God Calling

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Never Judge. - May 13

What Joy follows 'Self'-conquest! You cannot conquer and control others, either of you, until you have completely conquered your 'Self'. He who conquers his 'Self' is far greater than he who defeats a thousand armies.

Can you see yourselves absolutely unmoved? Think of Me before the mocking soldiers, being struck, spat upon, and answering never a word - never a word. Try to see that as Divine Power. Remember by that Power of perfect silence, perfect self-control, you can alone prove your right to govern.

Never judge. The heart of man is so delicate, so complex, only its Maker can know it. Each heart is so different, actuated by different motives, controlled by different circumstances, influenced by different sufferings.

How can one judge of another? Leave to Me the unraveling of the puzzles of life. Leave to Me the teaching of Understanding. Bring each heart to Me, its Maker, and leave it with Me. Secure in the certainty that all that is wrong I can set right.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
The Love of a Lover. - May 14

Remember that a loving Master delights in the intimacy of demands made, as much as He desires His followers and friends to delight in the tender intimacy of His demands.

The wonder of family life is expressed in the freedom with which a child politely makes demands and claims, quite as much as in the loving demands the parent makes upon all the Love and Joy of the children. Only as the result of frequent converse with Me, of much prayer to Me, of listening to and obedience to My behests comes that intimacy that makes My followers dare to approach Me as friend to friend.

Yield in all things to My tender insistence but remember I yield, too, to yours. Ask not only the big things I have told you, but ask the little tender signs of Love. Remember that I came as the world's Great Lover. Never think of My love as only a tender compassion and forgiveness. It is that, but it is also the Love of a Lover, who shows His Love by countless words and actions and by tender thought.

In each of you too, remember there is God. That God I reverence and submit to, though I and My Father are as one. So as man grows more and more like My Father in Heaven I bring to our friendship a reverent, tender Love. I see as no man can see the God in you.

It is always given to man to see in his fellow man those aspirations and qualities he himself possesses. So only I, being really God, can recognize the God in man. Remember this, too, in your relation to others.

Your motives and aspirations can only be understood by those who have attained the same spiritual level. So do not vainly, foolishly, expect understanding from others. Do not misjudge them for not giving it. Yours is a foreign language to them.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
First The Spiritual. - May 15

What can I say to you? Your heart is torn. Then remember "He bindeth up the broken hearts." Just feel the tenderness of My hands as I bind up your wounds.

You are very privileged, both of you. I share My plans and secrets with you and make known to you My Purposes, while so many have to grope on.

Strive to rest on these words, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." Then strive not for them but, untiringly, for the things of My Kingdom.

It is so strange to you mortals, you would think the material things first and then grow into the knowledge of Spiritual things. Not so in My Kingdom. It is Spiritual things first and then material. So to attain the material redouble your efforts to acquire the Spiritual.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Prayer and Praise. - May 16

I will be much entreated because I know that only in that earnest supplication, and the calm trust that results, does man learn strength and gain peace. Therefore I have laid that incessant, persistent pleading as a duty upon My disciples.

Never weary in prayer. When one day man sees how marvellously his prayer has been answered, then he will deeply, so deeply, regret that he prayed so little.

Prayer changes all. Prayer re-creates. Prayer is irresistible. So pray, literally, without ceasing.

Pray until you almost cease to pray, because trust has become so rock-like, and then pray on because it has become so much a habit that you cannot resist it.

And always pray until Prayer merges into Praise. That is the only note on which true prayer should end. It is the Love and Laughter of your attitude towards man, interpreted in the Pray and Praise of your attitude towards God.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Sorrow to Joy. - May 17

"Sorrow may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."

My bravest are those who can anticipate the morning and feel in the night of sorrow that underlying Joy that tells of confident expectation of the morning.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
New and Vital Power. - May 18

"Look unto Me and be ye saved all the ends of the Earth." Not for merit was salvation, the promise was to all who looked.

To look is surely within the power of everyone. One look suffices. Salvation follows.

Look, and you are saved from despair. Look, and you are saved from care. Look, and you are saved from worry. Look, and into you there flows a peace beyond all understanding - a Power (Force) new and vital, a Joy wonderful indeed.

Look, and keep looking. Doubt flees, Joy reigns and Hope conquers.

Life, Eternal Life, is yours - revitalizing, renewing. But beware that you never look back, after having put your hand to the plough.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Rescued and Guided. - May 19

Rest knowing all is so safe in My Hands. Rest is Trust. Ceaseless activity is distrust. Without the knowledge that I am working for you, you do not rest. Inaction then would be the outcome of despair.

"My Hand is not shortened that it cannot save." Know that, repeat it, rely on it, welcome the knowledge, delight in it. Such a Truth is as a rope flung to a drowning man. Every repetition of it is one pull nearer shore and safety.

Let that illustration teach you a great truth. Lay hold of the truth, pray it, affirm it, hold on to the rope. How foolish are your attempts to save yourself, one hand on the rope, and one making efforts to swim ashore! You may relinquish your hold of the rope and hinder the rescuer - who has to act with the greater caution lest he lose you.

The storms and tempests are not all of life. The Psalmist who said, "All Thy waves and Thy billows are gone over me," wrote also, "He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock and established my goings."

Meditate upon that wonder-truth, the three steps - safety, security, guidance. (1) "He brought me up also out of an horrible pit" - Safety. (2) "He set my feet upon a rock" - Security. (3) "He established my goings" - Guidance. No. 3 is the final stage when the saved soul trusts Me so entirely it seeks no more its own way but leaves all future plans to Me, its Rescuer.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Win Me - Win All. - May 20

You will conquer. The conquering spirit is never crushed. Keep a brave and trusting heart. Face all your difficulties in the spirit of Conquest.

Rise to greater heights than you have known before. Remember where I am is Victory. Forces of evil, within and without you, flee at My Presence.

Win Me and all is won. All.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Fling it at My Feet. - May 21

To see Me you must bring Me your cares and show Me your heart of Trust. Then, as you leave your cares, you become conscious of My Presence.

This consciousness persisted-in brings its rewards of Me. Through a mist of care no man may see My Face. Only when the burden is flung at My Feet do you pass on to consciousness and spiritual sight.

Remember obedience, obedience, obedience - The Straight and Narrow Way into the Kingdom. Not of you must it be said, even in lovingly tender reproach - "Why call ye Me 'Lord, Lord' and do not the things that I say."

Character is chiselled into Beauty by the daily discipline and daily duties done. For, in many ways, My disciples must work out their own salvation, though this is not possible without My Strength and Help, and without converse with Me.

Even for the Spiritual Life the training is different for different spirits. The man who would fain live a life of prayer and meditation is thrust into the busy ways of life, and the busy man is bidden to rest and wait patiently for Me. O joy, O rest, and in the busy ways be ever at peace.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Command Your Lord. - May 22

Lord, I claim Thy Help.

Yes! claim, be constantly claiming. There is a trust that waits long, and a trust that brooks no delay - that once convinced of the right of a course, once sure of God's Guidance, says with all the persistence of a child, "Now." "Make no long tarrying, oh, my God."
You are no longer servants but friends. A friend can command his friend - can know that all the friend, the true friend, has is his by right.

That does not mean an idle living at the expense of a friend, but the claiming the friend's means: name, time, all that he has, when your supply is exhausted.

Friendship - true friendship, implies the right to appropriate. And in God's service is perfect freedom. Heirs of God - you are joint heirs with Me in the inheritance. We share The Father's property. You have the same right to use and claim as I have. Use your right. A beggar supplicates. A son, a daughter, appropriates.

Small wonder when I see My children sitting before My House supplicating and waiting - that I leave them there until they realize how foolish such action, when they have only to walk into their Home and take.

This cannot be the attitude of all. There must be first a definite realization of sonship.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Little Frets. - May 23

Your lack of control is not due to the big burdens, but to your permitting the little frets and cares and burdens to accumulate.

If anything vex you, deal with that and get that righted with Me before you allow yourself to speak to, or meet anybody, or to undertake any new duty.

Look upon yourself more as performing My errands, and coming back quickly to Me to tell Me that message is delivered, that task done.

Then, with no feeling of responsibility as to result (your only responsibility was to see the duty done), go out again, rejoicing at still more to do for My Sake.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Abundance. - May 24

How unseeing the world goes on! How unknowing of your heartaches and troubles; your battles won; your conquests; your difficulties.

But be thankful, both of you, that there is One Who knows, One Who marks every crisis; every effort; every heartache.

For you both, who are not idle hearers, you must know that every troubled soul I tell you of, is one for you to help. You must help all you can. You do not help enough. As you help, help will flow back and your circle of helpfulness will widen more and more, ever more and more.

Just feel that you are two of My disciples, present at the feeding of the five thousand, and that to you I hand out the food, and you pass it on, and ever more and more. You can always say with so few loaves and fishes, "We have only enough for our own needs." It was not only My blessing, but the Passing-on of the disciples that worked the miracle.

Get a feeling of bounteous giving into your Beings. They were "all filled." There was a supply over.

I give with a large Hand and Heart. Note the draught of fishes. The net brake, the boat began to sink with the lavishness of My Gift. Lose sight of all limitations.

Abundance is God's Supply. Turn out all limited thoughts. Receive showers and in your turn - shower.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Accomplish Anything. - May 25

There will be no limit to what you can accomplish. Realize that. Never relinquish any task or give up the thought of any task because it seems beyond your power, only if you see it is not My Will for you. This I command you.

Think of the tiny snowdrop-shoot in the hard ground. No certainty even that when it has forced its weary way up, sunlight and warmth will greet it.

What a task beyond its power that must seem. But the inner urge of Life within the seed compelling it, it carries out that task. The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto this.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Claim More. - May 26

You are doing your claiming as I have said, and soon you will see the result. You cannot do this long without it being seen in the material. It is an undying Law.

You are at present children practising a new lesson. Practise - practise - soon you will be able to do it so readily.

You see others manifesting so easily, so readily demonstrating My Power. But you have not seen the discipline that went before. Discipline absolutely necessary before this Power is given to My disciples. It is a further initiation.

You are feeling you have learnt so much that life cannot be a failure. That is right, but others have to wait to see the outward manifestation in your lives before they realize this Spiritual Truth.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Roots and Fruits. - May 27

Remember the lesson of the seed, too, in its sending a shoot down so that it may be rooted and grounded, while at the same time it sends a shoot up to be the plant and flower that shall gladden the world.

The two growths are necessary. Without the strong root it would soon wither, as much activity fails for lack of growth in Me. The higher the growth up, the deeper must be the enrooting.

Many forget this, and thus their work ceases to be permanent for Me. Beware of the leaves and flowers without the strong root.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Test Your Love. - May 28

A great love knows that in every difficulty, every trial, every failure, the presence of the loved one suffices. Test your love for Me by this.

Just to be with Me, just to know I am beside you - does that bring you Joy and Peace? If not, then your love for Me, and your realization of My Love, are at fault.

Then, if this be so, pray for more Love.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Forget. - May 29

Regret nothing. Not even the sins and failures. When a man views Earth's wonders from some mountain height he does not spend his time in dwelling on the stones and stumbles, the faints and failures, that marked his upward path.

So with you. Breathe-in the rich blessings of each new day - forget all that lies behind you.

Man is so made that he can carry the weight of twenty-four hours - no more. Directly he weighs down with the years behind, and the days ahead, his back breaks. I have promised to help you with the burden of today only, the past I have taken from you, and if you, foolish hearts, choose to gather again the burden and bear it, then, indeed, you mock Me to expect Me to share it.

For weal or woe each day is ended. What remains to be lived, the coming twenty-four hours, you must face as you awake.

A man on a march on earth carries only what he needs for that march. Would you pity him if you saw him bearing too the overwhelming weight of the worn-out shoes and uniforms of past marches and years? And yet, in the mental and spiritual life, man does these things. Small wonder My poor world is heartsick and weary.

Not so must you act.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
The Devil's Death Knell. - May 30

Our Lord, we praise Thee.

Praise is the devil's death knell. Resignation, acceptance of My Will, obedience to it, have not the power to vanquish evil that praise has.

The joyful heart is My best weapon against all evil. Oh! Pray and praise.

You are learning your lesson. You are being led out into a large place. Go with songs of rejoicing. Rejoice evermore. Happy indeed if each day has its thrill of Joy.

Talk to Me during the day. Look up into My Face - a look of Love, a feeling of security, a thrill of Joy at the sense of the nearness of My Presence - these are your best prayers.

Let these smooth the day's work, then fear will vanish, and fear is the grim figure that turns aside success.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Pray Without Words. - May 31

Lord, hear us, we pray.

Listen and I answer. Spend much time in prayer. Prayer is of many kinds, but of whatever kind, prayer is the linking up of the soul and mind and heart to God.

So that if it is only a glance of faith, a look or word of Love, or confidence, and no supplication is expressed, it yet follows that supply and all necessary are secured.

Because the soul, being linked to God, united to Him, receives in and through Him all things. And the soul, when in human form, needs too the things belonging to its habitation.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Companionship. - June 1

The way of the soul's transformation is The Way of Divine Companionship.

Not so much the asking Me to make you this or that but the living with Me, thinking of Me, talking to Me - thus you grow like Me.

Love Me. Rest in Me.

Joy in Me.