God Calling

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
You Must Trust. - February 22

You must trust Me wholly. This lesson has to be learnt. You shall be helped, you shall be led, guided, continually. The children of Israel would long before have entered the Promised Land - only their doubts and fears continually drove them back into the wilderness. Remember always, doubts delay. Are you trusting all to Me or not?

I have told you how to live and you must do it. My children, I love you. Trust My Tender Love. It will never fail you, but you must learn not to fail it.

Oh! could you see, you would understand. You have much to learn in turning out fear and being at peace. All your doubts arrest My work. You must not doubt. I died to save you from sin and doubt and worry. You must believe Me absolutely.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Secret of Healing. - February 23

Love the busy life. It is a joy-filled life. I love you both and bid you be of good cheer. Take your fill of joy in the Spring.

Live outside whenever possible. Sun and air are My Great Healing Forces, and that inward Joy that changes poisoned blood, to a pure healthy life-giving flow.

Never forget that real healing of body, mind and spirit comes from within, from the close loving contact of your spirit with My Spirit.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Share Everything. - February 24

Silently the work of the Spirit is done.

Already Love is drawing others to you. Take all who come as sent by Me, and give them a royal welcome. It will surprise you, all that I have planned for you.

Welcome all who come with the love of both your hearts. You may not see the work. Today they may not need you. Tomorrow they may need you. I may send you strange visitors. Make each desire to return. Nobody must come and feel unwanted.

Share your love, your joy, your happiness, your time, your food, gladly with all. Such wonders will unfold. You see it all but in bud now - the glory of the open flower is beyond all your telling. Love, Joy, Peace, in richest abundance - only believe. Give out Love and all you can with a glad free heart and hand. Use all you can for others, and back will come such countless stores and blessings.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
How to Conquer. - February 25

Joy is the sovereign balm for all the ills of the world, the Spirit-Cure for every ailment. There is nothing that Joy and Love cannot do.

Set your standard very high. Aim at conquering a world, the world all around you. Just say, "Jesus conquers" - "Jesus saves" - in the face of every doubt - every sin - every evil - every fear.

No evil can stand against that, for there is "none other Name under Heaven given among men, whereby men can be saved." To every thought of want or lack, "Jesus saves from poverty," to every fear, "Jesus saves from fear."

Do this to every ill and it will vanish, as night when sun rises.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Swift Help. - February 26

There is nothing lacking in your lives because really all is yours, only you lack the faith to know it. You are like a King's daughters who sit in rags, and yet around them are stores of all they could desire.

Pray for more faith, as a thirsty man in a desert prays for rain, for water. Swift comes My Help, swift and strong. Do you know what it is to feel sure that I can never fail you? As sure as you are that you still breathe? How poor is man's faith! So poor. Do you trust Me as much as you would a friend if that friend came and said he would send you help? Pray daily and most diligently that your faith may increase.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Spirit Sounds. - February 27

Take time for prayer. Take more time to be alone with Me. So only will you prosper.

Realize that the hearing of Spirit Sounds is more than the hearing of all Earth's noises. I am with you. Let that content you, nay, more, let that fill you with rapture.

Seek sometimes not even to hear Me. Seek a silence of spirit-understanding with Me. Be not afraid. All is well. Dwell much on what I did, as well as what I said.

Remember, I touched "her hand and the fever left her." Not many words, just a moment's contact, and all fever left her. She was well, whole, calm, able to arise and "minister unto them."

My touch is still a potent healer. Just feel that touch. Sense My Presence, and the fever of work and care and fear - just melts into nothingness and health, joy, peace, take its place.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Perfect Work. - February 28

Spend more time alone with Me.

A Strength and a Joy come from such times that will add much to your friendship, and much to your work.

Times of prayer are times of growth. Cut those times short and many well-filled hours of work may be profitless. Heaven's values are so different from the values of Earth.

Remember that from the point of view of The Great Worker, one poor tool, working all the time, but doing bad work, is of small value compared with the sharp, keen, perfect instrument, used only a short time but which turns out perfect work.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Shower Love. - March 1

I always hear your cry. No sound escapes Me.

Many, many in the world cry to Me, but oh! how few wait to hear Me speak to them; and yet to the soul, My Speaking to it matters so much.

My Words are Life. Think then, to hear Me speak is to find Life, and Healing and Strength. Trust Me in all things. Love showered on all brings truly a quick return.

Just carry out My wishes and leave Me to carry out yours. Treat Me as Saviour and King, but also with the tender intimacy of One much beloved.

Keep to the rules I have laid down for you, persistently; perseveringly; lovingly; patiently; hopefully; and in faith, and every mountain of difficulty shall be laid low, the rough places of poverty shall be made smooth, and all who know you shall know that I, your Lord, am The Lord.

Shower love.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Spirit Words. - March 2

"The words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are Life."

Just as were the words I spoke to My disciples of old. This is your reward for not seeking spirit-communication through a medium. Those who do it, can never know the ecstasy, the wonder, of spirit-communication as you know it.

Life, joy, peace and healing are yours in very full measure. You will see this as you go on. At first, you can hardly credit the Powers I am bestowing on you.

I sent My disciples out two by two, and gave them Power over unclean spirits, and to heal all manner of diseases.

Wonderful indeed must it have been to Peter to feel suddenly that his Lord's Power (the Force) was his.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Grow Like Me. - March 3

Think of Me. Look at Me often, and unconsciously you will grow like Me.

You may never see it. The nearer you get to Me, the more will you see your unlikeness to Me. So be comforted My children.

Your very deep sense of failure is a sure sign that you are growing nearer to Me. And if you desire to help others to Me, then that prayer-desire is answered.

Remember too, it is only struggle that hurts. In sloth, spiritual, or mental, or physical, there is no sense of failure or discomfort, but with action, with effort, you are conscious not of strength but of weakness - at least, at first.

That again is a sign of Life, of spiritual growth.

And remember, My Strength is made perfect in weakness.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Key to Holiness. - March 4

Draw near to Me, My children. Contact with Me is the panacea for all ills.

Remember that Truth is many-sided. Have much tender love and patience for all who do not see as you do.

The elimination of 'Self' is the key to holiness and happiness, and can only be accomplished with My Help. Study My Life more. Live in My Presence. Worship My Father.

I said in Gethsemane, "If it be possible let this cup (the Grail) pass." I did not say that there was no cup of sorrow to drink. I was scourged and spat upon and nailed to the cross, and I said, "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do (they are insane)."

I did not say that they did not do it. When My disciple, Peter, urged Me to escape the cross, I said, "Get thee behind Me, Satan."

When My disciples failed to help the epileptic boy, I said, "This kind cometh not out but by prayer and fasting." I did not say "You imagined that he was ill. Nothing is wrong."

When The Bible says "God has purer eyes than to behold evil," it means to impute evil to His people. He always sees the good in people, but remember that I "beheld The City and wept over it."

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Fear is Evil. - March 5

Have no fear. Fear is evil and "perfect Love casts out fear." There is no room for fear in the heart in which I dwell. Fear destroys hope. It cannot exist where Love is, or where Faith is.

Fear is the curse of the world. Man is afraid - afraid of poverty, afraid of loneliness, afraid of unemployment, afraid of sickness.

Many, many are man's fears. Nation is afraid of nation. Fear, fear, fear, everywhere. Fight fear as you would a plague. Turn it out of your lives and home. Fight it singly. Fight it together. Never inspire fear. It is an evil ally. Fear of punishment, fear of blame.

No work that employs this enemy of Mine is work for Me. Banish it. There must be another and better way.

Ask Me, and I will show it you.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Love and Laugh. - March 6

Work for Me, with Me, through Me. All work to last must be done in My Spirit. How silently My Spirit works. How gently and gradually souls are led into My Kingdom.

Love and Laughter form the plough that prepares the ground for the seed. Remember this. If the ground is hard, seed will not grow there.

Prepare the ground, prepare it as I say.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Surprises. - March 7

Many there are who think that I test and train and bend to My Will. I, who bade the disciples take up the cross, I loved to prepare a feast for them by the lakeside - a little glad surprise, not a necessity, as the feeding of the multitude may have seemed. I loved to give the wine-gift at the marriage feast.

As you love to plan surprises for those who understand, and joy in them, so with Me. I love to plan them for those who see My Love and tender Joy in them.

Dear to the heart of My Father are those who see not only My tears, the tears of a Saviour, but the smile, the Joy-Smile of a friend.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Heaven-Life. - March 8

The Joy of the Spring shall be yours in full measure. Revel in the Earth's joy. Do not you think that Nature is weary, too, of her long months of travail? There will come back a wonderful joy, if you share in her joy now.

Nature is the embodied Spirit of My Thoughts of beauty for this world. Treat her as such - as truly My servant and messenger, as any Jedi who has ever lived. To realize this will bring to you both new Life-Joy. Share her joys and travails, and great blessings will be yours.

This is all-important, because it is not only believing certain things about Me that helps and heals, but knowing Me, sensing My Presence in a flower, My Message in its beauty and perfume.

You can truly live a life not of Earth - a Heaven-Life here and now. Joy - Joy - Joy.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Nothing is Small. - March 9

Nothing is small to God. In His sight a sparrow is of greater value than a palace, one kindly word of more importance than a statesman's speech.

It is the Life in all that has value, and the quality of the life that determines the value. I came to give Eternal Life.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Fruit of Joy. - March 10

You have to hush the heart and bid all your senses be still before you can be attuned to receive Heaven's Music.

Your five senses are your means of communication with the material world, the links between your real Spirit-Life and the material manifestations around you, but you must sever all connection with them, when you wish to hold spirit-communication. They will hinder, not help.

See the good in everybody. Love the good in them. See your unworthiness compared with their worth. Love, laugh, make the world, your little world, joyful.

As the ripples caused by a flung stone stir the surface of a whole pond, so your joy-making shall spread in ever-widening circles, beyond all knowledge, all anticipation. Joy in Me. Such Joy is eternal.

Centuries after, it is still bearing Joy's precious fruit.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Seek Beauty. - March 11

Draw beauty from every flower and Joy from the song of the birds, and the colour of the flowers.

Drink in the beauty of air and colour. I am with you. When I wanted to express a beautiful thought, I made a lovely flower. I have told you. Reflect.

When I want to express to men what I am - what My Father is - I strive to make a very beautiful character.

Think of yourselves as My expression of attributes, as a lovely flower is My expression of thought, and you will strive in all, in spiritual beauty, in thought-power, in health, in clothing, to be as fit an expression for Me as you can.

Absorb beauty. As soon as the beauty of a flower or a tree is impressed upon your soul it leaves an image there which reflects through your actions. Remember that no thought of sin and suffering, of the approaching scorn and Crucifixion, ever prevented My seeing the beauty of the flowers.

Look for beauty and joy in the world around. Look at a flower until its beauty becomes part of your very soul. It will be given back to the world again by you in the form of a smile or a loving word or a kind thought or a prayer.

Listen to a bird. Take the song as a Message from My Father. Let it sink into your soul. That, too will be given back to the world in ways I have said. Laugh more, laugh often. Love more. I am with you. I am your Lord.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Simplicity. - March 12

Simplicity is the keynote of My Kingdom.

Choose simple things always.

Love and reverence the humble and the simple.

Have only simple things here. Your standard must never be the world's standard.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Spiritualism. - March 13

Wait before Me, gently breathing in My Spirit.

That Spirit which, if given a free entrance, and not barred out by 'Self', will enable you to do the same works as I did, which being interpreted is, will enable Me to do the same works, and even greater than I did when on earth - through you.

Spiritualism is wrong. No man should ever be a medium for any spirit, other than Mine.

All you should know, all it is well for you to know of My Spirit-Kingdom, I will tell you when and how I see best. The limit is set by your own spiritual development. Follow My injunctions in all things.

Peace - Peace - Peace.