God Calling

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Love Me More. - October 9

Jesus, our Lord, we Thee adore. Oh, make us love Thee more and more.

Yes! I would draw you closer and closer to Me by bonds of Love. The Love of the sinner for the Saviour, of the rescued for the Rescuer, of the sheep for the Loving Shepherd, of the child for its Father.

So many ties of Love there are to bind you to Me.

Each experience in your life of Joy, and sorrow, of difficulty or success, of hardship or ease, of danger or safety, each makes its own particular demand upon Me. Each serves to answer the prayer: "Make me love Thee more and more."

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Extra Work. - October 10

Our Lord and our God. Help us through poverty to plenty. Through unrest to rest, through sorrow to Joy, through weakness to Power.

I am your Helper. At the end of your present path lie all these blessings. So trust and know that I am leading you.

Step, with a firm step of confidence in Me, into each unknown day. Take every duty and every interruption as of My appointment.

You are My servant. Serve Me as simply, cheerfully and readily as you expect others to serve you.

Do you blame the servant who avoids extra work, who complains about being called from one task, to do one less liked? Do you feel you are ill served by such an one?

Then what of Me? Is not that, how you so often serve Me? Think of this. Lay it to heart and view your day's work in this light.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Shame and Distress. - October 11

I will bless the Lord at all times. His Praise shall continually be in my mouth.

I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all fears.

They looked unto Him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed. - Psalm 34:1, 4, 5.

See, My children, that even in distress, the first step is Praise. Before you cry in your distress, bless the Lord; even when troubles seem to overwhelm you.

That is My Divine order of approach. Observe this always. In the greatest distress, search until you find cause for thankfulness. Then bless and thank.

You have thus established a line of communication between yourself and Me. Along that line let your cry of distress follow.

Thus you will find I do My part, and deliverance will be sure. Oh! the gladness of heart. Lightened you will be, the burden rolled away, as the result of looking to Me.

The shame and distress will be lifted too. That is always the second step. First right with Me, and then you will be righted too in the eyes of men.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
You are My Joy. - October 12

Thine they were, and Thou gavest them Me; and they have kept Thy Word. - John 17:6

Remember, that just as you thank God for Me, so I thank God for His Gift to Me of you. In that hour of My agony on Earth, one note of Joy thrilled through the pain. The thought of the souls, given Me by My Father, who had kept My Word.

They had not then done great deeds, as they did later, for, and in, My Name. They were simple doers of My Word, not hearersonly. Just in their daily tasks and ways they kept My Word.

You, too, can bring Joy to My Heart by faithful service. Faithful service in the little things. Be faithful.

Do your simple tasks for Me.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
The Sculptor's Skill. - October 13

Lord, we believe, help Thou our unbelief. Lord, hear our prayers and let our cries come unto Thee.

Along the road of praise, as I told you. Yes! I will indeed help your unbelief, and in answer to your prayers grant you so great a faith, such an increasingly great faith, that each day you may look back, from the place of your larger vision, and see the faith of the day before as almost unbelief.

The Beauty of My Kingdom is its growth. In that Kingdom there is always progress, a going on from strength to strength, from glory to glory. Be in My Kingdom, and of My Kingdom, and there can be no stagnation. Eternal Life, abundant Life, is promised to all in it, and of it.

No mis-spent time over failures and shortcomings. Count the lessons learnt from them only as rungs in the ladder. Step up, and then cast away all thought of the manner of the making of the rung. Fashioned of joy or sorrow, of failure or success, of wounds or healing balm, what matter, My children, so long as it served its purpose?

Learn another lesson. The Sculptor who finds a faulty marble casts it aside. Because it has no fashioning, it may regard itself as perfect; and it may look with scorn upon the marble the Sculptor is cutting and shaping into perfection. From this, My children, learn a lesson for your lives.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
The Sacrifice. - October 14

Behold, the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. - John 1:29.

"Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us." I am the Lamb of God. Lay upon Me your sins, your failures, your shortcomings. My sacrifice has atoned for all. I am the mediator between God and Man: the Man Christ Jesus.

Do not dwell upon the past. You make My Sacrifice of none effect.

No! realize that in Me you have all, complete forgiveness, complete companionship, complete healing, if you keep My Commandments.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Feel Plenty. - October 15

Live in My Secret Place and there the feeling is one of full satisfaction. You are to feel plenty. The storehouses of God are full to overflowing, but you must see this in your mind.

Be sure of this before you can realize it in material form.

Think thoughts of plenty. See yourselves as Daughters of a King. I have told you this. Wish plenty for yourselves, and all you care for and long to help.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
The Imprisoned God. - October 16

Our Lord, we praise Thee and bless Thy Name for ever.

Yes! Praise. That moment, in the most difficult place, your sorrow is turned to Joy, your fret to praise, the outward circumstances change from those of disorder to order, of chaos to calm.

The beginning of all reform must be in yourselves. However restricted your circumstances, however little you may be able to remedy financial affairs, you can always turn to yourselves, and seeing something not in order there, seek to right that.

As all reform is from within out, you will always find the outward has improved too. To do this is to release the imprisoned God-Power within you.

That Power, once operative, will immediately perform miracles. Then indeed shall your mourning be turned into Joy.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Faith-Vision. - October 17

Turn your eyes to behold Me. Look away from sordid surroundings, from lack of beauty, from the imperfections in yourselves and those around you. Then you who have the Faith-Vision will see all you could and do desire, in Me.

In your unrest behold My calm, My rest. In your impatience, My unfailing patience. In your lack and limitation, My Perfection.

Looking at Me you will grow like Me, until men say of you, too, that you have been with Jesus.

As you grow like Me you will be enabled to do the things I do, and greater works than these shall ye do, because I go unto My Father.

From that place of abiding, limited by none of humanity's limitations, I can endue you with the all-conquering, all miracle-working Power of your Divine Brother and Ally.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Loneliness. - October 18

And they all forsook Him and fled. - Mark 14:50.

Down through the ages all the simple acts of steadfast devotion, of obedience in difficulty, of loving service, have been taken by Me as an atonement for the loneliness My humanity suffered by that desertion.

Yet I, who had realized to the full the longing of the Father to save, and His rejection by men, the mis-understanding of His mind and purpose, how could I think that I should not know that desertion too?

Learn, My children, from these words two lessons. Learn first that I know what loneliness, desertion and solitude mean. Learn that every act of yours of faithfulness is a comfort to My Heart. Learn too that it was to those deserters I gave the task of bringing My Message to mankind. To those deserters, those fearful ones, I gave My Power to heal, to raise to life.

Earth's successes are not the ones I use for the great work of My Kingdom. "They all forsook Him and fled." Learn My tender understanding and pardon of human frailty. Not until man has failed has he learnt true humility. And it is only the humblewho can inherit the Earth.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Hear My Answer. - October 19

Lord, hear our prayer, and let our cry come unto Thee.

The cry of the human soul is never unheard. It is never that God does not hear the cry, but that man fails to hear the response.

Like parts of a machine, made to fit, each into the other, and to work in perfect harmony, so is the human cry and the God-response.

But man treats this cry as if it were a thing alone, to be heard, or not, as it pleased God, not realizing that the response was there in all eternity, awaiting the cry, and only man's failing to heed, or to listen, kept him unaware of the response, and unsaved, unhelped by it.
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None of you

Jan 17, 2020
No Burden Irks. - October 20

Our Lord and our God. Be it done unto us according to Thy Word.

Simple acceptance of My Will is the Key to Divine Revelation. It will result in both Holiness and Happiness. The Way to the Cross may be a way of sorrow, but at its foot the burdens of sin and earth-desire are rolled away.

The yoke of My acceptance of My Father's Will in all things is adjusted to My servant's shoulders, and from that moment no burden irks or presses.

But not only in the great decisions of life accept and welcome My Will. Try to see in each interruption, each task, however small, the same fulfillment of Divine intent.

Accept it, say your thanks for it. Do so until this becomes a habit, and the resulting Joy will transfigure and transform your lives.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
A Love Feast. - October 21

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My Voice, and open the door, I will come into him and will sup with him, and he with Me. - Rev. 3:20.

See, My children, the knocking rests upon no merit of yours - even though it is in response to the longing of your heart for Me.

Keep, keep that listening ear. "If any man will hear My Voice." Again no merit of yours. Only the ear bent to catch My tones, and to hear the sound of My gentle knocking.

Then listen: "If any man hear My Voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me."

What a feast! You think it would have been Joy to have been present at the Marriage Feast of Cana of Galilee, or to have been one of My disciples in the Upper Room, seated with Me at the Last Supper or one of the two at Emmaus, or one of the few for whom I prepared that Lake-side feast!

But oh! at each of these feasts, God-provided and God-companioned as they were, you could not have known the rapture you may know as you hear the knocking and the Voice, and, opening, bid Me welcome to My Feast.

A Feast of tenderest companionship, of Divine Sustenance, truly a Love Feast.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Home-Building. - October 22

You are building up an unshakable faith. Be furnishing the quiet places of your souls now.

Fill them with all that is harmonious and good, beautiful and enduring.

Home-build in the Spirit now, and the waiting time will be well spent.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Hill of Sacrifice. - October 23

You must trust to the end. You must be ready to go on trusting to the last hour.

You must know even when you cannot see . . . You must be ready, like My servant Abraham, to climb the very Hill of Sacrifice, to go to the very last moment, before you see My Deliverance.

This final test has to come to all who walk by Faith. You must rely on Me alone.

Look to no other arm, look for no other help. Trust in the Spirit Forces of the Unseen, not in those you see. Trust and fear not.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Salt of Earth. - October 24

Our Lord, we bless Thee and thank Thee for Thy Keeping Power.

Yes! "Kept by the Power of God" is a promise, and an assurance that holds Joy and Beauty for the believing soul.

The keeping that means security, safety, is wonderful. There is, too, the keeping that implies Life; freshness; purity; the being "kept unspotted from the world."

Then there is the keeping that I ensure, to those of whom I speak as the Salt of the Earth.

"Ye are the Salt of the Earth: but if the salt have lost its savour it is henceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men."

Only in very close contact with Me is the keeping Power realized. That keeping Power which maintains the salt at its freshest and best, and also preserves from corruption, that portion of the world in which I place it.

What a work! Not by activity in this case, but simply by its existing, by its quality.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
No Unemployment. - October 25

The Way of conquest over the material, the temporal, which all My disciples should know, is learned by the conquest of the physical, the 'Self'-life, in each of you.

So seek, in all things, to conquer 'Self'. Take this as a very definite Guidance. Circumstances are adverse. Temporal power, as money, needs to be forthcoming.

Then seek daily more and more to obtain this 'Self'-conquest, and you are gaining surely, though you may not see it, conquest over the temporal forces and powers.

Unemployment would cease if man realized this.

If he has not the work let him make himself a conquering force, beginning with the conquest of all evil in himself, then in his home, then in all round him. He will have become a force that will be needed, and must be employed.

There are no idle hours in My Kingdom. Waiting may seem a time of inactivity, as far as the outer world is concerned, but it can, and should, be a time of great activity in the inner life, and on the surrounding material plane.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Deserters. - October 26

You must believe utterly. My Love can bear nothing less. I am so often "wounded in the house of My friends." Do you think the spitting and scorn of My enemies, the mocking and reviling, hurt Me? No! "They all forsook Him and fled." "I know not the man." These left their scars.

So now, it is not the unbelief of My enemies that hurts, but that My friends, who love and know Me, cannot walk all the way with Me, and doubt My Power to do all that I have said.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Days of Conquest. - October 27

I see the loving striving, not the defects. I see the conquest of your particular battle. I count it victory, a glad victory.

I do not compare it with the strenuous campaigns of My great Followers.

For you it is victory, and the angels rejoice, and your dear ones rejoice, as much as at any conquest noted, and rejoiced over, by Heaven.

My children, count the days of conquest as very blessed days.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Glad Surprises. - October 28

Our Lord, we know that all is well. We trust Thee for all. We love Thee increasingly. We bow to Thy Will.

Bow, not as one who is resigned to some heavy blow about to fall or to the acceptance of some inevitable decision.

Bow as a child bows, in anticipation of a glad surprise being prepared for it by one who loves it.

Bow in such a way, just waiting to hear the loving word to raise your head, and see the glory and Joy and wonder of your surprise.