God Calling

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Wonderful Life. - July 25

I am your Lord. Lord of your lives, Controller of your days, your present and your future. Leave all plans to Me. Only do as I bid you.

You have entered now, both of you, upon the God-Guided life. Think what that means. God-taught, God-Guided.

Is anything too wonderful for such a life? Do you begin to see how wonderful life with Me can be?

Do you see that no evil can befall you?

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Forget - Forgive. - July 26

Our Lord, we thank Thee for so much. We bless Thee and praise Thy Glorious Name.

Fill your world with Love and laughter. Never mind what anguish lies behind you.

Forget, forgive, love and laugh.

Treat all as you would treat Me, with Love and consideration.

Let nothing that others do to you alter your treatment of them.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
My Consolation. - July 27

O Jesus, come and walk with us and let us feel Thy very nearness.

I walk with you. Oh! think, My children, not only to guide and comfort you and strengthen and uphold, but for solace and comfort for Myself.

When a loving child is by you, is the nearness only that you may provide protection and help for that little one?

Rather, too, that in that little child you may find joy and cheer and comfort in its simplicity, its love, its trust.

So, too, is it in your power to comfort and bring joy to My Heart.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Mistakes. - July 28

I am your Shield. No buffets of the world can harm you. Feel that between you and all scorn and indignity is a strong shield (The Force). Practise feeling this until nothing has the power to spoil the inward peace. Then indeed a marvellous victory shall be won.

You wonder sometimes why you are permitted to make mistakes in your choice when you sought so truly to do My Will in the matter.

To that I say it was no mistake . . . All your lessons cannot be learned without difficulty, and this was needed to teach you a lesson. Not to him who walks on, with no obstacles in his way, but to him that overcometh is the promise given.

So to attain peace quickly in your surroundings, as well as in your hearts, learn your lesson quickly. And the overcoming is never the overcoming of the one who troubled you, but the overcoming of the weaknesses and wrong in your own nature, aroused by such a one.

No lower standard than My Standard shall be yours. "Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect."

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Sunlit Glades. - July 29

Lord, bless us in this evening hour, and in Thy Mercy heal us all.

Do not think that suffering is the only path into My Kingdom. There are sunlit glades, and ways amid the liveliest flowers, along which the steps and hearts of men are drawn to Me. There are birds and laughter and butterflies, and warm, life-giving summer air, and with these as tender companions and friends, the Joy-Way into The Kingdom can be taken.

Bleak, cold and desolate, briar-beset and stony, are not all the ways. Leave all to Me. The choice of ways, the guidance in The Way. But when the sunlight calls accept it gladly.

Even in the Spirit-World appreciation results from contrary experience. Can the fireside of home be more dear than to the traveller who has forced his way over bleak moor and through blinding storm? Take to your hearts this word of cheer. "He will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will, with the temptation, also find a way of escape that ye may be able to bear it."

The World is not The Kingdom. In the world ye shall have tribulation but "be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." Live with Me, the Conquering Christ, and the Joy and Peace of conquest shall be yours too.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Faith Rewarded. - July 30

Think much of My servants of old. How Abraham believed the promise (when as yet he had no child) that in his seed all the nations of the Earth should be blessed.

How Moses led the Children of Israel through the desert, sure that, at last, they would gain the Promised Land.

Down through the ages there have always been those who obeyed (Obedient ones - O.B.1), not seeing but believing, and their faith was rewarded. So shall it be even with you.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Gratitude. - July 31

Give Me the gift of a brave and thankful heart. Man proves his greatness by his power to see causes for thankfulness in his life.

When life seems hard, and troubles crowd, then very definitely look for causes for thankfulness.

The sacrifice, the offering of thanksgiving, is indeed a sweet incense going up to Me through the busy day.

Seek diligently for the something to be glad and thankful about in every happening, and soon no search will be needed.

The causes for joy and gratitude will spring to greet your loving hearts.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Blessed Bond. - August 1

Jesus, let Thy Beautiful Presence be always with us.

"I will never leave you nor forsake you."

There is no bond of union on Earth to compare with the union between a soul that loves Me - and Me.

Priceless beyond all Earth's imaginings is that Friendship.

In the merging of heart and mind and will, a oneness results, that only those who experience it, can even dimly realize.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Harvest. - August 2

My Lord, we seek Thy Blessing.

I love to pour My blessings down in rich, in choicest measure. But like the seed-sowing - the ground must be prepared before the seed is dropped in.

Yours to prepare the soil - Mine to drop the seed-blessing into the prepared soil.

Together we share in, and joy in, the harvest.

Spend more time in soil-preparing. Prayer fertilizes soil. There is much to do in preparation.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Give Every Moment. - August 3

My children, how dear to My Heart is the cry of Love that asks for all of Me, that wishes every action, thought, word and moment to be Mine.

How poor the understanding of the one who thinks that money to be used in this good work or that, is the great gift to offer. Above all I desire Love, true, warm, childlike Love, the trusting understanding Love, and then the gift I prize next is the gift of the moments, of all the moments.

I think even when Love's impetuous longing to serve Me has offered Me all Life, every day, every hour, I think even then, it is a long, and not an easy lesson, to learn, what it means to give Me the moments.

The little things you planned to do, given up gladly at My suggestion, the little services joyfully rendered. See Me in all and then it will be an easy task.

This is a priceless time of initiation, but remember that the path of initiation is not for all; but only for those who have felt the sorrow-cry of the world that needs a Saviour and the tender plea of a Saviour Who requires followers through whom He can accomplish His great work of Salvation, joyfully.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Eternal Life. - August 4

O Jesus, we love Thee so and long to serve Thee.

My children, you are both to do mighty things for Me. Glories and wonders unfold. Life is one glorious whole.

Draw into your beings more and more this wonderful Eternal Life. It is the flow of the (Water of) Life Eternal through spirit, mind and body, that cleanses, heals, restores, renews youth, and passes on from you to others, with the same miracle-working power.

"And this is Life Eternal that they may know Thee . . . and Christ Jesus, whom Thou has sent." So seek by constant contact to know Memore and more.

Make Me the one abiding Presence of your day of which you are conscious all the time. Seek to do less and to accomplish more, to achieve more. Doing is action. Achievement is successful action.

Remember that Eternal Life is the only lasting life, so that all that is done without being done in the Power of My Spirit, My Life, is short-lived. All done in that Spirit-Life is undying.

"I will give unto them Eternal Life and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My Hands." So Eternal Life means security too, safety. Dwell increasingly in the consciousness of that security, that safety.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Hour of Need. - August 5

Lord, come to us and heal us.

I am your Healer, your Joy, your Lord. You bid Me, your Lord, come. Did you not know that I am here? With noiseless footfall I draw near to you.

Your hour of need is the moment of My Coming.

Could you know My Love, could you measure My Longing to help, you would know that I need no agonized pleading.

Your need is My Call.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Dwell Apart. - August 6

Rest more with Me. If I, the Son of God, needed those times of quiet communion with My Father, away, alone from noise, from activity - then surely you need them too.

Refilling with the Spirit is a need. That dwelling apart, that shutting yourself away in the very secret place of your Being - away alone with Me.

From these times you come forth in Power to bless and heal.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
All is Well. - August 7

Our Lord, bless us and keep us, we beseech Thee.

My Keeping Power is never at fault, but only your realization of it. Not whether I can provide a shelter from the storm, but your failure to be sure of the security of that shelter.

Every fear, every doubt, is a crime against My Love.

Oh! children, trust. Practise daily, many times a day, saying "All is well."

Say it until you believe it, know it.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Empty Yourself. - August 8

Rely on Me alone. Ask no other help. Pay all out in the Spirit of trust that more will come to meet your supply.

Empty your vessels quickly to ensure a Divine Supply.

So much retained by you, so much the less will be gained from Me. It is a Law of Divine Supply.

To hold back, to retain, implies a fear of the future, a lack of trust in Me.

When you ask Me to save you from the sea of poverty and difficulty you must trust wholly to Me. If you do not, and your prayer and faith are genuine, then I must first answer your prayer for help as a rescuer does that of a drowning man who is struggling to save himself.

He renders him still more helpless and powerless until he is wholly at the will and mercy of the rescuer.

So understand My leading. Trust wholly. Trust completely.

Empty your vessel. I will fill it. You ask both of you to understand Divine Supply. It is a most difficult lesson for My children to learn. So dependent have they become on material supply they fail to understand. You must live as I tell you.

Depend on Me.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Effort and Rest. - August 9

Come to Me, talk to Me, dwell with Me and then you will know My Way is a sure way, My Paths are safe paths.

Come very near to Me.

Dig deep down into the soil of The Kingdom. Effort and rest - a union of the two.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Stray Sheep. - August 10

O Jesus, guide our footsteps lest we stray.

For straying, My children, there is no cure except to keep so close to Me that nothing; no interest; no temptation; no other - can come between us.

Sure of that, you can but stay at My Side, knowing that, as I am the very Way itself, nothing can prevent your being in The Way, nothing can cause you to stray.

I have promised Peace but not leisure, heart-rest and comfort, but not pleasure. I have said "In the world ye shall have tribulation"; so do not feel, when adverse things happen, that you have failed or are not being guided, but I have said, "In the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

So learn of Me the overcoming Power of one who, though spat upon; scourged; misunderstood; forsaken; crucified; could yet see His Work had not been affected by these things, and cry triumphantly from His Cross, "It is finished."

Not the pain; the mocking; the agony; but His Task.

Let this thought comfort you. Amid failure; discord; arrogance; suffering, even now may friends and angels be prepared to sound the chorus, "It is finished."

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
You are Mine. - August 11

Jesus, Thou art watching over us to bless and care for us.

Yes! remember that always - that out of darkness I am leading you to Light. Out of unrest to rest, out of disorder to order. Out of faults and failure to perfection.

So trust Me wholly. Fear nothing. Hope ever. Look ever up to Me and I will be your sure aid.

I and My Father are one. So He who made the ordered, beautiful world out of chaos, and set the stars in their courses, and made each plant to know its season, can He not bring, out of your little chaos, peace and order?

And He and I are as One, and you are Mine. Your affairs are Mine. It is My Divine Task to order My affairs - therefore yours will be ordered by Me.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Rule the World. - August 12

Remember no prayer goes unanswered. Remember that the moment a thing seems wrong to you, or a person's actions to be not what you think they should be, at that moment begins your obligation and responsibility to pray for those wrongs to be righted, or that person to be different.

Face your responsibilities. What is wrong in your country, its statesmen, its laws, its people? Think out quietly, and make these matters your prayer matters. You will see lives you never touch altered, laws made at your request, evils banished.

Yes! live in a large sense. Live to serve and to save. You may never go beyond one room, and yet you may become one of the most powerful forces for good in your country, in the world.

You may never see the mighty work you do, but I see it, evil sees it. Oh! it is a glorious life, the life of one who saves. Fellow-workers together with me. See this more and more.

Live with Me, sharers of My life.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Perfection. - August 13

O Jesus, help us, we beseech Thee.

Ever your Helper through dark to Light, through weakness to Power, through sin to Salvation, through danger to Security, through poverty to Plenty, through indifference to Love, through resentment to Perfect Forgiveness.

Never be satisfied with comparison with those around you. Ever let My words ring out. "Be ye perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect." Stop short at nothing less.

Make it your practice, each of you, to review your character - take it in relation to life, to your dear ones, your household, friends, acquaintances, your country, your work.

See where I, in the same relation or circumstances or situation, should act differently. Plan how best such and such a fault can be eradicated, or such and such sin, mistake or omission, be avoided.

A weekly review at least you must have.