Houses, furnitures and objects Illuminati


Apr 6, 2018
Apart from the simple cycle, there is the cycle of the 5-pointed star (used by witches, as by ninjas):
There is also the cycle with five elements. It is often integrated with the five-pointed star, which unites like the circle of colors, represents oppositions, removes its opposing:
explication symbolique des 5 éléments chinois et morphologie | Medecine  chinoise, Médecine traditionnelle chinoise, Médecine

+ The alchemical star that will accompany it.
I still have to study, why, choice, each element. But, I will already associate the elements, with the cycle in four, that I created: While being, a simple note, the elements are linked, in Chinese mythology, to the effectiveness of care, which is often linked to the attraction of the planets: Care linked to the body, but whose energy would be more or less effective, depending on the "admosphere?, hence the link to blood (carrier of oxygen, like water (which makes up a large part of the human body):
For the first quarter:
Earth is the element. For humidity, since the previous quarter, it had, water, it works. For the fifth season:
Passage to the 5th season imminent! - Bimont Laboratories
The wood is practically tied in the first quarter, the wind pushes the bad weather, bringing the sun and therefore the drought.

For the second quarter:
Fire for the element, and metal, just for dryness, because it is also linked, in my cycle in the third quarter which is nevertheless autumn:

For the third item:
Although many elements are related to metal. The element no longer associates with the fourth. The rain is in this quarter, the grip of the mother Goddess (the last Goddess, that of the fourth quarter).
The element wood, includes, the wind, which in this quarter, brings the rain.

For the fourth element:
The rain remains.


Apr 6, 2018
I still have to study, why, choice, each element. But, I will already associate the elements, with the cycle in four, that I created: While being, a simple note, the elements are linked, in Chinese mythology, to the effectiveness of care, which is often linked to the attraction of the planets: Care linked to the body, but whose energy would be more or less effective, depending on the "admosphere?, hence the link to blood (carrier of oxygen, like water (which makes up a large part of the human body):
For the first quarter:
Earth is the element. For humidity, since the previous quarter, it had, water, it works. For the fifth season:
Passage to the 5th season imminent! - Bimont Laboratories
The wood is practically tied in the first quarter, the wind pushes the bad weather, bringing the sun and therefore the drought.

For the second quarter:
Fire for the element, and metal, just for dryness, because it is also linked, in my cycle in the third quarter which is nevertheless autumn:

For the third item:
Although many elements are related to metal. The element no longer associates with the fourth. The rain is in this quarter, the grip of the mother Goddess (the last Goddess, that of the fourth quarter).
The element wood, includes, the wind, which in this quarter, brings the rain.

For the fourth element:
The rain remains.
Watching the movie Level 16:
The day on floor 16 is divided into four periods, and 1 hour dark (1 hour low). In all, forming a day of 6 hours, for girls (as in my cycle). And precisely, this division into 4 and 4 closed hours, is found on the cycle of the site, which I proposed in the previous post.

In this same idea, the period, which in the film, each room has a different flower. And like it each star is linked, to a part of the plant, as to a part of the human body. The tree is in the tapestry which represents the shepherdess and the Magi... To a tree, which is moreover, to draw, after the period, to the fruits (represented by the frame, of the tapestry, which accompanies the color blue, from this period). The tree is then represented, mainly by its roots, then from the leaves to the trees, and this is where I have a hesitation, a tree, to represent quite oddly, accompanied by a tree, which is hidden by the clouds of God (representing, fruit fertilization). Since, the second God, as I said on the previous post, gave his sperm, to cry, drowning the earth.


Dec 1, 2019
Thank you for such great insight! It helps us a lot!

EmbedSarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraftFollowRead on Twitter
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Carthage ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam—"Moreover, I am of the opinion that Carthage ought to be destroyed. They balmed them for satanism -- alll Survivor describes were blamed at Carthage elite.
Anything to add here? Collecting known cult symbols/signals in central thread here. Thanks for your input!
Phoenician alphabet & the Phoenix. Ancient Phoenicia was the last place the #Hivitespracticed child prostitution and ritual human sacrifice publicly. The Phoenician alphabet was the first phonetic alphabet and can be written forward & backwards (reversal=Luciferian). Cult cypher

The “Seals of Solomon” = “magickal” keys to the spirit realm. used in Kabbalah and Masonic “magick”

“The Goddess”
Astarte: – Phoenician goddess, permutation of Isis/Ishtar/Tanit/Molach. Child sacrifice and p***philia.
Tanit: Tanit – Phoenician goddess. Permutation of Astarte/Isis/Ishtar. Often seen in symbolic “art” of the elite like Gloria Vanderbilt/Anderson Cooper photos floating around. Child sacrifice & p***philia.
Ba’al :
Molach (as made infamous by HRC emails):
Learn more about Phoenicia here:
Eye of Ra:
Eye of Horus:…
Ra – the Son God:
El – the “Father of Heaven” and “Ultimate Creator” also known as the Saturn/Black Cube God:
If you haven’t encountered it yet, literally ALL of this is explained in significant detail with direct correlation to the Freemason mythology by William Cooper, who knew it meant his death to share this information. They killed him for talking.
View attachment 74298View attachment 74299View attachment 74300View attachment 74301View attachment 74302View attachment 74303View attachment 74304View attachment 74305

William Cooper Mystery Babylon Series:Transcripts:…Videos:

Bill Cooper, Mystery Babylon – All Episodes – – YouTubeMystery Babylon is a show that Bill did back in the 90’s. It consists of 43 episodes, that was done in 93′ and 94′. This is a edited version, where almost al…

LEVIATHAN you say??? Hmm...
"Leviathan" as a concept is important to #Hivites. It represents primordial chaos (aka the Goddess before creation, the "creatrix") according to the Bible, & the State of Nature in which man is unbound & unprotected by society/laws, per Thomas Hobbs, a philosopher in the 1650s.
Leviathan as a concept is important to  #Hivites. It represents primordial chaos (aka the Goddess before creation, the creatrix) according to the Bible, & the State of Nature in which man is unbound & unprotected by society/laws, per Thomas Hobbs, a philosopher in the 1650s.
Leviathan as a concept is important to  #Hivites. It represents primordial chaos (aka the Goddess before creation, the creatrix) according to the Bible, & the State of Nature in which man is unbound & unprotected by society/laws, per Thomas Hobbs, a philosopher in the 1650s.

Leviathan is also the name given to a monster that presents the external threat #Hivites maintain is required to unify man against a common enemy for mutual self protection. (Da Alienz anyone?)
In reality, the #Hivites ARE the Leviathan monster. They create the chaos. They create false external enemies to get us to congeal into groups. They are MONSTERS.
Furthermore, the word "Leviathan" harkens back to LEVI, as in Tribe of Levi (Kohenim), where @cronsell and I believe #Hivites have been hiding in Judaism/Israel (the people, not the state) since the exodus from Egypt. All very interesting and curious, if you ask me. #QAnon @POTUS

Once upon a lifetime ago I wrote a paper about Hobbes' Leviathan.
You could say that #Hivites are trying to create a Leviathan, as in a return to a chaotic state of nature in which man is unbound by laws/society & can therefore act as primal/vulgar as desired without any restrictions on behavior. Despotism of the psychopathic, basically. #QAnon
They were going to be KILLED. Instead, they endeared themselves to the other tribes by offering themselves up as SLAVES (Royal Slave anyone?) They claim superior access to/knowledge of the "old religion" and say everyone else has it WRONG. Convenient.
ALL of that is spot-on with things my dad told me about #Hivites during the period of heavy indoctrination when he was unloading all of this info into my head at age 14. When I read about Levites/Kohenim, I immediately recognized the parallels with things my dad said to me.

My dad claimed that the "rituals" (aka the child r*pe, human sacrifice, & cannibalism) MUST be done in order to communicate with "God" (which apparently is the Annunaki, if we follow the myth back all the way to Sumer). He said the "Family" are UNABLE to disobey "God" & stop.
He also said that God loves man & doesn't want man to have to suffer the abuse/rituals that MUST be done in order to communicate, so God sends himself into the world as a moonchild of a Hivite in order to let the Hivites do what they MUST, but only do it to God directly, not man.
They then used
to justify TORTURING me & to manipulate me into ACCEPTING ABUSE because, ya know, I'm apparently God, and as God, I apparently CHOSE to come here to be abused, and I apparently, as God, MADE them & am thus responsible for their dysfunction & criminal behavior.
This is the line of reasoning my dad used to convince me that I am "the Goddess" (Inanna, Astarte, and Tanit, specifically in my case) and that they are actually WORSHIPING me, not abusing me, when they f*ing torture me & subject me to #RitualAbuse & #MindControl.


They also invented Theosophy (justification for evil in a world created by an all loving God). "It's all part of God's plan, and it had to be this way, it couldn't be any other way, so who are we to judge God's perfect plan?" What on Earth is a 14 year old supposed to do w/ THAT?
Then there's this:
In a dream at 15, I remembered being in the desert w/ my dad in a place w/ tents & pyramids set up like ancient Egypt. I think it was a movie set in the Cali desert near Joshua Tree 1988 (age 7). When I told my dad about the dream, this was his response:
Once again, this "soul contract" concept BLAMES THE VICTIM FOR THE ABUSE. He was basically telling me that I shouldn't complain, because he & I agreed, thousands of years ago, to do this cycle of abuse with each other in order to "learn" or some bullsh*t like that. LIARS ALL.

This is also what he used to define & describe "KARMA" - that whoever you end up being in this lifetime (victim, for example) is based on your own bad karma from past lives (translation: You were just like us in your last lifetime & now you're paying for it. It's your FAULT).
Notice how a lot of these terms are also used in the NEW AGE movement?! NOT a coincidence. #HivitesGetLit #byePhoenicia your stupid narratives don't fool humans anymore, we've evolved beyond your mind games now. #LuciferiansAreDumb #OldSchoolisDead #ItEndsNOW #TheGreatAwakening
"Define Psychological Projection
A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive&negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others"
The more their bodies are confronted with TRUTH, no matter how much the mind/will may want them to ignore the reality, their BODIES know truth, and their bodies are trying to commit suicide because of all the deception & unnatural behavior their wills force their bodies to endure.
The more stressed they become, the greater danger they are in, physically. Public awakening to the TRUTH is absolutely the most stressful thing they can imagine. So continuously confronting them with TRUTH is hastening the process that will ultimately kill them. #JUSTICE #QAnon
"These people are SICK" get it? The truth is killing them. Their supply of human food (CSF, blood, Adrenochrome) is cut off. They are DYING & DESPERATE. They are GOING EXTINCT #ByePhoenicia

#NewQ #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening @POTUS #HivitesGetLit #ItEndsNOW
Additionally, their other stress chemicals still work, they just can't shut them off w/out adrenaline. So they are stuck in fight/flight & cannot change to rest/digest. This messes up digestion/organ function & ultimately is toxic to the body. TRUTH stresses them out the most.
The more their bodies are confronted with TRUTH, no matter how much the mind/will may want them to ignore the reality, their BODIES know truth, and their bodies are trying to commit suicide because of all the deception & unnatural behavior their wills force their bodies to endure.
'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong.
#QAnon Post 1925 Aug 19 2018 13:03:32 EST

Let me say it clearly so you understand. My father, a Hivite Luciferian High Priest, EXPLICITLY TOLD ME that the "Family" is ACTIVELY ENGAGED IN TERRORISM & AIMS TO DESTROY THE UNITED STATES. #Hivites are loyal to a DIFFERENT entity. They are NOT citizens but MINIONS. #Qanon
That's exactly my point. They are ALL working TOGETHER as agents of the ENEMY of the United States. They are #AmericanTerrorists & #EnemyCombatants as defined by the #EO1220 & they continue to deepen their own graves with their ongoing pathologically criminal behavior. #Hivites
DOD, DHS, FBI, DNI... Get the picture? MILITARY. Possible martial law for a short while to finish this. #NOFEAR #ItEndsNow We are about to experience the literal trials and tribulations of #theGreatAwakening PRAY #WeThePeople #QAnon @POTUS #MAGA #ByePhoenicia #HivitesGetLit
DOD, DHS, FBI, DNI... Get the picture? MILITARY. Possible martial law for a short while to finish this. #NOFEAR #ItEndsNow We are about to experience the literal trials and tribulations of #theGreatAwakening PRAY #WeThePeople #QAnon @POTUS #MAGA #ByePhoenicia #HivitesGetLit

RUT ROH! “Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: I 'fully admit' our bias is 'more left-leaning'”
Actions have consequences. Cause, meet effect:
Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corrup...
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic

This one applies particularly to those who were sworn to uphold our Constitution while holding elected, appointed or other Public SERVICE Office. Enjoy GITMO Traitors #EnemyCombatants #AmericanTerrorists #HivitesGetLit #ByePhoenicia @POTUS #QAnon #TheStorm
2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States | The White House
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including chapter 47 of title 10, United State

In case you're confused who

applies to, #QAnon was kind enough to be more explicit:

+ FBI personnel removal
+ DOJ personnel removal
+ C_A personnel removal
+ State personnel removal
+ WH personnel removal
+ House personnel removal
+ Senate personnel removal

But don't worry #HangryHangryHivites, I hear @POTUS made GITMO all nice and pretty for you as you suffer through #ThePain your choices impose upon you.
When it Comes to Guantanamo, Trump is Truly the Builder in Chief
The Trump administration has more than $200 million in new construction teed up for Guantanamo this year and next.

For those of you who were not sworn to uphold our Constitution & are just #EnemyCombatant #AmericantTerrorists:
+ Chair/CEO/VP removal
+ MIL budget (largest in our history).
+ MIL presence around POTUS
+ 45,000 sealed indictments
Say hi to Huber for me!
US private prison program rebooted by Trump administration
Jeff Sessions gave the order to revive the justice department’s use of for-profit prisons, a sharply criticized industry that Obama had committed to phasing out

Nothing to see here...
Turley: Sessions’ Using Utah Federal Prosecutor Much Better for Trump than 2nd Special Counsel
WASHINGTON, DC – Professor Jonathan Turley, a top national legal expert on government prosecutions, commented on Thursday about Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to bring in U.S. Attorney John...

#HivitesGetLit #ByePhoenicia #ItEndsNOW #TheGreatAwakening #WeThePeople #QAnon @POTUS #TheStorm #MAGA #MEGA #WWG1WGA #SayBraveThings
"I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse & corruption around the world constitute an unusual & extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, & economy of the United States, & I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat." @POTUS
For the newly awakening, this book may help. It translates Psychopathy into good person terms, & helps you see how serials abusers hijack our goodness & our love only to turn them against us. Learn to protect your self & your heart/mind:
Psychopath Free (Expanded Edition): Recovering from Emotionally Abusive Relationships With Narcis...
Psychopath Free (Expanded Edition): Recovering from Emotionally Abusive Relationships With Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Other Toxic People
What did I say? FAST! Updated sealed federal indictment count including cases filed in July 2018 with back up docs and links to pacer reports: #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening @POTUS #Pizzagate #Pedowood #Obamagate #EnemyCombatants #AmericanTerrorists #Hivites
#HivitesGetLit #ByePhoenicia #ItEndsNOW #TheGreatAwakening #WeThePeople #QAnon @POTUS #TheStorm #MAGA #MEGA #WWG1WGA #SayBraveThings

Logic, Critical Thinking, Discernment & EVIDENCE are the only way to successfully arrive at TRUTH in the age of ultimate deception.

#QAnon @POTUS #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #MindControl #MKUltra #MockingBirdMedia #FakeNews #HiviteTactics #ByePhoenicia
Mastering Logical Fallacies: The Definitive Guide to Flawless Rhetoric and Bulletproof Logic
Mastering Logical Fallacies: The Definitive Guide to Flawless Rhetoric and Bulletproof Logic


But they are PHYSICALLY UNABLE to confess
Define 'Subversion'.
The act of subverting : the state of being subverted; especially : a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within?"
#QAnon Post 1926 Aug 19 2018 14:05:47EST
#ByePhoenicia @POTUS

Back to the Egypt memory - he was trying to convince me that this "dream" was a past-life memory of he & I in Egypt as Pharaoh (him) and princess. This was to (1) cover up CRIMES that happened in the Cali dessert (2) Get me to buy into the cult instead of recognizing ABUSE.
It was also to reinforce the (false) belief/idea that I am somehow ROYAL (Pharaoh-to-be, specifically), and that he is KING & God on Earth (ergo I CANNOT disobey him & must do whatever he says). Again I say, CONVENIENT for them, no? This sure SERVES their purposes if you ask me.

Funny thing about memories vs dreams, though. Dreams fade; details disappear, a person can't recall a dream after 23yrs. But Traumatic Memories that present themselves in dreams, on the other hand, remain in-tact in splendid detail for decades until processed. So which is this?
Ding Ding Ding

Also, Roeper, the #Hivite Luciferian CIA #MKUltra school they sent me to, is based on a "Humanistic Philosophy" Hmmmm..... Maybe "Humanism" is just a euphemism for "Luciferian.
#QAnon @POTUS #TheGreatAwakening #byePhoenicia #HivitesGetLit
You can follow @SaRaAshcraft.

Last edited:


Apr 6, 2018
Voici, un post, qui pourra, vous intéressez: Le thème principal de ce post est la citée au centre de la terre:
Here is a post, which might interest you: The main theme of this post is the city in the center of the earth:


Dec 1, 2019

Please, can you explain? Full story of Russia and my family
Who I am: I am firstborn of virginal mother. I was born in 23 September, SUNDAY, 1990, 10:00.
I have PTSD with fragmented memory because my father was MK ULTRA MK DELTA victim and he sacrificed himself for me not being part of the MK ULTRA.
Instant information comes in my mind during inegration:
9 may, 13 00, 3 rd floor, Sokolniki (Sokol -- Falcon, 1812 Moscow EAST district), maternity hospital (родильный дом - RUS).
1993 year. Year didn't show up in the memory but 3 year is when MK ULTRA MK DELTA starts (Fiona Barnett). 9 may 1993 was SUNDAY just like my birth date. I also lack of memories before 1993.
Amnesia also blocked all memories before 1993-- yes, loss of my father was that traumatic.

Description of the room:
Room not wide, not big with just one window and with wooden panels from cherry (brown and orange colors of wood) and it fit more pre 1812 and medieval houses that modern. Orange curtain coverd the window wasn't long -- a wind opened and and I saw the top of the tree.
Have brick column in the room or it was entrance to the room.
Sun from window touched my skin at 13 00 -- window at the East side.
Visible top of the tree from the window. Tree was 3 floor high in 1993.
I have never seen wooden walls in maternity hospitals in Russia so it more like place where people lived than hospital. I have visited the district a lot of in my childhood.
I lay with my legs to a window with my brother (he may be my brother in my father side not the same mother, bu she had prengancy after me). My brother have dark blond hair and in blue shirt and jeans. Jeans are clothing we don't wear at home in Russia so they both are about to leave.

WIZARD OF OZ (OZ -- OZIRIS) have EMERALD CITY. Prototype in the story was 1812 buildings with crystals, allowed to take electricity out of air.

W. W. Denslow’s Illustrations for the Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900) Thanks @Sibi
5BoXI7nX5bjDMX384LSFc87Qc1ly_iY6nltYbdyxeg7hEvZnNnRdLe48lq--0DcSvwcFCQ_B.jpgEmerald city gems Jonhn Neel to web.jpgAA4lJkbj8890PGGExeeiks4lp1A8zWISxAK_aRBlkTY_mJ-6D-aFS98zTpYERbeZC1bu9Scz.jpgEmerald_City (1).jpg31ZrfKUtQJtb0Nw3IawMBK42KpnweAKKGy9VtfTng2gpnUYuN3VsA8pjGU6paqX_sXtaL8YY.jpgnikxXtc1gQgcXYGshAQMC6GB935ll28TElifNPVnGvBk8y7ac7-Vlv46bR_3UuEsDGexVE3R.jpgcJL9qII2FtR3LleX_rBPnCVS7APYYaGP8rAextgZ9Uz_yFD4cHUou6Q7pw-bF4RJENp9viFh.jpg
Magic in these games is based on crystals, so to say that time of crystals is over means that times when magic was used is over.
What crystals are, narratively, in Final Fantasy games varies from game to game and sometimes even within the games.

In some of the older games, crystals are basically... Fragments of creation, based on the classic elements of earth, fire, air (usually called wind in Final Fantasy), and water. If they loose their power, bad things usually happen.

In Final Fantasy XIV, there's four types of crystals; normal ones, aetheryite, soul crystals, and crystals of light and darkness.

Normally crystals as basically... Batteries. They contain aether, which can be used for... Anything. It's effectively all forms of energy all rolled into one.

Aetheryite are beacons for teleportation... Although calling it teleportation is sort of wrong, since it's closer to FTL travel with the way it's described. And it's basically they for the same reason a lighthouse is there.

Soul crystals, ironically, have little to do with souls. More collective memories, based down, that stores understanding of whatever job you're taking. They can be dangerous in the wrong hands but less because of anything to do with the previous owners and more because you suddenly know how to manipulate aether to make big explosions but aren't talented enough to not blow yourself up.

Crystals of light and darkness are connected to the "deities" of Hydaelyn and Zodiark respectfully... But all gods in the FFXIV are... complicated. It would require a lot of time to really explain the cosmology and some of the stuff isn't going to even be clear until the next expansion.
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Dec 1, 2019
HIVITES: Rothschilds

Global Power Hierarchy:
Lucifer (All-Seeing Eye of Horus)
Council of 13 (Grande Druid Council)
Council of 33 (33 highest ranked Freemasons)
Council of 500 (500 richest individuals)
HOGD (Rothschilds’ international organisation of witchcraft)

The Rothschilds are Hofjuden. The close ties between the London-based Hofjuden families and the British oligarchy trace back to the founding of the Bank of England, and before that to an alliance with the pirates who financed post-Renaissance Genoa in North- West Italy.
The three Jewish authors of Dope Inc. (1978) explain this history:
Several of the Hofjuden families who converged on London during the 17th and 18th centuries had served the Genoese bankers in their takeover of Holland, had participated in the Dutch East India Company's first expeditions in opium trade, and had collaborated over the centuries with the British Jesuits against European humanist forces…
The Montefiores trace their origin as ‘special operations’ experts for the European oligarchy to the 13th century in Spain, when they ran errands as tax farmers and Inquisitors for their masters, the Genoese. The Montefiores later moved to Holland to help found the Dutch East India Company and the Bank of Holland. After the Stuart Restoration of the mid-17th century, the Montefiores moved to England where they helped establish the Bank of England and the British East India Company. Under Sir Moses Montefiore, the family collaborated with Lord Palmerston and Prime Minister Disraeli in the founding of the present-day Zionist ‘movement…’
Rothschilds, Warburgs, Oppenheimers, Schroeders, and other Hofjuden became the leading financial backers of Adolf Hitler.


Thank you very much!



Taken from FIONA BARNETT EYES WIDE OPEN" COVID IS a distraction.

Someone asked me via social media, ‘Do you have a sense of the End Game?’

Yes, I do. The CERN large hadron collider in Switzerland is not about finding the hicks boson. CERN is a massive Stargate built on Tesla technology. CERN is powered by a quantum computer, the same type of computer that runs Google and NASA. Quantum computers are an advanced form of clairvoyance that make computations inter-dimensionally. Scientists punch math and physics problems into the quantum computer which are then processed by
inter-dimensional ‘entities’, aka AI (Artificial Intelligence). Elon Musk (MIT, 2014) said: With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon. You know all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water and he’s like… yeah he’s sure he can control the demon… doesn’t work out.

Gordie Rose (D-Wave quantum computers and Kindred AI) clarified: The things that that we are summoning into the world now are not demons, not evil, but more like the Lovecraftian Great Old Ones. They are entities not necessarily going to be aligned with what we want. CERN’s Director for Research and Scientific Computing, Sergio Bertolucci, said the hadron collider could open otherworldly doors to another dimension, allowing something to emerge from it.470 Outside CERN headquarters sits an ancient statue to Shiva, the goddess of destruction. The Roman form of Shiva is Apollyon. CERN is partially situated in a French town named Saint-Genis-Pouilly. Pouilly is Latin for Appolliacum, aka Apollyon, aka Apollo. CERN is built on the site of a Roman temple to Apollo, and over a traditional gateway to the abyss.

Revelation 9 says:
And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. . . And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.
. . And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

The Bible describes the end game in detail. Further information is found in books
suppressed by the Synagogue of Satan: Enoch, Jasher and Jubilees. Jesus shared a relevant

And when the King came in to see the guests, he saw there a man who was not wearing a wedding garment, and he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you enter here without a wedding garment?’ The intruder was speechless. Then the King said to the servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

This parable refers to a celestial marriage feast attended exclusively by guests dressed in appropriate attire, that is, who gained immortality and new bodies through belief in Jesus Christ. The improperly ‘dressed’ intruder tried to attain immortality another way, via transhumanism technology. I deduce he used Stargate technology (CERN) to pierce the veil that separates this time-space dimension from Heaven. Years ago, the television news reported that scientists had isolated the gene which turns off death. The Bible warns of accepting the ‘mark’ injected in our right hand or in forehead. The Greek meaning of the word ‘mark’ relates to the venomous bite of a serpent.
The mark is the ultimate vaccination, a synthesis of animal and Nephilim (serpent, fallen angel, ‘alien’) DNA that will alter human DNA, turn off the death gene, and seal a hellish fate. Hence Revelation describes people who seek death but are unable to die. The current vaccinations contain human and animal products and have been used to condition society to accept the hive mind horror to come.
CERN is designed to pierce the veil that separates this time-space dimension from others, including Heaven and Hell. CERN is the Luciferian end game that pulls together all Nazi and JASON technology. Dulce, Pine Gap and other underground facilities are preparing technology for Armageddon in which they plan to storm Heaven and battle Christ Himself. The Gateway Process provided a peek behind the celestial curtains, while CERN is designed to completely tear the veil and release the demonic hordes. A real-life Star Wars is coming, and everyone will be forced to pick a side.

469 Gordie Rose (June 2017). ‘Super-Intelligent Aliens are Coming to Earth.’ TechVancouver conference.
470 Lewis Page (2009). 'Something may come through' dimensional 'doors' at LHC. The Register, 6 Nov.
471 Robert Bridge (2015). 10 mind-blowing facts about the CERN Large Collider you need to know. Russia
Today, 31 Aug.

Shiva in CERn
Visit the whole article
Hinduism: The "Hiranyagarbha", meaning "golden fetus", or "golden belly". floated in the void, before separating into two halves: the Dayus (the sky) and Prithvi (the earth). Giving birth to the universe, whose sun traversed the "Shiva-lingam" which is made up of three floors: - Which demarcates by "Brahma-Pheetha" the base of the trimurti the Indian triad of solar gods From his name the god " Brahma "represents the dawn, - the first spark of life Coming out of its mother, the" Brahma-Peetha "touches the earth. Its light will join the "Yoni" the representative "vagina" (to associate) of the universe. Whose earth (the mother) revolves around the sun (the son), for a year and even more when the sun is that of the galaxy, a level represented by "Vishnu-Pheeta". The light will eventually run out and return to its starting point. Destroying all lives, absorbing it "Shiva" will join light and matter. black, restoring nothingness, the cosmic egg ,. coming out in front of the other two gods, from a column of light (similar to the pillar, to support with the ground, the canvas (the sky)) at the level of "Shiva-Peetha".
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Dec 1, 2019
: All secret societies stem from the ancient mystery religions. Greco-Roman mystery religions were cults that required secret initiation and ritual practice. It was strictly forbidden to reveal the practises to outsiders. All mystery religions in turn stem from Babylonian Luciferianism, hence all secret societies practice Luciferianism at their top levels. Luciferianism, the religion of the world’s wealthiest families, includes p***philia and child murder as religious ritual. The secret services (including the CIA, Mossad, MI6 and ASIO) operate as their private police force, and most secret service members are themselves Luciferian pedophiles. Thus, Omaha Nebraska child trafficking victims were dropped at OffuttAirforce Base to be raped by CIA p***phile staff.

As a social contract theorist, John Locke (1632–1704) considered the consequences of when a government fails to uphold their contractual obligation. He believed people had rights to life, health, liberty, and property in the state of nature. Locke believed these rights stemmed from God-given natural laws that people could easily recognise using their Godgiven reason. As the father of liberalism, Locke’s support for inalienable, individual rights inspired the 1776 American Declaration of Independence, 1789 Bill of Rights, and 1793 French Declaration on Human and Citizens' Rights.160 Locke’s ideals are reflected in the legal system via notions of presumption of innocence, procedural fairness, a fair trial, and nondiscrimination.

Unlike Hobbes and Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) claimed life in the state of nature was good. He inspired Romanticism, an emotive philosophy that promoted a return to the alleged ‘bliss’ of a pre-civil society. Leftist collectivist ideology originated with Rousseau who claimed rights which existed in the state of nature are relinquished to the state-created general will.163 Rousseau damned civil society for permitting private interest which, he claimed, exploits others and detracts from the general will.
Charles Darwin's philosophy was previously suggested by others including Immanuel Kant (1724–1804). Kant agreed with Hobbes and Rousseau that humans chose to surrender their rights to the state when they created the state.165 He said a government has no duty to its citizens, but that: ‘It is the duty of the people to bear any abuse of the supreme power, even though it should be considered unbearable.’ 166 Kant based his deontological (duty-based) approach to morality on human reason. He claimed that although humans are intrinsically altruistic, a society containing no moral absolutes produces people motivated by selfishness instead of altruism.

Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) introduced distributive justice theory, a vague and indeterminate form of justice which, if violated, leaves no identifiable offence or perpetrator.
Aquinas was an Italian priest and apologist for the Catholic Church. Accordingly, he viewed the pope as supreme law giver and laws inconsistent with Catholic doctrine as invalid. Aquinas replaced Augustine’s (354-430) idea that unjust laws are not laws, with the notion that unjust laws should be tolerated for practical reasons132 (i.e., submission to the Roman Catholic pope.

In the 18th century, Freemasonry became expressive of a militant policy of enlightenment, as in the case of the Illuminati, who were the forerunners of revolution.
Illuminism was among the many occult philosophies of the time, with influences from the ancient belief systems of Gnosticism and Hermeticism. It was based on a loose idea of personal enlightenment through reason, with a heavy focus on materialism and the nature of man - and often with strong anti-religious and anti-government overtones.

Siedentopargues that a moral revolution occurred in the 1st Century after the New Testament writings introduced the notion that everyone has God-given rights. This revolution inspired Medieval Christian philosophers and canon lawyers to promote individual freedom and moral equality. These men, and not the secular humanist philosophers of the Renaissance or Enlightenment, formed the foundations of Western liberal democracy.
Hayes observed: Wherever Christian ideals have been generally accepted and their practice sincerely attempted, there is a dynamic liberty; and wherever Christianity has been ignored or rejected, persecuted or chained to the state, there is tyranny.
This statement makes no sense if 1st Century Christianity, an individual belief system with no formal organization, is equated with tyrannical collectivist religious organizations like the Roman Catholic Church. Roman Catholicism started with Emperor Constantine I (306-337) who retained his title of pontifex maximus pope, and rebranded Roman paganism as ‘Christianity’ and superimposed Christian motifs over Roman cult practices and festivals (Christmas and Easter) in honor of sun worship and the goddess Ishtar.
Dog excrement by any other name still stinks, and the same organization that fed Christians to lions continued persecuting Christians via a series of Crusades and Inquisitions.130 The Protestant Reformation was a protest of orthodox Bible-reading Christians against the satanic Roman Catholic papal system. The uninformed confuse Protestantism with Catholicism and wrongly group them under the one label of ‘Christian.’ Because organizations like the Catholic Church committed heinous acts of injustice, people used this to justify condemning the orthodox Christian values that informed our Western legal system.

Voici, un post, qui pourra, vous intéressez: Le thème principal de ce post est la citée au centre de la terre:
Here is a post, which might interest you: The main theme of this post is the city in the center of the earth:
I think I will meet MK ULTRA victim-- my father relatives. Please tell me which hand I should plave upon his heart to give them my love and activate his heart chakra? right hand or left? You wrote right it giving while left taking.

I guess play billiard with sticks is earlier code world for PING PONG.

Bee lives in BEE HIVE!
Mormonic temple


Cholera Riots
The Cholera Riots (Холерные бунты in Russian) were the riots of the urban population, peasants and soldiers in 1830–1831 when the second cholera pandemic reached Russia.

The riots were caused by the anti-cholera measures, undertaken by the tsarist government, such as quarantine, armed cordons and migratory restrictions. Influenced by rumors of deliberate contamination of ordinary people by government officials and doctors, agitated mobs started raiding police departments and state hospitals, killing hated functionaries, officers, landowners and gentry.
Asiatic cholera reached Britain in 1831 from Russia, beginning in Sunderland and heading north to Aberdeen.
In 1893 fatal riots broke out in Hamburg, Germany during the fifth cholera pandemic, because the public objected to sanitary officers trying to enforce regulations for the prevention of spread of the disease.[9] The crowd beat to death a sanitary officer and one of the policemen sent to protect them. Troops were called out and dispersed the crowd with fixed bayonets.

Black Death in Europe from 1348 to 1351 HIVITES SPREAD IT!
Genghis Khan has never fought Aryans. No presence of him has been found. HIVITES conscribed him THEIR crimes.
The Mongol invasions and conquests took place during the 13th and 14th centuries, creating history's largest contiguous empire: the Mongol Empire, which by 1300 covered large parts of Eurasia. Historians regard the Mongol devastation as one of the deadliest episodes in history.[1][2] In addition, Mongol expeditions may have spread the bubonic plague across much of Eurasia, helping to spark the Black Death of the 14th century.[3][4][5][a]
The next year, in 1206, Temujin was formally proclaimed Genghis Khan, ruler of all the Mongols, marking the official start of the Mongol Empire, and the same year Emperor Huanzong of the Western Xia was deposed by Li Anquan in a coup d'état. In 1207, Genghis led another raid into Western Xia, invading the Ordos region and sacking Wuhai, the main garrison along the Yellow River, before withdrawing in 1208. Genghis then began preparing for a full-scale invasion, organizing his people, army and state to first prepare for war.[56]

Li Anquan was a nephew of the Emperor Renzong. After the death of his father, Renyou, Li Anquan requested Huanzong to allow him inherit father's title. After Huanzong disagreed and bestowed upon him a title of Prince of Zhenyi commandery (镇夷郡王), Li Anquan has been harbouring an intention to seize the imperial throne. Emperor Xiangzong came into power after a coup d'état with his first cousin Huanzong's birth mother, Empress Luo against Huanzong.

Many historians regarded him as incompetent.

Xiangzong attacked the Jin dynasty, destroying the years of peace between these two countries. Genghis Khan regarded Western Xia as a roadblock to China and repeatedly invaded Western Xia.


Underground cites.
List of cave monasteries -- secret societies theme.
Inkerman Cave Monastery


CATACOMBS have greek origin from word CATA which is executor. Also related to Ossuary

View attachment 74614View attachment 74615View attachment 74616View attachment 74617View attachment 74618View attachment 74619

Take a look
Catacoms in PARIS have been widely promoted and it close to Disneyland in Paris.

As Above, So Below (film) -- made in Paris catacombs.
Catacomb saints
Catacomb saints were the bodies of ancient Christians that were carefully exhumed from the catacombs of Rome and sent abroad to serve as relics of certain saints from the 16th century to the 19th century.[1] They were typically lavishly decorated with gold and precious stones.[2]

The presence of Christianity in Africa began in the middle of the 1st century in Egypt and by the end of the 2nd century in the region around Carthage. Mark the Evangelist is claimed to have started the Church of Alexandria in about 43 CE; various later churches claim this as their own legacy, including the Coptic Orthodox Church.[196][197][198] Important Africans who influenced the early development of Christianity include Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, Origen of Alexandria, Cyprian, Athanasius, and Augustine of Hippo.
Hello masons!
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Apr 6, 2018
Quelques notes, pour un article, sur le fruit défendu, que je continu à travailler, dessus:
Encore, une vidéo intéressante de NINA2119: Faisant référence, à Luffy, le personnage principale de One Piece, elle fait aussi référence à la figue, fruit. C'est sous ce figuier, qu'il atteint, sa sagesse. Hors le figuier, a un fruit, qui aide à guérir: parmi ses différents guérisons:
"Action du bourgeon de figuier au niveau uro-génital :
Le bourgeon de figuier constitue un remède des aménorrhées et, chez l’homme s’indique dans les troubles de la production de spermatozoïdes (asthénospermie, azoospermie) et dans la stérilité, tant chez l’homme que chez la femme. Parmi les propriétés émergentes vérifiées par l’expérience, citons :
– Inducteur de sommeil, car il agit sur la substance réticulée ; il calme l’excès de pensées en général et supprime les insomnies des personnes qui « ruminent des problèmes » et les cauchemars disparaissent progressivement (aggravation temporaire en début de traitement)
– Troubles émotionnels divers en hypo ou en hyper
– Effets secondaires d’un système nerveux perturbé (ex. : eczéma)
– Est susceptible d’harmoniser la plupart des symptômes hyper, tant physiques que psychiques
– Développe, favorise et débloque la fonction onirique : les rêves sont stimulés, le sommeil amélioré, plus profond au point que le réveil soit parfois difficile !
En conclusion, le macérat de figuier est un remède typiquement de nature Yin."
Ainsi, il aide à guérir, à la fois, ce qui se à l'acte sexuel et aux rêves, l'acte sexuel (malgré le Dieu, est plus lier à déesse, comme le rêve). Ainsi, elle s'associe, au fruit de la grenade, l'un des deux fruits défendus [dans la vidéo, elle en fait référence, comme un fruit solaire, même pour Adam et Eve (qui personnellement, je l'ai associé, à un acte sexuel)]. Il faut aussi savoir, que Bouda, couchait, avec beaucoup de femmes. La vidéo suivante est en Français (normalement, la traduction, sur le sous-titre automatique, marche correctement):

Il a aussi, d'autres références, intéressante, que je n'avais pas marquer, avec la vidéo précédente. Est la référence au tambour: Il fait aussi référence au saturnale d'hiver fut remplacé, par la naissance du Christ, au choix du Pape.
Some notes, for an article, on the forbidden fruit, which I continue to work on, above:
Again, an interesting video from NINA2119: Referring to Luffy, the main character of One Piece, it also refers to the fig, fruit. It is under this fig tree that he attains his wisdom. Apart from the fig tree, is a fruit, which helps to heal: among its various cures:
'Action of the fig tree bud at the uro-genital level :
The fig tree bud is a remedy for amenorrhea and, in men, is indicated in disorders of sperm production (asthenospermia, azoospermia) and in sterility, both in men and in women. Among the emergent properties verified by experiment are :
- Sleep inducer, because it acts on the reticular substance; it calms the excess of thoughts in general and suppresses the insomnia of people who "ruminate over problems" and the nightmares gradually disappear (temporary aggravation at the start of treatment)
- Various emotional disorders in hypo or hyper
- Side effects of a disturbed nervous system (e.g. eczema)
- Is likely to harmonize most hyper symptoms, both physical and psychic
- Develops, promotes and unblocks the dream function: dreams are stimulated, sleep improved, deeper to the point that waking up is sometimes difficult !
In conclusion, the fig tree macerate is a remedy typically of Yin nature.'
Thus, it helps to cure, at the same time, what is in the sexual act and in the dreams, the sexual act (despite the God, is more related to goddess, like the dream). Thus, she is associated with the fruit of the pomegranate, one of the two forbidden fruits [in the video, she refers to it, as a solar fruit, even for Adam and Eve (who personally, I associated it, to a sexual act)]. You should also know that Bouda slept with many women. The following video is in French (normally, the translation, on the automatic subtitle, works correctly):


Dec 1, 2019
I read somewhere that real tales, in addition to being for adults, are Alchemical stories:
They programmed people with Alchemy knowledge, so it can be translated as EL -- Chemy, electro chemical process in your body? What these stories truly about? How to interpretate them? Please can you recommend to read about interprtation and explanation of Alchemy and Alchemical stories? It will be useful in MK ULTRA recovery since they using alchemy.

I wonder what the Atlanteans wore before?
The same as Romans did before 1812 catastrophy -- clothing for winterless climate.

Bronze Horseman

His horse stand above the snake, symbol of HIVITES. Peter Primo was a military leader how has made significant victory above HIVTES.
1812 catastophy traces:
Hermitage Museum in PETERBURG. HIVITES twisted names to remove my own culture -- in our languadge it sounds like Armitage.

In 13 ILLUMINATI BLOODLINES we have British millionaire Kenneth Armitage, who had to flee from England to avoid arrest on numerous charges of theft, deception and false accounting, had some of his good friends in the Napa Valley, such as Dr. John Duff, Johnny Beck, & others. Armitage has since mysteriously died in prison in England. Armitage had intelligence connections which tie in with twilight world of the criminal activities of the numerous intelligence acronym monsters. Also his company was authorized to provide people with Central American government documents. There is more-- much more to sordid affairs which swirl around Roy Disney.
Richard Armitage (actor) have MK ULTRA traces.
Richard Armitage’s tattoos real in Netflix series Stay Close. The latest adaptation from one of Harlan Coben’s novels has just landed on Netflix. Stay Close premiered on Friday, 31 December and the question on everyone’s mind is, “are Richard Armitage’s tattoos real”?
In Stay Close, Richard’s character is covered in tattoos and, although he may have joked the tattoos are real, the actor hasn’t gone through hours of pain to get inked up for the role. Instead, Armitage admitted to Virgin Radio they are fake. He said: “I was really tempted! I left them (false tattoos) on one night and I got home, and I was like, ‘Could I actually do this?’ and then by the morning, I’m like, ‘Nah, they look a bit grubby!’
Lucas North/William Blake Case Revisited

How is Lucas North a “visionary” no matter what definition of the term is used, whether it be “a Utopian,”“one who sees the future with imagination” or “one who sees visions”? On the other hand, there must have been some reason driving the writers to define some aspect of Lucas’s personality or history with a connection to Blake when they first drew his character.
Armitage notes that the character, who spent eight years in a Russian prison, has a personable exterior, but is psychologically damaged.
During the filming of series 7 Armitage allowed himself to be subjected to waterboarding to film a flashback sequence. MK ULTRA torture real life filmed.
Russian is the language invented and forced upon us. So oritginal name of the place was Armitage not Hermitage.

MOSCOW as PETERSBURG have this coat of arms theme. No one knows why word MOSCOW have been used to name city. May be just like Petersbur it was renamed ofter military leader who won over HIVITES.

Paris have that theme "Man slaying monster" too. 1812 techinologes, cannot be repeated.
Boulevard Saint-Michel

So it was dedicated to ARYAN military leader named MICHEL whom has won HIVITES. MICHEL is short version of MICHELangelo.

Aryan culture have a lot of Man slays dragon theme:
Saint George and the Dragon

Fenestrella interpreted by the Louvre as Horus on horseback spearing Set in the shape of a crocodile (4th century).
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Apr 6, 2018
They programmed people with Alchemy knowledge, so it can be translated as EL -- Chemy, electro chemical process in your body? What these stories truly about? How to interpretate them? Please can you recommend to read about interprtation and explanation of Alchemy and Alchemical stories? It will be useful in MK ULTRA recovery since they using alchemy.
I know, he programmed children's friend. Some of the knowledge is given afterwards. They can leave, except if some agree to stay, then I think they are stuck.
For the Alchemical side, is the transformation of metals into gold. Basically, metals into energy [or energetic reaction, as in the case of the tale of Snow White (see the last paragraph)]. Either, a reproduction, of the mechanisms of the body, using the basic materials (Earth, fire, wind, water...). By consulting moreover, a site, of an alchemist, he was, practicing a sexual act, with his students, which causes, what he discovered, that it increased the energy of his body. The energy, being, the soul (the energy transmitted, by the spirit). And in the dictionary, where I have this tale summary, the sexual act, being a representation, of an association:
So I guess their sexual acts can and do relate to alchemy. Even if to keep the victim under control, they practice full of treatments, which refer to acts of psychiatric hospitals, such as treatment, with electric, on the brain, exercises. But little too, as I saw on a Russian victim, who was doing reality TV, sitting on a chair, in a room, in the dark and without landmarks. All treatments can leave visible traces, such as the stretching of the lips, which form a small smile at the corner (which relates to a dental appliance, for films). Where dark circles, like the eyes lifted to the sky [which can remain active, for any use of the third eye (the pineal gland, to see the spirit, which inhabits it, and that by trauma of the body, can try, to keeping her alive, activates)].


Dec 1, 2019
I know, he programmed children's friend. Some of the knowledge is given afterwards. They can leave, except if some agree to stay, then I think they are stuck.
Thank you very much!
Is there some literature to know more about it how to interpritate Alchemy and Fairy Tales? Please tell us if you do.
I know a victim of mind control. To activate his heart chakra and to help him in deprogramming which hand should I touch? Left or right. You wrote: left hand is to take the energy, right is to give energy so i have touch his heart by my right hand, right?

1812 MARBLE with Mascarons and Clay wave above the heads.

BEE HIVE = HIVITES! Laborous Delivery Barberini family symbolism.
People are dead here: muscules relaxed, mouth opened
Rome in the Footsteps of an XVIIIth Century Traveller
A Laborious Delivery - the puzzling coats of arms of Urban VIII (1623-1644) by Bernini in S, Pietro
from BERBER has lived near Carthago.

Place of HIVITE Rituals

Sinister Sites: The Sansevero Chapel This man has been victim of Hivite sacrifice with Christ theme.

1812 Marble

Stefano Maderno, St. Cecilia, 1599
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Apr 6, 2018
Thank you very much!
Is there some literature to know more about it how to interpritate Alchemy and Fairy Tales? Please tell us if you do.
I know a victim of mind control. To activate his heart chakra and to help him in deprogramming which hand should I touch? Left or right. You wrote: left hand is to take the energy, right is to give energy so i have touch his heart by my right hand, right?
For the moment, I only have the dictionary to recommend to you, but not sure, that it has in your language:
- Shuna (

Then the left hand absorbs and the right hand gives, it is possible to use it, on any part. On the other hand, absorbing energy from someone can be dangerous, as can giving it. It works, like an organ transplant, it can be accepted or rejected. On the other hand, energy can also be white. It is a light energy, but not necessarily positive. It approaches a gaseous matter see light. So, black energy is often negative, it's both heavy energy, it's energy, which lowers morale. It comes close to matter. The use may seem immediate, but it is not necessarily the case, in addition to fatigue, which can be installed.


Dec 1, 2019
Thank you!
On the other hand, energy can also be white.
I remember that in my own integration process.
It approaches a gaseous matter see light.
I see light energy by my THIRD EYE inner vision and I was co-countious during the process.

So what is your recomendations then? How to use my own energy for helping MK ULTRA victims? Please can you tell me where the knowledge is possibly here.

Villa of the mysteries Play attention to color palettes. Red + black dominates. I have never seen Romand and Greekc preferred such palette.

Mystery religions, mystery cults, sacred mysteries or simply mysteries, were religious schools of the Greco-Roman world for which participation was reserved to initiates (mystai).[1] The main characterization of this religion is the secrecy associated with the particulars of the initiation and the ritual practice, which may not be revealed to outsiders.

Does it sound like Masonry to you? RITE! Masonic Rites! And you can see black goat here.

  • The third mural shows a satyr playing the panpipes and a nymph suckling a goat in an Arcadian scene. To their right, the initiate is in a panic. This is the last time we see her for a few scenes; when she appears again, she has changed. Some scholars think katabasis has occurred.[13
Other mystery schools[edit]
  • Cult of Despoina– An Arcadian cult worshipping a goddess who was believed to be the daughter of Poseidon and Demeter.
  • Cult of Attis– A Greek cult that was not followed in Rome until its early days as an empire. It followed the Story of Attis, a godlike figure who was eventually killed by a boar sent by Zeus.
  • Cults of Cybele– A number of cults following Cybele, or Magna Mater, were present in Greece, Anatolia, and Rome. This cult followed Cybele, which was an Anatolian "mother goddess". However, after it became present in Rome, the Romans reinvented Cybele as a Trojan goddess. In Rome, the cults of Cybele were often restricted and gained few members because of strictures against castration, which was considered a ritual necessary for initiation. This was later replaced with animal sacrifice, but numbers were still limited.
  • Mysteries of Isis– This was a rather present and more well-known cult. While most of the mystery cults revolved around Hellenistic culture and religion, the cults of Isis worshipped the Egyptian goddess of wisdom and magic. It emerged during the Hellenistic Era (323 BCE through 30 CE).
  • Jupiter Dolichenus– Roman reimagining of a foreign, "oriental" deity comparable to the head Olympian figure, Jupiter.
  • Cult of Trophonius– A Hellenistic cult surrounding a minor god/hero. A number of people went to his temples to receive an oracle.
  • Dionysian Mysteries– This was a small cult with unknown origins. It is believed to have pre-dated Greece and possibly originated from Crete or North Africa. Its rituals were based on a theme of seasonal life and rebirth.
  • Mithraic Mysteries– One of the more famous Greco-Roman mystery cults. They follow the story of the Persian god-hero Mithras. One of their more distinct features would be the underground structures in which they worshipped, all of which had a mural or sculpture of Mithras killing a sacred bull at the entrance.
  • Orphism– Another of the more famous mystery cults, this cult followed the story of Orpheus, a mythical poet who descended to the underworld and back. The Orphic Mysteries' worship centered around the god Dionysus and his dual role as a god of death and rebirth, supposedly as revealed by Orpheus.
  • Cult of Sabazios– This cult worshipped a nomadic horseman god called Sabazios. He was a Thracian/Phrygian god, but the Greeks and Romans syncretized him with Zeus/Jupiter and Dionysus.
  • Cult of Serapis– A cult following the Greco-Egyptian god Serapis. He and his cult gained a decent amount of popularity in Rome, causing him to replace Osiris as the consort of Isis outside of Egypt. He was worshipped in processions and sanctuaries.
For those who think the Vatican runs the world and the pope is the antichrist, note the Vatican are not a bloodline, just a male-dominated order which relies upon recruitment and initiation. The Roman Catholic priestly order stems from the ancient Roman Cult of Mithraism which my British husband and his father, of the Gardiner Illuminati bloodline, were initiated into. Mithraism is so secretive you will find no records of their beliefs and practises.
Mithraism rank initiates based on IQ level, and conduct ceremonies in which priests ‘marry’ boy brides - which might explain the epidemic of Catholic priests raping altar boys. I also know from experience that the Roman Catholic high mass is a watered-down version of the
Luciferian black mass.
The ancient male-only mystery cult of Mithraism. Initiation into the grades did not depend on age but on potential for knowledge acquisition, hence Eric’s talk of IQ testing. Roman Mithraism had seven main grades and titles plus two mystery titles. At the 2nd grade, a male was dressed in a bridal veil and married to the pagan god Mithra:
1. Raven (Corax)
2. Bride (Nymphus)
3. Soldier (Miles)
4. (Lion (Leo)
5. Persona (Perses) - Vulture
6. Courier of the Sun (Heliodromus) - Cryfius
7. Father (Pater)

Although inspired by Iranian worship of the Zoroastrian divinity (yazata) Mithra, the Roman Mithras is linked to a new and distinctive imagery, with the level of continuity between Persian and Greco-Roman practice debated.


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Apr 6, 2018
Thank you!

I remember that in my own integration process.

I see light energy by my THIRD EYE inner vision and I was co-countious during the process.

So what is your recomendations then? How to use my own energy for helping MK ULTRA victims? Please can you tell me where the knowledge is possibly here.
I recommend, especially to do it physically. Personally, I decided to make my blog, for the same purpose. I wanted, to make an adaptation, of certain, knowledge, personal, like harvesting. In a way that can be read and immediately understood by everyone, including people who understand the simplest things. But also people, who only read great writings. Like the simile, to all religions and such. To avoid, battles between people of different religions and others. I thought long and hard about how to save time, while avoiding going into too much detail about certain techniques they use to avoid certain drifts. Personally, I use even before I was born (which is common for babies). This allowed me to know a lot of things. I used it unconsciously, to keep my body upright, in addition to avoiding pain (even if it has been halved since my operation when I was a baby).

On the forum, I collected, almost everywhere the references. But I like on the recent members of the forum: I like a lot: Sibi. And if not, you have so many good links, that you are, among all my sources, you are one of my main ones:
The square symbol, is related to the female value which is related to the number four. The square is also linked to the constructions of Man (the circle being considered as the spiritual representation). All these symbols include, in addition to the water symbol, in the form of a 9 or a 6, they represent waves.


Dec 1, 2019
The square symbol, is related to the female value which is related to the number four. The square is also linked to the constructions of Man (the circle being considered as the spiritual representation). All these symbols include, in addition to the water symbol, in the form of a 9 or a 6, they represent waves.
thank you!

Ada Lovelace have that too.

STAR WARS have been used in DELTA training, which is baes on ARYAN knowledges. CARRIE FISHER was MK ULTRA victim and died in bizzare circumstances and then distraction with Weinshtein has began.
ARYAN something at her head. Deifnetely not a jewelry -- some device on her head. 1812 techonlogies.

Thanks @Sibi for Lady of Elche

Thorgal have Atlantis theme.
View attachment 73270 so as Aleksandra Waliszewska.
WIZARD OF OZ. Oz -- Osiris.
Princess OZMA have this device. She is a rule of the country of OZ and she is a Wizard. Wizard --> Wisdom --> knowledge about Magic. Magic the same as we know Electricity.
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Apr 6, 2018
"This Prince Charming is our philisophal Mercury (we know that the attribute of Mercury in mythology is a perpetual youthfulness of face and body)."
I wonder, if the Hatter, is in Alice in Wonderland, is the mercury prince. The hatters of the time used Mercury; which made them seem crazy, where surely the reference to clown? The circus tent, being the tent, representing the universe (by the canvas) and its maintenance, by the pole, covering the ground, representing the earth.

And in reference, to the new members (or not new...) Freemasons. The reference to a young Apache, in the form of a baby/child, with his diaper, fastened with a pin (which they collect, but which I don't yet know the meaning of...). Young apache, is in reference, in France, a wild child.

Speaking of referencing racist caricatures, which are used to represent Africans. I have often wondered, what inspired them to represent them. And looking at the African statues, I think it comes from there. You should also know that African statues, like others, representations or cults, go with sexual representations. Like for example: phalluses, which disappeared after the Catholics passed by. The phalluses, which were representative of the warrior, as surely this representation of a warrior, of a Pakistani motif: The fourth from the bottom, the one with the characters:
Still practiced by a people, who replaced it, with a simple big stone, who go after the elders have hidden it, let the young people look for it (I wonder, if it's to train, to spot animals) . The phallus is our current tombstone. Or another practice, the plate porter, mainly, by old ladies, is used by a sexual act (like certain piercings).
The sculptures themselves, on the lips, exaggerate.


Apr 6, 2018
Si j'ai bien prit, ou non, l'information, de l'analyse, d'un expert, d'Affaire Conclue, sur une plaque, de corne d'abondance, et d'engrais d'oiseaux. Et pour associer, cette suite, d'analyse:
La Corne d'Abondance: où la chèvre (la chèvre, je pensais, à cause de ses nombreuses, références, à la déesse) élever par Zeus (Qui représente, cette fois, la premier partie, de l'arche solaire). Le bébé Zeus (représentant, la seconde), casse l'une des cornes de la chèvre. Et Zeus voyant ça donne la capacitée, à cette corne, de donner. Elle représenterait, l'engrais. Ce qui va avec, ce Dieu, de cette seconde, parti de l'arche, la représentation, va avec le mois, d'automne.
Whether or not I took the information, analysis, an expert, Deal Concluded, on a plate, cornucopia, and bird feed. And to associate, this continuation, of analysis:
The Cornucopia: where the goat (the goat, I thought, because of its many references, to the goddess) raised by Zeus (Who represents, this time, the first part, of the solar arch). The baby Zeus (representative, the second), breaks one of the goat's horns. And Zeus seeing that gives the ability, to this horn, to give. It would represent fertilizer. What goes with this God, of this second, left from the ark, the representation, goes with the month, of autumn.


Dec 1, 2019

PAY attention to these two totthet spikes at tower. It lakc of practical use so it must be symbolic.

Castelvecchio (Verona)

It was built (most likely in 1354-1356) by Cangrande II della Scala, to grant him a safe way of escape from the annexed eponymous castle in the event of a rebellion of the population against his tyrannic rule.


It turns out that the look Sforza Castle (as, by the way, the Scaliger castle in Verona) was used in the construction of the Moscow Kremlin as a model.

Hivites have taken Atlantis since 1812 catastrophy and set as rulers their puppet Romanov.

If families are powerful but not in the Illuminati’s clique, they can be destroyed such as Howard Hugh was. An example of this is how the Rothschilds progressively destroyed the Romanovs (the Russian Imperial Family). But the Romanovs were also an occult bloodline, and so the IlIuminati secretly took children of the Imperial family to serve as breeders for the IlIuminati so that the Illuminati could channel in the Romanov’s occult blood into their bloodlines.
The mystery of the Van Duyn family is also reflected in the mystery surrounding the Romanov family. The Romanov family had more than the Russian branch, there was for instance a Prussian branch. And some of their family like the Grand Prince Alexis Romanov came to America, where his granddaughter Mary Teissier (the cousin to Alexander Romanov) was one of J. Paul Getty’s main lovers. J. Paul Getty if you have forgotten was at one time listed by Fortune Magazine as America’s richest man. Not only does Romanov blood flow in some of the Illuminati, the Romanov name pops up among the friends of Frank Sinatra. Mike and Gloria Romanov were friends of Frank Sinatra.
Frank Sinatra’s social activities were like a Who’s Who in the Mafia and Illuminati. Frank Sinatra would travel to France to spend time with Baron Guy de Rothschild, or could be found doing a charity ball for the World Mercy Fund with Laurance Rockefeller. Mentioning the Rockefellers brings us right back to the Romanovs.
Such glass cannot be repeated today. Hermitage.

Electrical field (sphirit, magic, etc), head -- hands, legs.

Vitruvian Man

Red (Blood) Kremlin stars symbolises human sacrifices that Hivites done after 1812 catstrophy and doing it now.

Scythe (Серп) and Hammer at Rus it sounds Molot represents MOLOCH! Yellow and red are their colors.

Red Square have Monument to Minin and Pozharsky

Resurrection Gate

The Resurrection Gate forms one of the two entrances to Red Square from the northwest side.
In its base part it consists of two arched portals, which are crowned in a symmetrical manner by two rectangular towers, the tops of which are strongly reminiscent of the Kremlin towers.
During the times of the Russian Empire, the gate served as a symbolic entrance gate to the heart of Moscow, especially during major celebrations: the tsars always passed the gate at their coronation celebrations before the coronation was proclaimed in front of the people on Red Square.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier -- WWII Hivites marked their victims. Eternal fire -- fire of Moloch.

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Apr 6, 2018
Just a note, for one of my articles (I don't know which one yet):
I don't know if I've already marked it, but saw that it came back to me:
In France, we have a subject, where we have to detail, the "Fight Club", basically the film, which we had probably read (well, I had personally, a little forgotten the film., And I'm sure that my teacher didn't tell us to look at it). We remembered more, then, someone put this sentence, which everyone thinks, when people think of the movie: "The first rule of Fight Club is not to talk about Fight Club". However, this rule only applies to members. And a few years later, the same subject was noted, in the papers, as a brilliant answer. Between the two, the majority honors this answer, giving me a 21 out of 20. newspaper article). But my prof. was right to be a 0. She also reminded that the rule only applies to members. Written like that, it doesn't sound impressive, but suddenly, I forgot, what only applies to members.