GIANNI VERSACE: Murder by serial killer, MAFIA, Sacrifice or death hoax?


Jul 28, 2018
Versace's murder is one case with too many gaps, many unanswered questions, and therefore many theories arise as a result of that.
What reason did Cunanan (I hate to mention that name but..) to kill Versace? He killed people he knew, except the cemetery worker whose truck he stole. Versace's murder was absolutely senseless.
What if it wasnt Cunanan to kill Versace, but someone who was paid to kill the designer and was made to look like Cunanan?
Isnt it convenient that after killing Versace, he left the passport and the clothes near the truck that he abandoned?
An italian investigative journalist Chico Forti tried to investigate the murder of Versace in his documentary The Smile of Medusa which you can find in youtube (one part
And then, Chico was accused and arrested in Florida in 1999, receiving a life sentence for murdering Dalle Pike, the son of a hotel owner, killed with the same type of pistol used to shoot Versace.
I got this from a facebook post by an italian public page:

"Chico Forti, an Italian who received a life sentence for investigating the murder of Gianni Versace
Enrico Chico Forti is an Italian originally from Trento, a television producer and investigative cameraman. At the time of the Versace murder he took a lot of pains to find out the truth and bravely went about poking his nose into prohibited places, even managing to buy the houseboat where Cunanan was found dead (and which sank mysteriously shortly thereafter).
Chico was going to shoot a documentary and therefore, as stated in the Italian newspaper “Il Resto del Carlino,” also went to talk to Mario Puzo, author of The Godfather, who said: “You’re looking for the truth about the Versace case? You’re really looking for trouble! Look, this is not poker or blackjack. Maybe it's roulette, but it’s Russian roulette. Do you really want to play with a pistol pointed to your head?”
A lot of people tried to discourage him, they wanted him off the case. Even the police were not at all happy about his meddling. “Do you really think you can make allegations and get away with them?” a police officer in Miami asked him one day.

Chico, a man always dedicated to nonviolence, went bravely on his way, and after spending months on the investigation he collected all the documents in his possession and finally succeeded in making an important short film titled “The Smile of the Medusa,” a documentary broadcast in Italy on Raitre, one of the national TV Channels.
With this documentary Chico Forti succeeded in demolishing the official version put out by the Miami Police Department. “What I have shown is that the gigolo Andrew Cunanan was dead when he was taken to the houseboat. The story of his suicide is just a farce,” declared Forti.

His powerful allegations not only undermined the entire work of the Miami Police Department but also its credibility and authority. They were contained in a documentary that opened up new scenarios and controversy. Just think of the important statements made in recent years by exponents of the Italian underworld, like the case of the ’Ndrangheta supergrass Giuseppe Di Bella, who told Italian investigators that Versace was not assassinated by Cunanan but by a hitman hired by senior leaders of the mob, because Versace was heavily in debt to the 'Ndrangheta and no longer able to pay. Today the 'Ndrangheta is one of the world’s most powerful criminal organizations. It has succeeded in ousting Cosa Nostra from the U.S. and teamed up with Mexican and Colombian gangsters to control the monopoly in the import of cocaine to Europe.
The Washington Government rates it a “growing threat,” the equal of terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda.
It is global in reach and uses a network very similar to Al Qaeda’s, explains the FBI leadership, citing the latest report of the anti-mafia parliamentary committee. In the recession-stricken States it is buying everything from New York to Miami.
The 'Ndrangheta has now expanded like wildfire and in Florida it is one of the few criminal organizations capable of infiltrating everywhere and supplying capital to an economy in crisis.
This is why the statements made by the 'Ndrangheta boss are never to be underestimated. Another valuable source apart from Giuseppe di Bella is an important member of the Calabrian crime world named Coco Trovato.
He told the Judiciary that the Italian 'Ndrangheta regularly supplied the Versace Family with drugs.
More recently, “Paolo Martino,” another important criminal of the 'Ndrangheta arrested by police in Milan, during an interview with the magistrates in Milan, spoke of his relationship with the fashion elite.
Referring to Santo Versace (Gianni's brother) and said “He saw me growing up”
( read This piece in Humor Chic ).
In this whole story the information that emerges is very murky, with vested interests, debts and loans, the flow of drugs, contacts and crime all circling around the “Maison Versace.” So let's just step back a moment and try to understand how Chico Forti fits into all this.
At the end of February 1998 the “Miami Herald” published an article about an Italian businessman 39 years old called Chico Forti, who was arrested in Miami suspected of defrauding the owner of a hotel chain, Anthony Pike, whose son had been killed a few days earlier in circumstances that remain unclear.
Moreover, the “Miami Herald” added that Forti wanted to make a film about the murder of Gianni Versace and so bought exclusive rights to shoot the scenes in the houseboat where Cunanan killed himself. He concluded by writing that Forti had been denied freedom on bail and the Miami police did not specify whether he was also suspected of murdering Pike.

Not long after his arrest Chico Forti was handed his final conviction. Held in Florida since October 11, 1999, he received a life sentence for murdering Dalle Pike, killed with the same type of pistol used to shoot Versace: two bullets in the head. A connection, ritual or sheer coincidence? According to the reconstruction by the Miami Police Department, Anthony Pike was the owner of a hotel that Chico Forti was interested in purchasing. Forti attempted to defraud Anthony Pike and, when his son Dale Pike discovered this, Forti decided to kill him. Forti pleaded innocent from the very start and says he was convicted on very flimsy evidence, cobbled together by the police in retaliation for having investigated the death of Gianni Versace and casting suspicion on the Miami Police Department. Furthermore, the Court completely acquitted Forti of the charge of fraud. So there is no motive, no witnesses, no weapons, no DNA, nothing.
So why has Chico Forti been incarcerated in Everglades prison on a life sentence ever since June 2000, exactly 12 years?

Just read the incredible words with which the prosecution closed its indictment:
“There is no need to prove that the accused is the murderer to demonstrate that the defendant is guilty.”
What? We don’t need evidence to confirm that the accused is the murderer? This is not justice but a trap, as confirmed by judge and lawyer Ferdinando Imposimato after carefully analyzing the judicial record, including documents that have “disappeared ” or are still secret. Imposimato explains with legal arguments why the life sentence handed down to Chico Forti violates the basic principles of due process.
So who framed Chico Forti?

Read more in "

And then I came across another post in facebook (I was making searches; pardon my english). Frank Monte is a detective.
Sorry for posting the same screenshot more than once.
I have another theory. What if Gianni faked his own death to escape debts and the pressure of industry?
In a documentary about Gianni (link
) , a Gianni's friend and fashion writer Guisi Ferre says at the min 35:29 that Gianni told her that one day he would leave everything to Donatella.

Some other thing that intrigues me is that Gianni's mansion has underground passages and that there is a cryptic coded message at the mosaic near the pool area

There was a dead dove lying near Gianni's body the day he was killed.

The Washington Post reported that a dove really was brought down by the same gunfire that killed the legendary fashion designer. The paper added that authorities investigating the murder actually took the dove initially as a clue that Versace had been killed by the mafia, as a dead birds were perceived to be a signature of organized crime.versace-bird.jpg
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Jul 28, 2018
May Gianni Versace rest in peace, regardless of the truth of his death. A designer out of this world, with incredible talent and creativity, original and distinguished who revolutionarized fashion industry


Jun 2, 2017
May Gianni Versace rest in peace, regardless of the truth of his death. A designer out of this world, with incredible talent and creativity, original and distinguished who revolutionarized fashion industry
He really was.

The fashion industry is all about sacrifice so I would not be surprised at all that his death was occult-connected somehow.


Jul 28, 2018
He really was.

The fashion industry is all about sacrifice so I would not be surprised at all that his death was occult-connected somehow.
I so agree. I read one interview in italian of 3 years ago of his ex lover D'Amico stating that he doubted it was Cunanan to kill Versace because neither him or Gianni knew Cunanan.
He believed somebody wanted Gianni dead
I wonder if Versacee was Donatella's sacrifice