different. Gods are egregores where it is only simple the egregore of prayers towards this God). Others only perceive light the white energy which is so light that it gives an illusion of being light, which is often interpreted as good. And as Odin has created the runes some perceive symbols (runes or symbols of studies of the universe or the earth). Because the egregore is then for, some seen, as and all using as a trunk, for their research. It is then seen as a tool without conscience. This does not prevent him from binding to him. To the point that if you have a person close to you who participated the same day. You will notice that he has more aggressive behavior, a behavior that is found, precisely in Odin. Coming from there to the bottom and the box shrinks towards the mirror in front is a checkerboard, which narrowed to the first of the mirror. The mirror reflecting the checkerboard forms with the other is a hourglass. The checkerboard of the furniture whose edges are lying forms a triangle a pyramid, from the ground. Conversely, the pyramid which has an inverted shape is the sky triangle. Conversely, the two triangles form the Freemasonry logo.
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Apr 6, 2018
Confirmation on one of the theories. Possession of Odin's egregore. The egregore of anger, from where surely the events, which provoke the anger of people. He is also described in the manga "Seven Deadly Sins", as the "Dragon of Wrath". Crier; as "Five" features in "Ambrella Academy". The dragon is the Ouroboros. The dragon of this second God has wings. The Dragon with wings, the first God, Yellow King (Golden King, I think). Which some members of Chinese sects believe to be possessed by God, while descriptions of which that of possession resembles that of the Antichrist (one of his other representations). Possession causes high heat in the top, but not in the legs. It corresponds to the temperature, provoked by anger. The person therefore sweats by half. From where the reaction of the people to have, and surely of the many divorces. And I take this opportunity to say that the French government are Freemasons... Which does not help the choices, who prefers to do it only for the egregore, this is due to possession. Conversely, Christianity prays to the God of calm. And wisdom works for both. While the second God is related with the storm to the wrath of God. Interestingly, the second God is represented calm, when he falls in love, it calms some men, well it depends on who, and if they haven't found anyone. And besides, the God uses the instrument, the lyre, whose contours form a vase. The lyre sends waves, the vase water (his sperm). However, I don't have the impression that he feeds on anger, surely if... And also interesting thing, the revolution is done in France. And so in Paris, in the city of this God, whose Arc de Triomphe, is above the gates of hell of which he is the guardian. Hollywood is Holly Wood and the winter reference to Santa Claus, hence the separation with Saint Nicolas, which is a mix between Odin and Saint Nicolas. Odin for the Yule party. The movies that are related, in addition to the God of Thunder (which is also Thor, but I want to be sure, that it corresponds to this side). The music, which represents the waves, see the lightning, but also its instrument. Moreover, as a reminder, this second God is the God of intense love, even obsessive towards the first Goddess. Thinking about it, the sacrifices were made to calm the anger of the Gods. And the prayer to nourish it. I also add the sexual act, as a rite, even it allows a weakening and the music, to slow down the rhythm of the heart for a better control of the body, slowing down the control and the act of attack like defense. A character that is too strong, can only hide with a character: zen (for this one, it depends) or who calms the person (like someone, with whom he feels good, safe or simply happy...).
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Apr 6, 2018
Link on Freemasons, and another photo than the photo, which was taken on top of Vladimir Putin and George Bouche: I couldn't confirm the photos, but as we know the hand sign is very common to the leader. In France, the question one can have in the senate is who is not a Freemason: Note that when they do the ritual with the altar and it's over, well... almost. The second god has a huge weak point, true love. Fortunately this point there, also accompanies it:
Was Shevardnadze a member of the Order of Malta? – Conspiracies about post-Soviet leaders -


Apr 6, 2018
Just a little reminder on the Bavarian Illuminati logo. Of which I have a theory for a yawn. I don't know if it's true or completely crazy, but I mark it, you never know. We know they are Freemasons. We also know when this moment everything is pushed to create a separation between the elite who are "mainly" Freemasons. Example: the French senate, there is only that, the question is earlier, who does not have it... And we also know thanks to the book: That a Freemason has not recognized as such that 'after the rite of passage, from apprentice to journeyman. Outside, it is about the energy exchange with the egregore:
The logo has always bothered me, by the separation between the top which frames the eye and the rest which is represented by the facade. The top triangle is associated with the top of the pyramids, which represents the sun. The rest represents the spokes. I also thought that the top triangle represents the topmost members or the rest the rest of the members. Where again the upper triangle the elite and the rest of the world, etc. But by force, I think it represents the egregore and the rest the humans or energy food for the egregore.


Apr 6, 2018
Comme je ne sais pas encore combien de temps, cela va me prendre encore, pour l'article, voilà un petit rappel de ce qu'il a marqué:
As I don't know yet how long, it will take me again, for the article, here is a little reminder of what he marked:
Les ténèbres est la mère qui accouche de son fils (la lumière). Lorsque les ondes sont en provenances de son frère, ou des cries de douleurs et de l'aire que sa mère expulse lors de l'accouchement. Lorsqu'elle rencontre le ciel de feu (son mari), elle (la terre de glace) fond pendant qu'il refroidit. Et provoquent la naissance de leur fils (la fumée et les nuages qui sont façonnés par évaporation). Il s'illustre ensuite sous un beau ciel bleu et parfois quelques nuages. En pleine méditation, là où il apprend et accumule de l'énergie sur une chaise à la surface de l'eau. Le second dieu rend ensuite la planète fertile. Lorsque la météorite percute la terre; elle symbolise le spermatozoïde qui féconde l'ovule. Et la pluie des nuages, l'eau des rivières fertilisent le sol. Pendant que le volcan brûle, nettoie, en détruisant, le rendant plus fertile. Alors que le feu est l'élément qui est lié au premier dieu. Le soleil est ravageur au sommet de l'arc. Au point que ce roi attire le moindre spectateur avec son aura, sa richesse spirituelle, intellectuel et l'or. Et pourtant, il ne doit pas être directement prier. Au risque de rester en suspension dans l'aire et ainsi créer des égrégores. Car le second dieu n'est que de l'énergie résiduel, qui provient du premier dieu. Le premier dieu utilise le second dieu comme un outils pour la création et l'installation de la lumière dans la matière tout en la repoussant:
ARC: Ce lancier, permet de lancer des mini lances. Les flèches peuvent représentées le phallus.
LANCE: La lance est symboliquement proche du second, dieu. Elle est la toute première arme fabriquer. Il est le dieu de la fertilité. Elle est le symbole de la guerre Il est le dieu de la guerre. Et même si il est plus un pêcheur qu'un chasseur, il est aussi archer... La lance et l'arc sont utilisés à la chasse, tout comme elles en sont les symboles. Et sa structure,, ce long bâton représente la colonne vertébrale. Alors que la pierre qui est attachée représente la glande pinéale. La lumière qu'il produit (ou qu'il absorbe). La lance symbolise les/l'un des rayons que produit le soleil. En repoussant les ténèbres, elle repoussent la fin des temps, l'ouroboros.. Elle est une arme qui protège, et semblable, lorsqu'elles sont verticalement ranger ou en diagonale, forme une muraille. Et comme la flèche, elle peut être lancer.

TOUR: La tour représente le second dieu. Elle rallie le ciel à la terre, entre l'idée de dieu et son action sur terre. Elle est le pilier de la tente de l'univers. En empêchant, que les ténèbres ne reprenne la lumière. Mais reste un égrégore, qui a besoin de se nourrir. Donc si il donne de l'énergie, en représentant par des signaux. Il peut aussi l'absorber, en utilisant ces mêmes signaux. La tour représente aussi la ruche. De ce dieu et des possédés qui y travail comme employer, souvent représenter en costard cravate.
ELECTRECITE: Les éclaires rallient le ciel et la terre. Elle est aussi l'élément rallier à ce dieu en symbolisant la colère, à travers l'orage. Et symbolise aussi la connexion avec ce dieu.
Darkness is the mother giving birth to her son (the light). When the waves are coming from his brother, or the cries of pain and the area that his mother expels during childbirth. When she meets the heaven of fire (her husband), she (the earth of ice) melts as he cools. And cause the birth of their son (smoke and clouds that are shaped by evaporation). It is then illustrated under a beautiful blue sky and sometimes a few clouds. In full meditation, where he learns and accumulates energy on a chair on the surface of the water. The second god then makes the planet fertile. When the meteorite hits the earth; it symbolizes the sperm that fertilizes the egg. And the rain from the clouds, the water from the rivers fertilize the soil. As the volcano burns, cleans, destroying, making it more fertile. Whereas fire is the element which is related to the first god. The sun is devastating at the top of the arch. To the point that this king attracts the slightest spectator with his aura, his spiritual, intellectual wealth and gold. And yet, it should not be praying directly. At the risk of remaining suspended in the area and thus creating egregores. Because the second god is only residual energy, which comes from the first god. The first god uses the second god as a tool for the creation and installation of light in matter while repelling it:
ARC: This spear throws mini spears. The arrows can represent the phallus.
SPEAR: The spear is symbolically close to the second, god. It is the very first weapon made. He is the god of fertility. She is the symbol of war He is the god of war. And even if he is more a fisherman than a hunter, he is also an archer... The spear and the bow are used in hunting, just as they are its symbols. And its structure, this long stick represents the spinal column. While the stone that is attached represents the pineal gland. The light it produces (or absorbs). The spear symbolizes the/one of the rays produced by the sun. By repelling the darkness, it repels the end of time, the ouroboros. It is a weapon that protects, and similar, when placed vertically or diagonally, forms a wall. And like the arrow, it can be thrown.

TOWER: The tower represents the second god. It unites heaven to earth, between the idea of god and his action on earth. She is the pillar of the tent of the universe. By preventing the darkness from taking over the light. But remains an egregore, which needs to feed. So if it gives energy, representing by signals. He can also absorb it, using these same signals. The tower also represents the beehive. Of this god and of the possessed who work there as an employee, often represented in a suit and tie.
ELECTRICITY: The lightning bolts unite heaven and earth. She is also the element to rally to this god by symbolizing anger, through the storm. And also symbolizes the connection with this god.


Apr 6, 2018
Thank you very much! You are treasure.

P.S. If I can't still answer your questions from before, it's because I'm continuing the research (I look, every day if I find something. I'll probably answer in the articles).

And also, for the choice of goblins, I think it's a lot of spirits of people, who practice, like the Native Americans, the rite and wear a mask of this god who is either a bird. It also refers, also to the crow, the bird of this god. I wonder, if during the plague, the doctors wore this mask while doing, doing or not on purpose, to this god.


Dec 1, 2019
P.S. If I can't still answer your questions from before, it's because I'm continuing the research (I look, every day if I find something. I'll probably answer in the articles).
Thank you and thak you for warning.


Dec 1, 2019
I wonder, if during the plague, the doctors wore this mask while doing, doing or not on purpose, to this god.
These Hivite doctors spread their poisons named it viruses to lie everyone with purpose to destroy healthy gewnes, healthy men and boys to destroy generations because healthy Brain structure can be inhereighted by genes only.


Dec 1, 2019
I don't remember if I asked but please can @Shuna explain what CAROUSEL means for them?
I saw in Mother of Darkness level -- Cisco Wheeler wrote.


Apr 6, 2018
I have yet to check, but stumbled upon this topic:

I even wanted to put the link of an analysis on the book of Revelation:
- Shuna (
And some of which the last, which I find interesting. Here is an excerpt. Which I may have already marked:
"The book of Revelation, represents this change of the Roman Empire: The Roman Empire becomes Christian - The book of Revelation explained verse by verse (
The Romans are symbolized by locusts.
Why locusts?:, A team of researchers has confirmed that Egypt has had a severe drought., Egypt is known to live thanks to the Nile, when Cleopatra was in power So they distributed: "A measure of wheat for a piece of silver and three measures of barley for a piece of silver, but do not touch the oil and the wine.". Then, for three days, the smoke from the volcano hides the sun, creates a red moon effect (the sun), and has a ring around the sun. The wings of the grasshoppers made the noise, which the Romans make in war, with their chariots and horses. We can take example, on a bird, which among the Amerindians, of writing a bird and that they compared the noise of the wings to the thunder. Mixing humans and animals, for their resemblance of light, going from the same source; as with the ceremonial masks (which can also represent the God of Thunder). A species (from America, where it has the "rivers" which fed the plantations, and which allows them to feed their vegetable garden, villages, a house/farm and houses) which may have disappeared, never existed or still exists. But, like many other birds, it is used as a symbol of the God of Thunder (Second God). He is, moreover, in some drawings, he is surrounded by men, with a phallus in front.
We must not forget that Moses is a Prince of Egypt, who left with workers. The separating water allows to situate, the place. Two opposing currents, and a sand path in the middle. The water become blood, is a representation of the cult, which uses a red drug, which is thrown, in the water. A cult, which is not used in the Egyptian cult.


Note: The measurement of the Roman empire = 666.


Aug 27, 2022
Come to think of it, quick note (I may have made some errors):
The book of the dead in Egypt, represents on the parchment. Those who are condemned to hell, represented by a beast, whose mouth is equal, to the hole of hell (to the lake). And on the other, Paradise, represented by a field of reeds (which we cannot see). If the heart (the physical body is heavier, or the bad intentions are heavier. The body remains on earth (and in this case, this fact eaten by the beast, the soul is black in color). If the most is lighter, the soul goes to Heaven, the person has done, what he had to do on earth. And so the soul, at rest, goes to Heaven. The soul is therefore lighter than the body and is white That they can "purify", elevate through prayers, which are a source of energy.
The guardian of the dead, has a scale to see in which side it leans. The strings, which joins the plateau (the Man, the earth). Round for the physical heart and the spiritual heart. And whose strings go to a point, representing two pyramids (the pillars, are the obelisks, of each material). The guardian of the gates, can be linked to the 8-pointed star. Two squares form the star. One of the squares represents the mind, the other the body.

Another little note:
I just thought of Doctor Who and especially the Tardis, which is a public telephone to call the police. The telephone box, which has a line, like the old telephones, which make reference to the movement of the planets in the sky:
View attachment 84121
The pharaoh became the pharaoh after passing under a special room, which is similar to an English guard cabin. Where they had to communicate with the Gods, to become, Pharaoh (who was and represented the Gods, the 90% the Sun God, God of Upper Egypt).
Interesting, those symbols or paths reminds me to Fourier Transformation, here is a explication

and the patterns you could get with an spirograph



Dec 1, 2019
@Shuna that will help anyone

MK ULTRA| MK DELTA survivor Booke Federline

shares the information

Follow your intuition

Abuse deliberately attempts to take away our inner guidance

Trusting inner wisdom & this sacred feedback loop, is our greatest shield of protection from programming & mind control

The feminine, right brain is targeted in MK programming through abuse to the left side of the body (left body connects to right brain), death experiences & drugging

It is far more difficult for programmers to access the right brain. The heart is connected to the intuitive right brain & may even be stopped to access

Programming over intuition, is frequently held in place by demonics that cause dissociation, or a reactive state to push away truth

When we say things like, ‘this always happens to me’, it may reveal a programmed trauma trigger. These trauma circuits, disconnect us from our inner knowing, keeping old emotional & thought patterns active

When we become the observer we step outside the pull of emotional patterns. By living consciously in every moment we become free


Because Ether can recover all your wounds they block your third eyes where your souls ethereal and electrical body lays. Just like myths said.


In maternal hospitals Hivites write High IQ kids atlas to lock their third eye to prevent their natural abilities from developing correctly. The trauma is recoverable. The crime is a crime against humanity.


They are layering in me at Ethereal Level (Gamma? Phi? Omega? I cannot say for now) Fear\terror programs in demonic set up. They made me fear my own Third Eye.


True love energy activated my heart chakra. It has its own brain cells that are pushed to Right hemisphere which pushes the Third eye to call Ether for help. Their spiritual holding over me has ended. I am free now.


How to protect from enemy spiritual attacks. Patronus charm. It also can heal you. First time it will be gas.

I’ve managed to call the spirit of my beloved dead rottweiler. He scared the Hivites off and healed me when I asked.


You need to teach your brain (Third eye) feelings (vibrations) of love first.

Lay down and in a relaxing brain state ask your right hemisphere what kind of love will help you heal.

Storge –empathy, Philia – friend, Eros – romantic, Agape – unconditional.

Visuals activate the right hemisphere. RH next.

1 Take a photo of the person you love. If you lack one, take visuals from your RH.

2 Focus on the feeling of love.

3 Remember this state.

4 Be in the state as much as your brain allows you.

These steps may not come the first time. Brain needs time. Have patience and have faith.

5 Heart chakra will be active

6 Ether will ask you to come to 1 chakra

7 Ether will ask you to pass from 1 to 7 chakras

8 Third eye will be activated

9 Be in a Third eye active state. Remember it.

10 When your brain says “it is done” say “thank you” and let it go.

11 Repeat this exercise in a relaxing, calming place as soon as your brain asks if it needs that.

After the exercises I mentioned soon you will be able to call ether anytime you need. Train yourself in peace to use it against spiritual attacks and psychotronic weapons.


If you feel you are under spiritual attack call ether for help by activating heart chakra by power of love. If you can’t for now focus on the person you love and call for brain state love gives to you. Ether will come to help.


Call for Ether is like the power of love — anyone can do that. Hivites want you to forget about it. This is why they spread divide and conquer agenda — to spread fear programs on a mass scale.



Harry Potter
demonstrates Ether, the gas with light.


When I went to Ether level (Delta wave(?)) Hivites run for their lives.

During my own PTS Integration I had seen Ether with my Third eye and them the memory has been restored.

View attachment 74571View attachment 74572View attachment 74573

More ETHER, how I see it with my Third eye vision

Alex Grey

I can see people likt that too. Two yeyes picture and that Third eye added. If I close my eyes I will see the Ether silouette — this light silouette.

Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2

Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 (French: Nu descendant un escalier n° 2) is a 1912 painting by Marcel Duchamp. The work is widely regarded as a Modernist classic and has become one of the most famous of its time. Before its first presentation at the 1912 Salon des Indépendants in Paris it was rejected by the Cubists as being too Futurist. It was then exhibited with the Cubists at Galeries Dalmau‘s Exposició d’Art Cubista, in Barcelona, 20 April–10 May 1912.[1] The painting was subsequently shown, and ridiculed, at the 1913 Armory Show in New York City.

Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 was reproduced by Guillaume Apollinaire in his 1913 book, Les Peintres Cubistes, Méditations Esthétiques. It is now in the Louise and Walter Arensberg Collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.[2]



Pay attention ot the authors satanist silenced. They shadow banned them just like this forum. No advertisments, no good translation, no good edition, not possible to buy legally and even libraries didnt’ accept it. Sometimes they even stole books from authors just like they did with Bulgacov “12 chairs”.

Russia is openly ruled by satanists since 1991 so there are authors they silenced.

Mikhail Bulgakov has wrote 12 chairs and The Golden calf

Harry Potter was stolen from ARYAN author, the book have Atlantis knowledges.

Rowling stole HP from an Aryan (Aryan knowldege and culture are presented) author — her own wrtinings not possible to read. Satanists who are rule my country openly since 1991 are shadow banned these books. No advertisments, no good translation, no good edition, not possible to buy legally and even libraries didnt’ accept it.


If you want to know real story of 1917 and USSR genocide please read Michail Bulgacov.


After 1812 catastrophy Hivites genocided our own rulers all over the world. Ostap Bender is a son ot turkish nobility whom has fled from Turkia to avoid Hivite genocide of Armenian and everyone around.

GOLDEN CALF have reference to mass deaths in crematorioum.


12 chairs
begins with introdiction of small town N where so many ritual services as if people were born to die here. But a few people were lived and died there and coffin master Bezentuc had lost his coffin firm “Welcome” and now is lack of work.

In the same town we have firm “Nymph”, burueau for ritual services who support 3 familes. This firm serves as cover and these 3 familes are all satanic ones. Hey, there are no people in the town and 3 family have money from Nymph. Bezentuc is the one who helped people to do coffins and funerals. Definetely not coffins are their real purpose — rituals and ritual services are.


If you want to know real story of 1917 genocide please read Michail Bulgacov.

Ostap Bender gives Ippolit new passport in the name Carl and who was in Communist party. Only way Ostap could get passport is from dead man himself.

Golden Calf have a man named Panic (Panicovsky) who have PTSD simptoms and close to be mentally ill. He was rich man and his whole family was killed by Hivites in 1917 genocide.


Charity as cover for real activities. Ostap Bender organize charity foundation as cover for secret society Unity of Sword and Oralo. Real purpose was to get money for their travel for these 12 chairs.


Masonic chess symbolism — chess club in the small town Vasuki at the river almost village was event itself. One of Vasukin was One Eyed. The city was described as no one needed and yet it have leather and tree factory. Place described was lack of enough trees for factories.

Events as cover for real activities. Ostap Bender asks for money to organize chess tournamment in Vasuki. He do that to get money for their travel for these 12 chairs.


Both was written by Michail Bulgacov, Golden Calf has been written YEARS earlier that MM. 12 chairs and Golden Calf has been stolen from Bulgacov by Hivites If and Petrov with Cataev.

Daisy are real life MK ULTRA programmming. Golden Calf describes cinema studio Hollywood style — cinema studio as cover up for satanic activities. Day of workers said cinema studio was ended with cock scream.


Studio descibed as typical 1812 house with underground levels.

«Адъютантши скалили зубы. Помрежи вели черного козла, восхищаясь его фотогеничностью. Консультанты, эксперты и хранители чугунной печати сшибались друг с другом и хрипло хохотали. Пронеслась курьерша с помелом. Великому комбинатору почудилось даже, что один из ассистентов-аспирантов в голубых панталонах взлетел над толпой и, обогнув люстру, уселся на карнизе.»

«И только в дверях, зацепившись за медную ручку карманом пиджака, бился, жалобно визжал и рыл копытцами мраморный пол ассистент-аспирант в голубых панталонах.»

Adutant (all women here) showed their teeth. VAMPIRES! Director assistaint carry on a leash BLACK GOAT, described how attractive the goat is. Consultant, experts and keeper of Iron Mark fought and laughed out loud. Courier flied with a broom. Ostap Bender even was sure he saw assistent aspirant in blue pantalons flied around the lamp. In doors another assistant aspirant was with hooves.

Whe whole meaning of this Episode made even more clear when Ostap Bender wrote screen play named NECK and sell it to director of a studio for big money. Director of the studio has given Ostap all money (big money) he asked without EVEN reading the screenplay. So Director of the studio didn’t care about cinema at all — all purpose of the studio is to be cover up and to serve as money laundromate.


Descibed as typical 1812 house with underground levels. Hercules is described similar was as the house from Master and Margarita, actual mason Griboedov (Mushroom Eater real surname of his) with bad flat number 308. Hercules is set in former hotel building. It had a room with bad reputation belonged to a Hivite writer Leonid Andreev.

Hercules just like Cinema studio have purpose to serve as cover up for Hivites activities by money laundromate and stole country resources to give it to Hivites. Main villain Hivite Coreico worked here.

Hercules firm director have surname Polychaev which alludes to fire sacrifies hivite do. Fire burn Polychat.

Master and Margarita
have living empty suit wich wrote documents in his owner’s chair.

Polychaev didn’t work — he stomp his stamp at the papers. The Director didn’t care about Hercules firm at all — all purpose is to be cover up.

Hercules had a man Funt whose profession was so serve as man cover up and to be set in prison instead of real perpetrators of the crimes.

Hercules had mass murders named “class cleanise” where Hivites kill all non Hivites and witnesses of their crimes. To avoid next class cleanise accountant Berlaga and some Hercules workers who participated in shadow Hercules activities faked himself as mad men to hide in pshychiatric hospital.

WWII Will be soon in 1940 just after the timeline of the book so Hercules also sell resources to an enemy.


The whole story with Hercules was based on actual crime — Carelyan forest trest has served as cover up for stealing the resources and firm has been located in former luxury hotel. They were sucessful because cover USSR of Hivite leaders (Narcomfina and police). Carelyan forest trest leader has faked himself as mad man and survived instead of revealing to whom he has sold the resources.


Ostap Bender creates firm Horns and hooves with real purpose to expose Coreico activities. From Hercules here comes man Funt whose profession was to be set in prison instead of Ostap himself. But before Hercules he adimit he had served as cover man the whole time in Russian Empire and USSR time before he was hired by Hercules.


Accountant Berlaga faked himself as mad man to hide in pshychiatric hospital from class cleanise. There were real patients who were there have MK ULTRA styles of problems: alter persons, animal alter etc. Titanishkin a pshychiatrist who pushed Berlaga and his peers away are similar to actual MK ULTRA programmer Gannushkin.

Master and Margarita have Stravinsky as doctor with descibed exacly as Titanishkin. Bulgacov was doctor himself. He knew what he wrote.

Wifi has been made for MK ULTRA. It cause brain, nerves and hormonal issues. It allows to stalk you. It allows to microwave harrass you from a distance. Stuff related-- Bluetooth etc the same.
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