Hard drugs and The New World Order


Jun 10, 2018
I turned 30 last month and celebrated 2 years clean from drugs and alcohol. The majority of my 20s were spent in a love/ hate relationship with many drugs, methamphetamine being my drug of choice. I’m also a performing singer and guitar player. Towards the end of my use as I shifted From a party rocker to a full blown junky i developed an obsession for the music of artists who died young. I started noticing a lot of similarities. Early on I thought of them mostly as paranoid delusions but as my mind as cleared and I’ve started studying connections between music, drugs, power, human trafficking there’s obviously a connection.

Can we discuss the use of drugs to control a population? And also can some one point me in a direction where I can research this topic further? Thanks!


Apr 22, 2017
I turned 30 last month and celebrated 2 years clean from drugs and alcohol. The majority of my 20s were spent in a love/ hate relationship with many drugs, methamphetamine being my drug of choice. I’m also a performing singer and guitar player. Towards the end of my use as I shifted From a party rocker to a full blown junky i developed an obsession for the music of artists who died young. I started noticing a lot of similarities. Early on I thought of them mostly as paranoid delusions but as my mind as cleared and I’ve started studying connections between music, drugs, power, human trafficking there’s obviously a connection.

Can we discuss the use of drugs to control a population? And also can some one point me in a direction where I can research this topic further? Thanks!
We can look at the United States acquisition of the Afghanistan opium trade and the subsequent rise of opiate addictions in the country with specific drugs like percoset, hydrocodone, and etc.

I think it was Oliver North during the eighties flying in cocaine via soldiers caskets but I believe that was a alphabet agency op that purposely exposed, educated, and inundated the black communities in crack subsequently breaking them in conjunction with cointelpro.

Supposedly the Clintons and others teamed up and were moving serious weight in Tennessee through the use of country music as a front.

Though in contrast to the hard drugs, marijuana has been largely illegal since the 1920's due to racial discrimination and the white man's goal of protecting and preserving their women because science doesn't matter.

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
Drugs are a big part in human traffic circles by creating addicts who will perform for a fix. This also creeps into the music industry to a degree but the choice of the elite is mind control and creating cash cows, so drugs can interfere with that. However, hollywood types and artists abuse drugs to numb the pain of their choices which haunt them as do everyday people.

Many governments are in on the drug trade as are corporations. In fact, some drugs to supposedly make us feel better and designed to heal are addictive and passed on for cash sake. I think we will see new designer drugs to continue to hit the market as well. The Chinese are already manipulating laws sending crap liel Flakka here. But the main reason people do drugs is to temporarily numb the pain.

In your case, this could be different in that meth traps you quickly and is super addictive even if you realize said addiction is happening. It is a hard drug to get off of. Right now in America, people are getting addicted to painkillers or hillbilly heroin. Cocaine is no longer the king on the streets with the rise in heroin and things which mimic it that is killing people in droves.

On one hand, a drug so addictive which is a killer could serve some well with depopulation goals. But if you are addicted to anything, you do not have time to think about what counts in life. An addict is not going to rock status quo and thus is imprisoned. But drugs are only a part of what is coming, for people are zombie-like playing video games and following blindly as we are dumbed down and entering matrix like repetitive states of mind.

Addiction is something we all battle in some way, even if it is learned behaviors.
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Jun 10, 2018
There is a line from a Perfect Circle song “pet”
“Swingin the the rhythm of the new world order”
“Counting bodies like sheep the rhythm of the war drums”
So eerie


Jun 10, 2018
Drugs are a big part in human traffic circles by creating addicts who will perform for a fix. This also creeps into the music industry to a degree but the choice of the elite is mind control and creating cash cows, so drugs can interfere with that. However, hollywood types and artists abuse drugs to numb the pain of their choices which haunt them as do everyday people.

Many governments are in on the drug trade as are corporations. In fact, some drugs to supposedly make us feel better and designed to heal are addictive and passed on for cash sake. I think we will dee new designer drugs to continue to hit the market as well. The Chinese are already manipulating laws sending crap liel Flakka here. But the main reason people do drugs is to temporarily numb the pain.

In your case, this could be different in that meth traps you quickly and is super addictive even if you realize said addiction is happening. It is a hard drug to get off of. Right now in America, people are getting addicted to painkillers or hillbilly heroin. Cocaine is not longer the king on the streets with the rise in heroin and things which mimic it that is killing people in droves.

On one hand, a drug so addictive which is a killer could serve some well with depopulation goals. But if you are addicted to anything, you do not have time to think about what counts in life. An addict is not going to rock status quo and thus is imprisoned. But drugs are only a part of what is coming, for people are zombie like playing video games and following blindly as we are dumbed down and entering matrix like repetitive states of mind.

Addiction is something we all battle in some way, even if it is learned behaviors.
These are my thoughts almost exactly. Thank you.


Mar 16, 2017
If you are hooked on drugs you become apathetic to everything other than the drug. If you are apathetic and strung out unhealthy you can’t fight, you don’t even have the mental space available to know enough of what’s going on to know that you should fight.

The massive drug epidemic going on right now was planned and is doing exactly what it was supposed to. Keeping vast swaths of the population helpless.


Apr 18, 2017
Very interesting topic, congrats on being clean!!! Drugs lower your inhibitions and make you more susceptible to whatever message the music is trying to send. It literally changes people I’ve seen it so many times. It can be negative or positive changes. People will alter their appearance and behavior according to the music they listen to. The lower the vibrations, the “darker” people get. I honestly believe a lot of mainstream music is created with hypnotic effects that are deeper than the average consumer realizes. As far as human trafficking goes I’m sure it happens at music festivals all the time or any high traffick event really, I hear stories about it after major ones like EDC.
Drugs control the rest of the population by offering them an escape from the horrible reality we live in while also making themselves more vulnerable to abuse. Drugs were purposely trafficked in urban areas to disrupt the community with addiction, incarceration, and violence.

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
Well, actually the escape is from a perceived horrible reality in some cases. That is because once you come down, you enter a form of depression and regret that can be worse than life, itself. That leads to the lab rat function of tapping for another hit or whatever to end that pain and the cycle continues. Once people are on that wheel it is hard to get off of mainly due to not being able to recognize what triggers them into the behavior again and again.

It would not be hard to trigger someone into being an addict as a means of control and that is done in sinister circles. Drugs have been pushed in all areas of life, not just the hood. Painkillers targeted low income whites in America and rattled veterans. College kids are target with ecstasy and other designer drugs. The affluent may be in for some adrenochrome and Indian reservations are strung out on meth as are many inner city youth and rural for that matter. Older folks still use coke as do others and almost everybody seems okay with marijuana these days which some claim leads to other drugs, when in fact it only takes you where other drugs are to purchase it in states where it is illegal. Most homeless people are on something if not alcohol which is an underrated problem.


Apr 18, 2017
Well, actually the escape is from a perceived horrible reality in some cases. That is because once you come down, you enter a form of depression and regret that can be worse than life, itself. That leads to the lab rat function of tapping for another hit or whatever to end that pain and the cycle continues. Once people are on that wheel it is hard to get off of mainly due to not being able to recognize what triggers them into the behavior again and again.

It would not be hard to trigger someone into being an addict as a means of control and that is done in sinister circles. Drugs have been pushed in all areas of life, not just the hood. Painkillers targeted low income whites in America and rattled veterans. College kids are target with ecstasy and other designer drugs. The affluent may be in for some adrenochrome and Indian reservations are strung out on meth as are many inner city youth and rural for that matter. Older folks still use coke as do others and almost everybody seems okay with marijuana these days which some claim leads to other drugs, when in fact it only takes you where other drugs are to purchase it in states where it is illegal. Most homeless people are on something if not alcohol which is an underrated problem.
Yeah I know isn’t just pushed in the hood. I’m just adding to the conversation and didn’t feel like writing a novel about every aspect of drug trafficking when everything’s already been covered.


Jul 27, 2017
Drugs are a big part in human traffic circles by creating addicts who will perform for a fix. This also creeps into the music industry to a degree but the choice of the elite is mind control and creating cash cows, so drugs can interfere with that. However, hollywood types and artists abuse drugs to numb the pain of their choices which haunt them as do everyday people.

Many governments are in on the drug trade as are corporations. In fact, some drugs to supposedly make us feel better and designed to heal are addictive and passed on for cash sake. I think we will dee new designer drugs to continue to hit the market as well. The Chinese are already manipulating laws sending crap liel Flakka here. But the main reason people do drugs is to temporarily numb the pain.

In your case, this could be different in that meth traps you quickly and is super addictive even if you realize said addiction is happening. It is a hard drug to get off of. Right now in America, people are getting addicted to painkillers or hillbilly heroin. Cocaine is not longer the king on the streets with the rise in heroin and things which mimic it that is killing people in droves.

On one hand, a drug so addictive which is a killer could serve some well with depopulation goals. But if you are addicted to anything, you do not have time to think about what counts in life. An addict is not going to rock status quo and thus is imprisoned. But drugs are only a part of what is coming, for people are zombie like playing video games and following blindly as we are dumbed down and entering matrix like repetitive states of mind.

Addiction is something we all battle in some way, even if it is learned behaviors.
You nailed it. It's creating a zombie like society. What better way to do it than drugs? Although food and such also has addictives.

Breaking out of the repetitive motions of life is easier said than done. Even taking a day off to try to see the patterns of "the elite". Very hard to do.

I don't support drug use, but if any posters here have tried or whatever, maybe the young musicians who died really did put something together. Anywho what I'm trying to say is for those that tried, did life open undiscovered or forbidden doors per se?


Jun 4, 2017
means Sorcery

5331. pharmakeia

Strong's Concordance
pharmakeia: the use of medicine, drugs or spells

Original Word: φαρμακεία, ας, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: pharmakeia
Phonetic Spelling: (far-mak-i'-ah)
Definition: the use of medicine, drugs or spells
Usage: magic, sorcery, enchantment.


Mar 27, 2017


Jan 29, 2018
I turned 30 last month and celebrated 2 years clean from drugs and alcohol. The majority of my 20s were spent in a love/ hate relationship with many drugs, methamphetamine being my drug of choice. I’m also a performing singer and guitar player. Towards the end of my use as I shifted From a party rocker to a full blown junky i developed an obsession for the music of artists who died young. I started noticing a lot of similarities. Early on I thought of them mostly as paranoid delusions but as my mind as cleared and I’ve started studying connections between music, drugs, power, human trafficking there’s obviously a connection.

Can we discuss the use of drugs to control a population? And also can some one point me in a direction where I can research this topic further? Thanks!
Much respect to you and keep your head up homie!