God at Eventide

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Your Order of Merit. - July 12

Grace is the distinctive mark I set upon My friends. It is no order of merit. It is the result of living with Me. It is even unobserved by those on whom I bestow it, but to those they meet who have eyes to see, it is apparent just as during My time on earth it was said, "They took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus."

It may be the sign of My sustaining Power within a life. It may be the quiet strength of poise, the mark of self-conquest, some faint reflection of My character, or a mystic scent of the soul unfolding to My Love.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Harmonize. - July 13

Grow daily, ever more and more, into My likeness. Do My Will as revealed to you, and leave the result to Me. If you are but My representative, then why concern yourself as to whether the action I have arranged for you is wise or not?

If your control of mind and body is not as progressive as that of your spirit, it is a hindrance. See to this. The three must work in unison; otherwise disharmony.

Beautiful though one instrument may be in an orchestra, with a beauty beyond that of any other, yet should it play its part ahead of those others, disharmony results; and so with you a sense of frustration and failure follows disharmony within.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Home of Creation. - July 14

Have no fear. Wonders are unfolding ever more and more. You will be guided in all as you dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High.

Remember in that Secret Place was thought out all the wonders of the Universe. There all your wonder plans will be evolved. It is the home of Creation, and there you, too, share in Creative Power.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Home of Joy. - July 15

Heart speaks to heart as you wait before Me. Love enkindles Love.

The air you breathe is Divine, Life-giving, invigorating.

The place in which you rest is My Secret Place.

You do not come to ask Me of doctrine.

That is, as it were, the foundation of your Spiritual being; necessary, but once secure, you seek to fashion, with Me, its beautiful superstructure - the home of Peace and Joy where I come and commune with you.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Confidences. - July 16

Help is always yours.

It comes so swiftly when you realize that you are insufficient to supply your need. But it comes the more potently as you grow to see that for each need the supply was already provided.

My followers so often act as if My supply came into being only through prayer for help.

Would any man in authority act thus in his business?

Learn of Me. I will teach you lovingly, patiently. My lessons are not of the schoolroom; they are fireside confidences.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Foretaste of Heaven. - July 17

I thank Thee, Lord, for the Joy Thou givest me and for Thy tender care of me.

Grow ever more and more conscious of this. Look upon all as under My Influence, and life will become increasingly full of Joy. This Joy no man taketh from you.

This is the foretaste of Heaven that will make your passing seem no death, and will mean that your spirit will be no stranger in the home of spirits but will be breathing an atmosphere familiar and dear.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Meek and Lowly. - July 18

As the world's great Teacher I taught not so much by word as by the Living Word.

"Learn of Me" I said, adding that men should see in Me meekness . . . and lowliness.

So that My disciples should take Me as their great example, I epitomised My attitude towards My Father in Heaven and towards His other Children as "Meek and lowly."

Towards God the Father the meekness of a yielded will; towards His other children lowliness, devoid of the pride that sunders men, and prevents their humble approach to God.

"Learn of Me - I am meek and lowly in heart." So do you find rest unto your souls.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Wayside Meetings. - July 19

I use such simple things and casual moments to reveal Myself to man. He can meet Me in the common ways of life - if he has but eyes to see and ears to hear.

No great sign, nothing spectacular. In the seemingly incidental along the road of life I meet with him and reveal My Will, My Purpose, My Guidance.

No miles to walk, no long journey to travel, no strange language to learn, no state of ecstasy to be experienced first. Think on these things. Recall our many meetings by the wayside.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
I Will Heal You. - July 20

Do not recognize your illness. Each time you speak of it to others you stabilize it.

Ignore it as much as you can. Think more of Me, the Great Healer. Dwelling with Me you become whole.

Even My most faithful followers often err in not claiming of Me healing and perfection for every part of their Being.

But to claim physical healing alone is a sign of living too much on the physical plane, and My Healing is of the Spirit.

Claim healing of spirit, mind and body. Then shall you, regardless of age, know wholeness.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Unconquerable. - July 21

I will help you to conquer in the hour of temptation or difficulty. Cling to Me. Rest in My Love. Know that all is well.

Trials press, temptations assail, but remember, you can be more than conquerors through Me. Lord of all, I am. Controller of all. Keeper, Lover, Guide, Friend.

Remember that when once your hearts have said with Peter, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God," then, upon that sure foundation (Rock) of belief, I raise My House, My Holy of Holies.

The gates of hell, the adverse deeds and thoughts and criticisms of the world, cannot prevail against it. More than conquerors. Conquer in the little things. Conquer in My Strength and Power.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Lend a Hand. - July 22

Not once only in your lives, when I called you out to follow Me, but constantly -

Jesus calls.

In the busy day, in the crowded way, listen to the voice of your Lord and Lover calling. A call to stop and rest with Me awhile. A call to restrain your impatience, a reminder that in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. A call to pause, to speak a word to one in trouble.

Perhaps to lend a hand.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Dear Name. - July 23

The murmuring of My Name in tender Love brings the unseen into the foreground of reality. It is like breathing on some surface, which brings into relief a lovely figure.

It is the Name before which evil shrinks away, shamed, powerless, defeated. Breathe it often. Not always in appeal. Sometimes in tender confidence, sometimes in Love's consciousness. Sometimes in triumphant ecstasy.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Christ's Co-operators. - July 24

I have always work to be done. So fit yourself for it by prayer, by contact with Me, by discipline.

Nothing is small in My sight. A simple task fittingly done may be the necessary unit in building a mighty edifice.

The bee knows nothing of its agency when fertilizing flowers for fruit-bearing.

Do not expect to see results.

The work may pass into other hands before any achievement is apparent. Enough that you are a worker with others and Me in My Vineyard.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Joy in Me. - July 25

Joy teaches. Joy cleans the smeared glass of your consciousness, and you see clearly.

You see Me clearly, and see more clearly the needs of those round you.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Perfect Yourself. - July 26

Perfect as My Father in Heaven is perfect.

That means a life-struggle, an unending growth. Always as you progress, a greater perception of My Father. More struggle and growth. Above all a growing need of Me and My sustaining help.

I came to found a Kingdom of Progressive growth. Alas, how many of My followers think that all they have to do is to accept Me as Saviour. That is a first step only.

Heaven itself is no place of stagnation. It is indeed a place of progress. You will need Eternity to understand Eternal Mind.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Judge Not. - July 27

Human nature is so complex. You can hardly, even in your most enlightened moments, tell what motive prompted this or that action of your own.

How, then, can you judge of another, of whose nature you have so little understanding? And to misjudge of what in another may have been prompted by the Spirit of God, is to misjudge God's Spirit.

Can any sin be greater than that? False judgment sent Me to the Cross!

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Stupendous Truth. - July 28

The world can be overcome only by believing Me, and in the knowledge that I am the Son of God. This is a stupendous Truth.

Use that as your lever for removing every mountain of difficulty and evil. Be cautious in all things and await My Guidance. Commune much with Me.

The truth of My God-head, of My All-Power, creative, redemptive, erosive of evil, must permeate your whole consciousness, and affect your attitude in every situation, towards every problem.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
See the Lovable. - July 29

Do not try to force yourself to love others. Come to Me. Learn to love Me more and more, to know Me more, and little by little you will see your fellow-man as I see him. Then you, too, will love him.

Not only with the Love of Me, which makes you desire to serve him, but you will see the lovable in him, and love that.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Real Influence. - July 30

Do not let one single link of influence go.

Cords of true love and interest must never be broken. They must always be used for ME. Pray for those to whom you are bound by particular ties, then you will be ready, should I desire your special help for them.

You must stand as a sinner with a sinner before you can save him. Even I had to hang between two thieves to save My world.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
All in Order. - July 31

He ordered my goings.

Guidance first, but more than that, Divine order in your life, your home, all your affairs.

Order in all. Attain spiritual order first. The perfect calm which can be realized only by a soul that abides in My Secret Place.

Then the mental order of a mind which is stayed on Me, and has the sanity and poise of a mind so stayed.

Then truly must order manifest itself in your surroundings.

Each task will be entered upon with prayer, as a Divine Commission, and carried through without haste, in utter contentment.