God already planned our lives, and we are merely just going along with the script. What say you?


May 21, 2021

God did not and never will create evil and it doesn't say so anywhere in Bible, if anyone says otherwise they are a liar. God is love, all that He does or creates is contained in the circle of His love and protection. With God is peace. Outside of Him is evil.

Psalm 92:15, "To declare that the Lord is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him."

This is all mumbo jumbo and has nothing to do with the God of the Bible who is the true God.

I am a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God. If anyone says anything that does not go hand in hand with the Bible, they are wrong. If we follow Christ we will be doing the right thing regardless of the history of Christianity. He is our example not the history of Christianity.

Here you go misquoting the Bible again and clearly dismissing the progressiveness of the Bible from the Old to the New Covenant as I explained which is the truth of the Bible. The progression of the Bible shows us the progression of mankind from the creation to the end time when Jesus returns. It shows us the plan of salvation which involved the Israelites and later the Jews to preach and evangelise to the whole world. It was a blessing to be chosen. However it was always God's plan that the whole world hear about Him and become part of Israel/Judah should they choose to have a relationship with Jesus Christ and submit to Him.

For you to quote Paul in Galatians while ignoring that he is the same person I quote mostly who made it clear that all who are saved through Jesus Christ are Abraham's seed is contradictory don't you think?

And the apostle Peter who you quote is the same who said, "In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him" (Acts 10:34-35). So Peter was talking about the Israel of God in the New Covenant which has both Jews and Gentiles. And to be honest there are more Gentiles than there are genetic Jews in God's Israel sadly. Most Jews reject Christ as Messiah.

I also explained how we should study the bible and you cannot pick and choose what passages suit your false doctrine while ignoring others. The Bible is harmonious and does not say one thing that contradicts itself. Its people who misinterpret the Bible as you clearly have.

Well the Bible disagrees with you as I've proved to you through scripture. Let me add that the Bible is clear we are all one in Christ if we have His faith. Here is some scripture that is plain and clear to understand:

Romans 12:5, "so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another."

1 Corinthians 12:13, "For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one bodywhether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or freeand have all been made to drink into one Spirit."

Ephesians 3:6,
"that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ through the gospel."

Ephesians 4:4-6,
"There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all."

These are written by Paul by the way. Are you just going to ignore these passages and more where he says we are all one in Christ?

No one in this world is more important than another, not in the eyes of God. We are all important regardless of nation, race and tongue and if we choose to accept and have faith in Christ, we are chosen.

But why would that anger come from God? Those people will have rejected God and hardened their hearts and will be angry because of their choices that they made because they have free will.

You are completely wrong and it is not a plot and we are not in some sinister and evil play. Not from God. As I said I believe the Bible over anyone who contradicts it and you do. Here is what the Bible says on the subject:

John 3:16-17, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."

1 Timothy 2:3-6, "For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time."

2 Peter 3:9, "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance."

Titus 2:11, "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men."

My inheritance is in Christ and was given to me freely by Grace. Its not stolen at all.

When we choose Christ and His precepts we are chosen and are part of Israel and no biblical text challenges that truth. Just those who misunderstand the Bible.

Everything you've posted in this thread is a lie. Biblically you either have the the whole truth or nothing at all. There is no middle ground where its okay to mix truth and lies. And again you are misquoting scripture and ignoring the developing nature of the Bible that proves God's plan for all of mankind.

You think if you quote scripture about Israel especially from the Old Testament, that somehow it will cancel out that in the New Covenant the Israel of God is made of up of both Jew and Gentiles. It says so clearly as I've proved from the bible.

And you also think that somehow that because in your logic God created the nations to punish the Israelites that the means they've fulfilled what they were created for. These people are puppets according to you and have no free will. They are in a play and at the end god will discard them after He has used them. This is satanic teaching and is most definitely NOT biblical and does not come from a loving God. God would not do such an evil thing.

Your god is so evil that he created most people for the benefit of a few favourite people. He does not love them at all and apparently after they fulfil their purpose he will discard them like they are rubbish. I repeat, that is NOT the God of the Bible at all. Everything God does, He does out of love and for our betterment. He loves us all, wants to save us and live with us forever.

Its sad that you believe such lies about God.

I am Abraham's seed and all those who have the faith of Jesus are Abraham's seed, so says the Word of God that He Himself made available to us so we can get to know, understand and love Him.

Romans 2:28-29 - He is not a Jew who is one outwardly.

Romans 9:6 - They are not all Israel which are of Israel.

Galatians 3:29 - They that are Christ’s are Abraham's seed.

Galatians 3:14 - That the blessings of Abraham may come on the Gentiles in Christ Jesus

Faith in Christ is not based on one’s genealogy, neither is genealogy required to become an overcomer. It is a matter of character and becoming like-minded with Christ, not the ability to trace one’s genealogy to a particular man or tribe.

Satan is guilty of his own choices, he chose to get out of God's circle of love and protection and sinned. He is angry because he put himself in the predicament he is in and knows what his end is going to be and its very bleak. That is why he wants to go to hell with as many people as possible. .

I'm done with discussion but I hope and pray that God reveals His truth to you.

God bless.
I can't get over the first part of your post STILL disregarding the fact that God says he created evil. "I make peace AND CREATE EVIL" How the hell are you ignore that when it's RIGHT THERE?

As for the rest of what you said, okay. We're just never going to agree with each other. I can't keep responding to someone who sees God as this sunshine rainbows kiddy kiddy being. No you are not of Abraham's seed. You cannot just be born from a certain bloodline and then claim you're from another one. That is basically a paradox, or in more simpler terms- impossible.

Okay, that's it. We disagree, I'm moving on.


May 21, 2021
What a load of Jewish supremacist propaganda. We've got this Talmudic rabbi spouting nonsense like "Blacks are the only race who don't have their real family name". What about gipsies who arrived in Spain from Hindustan 500 years ago and were given Spanish names? What about the European peoples that were conquered by the Romans and were assimilated and took on the Roman tria nomina naming custom? What a load of stupid, ignorant bullshit.

The world is not only the US and the Torah is not to be taken that literally. Hebrew the oldest language? I call that BS.
I'm not JewISH, I'm a Jew by blood. There is a major difference. JewISH people are the white people claiming to be the true Jews when they're not, hence Jew-ISH. The true Jews are Black, and if you want to ignore it, go ahead. It's not going to do anything in the end for you though. How the hell were Black people once ruling in Israel, then timeskip hundreds of years later, all of a sudden white people are there claiming to be the true Jews, huh? It's basic history.

Yes, Hebrew is the oldest language but with the way you're angrily responding, I already know our conversation is going to hit a dead end so this is my first and last reply to you.


Apr 15, 2021
I'm not JewISH, I'm a Jew by blood. There is a major difference. JewISH people are the white people claiming to be the true Jews when they're not, hence Jew-ISH. The true Jews are Black, and if you want to ignore it, go ahead. It's not going to do anything in the end for you though. How the hell were Black people once ruling in Israel, then timeskip hundreds of years later, all of a sudden white people are there claiming to be the true Jews, huh? It's basic history.

Yes, Hebrew is the oldest language but with the way you're angrily responding, I already know our conversation is going to hit a dead end so this is my first and last reply to you.
I have no idea about the black Hebrew Israelite thing. But Hebrew is not the oldest language in the world lol. Chinese and Aramaic are both older than Hebrew.


Dec 27, 2017
I can't get over the first part of your post STILL disregarding the fact that God says he created evil. "I make peace AND CREATE EVIL" How the hell are you ignore that when it's RIGHT THERE?
You clearly do not study the Bible because if you did you would not believe this lie. It is simply NOT true!

As for the rest of what you said, okay. We're just never going to agree with each other. I can't keep responding to someone who sees God as this sunshine rainbows kiddy kiddy being. No you are not of Abraham's seed. You cannot just be born from a certain bloodline and then claim you're from another one. That is basically a paradox, or in more simpler terms- impossible.
I agree with God and His Word and you agree with a false doctrine not based in the Word of God. The Bible says about those who do not speak according to His Word, "To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them" (Isaiah 8:20).

Okay, that's it. We disagree, I'm moving on.
I agree. Blessings.


May 21, 2021
I have no idea about the black Hebrew Israelite thing. But Hebrew is not the oldest language in the world lol. Chinese and Aramaic are both older than Hebrew.
That's false, but believe what you want I guess.


Mar 4, 2020
..God says he created evil. "I make peace AND CREATE EVIL"..

It makes sense if we regard God as the writer of the 'Laws of the Universe' and if people break those laws they get zapped and will no doubt whine about it and say God is 'evil'.
If we substitute the word "justice" for "evil" it makes even more sense,- "I create justice.."..:)


Dec 13, 2017
I can't get over the first part of your post STILL disregarding the fact that God says he created evil. "I make peace AND CREATE EVIL" How the hell are you ignore that when it's RIGHT THERE?
That's easy to explain.

If something doesn't fit phipps prejudice... she just rejects it.


Dec 27, 2017
Did God Predestinate Us to be Lost or Saved?

Satan knows our salvation is found in the love of God. Therefore he does his best to misrepresent the love of God that shines from the cross. One horrendous way is by teaching that God’s sovereign will has predestined only some people to be saved. Others have no choice to be saved. This teaching suggests that because God knows the end from the beginning there is no way we could have any choice.

The Bible does teach predestination!

But it does not teach predestination without choice! Whenever the Bible mentions predestination, it is always predestination to be saved. The Bible nowhere teaches that God has preordained or predestined anyone to be lost.

Isaiah 45:22, “Look to Me, and be saved, All you ends of the earth!"

1 Timothy 2:4, "
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved…"

means “all.” If God wants all mankind to be saved, that has to mean that He does not want anyone to be lost. Therefore He has not chosen or predestined anyone to be lost.

Romans 8:29, "For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren."

Ephesians 1:5, "having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself…"

These and Romans 8:30 are the only times predestination is mentioned in the Bible. God’s predestination always leads to salvation. Nowhere does the Bible teach that anyone is predestined to be lost. Some people reason within themselves, independently from Scripture, that since God knows who is going to be lost, that takes free choice away. But Scripture teaches we are all predestined to be saved. Therefore the only way to be lost is by using our God-given free choice to be lost, totally independent of God’s plan.

Does Romans 9 teach us God wanted Jacob to be saved, but Esau to be lost? Didn’t God even say, “Jacob I loved, Esau I have hated?” Yes, but by using the words love and hate, God was not saying He loved one and hated the other as we use those words today. Remember in Luke 14:26 Jesus says we must “hate” our families in order to follow Him? Most of us understand clearly that Jesus meant that we must prefer Jesus over our families. Likewise, in Romans 9 Paul is not saying God wanted Jacob to be eternally saved and Esau eternally lost. That was not the issue of Romans 9. The issue is clear:

Romans 9:12, "it was said to her, “The older shall serve the younger.”

The issue was clearly the temporal birthright and not eternal salvation. God wants all men, including Esau, to be saved.

Some say that God predestined Judas to betray Jesus, but while God did know what would happen, it was not God who arranged for Judas to betray Jesus. It was not God but Satan that entered into Judas.

John 13:27, "Now after the piece of bread, Satan entered him. Then Jesus said to him, “What you do, do quickly.”

God wants all men to be saved, and that predestination in the Bible always refers to salvation and never condemnation. While God wants everyone to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9) does that take away our choice or does God give us a choice?

Joshua 24:15, "choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…"


Mar 4, 2020
Topic: God already planned our lives, and we are merely just going along with the script. What say you?

Perhaps God writes the scripts of our lives but still gives us the free will to choose to act on the situations and opportunities he presents to us on life's path.
For example he may have scripted atheists and nonchristians into coming into this Religion thread in the hope that we Christians can help them save their souls..:)


May 21, 2021
Topic: God already planned our lives, and we are merely just going along with the script. What say you?

Perhaps God writes the scripts of our lives but still gives us the free will to choose to act on the situations and opportunities he presents to us on life's path.
For example he may have scripted atheists and nonchristians into coming into this Religion thread in the hope that we Christians can help them save their souls..:)
Sorry, I'm no longer in a religion that was made to create a path of destruction for my peopleヽ( 'ω' )ノ

Also, you just said "Perhaps God writes the scripts for our lives but still gives us free will" <--- That is a paradox. If he writes the scripts, we naturally follow it and therefore have no free will.


May 21, 2021
Did God Predestinate Us to be Lost or Saved?

Satan knows our salvation is found in the love of God. Therefore he does his best to misrepresent the love of God that shines from the cross. One horrendous way is by teaching that God’s sovereign will has predestined only some people to be saved. Others have no choice to be saved. This teaching suggests that because God knows the end from the beginning there is no way we could have any choice.

The Bible does teach predestination!

But it does not teach predestination without choice! Whenever the Bible mentions predestination, it is always predestination to be saved. The Bible nowhere teaches that God has preordained or predestined anyone to be lost.

Isaiah 45:22, “Look to Me, and be saved, All you ends of the earth!"

1 Timothy 2:4, "
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved…"

means “all.” If God wants all mankind to be saved, that has to mean that He does not want anyone to be lost. Therefore He has not chosen or predestined anyone to be lost.

Romans 8:29, "For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren."

Ephesians 1:5, "having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself…"

These and Romans 8:30 are the only times predestination is mentioned in the Bible. God’s predestination always leads to salvation. Nowhere does the Bible teach that anyone is predestined to be lost. Some people reason within themselves, independently from Scripture, that since God knows who is going to be lost, that takes free choice away. But Scripture teaches we are all predestined to be saved. Therefore the only way to be lost is by using our God-given free choice to be lost, totally independent of God’s plan.

Does Romans 9 teach us God wanted Jacob to be saved, but Esau to be lost? Didn’t God even say, “Jacob I loved, Esau I have hated?” Yes, but by using the words love and hate, God was not saying He loved one and hated the other as we use those words today. Remember in Luke 14:26 Jesus says we must “hate” our families in order to follow Him? Most of us understand clearly that Jesus meant that we must prefer Jesus over our families. Likewise, in Romans 9 Paul is not saying God wanted Jacob to be eternally saved and Esau eternally lost. That was not the issue of Romans 9. The issue is clear:

Romans 9:12, "it was said to her, “The older shall serve the younger.”

The issue was clearly the temporal birthright and not eternal salvation. God wants all men, including Esau, to be saved.

Some say that God predestined Judas to betray Jesus, but while God did know what would happen, it was not God who arranged for Judas to betray Jesus. It was not God but Satan that entered into Judas.

John 13:27, "Now after the piece of bread, Satan entered him. Then Jesus said to him, “What you do, do quickly.”

God wants all men to be saved, and that predestination in the Bible always refers to salvation and never condemnation. While God wants everyone to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9) does that take away our choice or does God give us a choice?

Joshua 24:15, "choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…"
Okay, thanks for sharing your input.


May 21, 2021
That's easy to explain.

If something doesn't fit phipps prejudice... she just rejects it.
Yeah pretty much.

Can't believe they rejected something that's so very clear. That's the same as if I were to say the sky is definitely blue yet they disagree and say it's green. Just how do you even...


Mar 4, 2020
Sorry, I'm no longer in a religion that was made to create a path of destruction for my peopleヽ( 'ω' )ノ
Also, you just said "Perhaps God writes the scripts for our lives but still gives us free will" <--- That is a paradox. If he writes the scripts, we naturally follow it and therefore have no free will.

Who exactly are 'your people'?
Anyway God doesn't create a path of destruction for any people, as all they have to do to avoid the chop is to become Christians..:)

Jesus said- "Whoever comes to me i'll never turn away" (John 6:37)
but if people reject him, he rejects them-
Jesus said:-"Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, I'll be ashamed of him" (Mark 8:38 )

The bottom line is who in their right mind would want to reject him anyway?..:)

As for God being the scriptwriter of our lives, he still gives us freewill to play each scene that he presents to us in our own way.
Likewise he's like a football manager who tells us how he wants to play, then retires to the dugout to watch us and take notes of how we do..:)


May 21, 2021
Who exactly are 'your people'?
Anyway God doesn't create a path of destruction for any people, as all they have to do to avoid the chop is to become Christians..:)

Jesus said- "Whoever comes to me i'll never turn away" (John 6:37)
but if people reject him, he rejects them-
Jesus said:-"Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, I'll be ashamed of him" (Mark 8:38 )

The bottom line is who in their right mind would want to reject him anyway?..:)

As for God being the scriptwriter of our lives, he still gives us freewill to play each scene that he presents to us in our own way.
Likewise he's like a football manager who tells us how he wants to play, then retires to the dugout to watch us and take notes of how we do..:)
Who exactly are 'your people'?
For someone who likes to derail threads, I'm surprised you aren't paying attention because I feel like I've gone through this for 100 years.

The bottom line is who in their right mind would want to reject him anyway?..:)
Have you seen the world?

Likewise he's like a football manager who tells us how he wants to play, then retires to the dugout to watch us and take notes of how we do..:)
I personally view this as, our destinies are determined and we're playing the role of however God designed our characters to be like, so we have free will in a sense, but at the same time we don't. It's like having free will to an extent, to put it in simpler terms.


Mar 23, 2021
I'm not JewISH, I'm a Jew by blood. There is a major difference. JewISH people are the white people claiming to be the true Jews when they're not, hence Jew-ISH. The true Jews are Black, and if you want to ignore it, go ahead. It's not going to do anything in the end for you though. How the hell were Black people once ruling in Israel, then timeskip hundreds of years later, all of a sudden white people are there claiming to be the true Jews, huh? It's basic history.

Yes, Hebrew is the oldest language but with the way you're angrily responding, I already know our conversation is going to hit a dead end so this is my first and last reply to you.
Btw i am actually hebrew by blood tracing to the tribe of Dan...You?
Oct 31, 2021
I'm not JewISH, I'm a Jew by blood. There is a major difference. JewISH people are the white people claiming to be the true Jews when they're not, hence Jew-ISH. The true Jews are Black, and if you want to ignore it, go ahead. It's not going to do anything in the end for you though. How the hell were Black people once ruling in Israel, then timeskip hundreds of years later, all of a sudden white people are there claiming to be the true Jews, huh? It's basic history.

Yes, Hebrew is the oldest language but with the way you're angrily responding, I already know our conversation is going to hit a dead end so this is my first and last reply to you.
Hi Mademoiselle, hope you're keeping well!

With all due respect, I wish you know this-
Sanskrit goes way back 5000 calendar years or so.
Tamil goes even further back.
Oct 31, 2021

IMHO, only the astronomical/spatial time i.e. life duration of an individual human being is predestined.

What happens inbetween birth and death i.e. action(s) whilst life duration, rests upon individual's choice(s), not predestined.
Oct 20, 2021
In the movie "Jesus Christ Superstar" Jesus is white guy and Judas is black guy. I always thought Jesus was white because in all pictures he appeared to be white. But what was white guy doing in the middle east over 2000 years ago? Could this be part of the miracle of Jesus Christ?
May 18, 2018
In the movie "Jesus Christ Superstar" Jesus is white guy and Judas is black guy. I always thought Jesus was white because in all pictures he appeared to be white. But what was white guy doing in the middle east over 2000 years ago? Could this be part of the miracle of Jesus Christ?
The Roman empire had expanded from Britain through France to Judea in the first century. There were white people in the near east, there still are today. Many people as far as Iran look like Europeans