God at Eventide

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
You Can Help. - September 18

My followers were to save My world - by keeping My Commands, by close union with Me, and by the indwelling Power of My Spirit.

But they were to be a peculiar people. My religion which was to change men's lives, and was to be so revolutionary as to separate families and re-organize governments, has become a convention, tolerated where not appreciated.

Its Truths have been modified to suit men's desires. Its followers carry no flaming sword, they bear no Message of a Love so tender as to heal every wound, so scorching as to burn out every evil. My Cross is out-dated, My Loving Father but the First Cause.

Man delights in his ‘Self’-sufficiency, and seeks to persuade himself that all is well. Can he deceive a loving, understanding Father, Who knows that under all the boasting there lurks fear; longings; despair?

Can I leave man so? Can I offer him Calvary, and if he will have none of it, leave him to his fate? I know too well his need of Me. You can help Me.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Help Me. - September 19

Help Me to save your fellow-man, as dear to Me as you are.

Do you not care that he should pass Me by? Do you not care that he should pass Me by?

Do you not care that he is lonely, hungry, desperate and far from the fold?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Led by the Spirit. - September 20

Learn to wait for spiritual Guidance, until its suggestion is as clear to your consciousness as any command of officer to soldier, of master to servant. This recognition distinguishes My true follower from the many who call Me "Lord, Lord," and do not the things that I say.

There are many who live according to the Principles I laid down when on earth, but who do not act under the impulse of My Spirit day by day.

"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Barriers Burned Away. - September 21

My Light shall shine upon you. It shall illumine and cheer your way.

But it shall also penetrate the dark and secret places of your hearts, revealing perhaps some unrecognized sin, fault or failing.

Desire its radiance, not only for its comfort and guidance, but also for its revelation of all within you that is not wholly Mine.

I am the Sun of Righteousness. Rest in My Presence, not clamouring, not supplicating, but resting, until the impurities of your Being are burnt out, the dross of your character refined away, and you can go on strengthened and purified to do My work.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
I Am Forgiveness. - September 22

My Lord, forgive me, I pray.

Could I withhold forgiveness? I, who live ever to plead for my children, who told them that always when they pray they must forgive in their hearts?

I am the Son of God but I became man.

Perfect Son of God and perfect man.

So human and yet so Divine.

Because I am Eternal - that I must ever be.

So see in Me all I enjoined My followers that they must ever be and do. Could I withhold forgiveness?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Irritability Banished. - September 23

Consciousness of My Presence imparts permanence and strength to all you do.

My Spirit, permeating every part of your Being, drives out all selfish irritability, while fortifying all the weak parts and attuning your Being to Heaven's Music.

To think of Heaven as a place where you sing praises to Me is right, but the singing is with your whole being, as My pulsing Joy flows through it.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
All on the Alter. - September 24

Absolute Love must decide all your actions.

Fear nothing. Ride the storm.

Delight to do My Will.

Not only money affairs; lay all your letters, your work, all, upon My altar.

Make an offering of each day to Me for the answering of your prayers and for the salvation of My poor world.

Subdue every ‘Self’-thought, utterly, entirely.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The Love that Satisfies. - September 25

My Mercies are great to all who turn to Me, and to all who turn from Me.

How tenderly I yearn over these wayward ones. How I seek ever to save them from the hurts their very refusal of Me will bring upon them.

I long to save them from the hunger of loneliness that will follow their driving away the only love that will satisfy.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Storms May Rage. - September 26

Live with Me, and words will not be necessary. You will know My Will.

The real necessity is your receptiveness.

That comes through ‘Self’-discipline, that allows of spiritual progress into, and in, a Higher Life.

In that spirit realm you are conscious of My Will. You are one with Me. Truly, you may count all things well lost to win Christ.

I wish you to learn the Glory of a God-protected, guided life. No idle, fruitless rushing hither and thither. Storms may rage, difficulties may press hard, but you will know no harm. Safe, protected and guided.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
My Striving Spirit. - September 27

There is never a time when a man cannot turn repentant to Me and, craving My pardon, receive it.

But there is a time when I cease to be persistent in urging My follower to an action.

The human ear can hear a sound so often until it ceases to convey a meaning, to be heard with awareness.

So with the spirit-ear, unless the whole desire and effort is to carry out My plan, My servant may cease to hear, cease to be aware of My wish.

This is a grave spiritual danger, and I say unto you, watch and guard against it.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Your Only Way. - September 28

There is a stage in Christian development at which My follower should have passed beyond that of general service and conformity to the rules I laid down for My disciples

When he should be seeking to serve in some special way planned for that soul, and in the service that soul was destined for, which none other can so adequately do.

Think, the Salvation of My world, all planned, even to the minutest detail, but that work is not done through neglect, through failure, through indifference.

My way for you is not a path of general righteousness and obedience, but the actual road mapped out for you, in which you can best help My needy world.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Love Heals. - September 29

You are asking to be used by Me to heal, but you are asking for the fruit before the root has become established, and the tree has grown to its stature.

With the elimination of ‘Self’, and obedience to My Will, your Power in the Spirit world will naturally grow. Thus you will assuredly gain, in that world, the control that others seek to have on the material plane.

But you must forego all desire for control or recognition on that lower plane. As you cannot serve two masters, so neither can you operate on two planes.

Your Love must grow by dwelling with Me. It was My overflowing Love that healed.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The Future All Unknown. - September 30

My Word shall be a lamp unto your feet, and a light unto your path. No difficulty need appal you. You shall know in all things what to do, but remember that the Light must go with you. It is to warn, comfort and cheer, not to reveal the future.

My servants do not need to know that. The true child spirit rejoices in the present, and has no fears, no thought beyond it. So must you live.

If I, your Lord, accompany you, shedding My radiance all round you, the future must always be dark, because as far as your acceptance of revelation, and your present development are concerned, I am not THERE.

But as the future of to-day becomes the present of to-morrow, then the same Light and Guidance and Miracle-working Power will be yours. Rejoice evermore.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Have Confidence. - October 1

Nothing happens to you that is not the answer to your prayers, the fulfillment of your desire to do, and have, in all, My Will.

So go forward into each day unafraid.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
No Greater Joy. - October 2

On earth, or even in Heaven, there can be no greater joy than realizing that My Will is being accomplished in the little as well as in the big things.

Indeed, it can be your "meat" as I said it was Mine. It is the very sustenance of body, mind and spirit, that trinity of being, symbolized in the Temple in the Outer Court, the Holy Place, and then in the very Holy of Holies, where man speaks with God and dwells with Him.

Into that Holy of Holies there can be no entrance except to sacrifice, to bring an offering of the physical and mental being, and, in Spirit, to identify the whole with that Supreme Sacrifice I offered for My World.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Constant Companion. - October 3

Not unto us, O Lord . . .but unto Thy Name be Glory.

My Name. "I AM". Existent before all Worlds, changeless through Eternity, changeless in Time.

All I have ever been through the ages, I AM.

All that you ever crave I may be to you - I AM.

In a changing world you need to dwell much upon Me, your Master, the Christ Jesus of whom it was said - "The same yesterday, to-day and for ever."

Then it follows that with you to-day is The Lord of Creation, the Jesus the Nazarite, the Christ of the Cross, the Risen Saviour, the Ascended Lord. What a Companionship for the uncertain ways of a changing world.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Bright Reality. - October 4

O Jesus make Thyself to me
A living, bright reality.

Then will you show Me as a living bright reality? I died that I might live in you, My Followers, and you present Me to the world as a dead Christ.

"I am alive for evermore."

Though you may repeat those words they are not vibrant with Life, here and now. They speak but of My existence in another sphere, far removed from this earth and its joys and sorrows, achievement and stress.

Yet in all these daily things I would have My Spirit active in and through you.

How can man so misread My Teaching?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
One With Me. - October 5

One with the God of Creation.

One with the Jesus of Calvary.

One with the Risen Christ.

One with His Spirit operating in every corner of the Universe; energizing; renewing; controlling; all-powerful.

Could man ask more? Could thought rise higher?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Power-Seekers. - October 6

How pitiful man's striving after power when God's Power, with all its mighty possibilities, is there for him did he but know how to obtain it.

To tell one such that this would only be possible for one who has entered My Kingdom of Heaven, might indeed arouse his curiosity.

But tell him The Way into that Kingdom is one of ‘Self’-effacement, obedience to, and love of, My Will, tell him that he must enter as a little child, that only by spiritual progress can he attain to man's true estate, and that the training might be long, the discipline hard - tell him this and he will turn empty away.

Yet in so doing he will renounce, all unknowing, the victor's prize, the life of peace, and power, and joy.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The Upward Way. - October 7

Only with Me, and in My Strength, will you have Grace and Power to conquer the weakness, the evil, in yourself. Your character-garment is spoiled. Only by applying My Salvation can it become a wedding garment, fit robe in which to meet the Bridegroom.

The foundation-cleansing of the garment is belief in Me as your Saviour, your Redeemer. Thereafter to each fault and evil in your nature must be applied that evil-eradicating Power that can only come from relying on My Strength, and from living with Me, from loving Me, and loving to do My Will.

Mere general belief in Me as Redeemer and Saviour is insufficient. Set yourself now to walk steadily The upward Way, strong in Me and in the power of My Might.