Gandhi glimpsed Christ, rejecting Christianity as a false religion

Forever Light

Oct 10, 2017
By Frank Raj - - Wednesday, December 31, 2014

MIDDLE EAST, INDIA, March 28, 2011 — After twenty centuries all that can be said of Christianity is that it is the world’s largest religion with over 2 billion followers. Its influence on men’s hearts and minds as the truth is highly debatable.

Mahatma Gandhi is perhaps the best example of someone who was discerning enough to reject Christianity not Christ. He was deeply hurt by his experiences with apartheid and “Christians” during his time in South Africa, and it obviously stymied his relationship with Christ.

Like Gandhi millions have been unable to see the Christ obscured by Christianity.

Gandhi was shrewd enough to tell missionaries, “I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” When asked why he did not embrace Christianity, Gandhi said it offered nothing he could not get from his own religion, observing, “…to be a good Hindu also meant that I would be a good Christian. There is no need for me to join your creed to be a believer in the beauty of the teachings of Jesus or try to follow His example.”

The man whose death Nobel prize nominee and legendary missionary E. Stanley Jones described as, “the greatest tragedy since the Son of God died on the cross,” precisely assessed Christianity as being no different from other religions.

Gandhi took the ideas of Christ and tried to implement them by faithfully adhering to Hinduism. But he did not realize there were forces already at work in his lifetime, converting the Hindu religion into, ‘Hindutva’ a fanatic ideology developed by radical Hindus who ultimately murdered the Mahatma.

Today these same forces have acquired political respectability and sit in India’s Parliament as the country’s largest opposition group – the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) accountable to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) that bred Gandhi’s assassin Nathuram Godse.

Hinduism is not the only religion that has been perverted by ideology. Christianity has used and misrepresented the name of Christ; Islamism is a corruption of Islam, which basically means submission to the will of God and obedience to His law.

It also works the other way around – ideologies basically seek to become religions, Nazism, Communism, Fascism etc., are good examples. So far Materialism has found the most acceptance globally.

Violent ideologies inflict pain, a materialistic philosophy breeds the love of pleasure in direct contrast to Jesus’ counsel, “’Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”

Among the religious ‘isms’ of the world Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Catholicism etc., are notable. Islam does not have a suffix but Islamism is associated with extremists.

To what purpose was the name of Christ extended? Does Christianity distance or draw people to Jesus?

In a hopelessly muddled world of religiosity, theology may have obscured the basic good news of eternal salvation. Entrusted mainly to illiterate fishermen at first, the gospel was never meant to be veiled or enhanced by man’s religious knowledge. The finest theological minds could have been divinely employed for that purpose if their learned input was required.

Christianity asks people to follow wise men in a hierarchy; Christ asks people to follow him in Spirit and in Truth. Christianity requires institutional membership; Christ has promised to be anywhere two or three gather in his name. Christianity binds individuals with ritual and tradition; Christ warns that tradition makes God’s Word void in people’s hearts. Christianity has blood on its hands, it is guilty of untold depravity; in John 8:46 Christ demands, “Can any of you prove me guilty of sin?”

Because Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam etc., were each founded by one individual, it is assumed that Christianity falls in the same category. But Jesus was not its founder - it was legalized as Rome’s state religion in 317 by the emperor Constantine.

The fact remains truly knowing Christ need have nothing to do with Christianity.

Down the ages with its violent history of power and politics, debauched clergy and widespread division, Christ has been consistently sullied and concealed by what the world accepts as “Christianity.” Often it displays no resemblance to the name it bears. It is man-made and not all Christians consider it authentic or desirable in its current institutional model.

Many are concluding that a choice must be made, and following Christ authentically and simply as he showed how, is the growing preference.

Even the uninitiated in their hearts know that Christ brings peace and unity, all else has been tried and found wanting.

How could one man’s death on a cheap, wooden cross reconcile mankind to God? Why does our perplexed, religiously diverse world struggle with such a possibility?

Why does the Quran confirm his exclusive virgin birth and call Jesus Kalimuttullah – the true Word of God? Was he just a man? Was he just a prophet? Why is he called the Messiah?

Why does the Bible declare that everyone who calls upon the name of Christ shall be saved?

I believe no one can induce people to believe it is Christ who waits at the end of man’s spiritual quest – there is enough evidence God uniquely dialogues with each one of us. It’s a mystery most people ignore or dismiss. Only a few accept the divine invitation for an incomparable, lifelong relational adventure.

Profound theological arguments may refute this, but anyone who has glimpsed the hope of eternal salvation is soon unimpressed by the knowledge and piety of man, clergy or otherwise.

When people surrender their hearts to Christ and discover sin’s grip can be broken, they will not settle for a lofty religion that complicates life and brings no deliverance. Freedom does not always come instantly without trials, but people know it surely comes to broken hearts longing for their “Maker.”

Alternatively some folks prefer to feel safe in the groupthink of organized belief, and uniformly follow something called Christianity or some other religion. One way demands death to pride, the other offers the standard feel-good-about-myself religious experience and self-gratification with group membership in a club of sorts.

The idea that the God of the universe can be bribed with good works, piety, rituals and traditions has widespread acceptance, and millions are shackled and controlled by the idea, which the clergy easily manipulates.

But the scriptures mysteriously indicate that it is God who chooses us, (John 15: 16), offering the free gift of himself. We don’t choose him. We can accept or reject him, but we cannot bribe our way to him using religion.

That pretty much describes authentic, divine, agape love.

So what is of greater worth – the truth that sets people free or the experience of being stuck in a lifelong religious rut?

Frank Raj belongs to an extended Indian-American family; he is based in India and the Middle East where he has lived for over three decades. He is the founding editor and publisher of ‘The International Indian’, ( the oldest magazine of Gulf-Indian society and history since 1992. Frank is listed in Arabian Business magazine’s 100 most influential Indians in the Gulf and is co-author of the upcoming publication ‘Universal Book of the Scriptures,’ and author of ‘Desh Aur Diaspora.’ He blogs at



Oct 2, 2017
"When goodness grows weak,
When evil increases,
I make myself a body.
In every age I come back
To deliver the holy,
To destroy the sin of the sinner,
To establish righteousness."

Krishna, Bhagavad Gita

Forever Light

Oct 10, 2017
8:36 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man (worldly-wealth) to
go to heaven (Matt. 19:24).
8:37 Do not collect treasures on Earth, where moths and rust destroy them, and thieves break-in and
steal them. Earn treasures in heaven, where they are safe for ever; which means: earn favour with God,
by being and doing like Jesus, and thereby earn your pardon, and go home to heaven.
8:38 Why exchange your right to go home to heaven, and to live for ever, for ALL the treasure in this
world (Luke 16:19-31), that you can never keep (Luke 12:19-21), and certain-death? What good will
it do you, to own the whole world, for a few years, and pay for it by losing your immortal soul, for
ever? “All the money you made will never buy back your soul.” EVERYTHING, in this temporary
world, is NOT worth ONE soul (Zephaniah 1:18).
8:39 The American-Indians had it right, until the greedy white-man went and ruined everything for
them. The white-men went to America to have a fresh-start, and to leave all the things they disliked,
behind them. Instead of which, they took it all with them, and then inflicted it on the Indians. The
white-men lied, and cheated the Indians; who were honourable and friendly people; that was when
they weren’t murdering the Indians. The Indians welcomed the early settlers and helped them to
survive, teaching them what they could and couldn’t eat, and about snakes and hunting, and survival in
general. The settlers repaid them, and their kindness, with lies, deceit and death. The Indians lived
with nature, in harmony, in an idyllic existence, until the white-man arrived, and began to
systematically murder them, almost to extinction, because of greed. Once the black-slaves were given
their freedom, they complained of being classed as second-class citizens, whilst the poor Indians,
whose country it had been for thousands of years, were not even considered to be citizens, or even
8:40 The Indians tried to teach the white-man, to live in harmony with nature, to ensure their own
survival. The arrogant white settlers ignored the Indians’ advice, calling them IGNORANT savages,
and continued to destroy and pollute the country, until the pollution became so bad, that they had to
consider it a real threat. It became so bad, that, in the last generation, a new subject emerged in
universities; called ECOLOGY; which is about protecting nature and the environment. IN OTHER
WORDS, it took the ARROGANT “intelligent” white-man, HUNDREDS OF YEARS, to find-out,
that the “ignorant” savages/Indians were RIGHT, and much MORE intelligent than themselves.
8:41 In more recent times, the “civilized (?)” world has “re-educated (?)” the Indians, and other under-
developed nations, into believing that they NEED (?) their consumer-products. The consumer-society
first of all creates a “need (?)”, and then supplies that need; just like a drug-pusher creates a need for
drugs, so that he then has a life-long customer, for his merchandise. Addiction to material-things is
very similar. Advertising creates the need (?) and then comes the SUPPLY.
8:42 The materialistic-society taught the Indians, and other non-materialistic natives, of other under-
developed (?) countries, to feel that they need material goods, so that they then have another market
for their products. The second benefit to the big businessman and corporations, then; once they have
these peoples HOOKED on their products; is that they can use this want, to steal from; use; abuse and
manipulate the natives, away from living with God and nature, and into learning Satan’s evil ways,
i.e. serving mammon (materialism).
8:43 Mahatma Gandhi understood all of this, and managed to defeat the British, without aggression,
PEACEFULLY, by refusing to be materialistic, and teaching his people to go back to their old ways,
and not to buy British goods, which caused terrible unemployment in Britain, and forced the British to
give-in, to some of Gandhi’s wishes. Gandhi won, by playing the British at their own game, and
hitting them where it hurts materialistic people, i.e. in their pockets.
8:44 Today, in various parts of the world, the natives are cutting down vast areas of the rain-forests,
destroying the forests and their natural environment and wild-life, for money, to buy material goods
that they don’t REALLY need.
8:45 The rain-forests are the world’s greatest supply of life-giving OXYGEN, without which, the
whole of mankind and nature will die.
8:46 OXYGEN for life, in exchange for money, and death, to buy things that they do NOT need.
The rain-forests, in producing oxygen, also get rid of carbon-dioxide from the atmosphere, so that it
not only doesn’t poison everyone, but also doesn’t cause a “green-house effect”, which will over-heat
the planet, and change all the world’s weather-patterns (2 Esdras 5:5), melt the ice-caps and destroy
8:47 They are selling what does NOT belong to them, to buy death for EVERYONE. GOD owns the
rain-forests and the whole planet.
8:48 These peoples have lived, quite happily, without all these goods, for thousands of years, so why
should they NEED them now?
8:49 Where is the world going to take, all of its money, to buy OXYGEN, when there is none-left?

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