Halima Aden Makes History as the First Model to Wear a Hijab and Burkini in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit


Mar 13, 2017
It’s the western pc version of covering up..you can see her face and hands...and ‘gasp!’ You can see some of her arms!


Apr 20, 2017
It’s the western pc version of covering up..you can see her face and hands...and ‘gasp!’ You can see some of her arms!
Please correct me if I am mistaken, but you seem to be generally ridiculing some Muslimas (female Muslims) and their standards of modesty. Though I cannot prove anything, I see it, possibly, as: 1) yet another in a continuous series of low-level psyops; 2) a controversy designed to sell magazines; or 3) an exercise in multiculturalism. Maybe I think too much, granted, but I question anything this obviously incongruous, so I tend, only tend, to go with option number one. I also question why any self-respecting Muslima, apart from the obvious answer of money, would agree to enter what seems, essentially, and to put it bluntly, the masturbatory space of the aging high-school jocks and others who presumably constitute the predominant readership of the swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated. I have yet to read Ms. Aden's comments on the topic, and maybe she has been able to convince herself that she is presenting dawah, that is to say, that she is presenting Islam, or maybe even selling modest bathing suits, but that, in this case, seems a stretch, at best.

One of my friends is a Mennonite (I think) version of Christian, and I know that his modest sisters, who wear long dresses and discourage guys looking at them too much, at least in a certain way, would probably never, for any amount of money, be featured in the swimsuit issue of this magazine, even if they were trying to make some sort of statement for their church.
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Mar 13, 2017
Please correct me if I am mistaken, but you seem to be generally ridiculing some Muslimas (female Muslims) and their standards of modesty. Though I cannot prove anything, I see it, possibly, as: 1) yet another in a continuous series of low-level psy ops; 2) a controversy designed to sell magazines; or 3) an exercise in multiculturalism. Maybe I think too much, granted, but I question anything this obviously incongruous, so I tend, only tend, to go with option number one. I also question why any self-respecting Muslima, apart from the obvious answer of money, would agree to enter what seems, essentially, and to put it bluntly, the masturbatory space of the aging high-school jocks and others who presumably constitute the predominant readership of the swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated. I have yet to read Ms. Aden's comments on the topic, and maybe she has been able to convince herself that she is presenting dawah, that is to say, that she is presenting Islam, or maybe even selling modest bathing suits, but that, in this case, seems a stretch, at best.

One of my friends is a Mennonite (I think) version of Christian, and I know that his modest sisters, who wear long dresses and discourage guys looking at them too much, at least in a certain way, would probably never, for any amount of money, be featured in the swimsuit issue of this magazine, even if they were trying to make some sort of statement for their church.
I thought it was for the westerner’s benefit...islam isn’t all that bad, look how modestly stylish our women are...maybe western women might try that out.? And let’s face it some women will. But they would be wrong that muslim men would find that modest enough. Why the muslima did that? Taquiya possibly?


Mar 16, 2017
She said she had never seen someone like her represented as a child and was honored to do so now.. or something to that effect. I don’t really care.

If anything it’s just to get a rise out of people and sell magazines, print hasn’t really been selling too well lately. Anything to bring in the bucks. But regardless I don’t really see the problem - other then the logical inconsistancy of preaching modesty and then posing in a bathing suit (of any sort) for a men’s magazine. But that’s the models problem, and hers alone.


Mar 16, 2017
A Somali-American woman has become the first model to wear a hijab and full-body burkini in Sports Illustrated's annual swimsuit issue.

Halima Aden, who will be featured in the United States-based magazine's May 8 issue, called the photo feature a "dream come true" and said she hoped it would promote diversity and boost confidence among young Muslim women to participate in sports and assert their right to public spaces.

"Growing up in the States, I never really felt represented because I never could flip through a magazine and see a girl who was wearing a hijab," Aden, who is Muslim and a former refugee, said in a video tweeted by Sports Illustrated on Monday.

"Being in Sports Illustrated is so much bigger than me," she added in a post on Instagram. "It's sending a message to my community and the world that women of all different backgrounds, looks, upbringings ... can stand together and be celebrated."

The 21-year-old model's spread was shot at Watamu Beach in Kenya, where she was born in a refugee camp and lived until the age of seven before moving to the US.

"Young Muslim women need to know that there is a modest swimsuit option available to them so they can join the swim team, participate in swim class at school, and go with their friends to the beach," she said.

"Muslim girls should feel confident taking that step and doing so comfortably while wearing a burkini."


Mar 13, 2017
Maybe I think too much, granted, but I question anything this obviously incongruous, so I tend, only tend, to go with option number one. I also question why any self-respecting Muslima, apart from the obvious answer of money, would agree to enter what seems, essentially, and to put it bluntly, the masturbatory space of the aging high-school jocks and others who presumably constitute the predominant readership of the swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated.
My thoughts exactly. The SI swimsuit issue is Playboy for guys who are in denial. This young lady has been used for the sake of diversity.


Mar 13, 2017
Ofcourse we should've expected a Christian to make a thread about it. Its just a photoshoot lol grow up.
And of course we should expect a Muslim to take it as a slight against their religion. I would have had the same reaction if any Amish, Mormon, Jewish or Zoroastrian young lady had posed for SI in their religious swimming garb, but as it happens, Islam is the only one that has such a thing.

This is the closest thing I could find to faith-based bathing attire that's not Islamic. These are some FLDS girls, goofing around at the swimming hole. I wonder when we'll see them in Sports Illustrated?

If you want to be offended at something, save it for when Halima Aden starts getting death threats from your fellow Muslims.


Mar 13, 2017
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Features First-Ever Baptist Model In Floor-Length Denim Skirt

NEW YORK, NY—In a controversial move, Sports Illustrated has unveiled photos of its first ever Baptist swimsuit model, pictured in a floor-length denim skirt, modest collared blouse, and no makeup or jewelry whatsoever, other than her purity ring.

The "hot" photoshoot includes pictures of the woman lying on the beach, rolling around in the water, and reading Passion and Purity on the beach in sexy poses, all while completely covered up.

Christians quickly praised the decision.

"We are glad SI finally sees the value of modesty," one leading evangelical said. "A woman mostly covered from head to toe is a great precedent to set, and we hope more models going forward will be dressed this modestly."

The woman, Becky Grace-Charity-Faith Benson, said she's proud to represent her Baptist religious heritage. "It's important for young Christian girls to see that beauty isn't just being skinny or wearing b*kinis---it's wearing a comfy pair of sneaks, a long, denim skirt you made at home, or a modest one-piece bathing suit under a swim shirt and long, flowy swim skirt."

The goodwill the magazine earned among Christians evaporated, however, when the magazine also included a modestly dressed Muslim woman in the issue, and evangelical leaders quickly called on the magazine to feature a less modestly dressed woman in her place.


Mar 15, 2017
This is the closest thing I could find to faith-based bathing attire that's not Islamic. These are some FLDS girls, goofing around at the swimming hole. I wonder when we'll see them in Sports Illustrated?
Ah so that is what this is about. Since you Christians love playing the victims, are you hurt that it you in the magazine?
The magazine did it for publicity anyway, they'd grab whatever garners attention. Unfortunately Christianity gets none as the Christians are getting more and more irrelevant (unless it is a news about a certain church with a certain type of priests lol).
Its okay you can sign up for your own photoshoot, we aren't stopping you.


Mar 15, 2017
Christians love talking about modesty until they see a Muslim. Then they start talking about thong empowerment.


May 20, 2017
She is young and probably not hip as to why SI approached her for this.
The entire reason for dressing modestly is to follow the example of Mary the mother of Jesus peace be upon them both. Modesty is a branch of faith for both men and women in our path.
Being featured in SI is counter productive because of their objectification of women so she will eventually understand that it is a difficult to place one's feet in two boats. You will always feel uncomfortable.
Having a muslima on SI is like featuring a teetotaler in a bar. This person has misplaced themselves.
If I was her I would: