So is the most logical conclusion so far?
... graphene oxide works as a magnet...
Explain the stagnation of iron rich blood (or rich in other magnetic metals) leading to blood cloths.
Explain why objects made of magnetic material sticks to the body.
Explain the "black worms" fenomen basically beeing a chain of magnets.
Other magnets will also dependent of polarity and current be pulled toward or pushed away from graphene oxide. And graphene oxide will be pulled or pushed by this magnet.
I think that will be interesting to search about the capacity of nano graphene oxyde in the neuronal connection.
I mean , is it possible that the graphene oxyde get in to the brain ? If is nano, I think this could be the case.
And after the graphene oxyde get into the brain...
What's happend?
Maybe we are dealing with metal with the same capacity like liquid crystals in living systems.
There is a barrer in the brain, but somes metals can get in to the brain anyway... Like alluminum...
That's why there is so much cases of neurological illness.
The think is .. you can track a person with nano graphene in the blood... And you can send electromagnetic energy...
But how can you control the brain?
In some point, the nano oxyde graphene should get in to the brain to take control.
Or at least, open the door in the brain to get in some living bacterias... Or something even smaller like a proteins.
How it will be a world with zombies...
Good or bad zombies?
Because... If the zombies attack the resistant...
( Like the case in Rwuanda)... We may think thoses will be bad zombies.
I can't imagine a better dream for the satanic jews ... I think they will get very wet with a zombie war. . Or at least they will get wet to convert all gentils and not satanic humans into zombies..
I mean, if I were in the satanic cult... I will probably enjoy the destruction of the humanity..
In the psycological aspect, they should feel placer...
This is a paper of liquid crystals in living systems.