God at Eventide

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The War Within. - February 25

And he was dumb, because he believed not.

There is physical correspondence to faith and to doubt.

Especially is this so among those who would serve Me. For unlike others, they are not so controlled by the law of physical success or failure, but are under the direct control of the Laws of My Kingdom.

So, in many cases, you may note good health in one ignorant of Me, and ill-health in one of My followers, until he has learned the full control of the physical by the Spiritual. In his case the warring of physical and Spiritual may cause physical ill-health, or unrest.

So do not fret about the physical side, aim increasingly at control by My Spirit.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
As from Me. - February 26

Take every little kindness, every faithful service, every evidence of thought and of Love - as from Me.

As you, and those who live with and for Me, show loving-kindness to others, because you are actuated by My Spirit, so you draw contacts into the circle of My ever-widening Spirit influence.

This is unfailingly so. It is a spiritual Law. Though no word of Me may be spoken, yet in this way souls are attracted until at length they find Me, the centre and inspiration of all.

Well did I urge My Followers to become fishers of men. No great oratory or personality is needed for this soul-rescue work. Just follow Me as little children.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
My Tireless Search. - February 27

Share with Me the tireless search for the lost, the ache of disappointment, the sublime courage, the tenderness of complete forgiveness. Share the Joys; the sorrows; the Love; the scorn.

I walk the lakeside still, and pause, as, to one and another, I utter the same call I uttered in Galilee, "Come and I will make you fishers of men."

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The Simple Life. - February 28

The Gift of Eternal Life is a most precious one.

Each one who receives it must demonstrate by Joy and Trust and radiancy of Spirit, expressed in being and in bearing, the quality of the Life he possesses.

The other life is existence - just not death.

Power and Joy must radiate from you. These are the expressions of Eternal Life. Life Eternal is to know the Father and Me, His Son, Whom He sent.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Simple and Direct. - February 29

"God so Loved the world that He gave His only Incarnated Son that whosoever believeth Him should not perish but have everlasting (i.e., Eternal) Life."

Directly that Life is possessed by a man, all that is not simple, child-like, has to go.

Not by complicated devices is My work accomplished.

My followers must be simple and direct, "Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay," I said.

Simplicity is forceful. Simplicity is great. It is a conquering Power.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Arise from Defeat. - March 1

It is not upon one battle alone that all depends, or there would be no hope for My failures.

You enter upon a long campaign when you enter My army. Is the battle lost? Acquaint yourself with the cause, discover your weakness, and with dauntless faith, go forth resolved this time to conquer.

No man can conquer who has not learned his weakness, not made ready for the next conflict, and who does not know and claim and trust My strength, always available when summoned, as you have already proved.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Complete in Me. - March 2

A ROCK of Defence. A Joy to the saddened. A Rest to the weary. Calm to the ruffled.

A Companion of the sunlit glades. A Guide through the deserts of life. An Interpreter of experience. A Friend. A Saviour.

All these and many more would I be to you. Never a heart's need that I could not soothe and satisfy.

Search the ages. Many men have been many things to other hearts, but never one man to all men, never one man all to one man. This only the Maker of hearts could be.

Not only so, but in Me the soul finds its completion.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Shining Through. - March 3

As you grow like Me so My Love must reflect more and more through you Divinity and Majesty.

Sublime thought, yes, but you doubt if this can be. But God is Love, so God is Majesty. Thus gradually into the lives of those who follow Me there comes My Dignity and Majesty.

Have you not traced it in My closest friends?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
To the Water's Edge. - March 4

As God was in the days of Moses, so is He to-day. Responsive to the prayer of faith. Still ready and willing to make a path through the Red Sea.

Have the faith of Moses, who never faltered in his trust, even with the sea before, the advancing host behind, and no visible way of escape. To the very edge of the waters he led his People.

His task was done, It was for God, his God, in Whom he trusted, to act now. Moses waited for, and expected, that act. But to the edge he had to go.

How often man draws back, halts at the thought of the troubled sea ahead. To go further is useless, he says, and gives up.

Or he goes within sight of the sea, and pauses. He must go on, always as far as he can; he must do all his share. On - to the Edge of the Sea.

Learn from this a mighty lesson. Do all your work, and leave your salvation to God. To say it will be no good is not to go to the edge, and that is to miss the saving Power of God.

The waters shall be divided, and you shall walk through the midst of the sea on dry land. I have said it. I, the Lord. Have I not done this for so many in your own day? For you? Think on these things.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
"Share, Share." - March 5

I AM your Lord. Obey Me in all. You are being surely led into prosperity and true peace.

Let many share in your every gain. There must be no hoarding in the Christ-life. Not what you can gain, but what you can give. Keep your eyes fixed on Me. Seek to know My Will. Share. Share.

I am a Risen Lord. You cannot live with Me without partaking of My Risen Life. My Kingdom is sharing.

I must share all I have with My followers. So you, too, must share all that I give you - material and Spiritual Blessings - with others.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Your Circle Widens. - March 6

As the circle of your life widens you will feel ever more and more the need of Me. The need indeed to draw from My unfailing resources to gain the help and Wisdom required to deal with these new contacts.

Do not refuse them, only let nothing idle or of little worth engross your attention.

As your circle is enlarged, your means to deal with it adequately must grow too.

This is My desire. Ever walk with Me. Learn of Me. Witness for Me, Glorify Me.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
How Firm Your Foundation. - March 7

As one in a storm needs to dwell in quiet thought upon the firmness of the foundation of his home, so you need in dangers and difficulties of whatever kind to withdraw, and in quiet assurance dwell upon that foundation upon which the house of your life and character is built.

Rest your thoughts on this, on Me. Do not dwell on the channels through which My Help may be directed to you. To do so is indeed to feel at the mercy of wind and weather. You can draw no strength from such.

No, a sense of security can only come from relying on Me, the All-powerful, the Unchanging.

Security engenders Strength, then Peace, then Joy.

"Other foundations can no man lay."

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
New Life. - March 8

Eternal Life gives a youthful resiliency.

Think of My parable of the wine-skins. Those who merely worship Me as a creed (belief) are like unto old wine-skins.

They cannot accept new truth, new life. It would destroy, not increase their faith.

Those who have My Gift of Eternal, youth-giving Life have the ever-expanding, revitalising, joy-quality of that Life.

The new wine poured so freely into new bottles. That bracing wine sustains the many who receive it.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Bear One Another's Burdens. - March 9

Do not judge of another's capacity by your own. If the burden another bears presses too heavily, what matter that you could bear that load lightly?

You must learn of Me to judge of the sorrow or strain of another, not with a feeling of superiority, but with one of humble thankfulness.

Would not your burdens have seemed light to Me? But in so far as they pressed heavily upon you so did I judge of them.

That which tore your heart may seem light to another.

Truly I said - Judge not. Only to God can the heart of man be made plain.

Seek My Presence, not only that you may understand Me, but that you may gain the insight to understand more clearly My other children.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Turn it to Good. - March 10

Never flinch. My standard-bearers must you ever be. Bear your standard high.

Life has its dangers and difficulties, but real as these seem, the moment you see in them a power of evil that will in response to your faith be forced to work in some way for your good, in that moment of recognition evil and danger cease to have any power over you.

This is a wonderful truth. Believe it. Rejoice in it.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Accept Your Task. - March 11

Take life as a task; each step of it to be practised until it can be done perfectly, that is, with patience, with soul harmony, and rest.

Remember the Christ of the humble ways is with you. His "Well done, good and faithful servant," is spoken, not to the great of earth but to the humble bearer of pain and annoyance, to the patient worker in life's ways of service.

So even on the quietest day, and in the lowliest way, mighty opportunities are given you of serving the King of kings. See that you welcome, and do not resent, these opportunities.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The Springs of Love. - March 12

Be gentle to all.

Drink of the Living water, deep draughts from the inexhaustible wells, into which the very springs of Eternal Life flow from the Hills of God.

Think thoughts of Love and Beauty. Know no limit to all you can possess and be and do. Live in My Love; surrounded by It, blessed by It, shedding It bountifully on all about you, ever conscious of It being present with you.

You are here to reflect It.

Seek to see the good in all you meet - and in those of whom you hear.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
You are Complete. - March 13

Be happy in Me. Feel that your life is complete in Me. Know the Joy of a friendship in which those who love Me share.

Know a glad contentment in the security of your protected and guided life. Value the Power that Union with Me gives you.

The greatest power that money, fame or position of the world can give, still leaves the possessor but as a child beating helpless hands against an impregnable fortress, as compared with the Power of My Spirit, which can render a follower of Mine himself an invincible, an all-conquering force.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Your Weak Point. - March 14

"Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."

The instruments in your hand for good are invincible against evil, did you but use them.

Every evil you face boldly, in My Spirit, flees at once, ashamed. No evil can look good in the face. Teach to all - that good is stronger than evil. You must answer the challenge of evil.

This Spiritual warfare must be ceaselessly waged by My followers. Remember it is not where you are strongest that evil will attack you, but at your weak points. Hence the need to overcome. Be ready to see a weakness in yourself, and attack that until you are victor.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Guidance IS Guidance. - March 15

Be still before Me. How often in a crisis man rushes hither and thither. Rush is a sign of weakness. Quiet abiding is a sign of strength.

A few quiet actions, as you are led to do them, and all is accomplished wisely and rightly, more quickly and more effectually than could be done by those who rush and act feverishly.

Guidance IS Guidance, the being led, the being shown The Way. Believe this.

Softly, across life's tumult, comes the gentle Voice, "Peace be still." The waves of difficulty will hear. They will fall back. There will be a great calm.

And then the Still Small Voice of Guidance.